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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 60 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth




Yeah i believe that mystery woman in the intro is in fact Winry. Whether that has any real significance, i will not say. And i shared your shock when this part of the story. Villains don't normally get this far so seeing father get what he wants was horrifying


Hey Hey, Happy New years =D

Zachary Dastoor

Has anyone told you about the movie at the end of the series? As far as watching the original anime, I like the idea, and would LOVE to see you react to it because it takes a different path for the overarching story, as well as things that are established in this one, like, key things work differently. But if it's gonna be a bit much reacting to it all again even with the differences that there are, that's totally understandable.