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Okay Marcus and Frankie are ADORABLE, love that we are not just focusing on the queer side of things but bringing all of the issues of the times into the light

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/16IFbeVHR9oAaNq4utW4ijmWg5GWr62hv/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jx98q450qez8gui716kc8/FT-S1E3.mp4?rlkey=qxtz5cygbbgbqnup7nbybu00q&st=cwmjlbwt&dl=0

Google Drive Tip: It takes time for Google Drive to process videos. If it says "still processing" or is only allowing you to view at 360p, then you can always come back later or download the video in full

Dropbox Tip: The quality of the video is lower while streaming so I recommend downloading or using google drive if thats an issue



I do find myself having quite an emotional connection to and sympathy for both Hawk and Tim ( as individual characters and together in their relationship with each other ) - Johnathan Bailey said this in an interview and its 100% how I feel in regards to both characters: “I think everyone has a bit of Tim or Hawkins in themselves, but the thing I really relate to with Tim is his need for integrity, he cannot not be himself. I think Hawk can operate on multiple different levels, and both are not right or wrong in their survival under this horrible system”. Matt also said in an interview something along the lines of “Hawks experience in the war and with his first love Kenny gave him a perspective that he would be letting anyone who loved him down and that the cost of loving him would be someones life” which i think is so incredibly interesting from a character perspective. The important part to me is that neither is right or wrong in how they are choosing to survive this world they are in and are just trying to do it in the only way they see how!

Harry Allen

Ooo thank you for this!! Hard agree with the sentiment too, everyone in the show is literally just trying to survive as best as they can