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Doctor Who 3x8 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Human Nature - MAX/BLU-RAY




I'm glad you liked this episode so much. I find it increasingly hard to predict which episodes you'll really like, and which ones you'll find kind of 'meh'. Part two is (to me) amazing, and I think you'll really like it. Or, more accurately, I'm assuming you really liked it when you watched and I'm looking forward to seeing that reaction next week :D


The names given for John Smith's parents were two of the people integral to the creation of Doctor Who: Sydney Newman and Verity Lambert. One of the best Easter Eggs in the entire series.

Frank Izaguirre

The fact that we have to wait a week for part 2 makes me aaaaaaaaagh. :)


Regarding the previous episode, the ship collected starmatter to use as fuel - when the newly collected fuel entered the engine it burst out and possessed husbando because he was standing next to it at the time. (Not made explicit in the episode at all, just my extrapolation.) Regarding this episode: Banger. To contrast it with the previous two-parter this season, that one felt like an episode and a half of story stretched across two episodes, this one is definitely a full two episodes. You don't get to the end of part one and feel like you haven't watched an entire episode. And completely one of my favorite stories - I actually like this one more than Empty Child/Doctor Dances, and I LOVE Empty Child/Doctor Dances. The performances are so good, Baines, obviously, but also the rest of the Family, and of course Matron and both of the leads as well. It's not actually the list The Doctor left for Martha, but David Tennant did record a full length video so there would be content to fast-forward past, and you can watch it on YouTube.


Oh hey, it's that dragon guy with the weird blond hair!