1907 Itala 36/45 v0.95 Update! (Patreon)
Download 1907 Itala 36/45 v0.95 HERE.
1. Added 10 skins!
2. Added UI description.
3. Added code to tire physics to support rain fx.
4. Added more accurate extended physics fuel consumption parameters
5. Added extended physics which reduces power as the engine takes damage, at 50% damage a 2% reduction in power, at 90% damage a 50% reduction in power.
6. Added extended physics which increases chances for misfiring (reducing performance for a moment), at 25% damage a 10% chance of misfiring, at 75% damage a 70% chance of misfiring.
7. Added custom Lua code, tyres now blow if pressure exceeds 75 psi.
8. Added custom Lua code, damage to the front of car will cause water temperature to rise.
9. Added custom Lua code, if water temperature rises over 95 degrees then the engine loses power.
10. Added custom Lua code, if water temperature rises over 101 degrees then the engine breaks.