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This episode was so hilarious lol, everyone was being clowns 😂. But omg Giles got a secret 👀, he had a dark past!! I wanna see more about his history. And yes my head is fine thanks to Oz and Willow killing me.

Link: https://streamable.com/tjh9of



R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Well, I resisted becoming a Patreon for a while because, as a Michigan State alum, there was just something about your clothing.... ;) Love this episode, so much going on. Great reaction - no reactor yet has yeeted their glasses across the room and almost concussed themselves over Oz and Willow lol And Giles/Ripper, eh?!?! I laughed when you said you wanted to see Giles beat his ass and then...he did :D I think the show was careful to not reveal Giles' 'hands'. He's only really shown fighting Buffy, vampires, or other supernatural beings so of course he looks like he doesn't know how to fight. But last episode he took out one of those frat boys with one punch so they foreshadowed it a little bit. Willow, yay \o/ finally gaining confidence and leading the gang :D Xander being badass and looking pretty fine without his jacket on lol Angel, just confused as hell :DD Buffy, well, what can I say lol Really sorry you got spoiled on stuff, although as somebody said there are titles for every conceivable ship canon and non canon so it may not have been a spoiler. People are just wankers though >:(


Oh my!! I’m happy to see you here :). Also sorry for clothing ;). Honestly Oz and Willow out here causing me to almost lose myself lol. And I figure Giles had to be about this life, I can’t wait to see what happens with him later on. But also I normally stare at the episode to avoid the titles sometimes. But I have friends who didn’t ship Bangel so I expected to see why. But once again I’ll be doing my best to avoid these spoilers 😭