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Picking up the pace a bit here a bit. 

This is one of the ideas I had from day one. That Gwen would learn that cosplayers do a lot more than stand around and look pretty. So wanted to highlight her discovering what she is good at. 

This was something I was considering waiting until she gets home to Ohio for her to find out. But that is very very very long away. So I thought it would be an idea we introduce here. 

I'm going to be bringing some of the long term ideas into the story a little quicker. Keep the pace up. Keep you all on your toes. 

Thanks again for your patience this month. I don't know why it's been so hard to get stuff done. It might be that I work and sketch at the same desk all day long now. I need to get out of the house. Don't we all. 




Sewing isn't easy, you got to be good with your hands.

Mr. Domino

I still feel pretty sad for her. I'd much rather be able to draw and be creative in that way than make costumes.

Lisa Thomas

Its more than just sewing, You have to be creative with designs, color coordination and such. Gwen could have a pretty good business just creating and selling costumes. She also might be tailor as a full time job.

Martin Lock

I think in panel 3 it would be tutorials in the plural; in 4, "prgeess" might well look better as "progress" - and in 5 "the story of making" seems a little abrupt, maybe "the story of making that costume"? Heheh, the question of why so many people follow her may well be answered by the number of sexy photos Gwen has apparently posted...

Alex Smyth

I'm glad that Ken/Gwen has realized that there's more to cosplaying than being creepily ogled by 90% of your "fans" and that cosplay is also a form of artistic/creative expression. That being said, I'm still upset that Ken/Gwen has lost the form of artistic expression she chose to pursue in her life. Because either: 1) Ken/Gwen has made herself so bad at drawing, that she no longer has a natural talent for drawing and no matter how hard she tries, she'll never be able to learn how to draw again. or 2) Considering it took 20 something years (assuming Ken was in his twenties before this started) to learn how to draw and perfect her drawing style, it'll probably take another 20 something years to get her drawing skills back to that level. And that's assuming that Ken/Gwen doesn't get frustrated and discouraged and just give up on trying to draw again. I just feel so sad for Ken/Gwen. :(


I did realize while making this page that in order for her to design her outfits, she would need *some* ability to draw. So it's likely she's not entirely useless in that category.