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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Highlander, which will premiere a bit later on YT. Enjoy!



Ross Cicero

It’s “runners up” ‘cause the “runners” are the plural in this case


Queen!!! In 2022, I got to see them perform live with Adam Lambert at Manchester Arena. It was originally scheduled for 2020 but the Covid pandemic postponed it by two years, so myself and about 30,000 other Queen fans had to wait two years for it and keep the concert ticket in a very safe place!!! My favourite song they played was A Kind of Magic, the song played at the end of Highlander (1986), with stunning effects and pyrotechnics (with Brian May firing a pyrotechnic out of his Red Special guitar!!). During the concert Brian May addressed the crowd saying: "You guys have held on to your tickets for two whole years! Un-be-f***ing-lievable!!"


"I have something to say! It's better to burn out than to fade away!" Love this movie, can't wait to watch your reaction.


A great cult classic! Looking forward to Cassie's reaction. Although, from the confused look on her face in the thumbnail...😬


3:48 The guy playing Fasil is stuntman Peter Diamond who worked on Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), who was responsible for Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher's jump across the Death Star bridge. He was interviewed about the stunt in the excellent documentary Empire of Dreams: The Making of Star Wars (2004)


Clancy Brown (Krugan) is phenomenal in any project, but it’s hard not to hear Lex Luthor or Mr. Krabs in his voice, especially since those are the roles I grew up watching. His voice is so iconic, even before these two roles, that I’m sure others associate him with different roles from their own experiences. I did enjoy the film’s concept, but the film itself often feels more like a disjointed music video. Perhaps that’s why the TV series is such an improvement. It takes the basic idea and refines it, developing it into something more cohesive and engaging.


I called it. It's a great idea, just not a very great movie. Could have been much better, but I think it may have suffered from a lack of direction and probably budget.

Dissonant Bard

This movie was based on a great concept, but in and of itself, it wasn't great. The third movie was stronger as a movie, but lost some of the silly charm of this one. We mostly pretend the second one doesn't exist while it is needed for the animated series. The live-action series is where the concept really hits its stride.


I approved of the puzzled look

Cody Nelson

The actor who plays the Krugan also voices Mr. Krabs. :)


tv series was vastly superior.


Kurgan spent time as a guard at Shawshank State Prison, kind of surprising now how quietly he went when he was arrested.

Steve Holton

But things really turned around when he captured that brain bug for the Terran Federation. 😊

Brian Wood

Just waiting on ST Generations. Lol

Brian McGovern

The sequel "explained" their prigin as being from another planet if I temember correctly. It tanked. It was re-released in "Renegade Cut" which again, if I remember correctly took out the other planet storyline. The director of this was Australian Russell Mulchay who directed another 80s "classic" called Razorback. It was about a giant boar terrorising outback Australia. The guy was better known for his music videos he did for Duran Duran and others. His big gimmick in his video clips is to use a lot of water if you could not tell by this movie. The bad guy in this was also the bad guy in The Shawshank Redemption playing the sadistic guard.


He’s been in evvvvverything. Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel….even had a recurring role as a surgeon on E.R. back in the day.

Shad Kanyak

Probably happened before, but this is the first hard no I’ve seen from you. Could tell you were reaching for anything positive to say. I think nostalgia for sure works in this movies favor.

Tim C

First Movie was Good and the 90s tv show with Ducan Mc Cloud.Filmed in Vancouver but was surppose to be New York. Highlander Sound Track from Queen was used in tv Series to. 🇨🇦 Always wonder why they never found the headless bodies though.🙂Actually Christifer Lambert was French / American Actor.Connor Mc Clould. Honestly I liked the tv Series better.Probally still on some tv movie ap.

Ria Grix

Yeh, I never really understood why people thought this movie was cool when it came out… lots of boys seemed to like it. I’m not sure it’s even a good cult movie, like in the way some bad movies are cult for being bad… I think it’s probably just bad.

Jeff Rogers

I can't believe this beat out kiss kiss bang bang.

David Crabtree

Just waiting in anticipation for Star Trek Generations to post.


The main reason for the initial hype was Queen. They were so into the concept that they laid down several tracks for the score and aggressively promoted the film. Looking back, Highlander wasn't actually a true film, it was an extended music video inter-cut with dialogue. It is also a brutal and refreshing reminder of the "good ole days" of zero risk management and studio interference, when something could go from a grad student's draft manuscript straight to a multi-million dollar budget feature directed by a guy with little to no actual feature length directing experience outside music videos. Good Times!!!


The best thing to come out of this film franchise was Adrian Paul. Paul immersed himself so completely in his acting role as Duncan MacLeod that he became a professional sword instructor later on and now teaches classes internationally where he walks groups of students through some of the fight choreography from the show.


Sadly, he lapsed back into villainy by becoming Superman's arch-nemesis.

