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1) Nine paint schemes.
2) Custom accurate engine sounds.
3) Animated feet/pedals, animated handbrake, and animated shifting.
4) Animated water movement in radiator viewport.
5) Animated leafspring suspension.
6) Historically accurate white rubber tires.
7) Uses CSP's extended physics to better simulate engine wear and damage.  
8) Power reduces as the engine takes damage, at 50% damage a 2% reduction in power, at 90% damage a 50% reduction in power. Additionally there are chances for misfiring, (reducing performance for a moment), at 25% damage a 10% chance of misfiring, at 75% damage a 70% chance of misfiring.
9) Engine has additional features added via custom Lua Code. This includes, damage to the front of car causing the water temperature to rise, if water temperature rises over 95 degrees then the engine loses power, and if water temperature rises over 101 degrees then the engine breaks.
10) The tires also got some custom Lua code, and the tyres now blow if pressure exceeds 75 psi.
Custom Shaders Patch.

About the Car:
The 1906 Renault AK Grand Prix car utlized an engine design developed and used in 1905. Unfortunately, the engine had been matched with an underperforming chassis and Renault was unsuccessful. However, for 1906 Renault would commission a new state-of-the-art chassis to be completed in time for a big upcoming event, the 1906 French Grand Prix. Which was in fact the very first Grand Prix in history. The 1906 Renault AK car was a resounding success, and Renault would be victorious at the 1906 French Grand Prix!

The 1906 AK was powered by a 12,986cc inline 4 cylinder engine, which produced 90HP @ 1,200RPM. The transmission consisted of a 3-speed gearbox with spiral spring clutch and a shaft drive. Renault decided against using a differential in order to save weight and improve reliability. For the chassis, Renault decided to go with a conventional channel frame, which they heavily reinforced to handle the brutal conditions of racing on the rough public roads of the era. To complete the chassis, they attached innovative semi-elliptical springs with adjustable hydraulic dampers for all four wheels, a first for any racing car.

Finally, Renault decided to use Michelin's brand new "detachable rim system" for the rear wheels which allowed drivers or crews to remove the metal wheel rim from the wooden inner support structure of the wheel, this required only 8 bolts to be unscrewed and then a new wheel rim with the tire attached could be slid on and screwed into position. The detachable rim system gave Renault a big advantage in the race, as the driver and his riding mechanic were required by rule to conduct all repairs and tire changes themselves over the course of the 2 day Grand Prix event that covered 768 miles (1236 km)!

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Tyres are deflated when you start a race