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Worlds colliding! I really liked this, so much to love here and a big moment for fans! I missed seeing other faces I was hoping for but I think they did it all very creatively. Never make me choose a captain!

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[Full Reaction] Star Trek Generations (1994)


Night King01

I think what you pointed out in the outro might actually be a plot hole in the movie. This movie to me seemed like they were trying to find their footing transitioning from a tv show to a cinematic feel. They found the sweet spot with the next film since they had Jonathan Frakes AKA Riker direct as they knew they needed someone intimate with the material. It is a shame that Malcolm Mcdowell seemed to not enjoy filming the movie, he was reluctant to even do it but was persuaded when he got to work with Patrick Stewart again. He would have been a great villain if there was enough good material there.

Odd Thomas

I grew up on TNG so seeing Picard on the big screen as a teenager was EPIC. Great villain, great FX, great story, great death scene. I think it's one of the best ST movies. Arguably the next one, First Contact is even better.


I don’t actually like this movie very much… I think it’s cheap and Kirk deserves better… But I saw it with some one very important to me that is no longer with us… and I just got so freaking emotional seeing this was up. It’s 2am. I’m VERY stoned and I’m about to watch this movie for the first time since he died.


“none of those creepy crawlies”… nope… not until First Contact. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.


Oh my😢 I remember watching this opening night Leicester sq in London. There was such a great party atmosphere, with everyone in full costume. I can appreciate it for what it tried to do. Good, not great.. I remember that Malcolm McDowell hilariously revealed the ending inadvertently before the movie came out. I think we can all agree that Captain John Harriman wasn't quite up to the job. But as picard said... plenty of letters in the alphabet..

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Always Classy, sometimes Sassy Cassie, So I saw comments people were pulling all nighters to watch this one. What dedication! Of course as soon as my it dinged on my phone and my phone screen lit up the darkend room. I knew. It's amazing how many different positions one girl two dogs and a cat sleep in during the night. Before I get to the film I love message boards people post pictures of themselves. I am learning so much about people I knew nothing about. I think it's a amazing and fun. Now to the film we knew as soon as we watched it. That Cassie is going to love this one. Both captains in the same movie. Yeah she will love it. This was probably the second best one of the Pickard movies after First Contact. Which we really liked. We are just counting down to the Chris Pine movies. This story or movie wasn't terrible. It was creative. We just thought it could have been so much better. I think we felt a little disappointed by it. Although it will be fun to watch your reaction. As always Cassie, Ben and ,Carly + family we send our ❤️and 🙏.

Mike LL

I think Generations is a very average Star Trek movie, if being somewhat notable just for the cast involved. However, watching with the company of Cassie Popcorn makes it a way above average Star Trek viewing experience!

Greg Quinn

There are lots of logical plot holes in this. But to me it never much matteted.


I saw the Duras sisters in this movie before I saw the episodes where they tried to take over the Empire.

Athan Immortal

I am so so happy to see this. I've been looking forward to this.


I have a love hate relationship with this movie. "Spoilers Below" Love the cast and story but hate that they had the nerve to destroy the Enterprise D and not only that but to a peice of junk bird of prey, she deserved so much better.


I was already up all night and just saw this. Breakfast in Bed won't be popcorn but breakfast sandwich... yum, and some Star trek with Cassie! Also yum!


Can you please remove the spoilers from your post?

Seven Coughlin

This one hurt to watch as a kid… like losing redacted wasn’t enough but to lose the redacted as well… 😢


Can you please remove the spoiler from your comment?

Thin White Duke

@Dave She's seen the movie now. Anyone who is reading the comments without having watched the movie is asking for it


I really enjoy this movie up to the point Picard goes in the Nexus. Then its just massive plot hole and crappy fist fighting and a really really lame death that felt like a spit in the face to Kirk fans honestly. Also it's worth noting that the two writers of the movie also are aware of the huge plot hole. Watching the DVD commentary (remember them) is great... They basically criticise almost everything they did. Very self reflective.


