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We love a vampire episode! Spike and Dru are definitely winning me over truly. I’m honestly shocked that we are once again hearing more about Angel backstory! This is so wild!!

Link: https://streamable.com/7mbe8c



Flora Smith

THIS EPISODE...is for me the official kick off of this season and the show in general becoming more complicated and sophisticated in its storytelling. I adore it and can’t wait to see your reaction.

Phoenix Dawn

This episode is so great, and most of S2 is quality from the previous episode onwards tbh (with few exceptions).

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

'You're too hot to be this dumb' lol that's the show really ;) Love this episode, agree totally with the other comments, things get very complicate here. Angel shows how dark he really was. But also, the jealousy lol Oh and the Willow song reference was because Buffy said she moped around listening to 'I Touch Myself' ;) And Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, where an angry mob attacked them. I love that Jenny likes to push Giles out of his comfort zone :D And all the lies and deception!! Buffy deceiving Ford (she thinks), Jenny being secretive about the date (OK, not that bad and I suppose even Giles lied about enjoying the Monster Trucks lol) Angel lying about Drusila, Willow and Xander lie about investigating Ford, Ford lying all the time! The only two who weren't lying really were Spike, who actually came through on his promise and Giles, who Buffy asks to lie to at the end. Love that final scene btw I've always wondered whether the brain tumours were affecting his personality because, damn!! Since you mentioned it, yeah, you should definitely have tissues handy lol