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Link: https://streamable.com/zle7p1

We finally got to see more about Giles history, I didn’t expect to see anything this soon! This was beyond wild, I really hope Jen and Giles work things out :(.



R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

There's a lot to love in this. The gang taking over the investigation, Willow taking charge, Cordelia caring. AND a Giles-centric episode, yay. And Jenny! I love how direct Jenny is. Like Giles has probably been stammering about for weeks and she's just, oh ffs, let's have sex. lol But then his past comes back to haunt him and thank god it didn't go any further than it already had =:o And the end. ARGHHH I mean, I get it, she's traumatised and looked bloody awful but poor Giles too :'( It's nice to see Buffy realise they have things in common. Back in the first episode she was threatening to chuck it in and run away from her destiny and Giles must have been thinking 'oh crap no!!' I think he's realised they have quite a bit in common for a while. And like you said, it was great how quickly they all realised that something was wrong :) And drinking, yeah, you can see the bottle before and after and he's got through about 3/4 of a bottle of whiskey so no wonder he looked a bit rough lol I also love that Willow came up with a brilliant (if slightly risky - what if it hadn't worked =:o) plan but it didn't make Giles look dumb for not having thought of it because he'd never have thought he'd have a friendly vampire who would help before meeting Angel. Who has now saved Giles' and Jenny's lives :) Great reaction!


Yeah I always love how Ethan's like "this will sting a little before the searing pain sets in, feel free to scream" over a TATTOO and then pours sulfuric acid straight on his arm and is totally fine