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Farscape 2x12 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Slow Version: https://youtu.be/A5SyqQmgDhg

Farscape 2x12 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Peacock Version: https://youtu.be/y8myACFFNa8




"This episode didn't go in a happy way"..... Yeah. That's a real change for Farscape :D Our team doesn't seem to ever win. They just kinda keep not losing.

Brad Enervold

I was waiting for you to hear that joke line between Dargo and John. Because it's funny! Ask your Husband. It's a guy thing! I have always remembered that joke since day one. They both laughed because they are guys. LOL. Also, did you see John try and do a double peace sign like Nixon? ( Until the pain started) Also, don't worry, John is not in constant pain, it was just for the process. Alright, the ending of the 3 part story next week. "Same Bat Time, same Bat channel"


Non Spoiler Trivia. Ben Browder's son made an appearance as the potential future son of Crichton (last episode). The actor, Jonathan Hardy, who is playing Kahaynu, Moyas God, Is the voice actor for Rygel. Ben Browders wife, Francesca Buller, plays several roles in Farscape, including Ro-Na in this episode(the servant who sells out John to Scorpius).


Welcome to act two of a three act story. It's supposed to make you anxious and concerned. You know this already, you referenced TESB and ROTJ in your closing comments. D'Argo was doing what any good friend would do: put a smile on his friend's face before the horrible fate befalls him. The Scarran isn't using a mind probe to read his victim's thoughts. He's projecting a wave of intense heat that will eventually melt things if he doesn't hear what he wants to hear. I would mention the actor who played Kahaynu, but I don't think it would improve your mood in the slightest. Plus, you probably already know by now. I quite enjoyed this appearance myself, but I sense your negative impression will likely remain even after seeing the conclusion.

George Ray

I understand your frustration it is the low point ala Empire Strikes Back part of this trilogy but it's definitely my favorite part of this trilogy I guess I'm a sucker for downer endings also the epicness of John taking on Braca and standing up for himself is a great momnent and the floating in space sequence remains one of my favorite moments of the series. Can't wait to see your reaction to part 3 always a joy experiencing Farscape through your eyes :)


To the question posed at the end, no - I'm not exhausted, I'm exhilarated. Because I've ridden this roller coaster before, and I know this is just the big drop. Also, because this was such a fun reaction to watch. This is why I'm here - to share in someone else's experience, feeling ways about it I can't any more. I was giggling during the opening commentary, about the prince's dumb fiance because I knew the episode opens immediately. And while I don't share the frustration expressed during the outro, I absolutely felt that way watching for the first time. I do really enjoy this episode, and all the Star Wars references it contains I also really like the sequence with Brakka on the gift ship, where Crichton goes into "frell it" mode - better to probably die in an insane plan than fall back into Scorpy's clutches - and when Brakka gets away before John can gank him for the spacesuit, he's not in direct danger of Scorpy so his survival instinct takes back over and he leaps into the vacuum! My first time through I thought he was trying to propel himself with the pulse rifle, which is silly because they don't really generate recoil, but then I realized he wasn't shooting away from his destination, he was shooting at the ship to blow it up faster so the explosion would propel him. Though, even this time through I AM still kinda miffed about the whole Moya situation; don't like it one bit. But frell do I love this show.