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You are Premium, someone who has achieved enough power. My respect, you deserve that and more.

Added: 2024-08
Someone who is above the trifles of humanity. You deserve to be respected, admired and feared. Thank you.
Added: 2024-03
You are VIP, someone who is at the top of this society. You are the one pulling the strings. You have the power.
Added: 2024-03
You are Premium, someone who has achieved enough power to get out of the war between Subs and Plebs. My respect, you deserve that and more.
Added: 2024-03
I can recognize a Sub when I see it. You are people with style and elegance and you have dominion over the pleb society. Thank you, my dear.
Added: 2024-03
A coin spent with a lot of savings and hard work.Those from above do not know that you are more...NOBODY EXPECTS THE PLEB INQUISITION! Thank you very much!
Added: 2024-03