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SOS Bros React - Yuu Yuu Hakusho Episode 7 - Sacrifice

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I love Kurama so much I can’t wait for you guys to meet Heie next week


I think they understood the full concept of Kurama “possessing” the baby already. Wow

This is Fine

If I’m mistaken then please correct me but, Kishimoto the creator of Naruto has stated that the inspiration for his Kurama came from Yu Yu.


You are mistaken, he never said that. Plus Naruto's Kurama and YYH's Kurama as characters are nothing alike.


"But it had Nine tails !" Jacob completely forgetting the Nine tailed fox episode from Dororo


I am watching this series along with you guys reacting to it for the first time. I had already seen the first couple of episodes but I didn't get around to watching the rest of it. I am really loving this series so far. I am adding this to my very few very good dubs list because naturally I am much more of a subs person but I don't allow arrogance to push me away from possible good dubs that come and go every now and then.


Well Hiei is kind of just straight evil a the start.

gugestein .

I remember watching this way back and looking for the sub but I could only find the dub, but ended up falling in love with it!

This is Fine

I remember that Kishimoto decide to name his fox after this character I believed he said it in an interview when he was asked about the naming process for some of his characters. I'm not saying the two characters are identical because they are not but, there was just some inspiration pulled from the property


I've watched the show in dub in the past. With the boys picking it up, I started watching a few of the episodes/moments in sub and it felt a little hollow to me. I'm usually in the sub boat as well, and I think this dub really brings the characters to life. Really amazing work by the VA cast.


Im pretty sure that's accurate. The name Kurama has no correlation to foxes outside of these series. The spirit foxes of Japanese folklore are called kitsune.


@Jesdica Miller I hate "I believes" and "I'm pretty sures". Link that interview or you're talking out of your ass. This rumour is as baseless as Shinichiro watanabe preferring Cowboy Bebop in english dub.


@Tusher Abatahee most characters in Naruto have inspirations from an amalgamation of multiple japanese folklore, mythology, shrines, mountains, historical sites, etc. An inspiration doesn't come from one source. The Kyuubi sharing the same name as Kurama from Yyh is a reference at best, and even that is pure conjecture.


Ahhh....Kurapika is here.


The nine tailed fox of Japanese folklore is Hagoromo Gitsune, not Kurama. The only Kurama mentioned in any sort of Folklore is a very real mountain that supposedly is home to Tengu, crow spirits, not foxes. If you can find a reason why the demon foxes in two of the biggest shounen jump series share a very uncommon name, I would love to hear it.

Esteban Ramirez

They will dive into Kurama’s backstory later in the show. It’s so fascinating how he is now. Also can’t wait for y’all to learn more about Hiei


This might be news to you, but correlation does not imply causation.