A spoiler for a 30 year old movie? I highly doubt anyone watching this FULL reaction on her patreon hasn't already seen it


Its not a plot hole, Picard would never change history just for his own needs. Prime Directive , everything he stood for would forbid him from doing that. I agree though its a shame Macolm McDowell didn't enjoy it, I didn't know that. I did read that Kirk was killed off because William Shatner was fed of playing him and wouldn't do so again. Not sure how true that is


What was that message board comment? Bizarre.

Konstantin Knopp

I know there are huge plot holes... but for me that never mattered. I love this movie! This was the first Star Trek I've seen in the theater and for that alone it will forever be one of my favorites!


No, they're not asking for it. This shouldn't be a point of contention as the community guidelines clearly state no spoilers


Well I am one who hasn't seen it. This shouldn't even need to be asked, as the community rules specifically state no spoilers


Definitely been looking forward to the movies. Some are better than others, but I found all four enjoyable. First Contact is next. Character note for you that is not a spoiler since Star Trek fans knew this when First Contact was released. Lieutenant Commander Worf is assigned to Deep Space 9 (the next Star Trek tv series). Just a little context for his character.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Bizarre? Why don't you see for youself click the message tab at the bottom of the page. People share pictures from their lives. People can comment on them This a good thing, man nothing bizarre about it. Sorry you feel that way.


I absolutely agree with no spoilers, but why would you read the comments before you watch the reaction/movie.


Because some people like to. That's why the rule is in place. I have to read them. It's my job.

Dan M

Ugh…why do I have to work today? I’ve been eagerly anticipating your reaction to this movie since you started the OG series. But unless I play hookie from work (which I won’t), I’ll have to wait until tonight to see how you react to the passing of the baton. I’ve read that there was an alternate movie arc for Kirk developed , given the initial negative response from fans to his actual arc in the theatrical release (no spoilers). Which I can understand. But in my mind, what actually happens aligns well with a comment Kirk makes in Star Trek The Final Frontier while sitting around a campfire with Spock and Bones. I’m curious to hear your comments about it. But, I’ll have to grind out another Monday at work, and what I’m expecting to be a fun night of trivia, before I can enjoy this movie with you.

Clay F

Dave, why are the comments for this reaction being treated different than comments for other reactions where spoliers to the movie are not prohibited? Cassie can't be affected by spoilers to the movie -- she already watched the movie. If someone else wants to avoid spoilers, don't read the comments. I understand your sentiment, but seems like a slippery slope to ban spoilers to the movie reacted to in the reaction comments section.

Chris Clarke

In retrospect, I think Harriman looked like someone who had a very bad dream about everything going wrong on his first day in command, put it behind him and is then spooked when it starts to happen.

Seven Coughlin

There fixed it!!! Now stop policing the comments and go watch the movie Dave!😂

Clay F

Dave, if that rule applies to the reaction comments section for the movie reacted to, why is the rule only being enforced for the comments to this reaction and never before enforced for comments on other reactions?

Chris Clarke

First off, with your hair arranged like that, Cassie, somehow you look even more like your sister! I'm glad you reacted the same way I did to certain aspects. I felt Kirk was a bit out of character, and also found Data's new persona a bit irritating: then again, so did Geordi to a degree! It's an entertaining enough film, but has issues as everyone says: even the screenplay writers weren't happy with it, feeling that they were trying to pack too many elements in. Whoopi Goldberg thought the Nexus sounded like an anti-acid reflux tablet. And after all those years of hearing "Captain on the bridge!", Shatner joked that he wanted his last line to be "Bridge on the Captain!"😆 Great reaction as always, and some great Cassie-isms!😊


I can't speak for other reactions or why spoilers get through, but unfortunately they do. There are many who read through comments before watching the reactions, and many for whom it is a first time watch. Common courtesy tells me that it would be nice thing to exclude spoilers. As if the community rule wasn't enough.


rakesh - at the Odeon? It's been 30 years, but I think that I can still remember that theatre.

