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FUCKING HELL, what a scene to end the episode on 😭

Link 1 (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OnvFU_RHV_ujBzJEoQCw3e59s4nubjGX/view?usp=drive_link

Link 2 (Dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xmj0l7ovdq29yd811udg5/TVD-S8E8.mp4?rlkey=9gnp8c65ontlysjipdvyotp6i&st=yz3aabdv&dl=0

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Andrea Dcosta

Is it just me or Paul Wesley looked extremely handsome in this Ep I mean WOW 🫠

Harry Allen

I WAS THINKING THAT THE WHOLE TIME. Like when he was in the hospital chilling (before he went and munched on everyone at the end) I was like oof


Did you know that the song that plays at the end is Michael Malarkey's (Lorenzo "Enzo") song "Scars"? It is Ian Somerhalder (Damon) who directed and chose that song for that scene. I used to listen to him even before.

Andrea Dcosta

Yess I forgot to mention that and it's so Enzo his voice I mean I love that song.


The difference between the brothers is that Damon worked very hard on conquering his dark side, for 8 seasons, he had his humanity off for over 50 years and manage by himself to come out of it, without any help. He work on his emotionals issues, not to be a victime of it, and when he made a mistake he word very hard to be forgiven. Stefan hasn't work on his issues at all, because he wasn't motivated. He had always someone to take him back from him going off the rails. His smooth talking is working well to getting out of sticky situations, to get forgivenes without asking for it, but it's working against him because he got things without working for it, or atoning for anything. So, Stefan with his huamnity off is the polar opposite to Stefan humanity on. He is very in controll, and at the same time he can choose to get extermelly brutal, because he is aware that he can do whatever and he will be forgiven, he will litterally get away with the most brutal murderous actions as he did in the past. Stefan is the most lacking of selfawareness characters of all TVD universe and for sure the most brutal. Caroline is just as non aware of what Stefan is capable of as Elena's was at first. But Caroline will have to face the facts before of after, of how serious and terrible Stefan's actions and their consequences are or can be. Stefan humanity off has zero regards for human life, not even a hint.

Maribel Humble

Comment from Newmoon: “There are couple of things I want to talk about, first of all we have to understand the concept of hell in this universe is not religious at all because it’s not like God or higher power created this eternal hell to punish evil souls. Hell hadn’t even been created before the existence of Cade, so in hindsight Hell is actually very young and only 4000 years old, considering the long history of mankind on this earth. Cade was suffering from God complex who just happened to be a psychic. Cade created a psychic dimension that’s tied to his mind because he couldn’t forgive those people who has hurt him and he held on to that grudge ever-since, putting himself in the position of god and the only one who can judge the purity of someone’s soul and if he considers them evil, then they should be punished by his strict and prejudiced logic. TVD is a very spiritual tv show and it tries so beautifully to blend spirituality with psychology together. From what we have seen, the show was trying so hard to talk about the concept of light and Darkness and how they’re never against each other but they complement each other, the show tries to drive this point home time and time again that it is better to treat our darkness like a friend rather than an enemy and now in final season we’re facing a villain who absolutely hate darkness, the one who seas darkness as nothing but sinful and evilness, he believes once you give in to your darkness your soul is corrupted and there’s no going back for you and you deserved to be punished. His black and white mentality is the exact opposite of what this show has been trying to tell us and that’s why he’s a villain, not just because he’s an antagonist to our beloved characters, he’s antagonist to the whole concept of the show and he’s against everything that TVD has taught us up until now. I already said that Cade had a god complex but what it really means to have a god complex? First of all people with god complex could be mistaken as a very nice and good people on the surface because they want to do morally right things to feel superior to others. They don’t do it out of empathy or compassion, they absolutely lack empathy but they would act good to satisfy their ego and to believe that they’re perfect with no flaws whatsoever that could take their perfection from them. In the flask back Cade actually looks like a nice person but knowing what happened next made me think that Cade already had his god complex and all those nice act from him was not him trying to help, it was all him feeding his ego to put other people in to a inferior position than him. So of course when all those people decided to act against him, he would get so furious that he ended up creating a hell with his mind to punish them. In his mind, Those people are going against him aka A GOD who’s the only morally superior person here and they’re trying to stop him to guide them in to a right direction so these people are definitely evil who deserved to be punished for the rest of eternity. People with god complex are actively looking for the worst in people, the worse everyone else behaviour, the better they feel about themselves. People with god complex has black and white mentality in the worst possible way, you’re either white like me and do things how I morally define as the right thing or you’re anything else than what I am and you’re black. Cade believes once you give in to your darkness, your soul is doomed, he sees darkness equals to evilness so based on his mentality and also the fact there‘s no soul in existence who doesn’t have darkness, (it’s part of every soul that makes us whole), Cade believes every one are evil at their core so people who has already done evil things should be punished but if they are other people who have a potential to be evil and if they’re eventually gonna make some dark choices in the end, might as well just push them to make that evil choice right now so we could take their souls faster. It shouldn’t come as a shock that Cade would order his missionaries to push people to make dark choices so he could once again prove to himself, everyone other than him are evil and they’re inferior to him and by putting himself in a position of god, he believes he has every right to punish them.”

