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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 24 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Inside the Belly




FYI - that wasn't Ling that got eaten in half. It was Envy that looked like Lan Fan. Just wanted to ease your mind a bit. :)


I love this episode because of the double meaning of the title. Obviously, you touched on belly of the beast. It quite literally means inside of Gluttony's stomach, but also the situation that Roy is currently in. When I was younger, I thought it was always a strangely named episode, because there's barely any time spent in the literal belly. On the next watch through, I understood exactly what it meant.


That editing correcting at the end was hilarious haha


It's getting harder to commentate with spoiling anything. But there are some...interesting revelations next week! Both Ed and Roy are in the belly of the beast now!


Fun bit of trivia, now that we're seeing more of him. But the voice actor who plays King Bradley, Ed Blaylock, was also the weekday evening announcer for Dallas/Fort Worth's Classical Radio Station WRR. Was a real surprise to me driving around one day to suddenly hear Wrath talk to me about Beethoven out of nowhere. Sadly, he passed away back in 2017.


Gluttony is not so cute now.


He was really scary for a second there and then him trying to avoid Al saying' I can't eat you was hilarious. Cutest homunculus ever