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Fuuuu....Good thing it's -5C out, I work with my laptop next to my window, but I'm freezing!!! 



Catfight Lover 69

Damn dude! I mean it when I say, you've gotten better with each project! Regardless of the run time or scale, your skills have truly improved to a point they're movie-like!!


Yeah, I'm at a point where I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make the vision in my head. In animation, everything is possible, if you willing to put in the time. Additionally, everything can look better, but its about not shooting something 5 or 6 times before you get it right. It's an insane experience. Fucking up and having to render 30 minutes again because the camera wasn't keyframed properly, sucks!! I just have to be optimal and delete the crowd when they're off screen.