Clay F

Dave, is below the Patreon rule that you are talking about? I don't see the rule below expressly prohibiting spoilers to the movie reacted to in the reaction comments. The statement in the rule "I like to go into movies/shows blind and spoilers ruin that experience!" clearly implies before the reaction. The last sentence of the rule is ambiguous, especially with the rule seemingly directed to before the reaction. If you want to ban spoilers in the reaction comments section, I suggest that clearly be stated in the rule. "4. No Spoilers. Please make sure you're careful with possible spoilers! I like to go into movies/shows blind and spoilers ruin that experience! There are also many patrons that also watch along for the first time, so just be careful about what you say!"

Seven Coughlin

Dave while I appreciate your perspective on what is or isn’t a spoiler this is a comment on a post to a movie Cassie has already watched and presumably so should have anyone commenting. These are appreciation and shared reactions to what this movie has meant to us so please stop policing the comments… go watch the movie and join in the conversation friend!

Thin White Duke

The No Spoilers rule applies to movies outwith the reaction we are commenting on, that's common sense It would be like pulling someone up for commenting on the content of Cassie's outro

Chris Clarke

The spoiler rule shouldn't realistically apply in a retrospective comment section, surely. We're here to discuss the film and Cassie's reaction to it. 💁‍♂️🙂


Thanks for doing that, and yes, I will watch it later.

Keith Jones

May the power in South Carolina be back on by the time I’m off work, I’ve been getting by on YouTube reactions on the phone since Helene Friday, but ready for a full reaction!

Seven Coughlin

No problem but Clay and I expected a comment later on what you liked or didn’t like about the movie! Enjoy the show!!!


I'm not going to take up any more space here beyond this reply, but to answer your question the answer is in the 2 words at the beginning of the rule. Feel free to DM me if you want to discuss further, or reach out to any of the other mods for the channel


I like that you called out the plot hole at the end there, haha. Like...why even leave yourself such little time to take out the bad guy anyway? I also think Kirk and Picard meeting could have been something more interesting than just using fisticuffs against the bad guy but that being said, I still mostly enjoy this film.

Story Archer

I've actually been looking forward to this one since she started TNG.

Clay F

I liked your metaphor in the intro regarding the two crews being like two groups of friends invited to the same party. I would have liked to have seen Uhura in the movie. "Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley declined to appear as their characters Spock and Leonard McCoy. Nimoy felt there were story problems with the script and that Spock's role was extraneous." First Contact (1996) is my favorite but I do like Generations. Hard not to like a ST movie, especially one with both Kirk and Picard. I am fine with the way Kirk went out. I thought the special effects and cinematography were good. Yet, I think First Contact is the only excellent TNG movie. By the way, Picard did have a sense of awe when he first saw Kirk, but I guess Picard didn't express that to Kirk. I though it funny that Data pushed Beverly into the water. I was puzzled why the crew didn't laugh. I mean Beverly commented on getting into the spirit in view of Riker removing the plank for Worf to fall into the water. Data did that without the chip. With the chip, Data's excessive laughter and other behaviour did seem sort of weird/cringey. When Whoopi Goldberg arrived on set, she asked to see Nichelle Nichols (who portrayed Uhura in TOS), and was told that Nichols (Uhura) was not in the film. Patrick Stewart said that he had made an effort to ensure the original cast's involvement in the film: "I didn't want us to sail into the future just as The Next Generation cast."

Bryan Hathaway

I was checking back all weekend waiting for this one!!!


I love people watching this for the first time. They try to figure out how the problem gets solved and then are just like :O when the shock wave scene happens


The uniforms that are primarily black with the gold, red or blue color at the shoulders are from the Deep Space 9 series.

