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This weekend since I have an exam Sunday, I’ll be trying to watch the movie either Friday or Saturday. I’ll see if I can find a downloaded movie in order to edit.

Extremely excited to check out the movie :)!!



Najae, I'm guessing you didn't look on the archive first. 😬There is a link to the movie near the top of the main page.... also here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1a6E6b9PuS3mnVGQzsdB5upeTftWPDbhU I have every Buffy and Angel related video linked on the site. If for some reason it's not an mp4 yet then just ask


Yeah I must had not looked to avoid spoilers!! But OMG YOU’RE A HERO!! And I’ve been making Bangel HD scene packs too lol. Also I converted the unaired pilot in mp4, if you want me to send the file!