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Download the 1934 Mercedes W25 v0.92 HERE.

1. New 1930s tire model.
2. New aerodynamic physics model.
3. Historical driver AI names to match paint schemes.
4. Revised gearbox ratios.
5. Updated front suspension.
6. New rear suspension (it still isn't great, because it was a janky swing arm in real life that caused a lot of unwanted behavior and limited the car's performance. The rear of the car will want to weave when nearing top speed, this is accurate behavior).

The Mercedes W25 is the most powerful of the five 1934 GP cars, but it is also one of the most difficult to keep control of and master. I recommend starting with the Maserati, and working my way up through the other cars before driving the Mercedes (and the upcoming Auto Union Type A) which have some characteristics that will try kick the driver.




Hello how's everything. So I tried out the updated car. Having issues again with how it drives. Can hardly make turns with out spinning out and the rear tires go flat WAY to easily 😒. Yes these were hard cars to drive and the tires went fat all the time . But that makes the cars no FUN to drive. I will undo the update as the w25 was very good before that.


Ok thanks for the reply. Still love the cars you guys are making.