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Download the 1968 Toyota 415S Sharpnose v0.9 HERE.
Download the 1968 Toyota 415S Flatnose v0.9 HERE.

The Sharpnose version of the Toyota 415S has now arrived. With this car, the Japanese GT series is expanded, which is great as the 1969 Isuzu R6 will be arriving on July 1st! Sergio Loro's Suzuka is also nearing completion, so that will be a fantastic track to try these cars on!

This version has winglets added to a reshaped front nose. The actual driver of these cars back in the late 1960s, Hiroshi Fushida, talked with us concerning the difference in handling characteristics and performance between these two versions of the 415S.

The Sharpnose has a bit more front downforce at the cost of a reduced higher end speed, which gives the car a bit more bite into the corners. Meanwhile, the Flatnose has the advantage of a higher top speed due to its reduced drag.

V0.9 Changelog:

  • Added Sharpnose version
  • Added LODs
  • Improved FFB
  • Minor revision to aerodynamics
  • Minor revision to front suspension
  • Revised clutch
  • Revised throttle response curve
  • Revised differential



Shane Pitkin

I absolutely love this car. One thing that's struck me from the beginning, though -- is the driver a bit small for the car?

Shane Pitkin

Hi Paul -- no, too small...looking at pics like https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/toyota-7-415s-mini-z