Mr. Crowley

I know people will give you the same old story about There Can Be Only One, don't watch the sequels, etc. but I'm gonna say, eff that, do watch the sequels, you watched the Star Wars sequel trilogy too, you can watch Highlander 2 and 3 as well.


He scared the bejeezus out of me as a disillusioned priest in Carnivàle.

Author Travis Adams Irish

I forgot how terrible the acting and writing are in this film. Just...tone deaf. Lol.

Patrick Flanagan

This is a pretty good movie, it just wasn't our host's cup of tea. It happens.


The show was alot better than the movies, though the cast was still off, like Sean Connery playing a guy name ramirez whose Egyptian. But it was still entertaining....as far as Outlander, you should definitely do reactions to that I love that show

John Liebling

Cassie, don't you recognize Kurgan? Actor: Clancy Brown. Only 8 years after Highlander, he was the mean guard in Shawshank.

John Liebling

Even played a crazy military dude in the TV show, the Flash. I wonder if Cassie would be interested in watching part of season 1. Two and three are also okay. It really falls off a cliff after season 4.

Mike Lemon

They did find the bodies. It's a major plot point of the movie. I haven't watched the show in years but I think they found a body or two on there too.

Jim Saul

At least he got to offload responsibility for entering the hatch disarm/snooze numbers onto Desmond.

Juan Duchene

Kind of had a feeling this wouldn't be liked. Conceptually it was amazing back then. I still love this movie for the nostalgia. Do not do the second movie. If anything watch the pilot from the series and the third one.

Michael Labs

I took my time viewing this reaction since I noted the comments and did not really care for another "Batman 89" review. That being said, I thought everything was fair play as to the reaction and review. I agree that the "Highlander" TV series is superior in character and storytelling. As to "cult classics"... yes, not all of them are particularly good. Some are concepts that weren't delivered well or ahead of their time, some are great movies, some are "so bad they're entertaining", and some are just god-awful. Always ready for more from Cassie.

Clay F

As much as she seemed to dislike Highlander (196), do you really think she would watch the sequels?

Clay F

I liked Highlander (1986) back in the day but can't believe it beat out "The Killing Fields" (1984). Also, Crocodile Dundee 2 getting more votes than "The Killing Fields" (1984) is a travesty. "The Killing Fields" (1984) finishing last in the poll tells me that I am incongruent with the voting patrons on the channel.

Clay F

Ha, yeah. I think puzzled -- but also more of a "what is the crap movie" kind of look -- that she generally maintained from beginning to end of the movie.

Happy Hanukkah

De gustibus. I yet again enjoyed watching this movie. By the way, Clancy Brown (who plays the Kurgan) is by all accounts a very nice man.

Odd Thomas

Cassie's favourite film of all time, heh

Mark White

Hi Clay, I’ve got to be honest!….I had to look up incongruent! 😂 I did go to school, honest! Didn’t pay much attention! 😂 Ok, I did vote for croc 2 over killing fields. I know! Killings fields is a proper movie. It’s up there for me with the greats. I love movies like “there will be blood” or “ full metal jacket” But, Cassies reactions I’ve enjoyed the most would be to movies I wouldn’t even put in my top 500! Iike lethal weapon 4! I mean, I feel bad as a movie buff just admitting it! Just a comedy/action movie not anywhere as good as the first! But yet I loved that Cassie loved it so much I guess. Which is why I often vote for movies in poles which are not my type. If that makes any sense?! 😆 If I was to just want movies I like, I would be rattling my cage for “Scarface” but I’m not sure it would make a good reaction from Cass, as would she enjoy it like I do? Maybe it’s just because I watch YouTube edits, maybe it’s different when you watch full length reactions? I don’t know🤷 But as a fan of great movies, I can only apologise for my voting and prey that the movie gods forgive me 😆


Same reason they could pull full-length swords out of thin air. Pocket Dimensions.


Here I am, I'm the master of your destiny. I am the one, the only one, I am the god of kingdom come. Gimme the prize, Just gimme the prize! Give me your kings, Let me squeeze them in my hands. Your puny princes, Your so-called leaders of your land: I'll eat them whole Before I'm done. The battle's fought And the game is won. I am the one, the only one, I am the god of kingdom come. Gimme the prize, Just gimme the prize!


Cassie has struggled with particular types of films, and most were 80s films.


Great movie with a stellar soundtrack. I believe this was lamberts first proper English speaking role I think that’s why that accent worked so well .


A very nice man. I recently watched a video of him saying he was paid peanuts as most of budget went on Connery but I guess he was in acting royalty and didn’t care. He and lambert are terrific in their roles


I voted for highlander and don’t know what incongruent even means. I’m guessing I am proving your point for you 😂


Still figuring why a French actor played a Scottish Highlander.