Clay F

Dave, respectfully, the moderators should ensure consistency with all reactions. But it's more than that. Your reply regarding other reactions that "spoilers get through" is a complete understatement. Reaction comments on the channel are replete with spoilers. The reaction comments always include details of the movie that are spoliers. You asking to now remove spoilers is odd. Definitely has not been the practice on the channel to prohibit spoilers in the reaction comments to the movie reacted to. Further, I see no rule expressly prohibiting spoilers in the reaction comments to the movie reacted to, especially in view of the actual practice. I mean it clear that spoilers to future movies (e.g., sequels) to be reacted to are prohibited, but not the movie that was reacted to. I would hope that those wanting to avoid spoilers have the courtesy to avoid the comments section. It's near impossible to have a reasonable conversation of the reaction without spoilers to the movie reacted to.


It's a time travel rule that when you go back, you have to go back mere moments before any traumatic event for dramatic purposes. Come on, everybody knows that

Laura Thornley

You've made it nearly to the end! Generations is a great 'final episode' to Next Generation in its own way, paving the way for the future movies.

Clay F

Dave, I would revise the rule to read only those 2 words: "4. No Spoilers." I would delete the remaining sentences (especially the second sentence) which makes the rule seemingly directed to before the reaction. Good luck differentiating between the shades of information that can be considered a spoiler.

Thin White Duke

Some of Cassie's mods are darn prissy, half my YT accounts are shadow banned on the PiB channel for no good reason

Michael G

Exciting to get to the films. Generations is by a margin the best of the TNG movies, though many will disagree. While there are some small plot issues (they all have their holes), the movie moves along at such a good pace, and is engaging that they dont factor in while watching. It is easily the best shot off all the movies, everyone and everything looks fantastic, shout out to the cinematographer and lighting crew. The choice to use a "natural" light of the star to light the interiors of the enterprise was an inspired choice. The sets looks amazing. The uniforms, especially the new uniforms never looked better. The colours were more rich than how they are picked up on tv. As Star Trek moves into a CGI only world after this movie, it really highlights just how superior model work is. The exteriors of the enterprise and the other ships are unmatched compared to anything going forward. The plot, and characters are the most TNG out of all the movies. There is a choice made after generations to move out of being TNG and Star Trek, and into a pure action adventure franchise, that hurts more than helps. The overall thorough line of this film about emotion, and not being consumed by them, was a perfect TNG choice. Soran and his obsession and having his emotion consumed him. Picard and his tragedy, not letting it consume him, both in and out of the nexus Data in the middle, fighting with new found emotions and how overwhelming they can be. To Kirk, having to fight off the illusion that, that level of emotion can bring, and free himself of its grasp. It was four interesting paths to explore. RIP to a good ship

Chris Retzlaff

And he was right, this is one of those movies you were having fun at the movies with, but when you look at it closer it's a disjointed episode type.


Can't believe that Highlander outranks ST Generations on Rotten Tomatoes. lol

Chris Retzlaff

Whoa, Dave is a mod, he's doing what he thinks should be done. Let's not say things like that. Please

Chris Retzlaff

It's not a huge plot hole, it's when you think of the whole plot it becomes a whole.........tell my he couldn't fly a ship in it again......what happened to Veridian 3..😂😂

Robert da Spruce

I know what I’ll be watching tonight! 😊

Zane From Canada

"I take it the odds are against us and the situation is grim?" "You could say that." "...Sounds like fun." 😊🙂

Shad Kanyak

To quote Data, “Oooohh shit!”

Mojo One Thousand

"It's Cameron from 'Ferris Bueller'!"... I was waiting for when I saw his name in the credits - I don't think I have ever seen this, but I knew Alan Ruck was in Star Trek at some point. Always happy for some movie knowledge to be applied in the reaction. Alan Ruck is also the tourist that is disappointed to go back to the airport in "Speed", and one of the geek squad in "Twister", both on the channel, either of which I may have been more impressed with if they were mention over "Ferris Bueller". The other actor that seemed familiar was Tim Russ, who is a regular in a differnet Start Trek series, but on the channel he a federal agent in "Live Free or Die Hard" aka "Die Hard 4". Also, Glenn Moreshower is in this as well, he was the ginger man on the bridge in the opening scene. That guy bobs up in so many movies, typically as a miltary man or some other person with authority, don't know if there was one later but the last appearance I remember on the channel is "X-men: First Class", the General that meets with Kevin Bacon's character.


