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Blockbuster movies is a great theme for a fancy dress party - but is it a great theme for a transformation poll? 

Thanks to Danuki and GenAwesome for suggesting Lady Thor ( this could've just been a Lady Thor poll, choosing between goat, frog or horse was tough ) and AtariPanther for suggesting The Bad Guys


Something Tanuki

This is a great selection, though I have to admit I saw pig and immediately locked my vote in. 👀

Aurora Lucia

All of them are amazing ideas as always hahaha, I'm glad to be able to participate again in these polls


Go go Godzilla! Think of the potential alts -- Mechagodzilla, plushy Barneyzilla...firefoxy Mozilla??? ;P


Those are some fantastic ( if potentially labour intensive :p ) alt ideas - the Mozilla one would be worth it for the fantastic joke


I love Cheetah Zatanna magic so much, even if it doesn't win this time I'm glad there's potential for more there in the future!


She'll definitely get more art in the future, either in future polls, commissions or I might just get desperate and draw it for myself :P