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Well, safe to say this may be the end of our boys 😭

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/15jZXEg5hElzGHlC-yESxPuueaDbneNo1/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wubuwp8ayd2rmdivjox22/FT-S1E5.mp4?rlkey=ddeiss9u0zd3kpuy9y5ds4om5&st=kueqb63x&dl=0

Google Drive Tip: It takes time for Google Drive to process videos. If it says "still processing" or is only allowing you to view at 360p, then you can always come back later or download the video in full

Dropbox Tip: The quality of the video is lower while streaming so I recommend downloading or using google drive if thats an issue



absolutely loving your reactions to this series so far and especially love the fact that you are able to separate your 2024 perspective from this and try and approach it with an understanding of the times these characters are in - i have seen a lot of reactors watch this series and it frustrates me when they are so hard on these characters, hawk in particular, and refusing to understand the enormous societal differences they are experiencing to what we experience today - so so refreshing to see! cant wait for the rest❤️