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Download v0.98 of the 1968 Daihatsu P-5 HERE.

1. 7 new paint schemes.
2. New aerodynamic physics.
3. New brake physics.
4. New transmission physics.
5. New gearbox physics.
6. New engine physics.
7. Implementation of new engine damage model, where the engine will gradually lose power with damage when beyond 50% of its health, then at 25% the engine will start to have throttle cuts.
8. New suspension physics.
9. Slight adjustment to tires.
10. New AI code.
11. Fuel tank reduced to 80L following 1968 Appendix J Regulations



Shane Pitkin

This is really rewarding to drive now -- feels really good. *Love* the idea behind the new engine damage model and look forward to experiencing the effects under race conditions. Incidentally, I've always wished you could lose one or more gears with transmission damage in AC; I remember this happening in Mobil 1 Rally Championship years ago, but I've never run across it anywhere else. But I don't imagine this is something that could be done outside of a major CSP update by someone like Ilja...any idea?