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Gwen looks more into her new girlfriend and well, maybe envy isn't a pretty color on her. 



Halima Abdi

>I'm busy cyberstalking my girlfriend to see why she likes me lol I love this line! also, is it just me or is her personality starting to change? What happened to shy, introverted and non-confrontational Ken/Gwen?

Alex Smyth

Poor Ken/Gwen has every right to be upset. I completely understand why she's so envious. She has spent this day getting creepily ogled, finding out she's lost her drawing talent/skills and who knows if she can get that back and now she's found out that her new "girlfriend" is a successful creator, while Ken's/Gwen's job is just to stand/sit around and look pretty while dudes gawk at her. I'd be mad too if my girlfriend had a super cool important job and I was nothing more than just eye candy for guys who only care about how hot I look and not care about anything else about me.

Alex Smyth

I don't think her personality is changing. I think Ken/Gwen has been having a bad rough day. Having guys gawking at her all day, finding out she's lost her artistic talent/skills and now finding out her girlfriend has a better life and career than she does would understandably make Ken/Gwen upset. And I don't blame Ken/Gwen for feeling that way.

Mr. Domino

"I'm a glorified booth babe with a huge rack and wide hips" Aaaand she just made things worse for herself.

Martin Lock

"I have a girlfriend now. My girlfriend's name is Stacy Cassidy." Or is Gwen just a little confused in the first panel?


I was editing while I was writing. Never ends well. Thanks for the catch!

Lisa Thomas

Now I have to wonder, will 'Ken' arrive and ask Gwen what the hell is going on? Being rude to customers is not a way to sell the books she was 'hired' to help promote. You'd have to love it, You being pissed at You for not promoting your work :)