Happy Hanukkah

The Fifth Element by Luc Besson and Highlander starring Christopher Lambert. I accuse Cassie of Francophobia! That's probably why the reason she left Canada. :-P

Story Archer

As lukewarm as she was on the movie, I bet she would have LOVED the series if she had gotten into it. Way more exposition and nowhere near as fantastical.


That's definitely my favorite song on the soundtrack, although there's a lot of great songs to choose from. It is Queen, after all!

Gro Do

Right? A French/Swiss playing a Scotsman, and a Scotsman playing an Egyptian pretending to be Spanish


It is natural that Cassi didn't enjoy this movie, she is very femenin and women ( in general ) don't get the fun boys ( and men ) get out of playing with sword ( or sticks ). From a young age some boys ( probably most ) collect stick and as money become available buy knives and swords. This movie gave a modern reason to justify the purchase. What if an evil inmortal tried to take your head? We all must be prepared to fight ( or at least buy a mall sword and cut a water bottle ) after all "There can be only one".


I think to truly appreciate this movie you need to really enjoy a great villain, which The Kurgan definitely is. He's completely vile, but he plays that right up to the hilt. You don't want him to win, but he's such a great character just because of how much he revels in how evil he is. I'll always love this movie for Clancy Brown and his performance.

Clay F

LDC, thanks for the reply. I am "out-of-step" with the patron voting plurality here on the channel. You may be an example of that. No offense. I am sure there are some movies we both like. I did vote for Highlander (in addition to The Killing Fields that I preferred). I liked Highlander as a young adult in 1986. I re-watched a few months ago and recognized has not aged the greatest. But I have the nostalgia. “It's a movie best seen through the hazy amber filter of '80s nostalgia, and if you're watching it without those rose-colored glasses on, God help you IMDb 5.7, RT 9% (audience 38%) = Crocodile Dundee II (1988) IMDb 7.0, RT 69% (audience 79%) = The Highlander (1986) IMDb 7.8, RT 93% (audience 91%) = The Killing Fields (1984) Don't see many single-digit RT scores. Crocodile Dundee II (1988) [received 260 votes in the poll] "Retelling its predecessor's same joke with diminishing returns, Crocodile Dundee II sees the franchise's enjoyability go down under." "Too slow to constitute an adventure and has too few laughs to be a comedy." Highlander (1986) [received 426 votes in the poll] "People hate Highlander because it's cheesy, bombastic, and absurd. And people love it for the same reasons." The Killing Fields (1984) [received 115 votes in the poll -- last place] "Artfully composed, powerfully acted, and fueled by a powerful blend of anger and empathy, The Killing Fields is a career-defining triumph for director Roland Joffé and a masterpiece of cinema."

Joe Jupiter

I'm sad that you didn't enjoy this one, Cassie. I love it. It's dated and cheap and totally ridiculous, but it has charm and style to spare. Christopher Lambert is perhaps not the most charismatic hero ever, but Sean Connery is at his absolute best as the colorful Ramirez, and Clancy Brown is an absolute riot as he devours every scene. His enthusiasm makes the Kurgan one of the all-time great movie villains, in my book. I'm glad you at least liked the music by Queen. It really puts the finishing touch on the film. There was never an official soundtrack for this movie, but most of the Queen songs can be found on their album "A Kind of Magic," if you're interested. Also, as you may or may not have read, there are a number of sequels to this film, with a number of different continuities. Every single one of them is bad, and they get worse and worse with each successive entry, so probably best to stay clear of them. Except, perhaps, the second movie, originally titled "Highlander II: The Quickening." In its original form, it's a meaningless mess of a film, thanks both to some questionable creative choices and massive studio interference. However, there is a director's cut called "Highlander II: The Renegade Version" that is enormously better. It's still weird and crazy, but at least the narrative progression makes some kind of sense, and it has a great (largely) new soundtrack. Both versions also feature the return of Sean Connery, as charming as ever, and another great operatic villain, played by the incomparable Michael Ironside. Since you weren't thrilled with the first Highlander, you certainly won't be with the second, either, but if you're ever curious about it, I think it's worth watching, and I'd like to see your reaction to it. Maybe some day?

Clay F

+1 for the Sean Connery presence in this movie.


The Highlander film is one of my favorites, most reactors I follow have also liked it. Certain types of movies just don't hit at all with Cassie, at least she watched it.

Don Ross

I was never a great fan of this movie, but Cassie's reactions breathed it new life. Or maybe it was just a really good medium to expand Cassie's emotional range.



Mark Daniels

Clancy Brown (Kurgan) costarred in your very first watch in “Shawshank Redemption.” Better known these days as Mr. Krab from SpongeBob. If you like a Queen soundtrack might I suggest “Flash Gordon” that also features the recent fun-running “Hot Fuzz” James Bond, Timothy Dalton.