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This episode had me on the floor, it was definitely needed after staying up typing a 7 page paper🥲. I wished this episode was longer, cause so much was happening, I couldn’t keep up lol.

link: https://streamable.com/zetw7t



R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Great reaction, this is a funny episode but you make it more so. Although there are some serious consent issues in it too :/ I love the Buffy Rat (incidentally because SMG was filming SNL that week so needed a lighter schedule) and the slow mo shot of Xander in the school :D And Xander basically spending half the episode terrified out of his wits lol And Oz calmly accepting the fact that Buffy is now a rat! And quietly angry, disappointed Giles =:o I mean, he's got his ex girlfriend coming on to Xander and the final straw, Buffy is in danger. That's a big old trigger!


What's great is you can kinda tell what went wrong with the spell by inspecting its wording, combined with what we know about Xander. "Diana, goddess of love and the hunt, I pray to thee. Let my cries bind the heart of Xander's beloved. May she neither rest nor sleep until she submits to his will only. Diana, bring about this love and bless it." Men were unaffected either due to Xander being straight and it's all about who Xander wants (gay women would probably be affected) or because Amy used female pronouns when describing his beloved. Last episode, Willow and Cordelia had a conversation about how Xander is so busy looking at everything he doesn't have, that he doesn't appreciate what he does have. So the spell targets who Xander wants, which is... all women. Not that he'd be down to date just anyone, but the spell isn't excluding anyone because Xander doesn't know what he wants. Lastly, the greek goddess Diana is not the goddess of love, she's just the goddess of the hunt. Women sometimes prayed to her for fertility, but that's still not a love thing. So the fact that a man prayed to her, and in order to exert control over women no less... that was not a good call.