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Heyo, hope you've got your popcorn ready, because the June Poll is over and The Bad Guys has won!  Thanks AtariPanther for the suggestion :) 

Here's the current plan:  two guys sat in the cinema having just seen the film, midway through changing into the two characters. Wolf looking shocked at his new snout, or handpaw; Diane groping at her growing chest. 

In terms of alts, Nude and Reality Shift feel like obvious moves - any other suggestions?

I'll be starting sketching this out later this week, after i've finished one of the two commissions i'm still working on. $5 patrons can expect to see that at some point soon :) 


Aurora Lucia

I support the idea of chubby Diane, or maybe both chubby <3 Maybe a plushie/pooltoys alt? Or hypno


Hypno would fit very naturally - and maybe plushie could be justified as them becoming based on merchandise?


Zootopia alt with Judy and Nick?


thanks for the suggestion - but that would be a full redraw of both characters, likely too big in scope for an alt, sorry!

Paul Revere (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-30 02:42:42 how about a non TG version, M>wolf and F>fox
2022-06-06 21:52:02 how about a non TG version, M>wolf and F>fox

how about a non TG version, M>wolf and F>fox


Would be very doable! Could change the dialogue to reference how it was a date ( not to be too heteronormative... Guys can do cinema dates! ) giving a different dynamic?