Maribel Humble

2nd comment from Newmoon: “This is the first time in the entire show that we have both Stefan and Damon with their humanity off at the same time and this gives us a perfect opportunity to compare them side by side and to see how different they behave without their humanity. It’s so interesting how both Damon and Stefan played their part in to their attempts to corrupt the good doctor. While Stefan was trying his best to manipulate her and tempt her to make the wrong choice, he eventually became the devil on her shoulder and the one who was pushing her to the darkness, on the other hand Damon did the actual opposite and became her angel who tried his hardest to guide her to the light and to push her to make the right decision. We know that Stefan have little to no control over his dark side, Stefan himself also has a black and white type of mentality different from the way it is with Cade but it makes Stefan his perfect missionary because this mentality would allow him to see the worst in people easier just like what Cade wants. Stefan’s black and white point of view on life can explain why he would take his darkness to the extreme level. Whenever he gives in to the darkness in his mind he believes that he already has lost his purity so doesn’t matter how far he can take this, he’s never gonna get his purity back, so no point of holding himself back and then every time he found his way back to light, because of his need for perfection, the only way he could forgive himself was to pretend his dark side never existed and he had never lost himself. This makes perfect sense about his character and because of the fact that he was raised as the golden child that he would naturally hate anything that makes him feel imperfect like his darkness and flaws and as a result, we have someone who would live his life with two extremes on both sides. Stefan with his black and white type of mentality, especially now with his humanity off believes once you give in to darkness, you are no longer pure and you deserve to be punished because he believes the same about himself, “you lost your innocence just like how I lost my innocence and there’s no going back for both of us now”, so he believes Tara needs to be punished because of her one single dark choice. “No one is playing good, you’ll see” On the other hand Damon always has better control over his darkness because he knows everything works on the shades of grey. He knows that Darkness and light do coexist alongside with each other, they complement one another and neither can cancel each other out. Damon is the type of soul who has seen the depth of the hell in his soul and even danced with the devil but while he was trying to climb his way back to the light, he managed to steal devil’s crown and when he arrived to the light, he put the crown on himself and became the king of both light and dark, what I mean to say is that Damon has been in the darkness himself but he never let himself lose his connections with light completely when he was finally back in the light, he never denied his dark side, he owned it wholeheartedly and he even decided to use the secrets that he’s leaned from darkness for love and to protect his loved ones, by seeing beauty in his darkness, Damon started to see even more value in his light and that’s why he’s more willing to see light and goodness in people now rather than darkness because first of all Elena did it for him and then Damon did it for himself. It wasn’t the fact that Elena made Damon a good person no Damon was fundamentally a good person at his core but he was surrounded by darkness for a longest time that he forgot his own light and Elena reminded him of that and then after Elena was gone, Damon had to remind himself of that and actively trying to see light in himself and find himself again in the absence of Elena. So in this situation he’s rooting for Tara and willing to see light in her because subconsciously he wants to believe the same thing for himself especially now that his subconscious get triggered by Elena’s necklace. “My life is worth something” “Maybe she deserves a second chance” Even after Tara made the wrong choice, Damon still didn’t believe that she should be punished unlike Stefan because Damon’s grey mentality allowed him to see both her light and Darkness at the same time. He knows that she has a dark side just like any body else but it doesn’t cancel out all her other good qualities and it’s true, one act of personal revenge wouldn’t undo all of her good deeds and all the people and families she’s saved so no she didn’t deserve to die and it was obvious that Damon didn’t want to do it and he was stalling until he was pushed by Stefan to finally do it. This episode showed us clearly how both Stefan and Damon treat their dark side and how much control both of them have over their darkness.”