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I cannot believe that last episode I said, “Watch Oz be a supernatural.” Only for him to actually be one LOL. That was totally unexpected, like I thought Larry would had been the werewolf. But they got me on that one. Curious to the interaction between Oz and Angel, speaking of Angel pls sit down sir.

Link: https://streamable.com/gkmizk




Oz's conversation with his aunt on the phone is one of my fave Buffy moments. Yup, cousin's a werewolf, end of mystery.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Great reaction as ever, and well called on Oz! Poor guy, he SHOULD have talked to the others but I can see why he didn't, he thought they'd kill him or something :( And poor Buffy, blaming her self for everything :'( And I think Giles is losing it - falling asleep on the job, laughing at Xander's jokes?!?!?!? At least we have Cordy and Willow bonding, which was cool and Willow and Oz are top tier! It was a bit of a nice relief after last episode! :/