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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 54 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Beyond the Inferno



Shaun Swieringa

I Love how Alex took all those hits just so he could set his dislocated shoulder and spring back with all the stars and sparkles! haha


After all that bluster ans theatrics, Envy literally goes out with a wimper. A fitting end.


I said before the Envy was demonstrating their Sin throughout the entire series and you just couldn't tell. Envy was jealous of humans. even through all of their worst traits they're hardy, kind, generous, forgiving, and full of love. Envy hated them because he had none of those traits. and no one to treat Envy as humans treated each other. all of the horrible things things Envy said and did throughout the entire series, was for the sole purpose of trying to hide how jealous of humans they were. calling everyone insignificant to mask how small they felt. a poor, sad, little monster to the end.

Oty Safiry

I love how all of the Sins demonstrate what their Sins are. The realization what Envy was actually envious of is just so good.