Don't read if you haven't watched the movie yet: I finally got to see your outro discussion, and you mentioned why didn't he go back far enough to save his brother and nephew. I agree he should have gone a little farther back to stop Soran before he attacked the solar array. That would have prevented both Stars and the Enterprise from being destroyed. However Picard might not have considered it appropriate to go back for the purpose of saving his family. Preventing the death of millions due to the selfish act of one man is different then changing the timeline for personal reasons.

D. T. Nelson

Many Star Trek fans were disappointed with this one. I think many of them expected more from the story. Some said it seemed like just another episode but on a bigger screen. Personally, I always enjoyed it. The biggest complaint was the music which lacked the big epic scores from the likes of Jerry Goldsmith and James Horner. That's why when Jonathan Frakes (Will Riker) took over the director's chair on the next two films he brought back Jerry Goldsmith to do the score. Now, Cassie. There are a couple of things you should be aware of before going watching the next movie, First Contact. 1) After the TNG series ended, Worf moved over to the Deep Space 9 series, so was not on the crew of the Enterprise, and 2) on Deep Space 9 they used a new experimental ship called The Defiant. That's all I'll give you because I don't want to spoil anything in case you ever want to watch DS9 (a different tone than TNG, but definitely worth a look... after you go back and watch the rest of TNG, of course.)

Gábor Árki

Dave, does this mean that from now on we shouldn't discuss either the movie or the reaction in the comments, as it might spoil things for someone who reads them before they've seen the movie and the reactions themselves? I understand that spoilers are a problem. However, when discussing a movie and its reaction, I think discussing events from that movie and reaction should be fair game. And spoilers should only be applicable if any other content is mentioned.


"I had to watch him die twice?" My first thought when the reaction to All Good Things came out was that Generations was up next and how sorry I felt that you were going to basically have to watch him die twice.


Great reaction as expected. First Contact is better, more epic IMO and though not really scary its the scariest of the ST movies so it'd work in October *wink*. Please remember the score when it comes time to watch it, Jerry Goldsmith returns (he did ST 1 and ST5 which also means he wrote the TNG theme too), and his First Contact score is a masterpiece.

David Patterson

Does anyone know exactly how many times that Bird-of-Prey explosion was used in the franchise?

Vwlss Nvwls

I grew up in the 70s and 80s watching reruns of the OG series almost every day as a kid. Then I got to enjoy The Next Generation, and all series to follow. I have rarely been disappointed by the series or movies. This is just a great universe, with amazing characters, and endless possibilities. I hope that it remains a viable IP for many decades to come.

Gábor Árki

Indeed, the uniforms they are wearing are literally taken from the DS9 wardrobe, which is why they don’t properly fit most of the actors. They designed a new uniform style for the movie taking inspiration from the TOS movie double-breasted uniform style, but scrapped them last minute. Due to lack of time they raided the DS9 wardrobe loaning them for the shoot: https://youtu.be/xUUFVIS3SB0

Just Plain Bob

I like to watch Cassie’s intro and outro to each reaction before watching the reaction itself. She absolutely spoiled elements of the movie in her outro. Can someone please address this? It nearly ruined the movie for me. Dave, can you do something?


If you look at the comments section of a movie you havent seen that is on you imo, you are just asking to be spoiled at that point, the whole point of commenting on a reaction video is to talk about what happened in the movie/show, if this was an announcement of her going to watch it then sure that would be bad taste but she clearly has watched it, however i have spaced out the spoiler and added a warning inbetween.

Patrick Flanagan

The Temporal Prime Directive technically means Picard shouldn't have even stopped Soran from blowing up Veridian. Changing history is changing history, whether it personally benefits oneself or not.

Patrick Flanagan

But this is the comments section to a reaction video for a thirty year old film. Who is here reading these comments who didn't just watch the movie or who hasn't already seen it at least one time since it originally came out?

Doug Fisher

One of the problems I had with this movie was how they did Kirk dirty. It was definitely one of the mid ones of the TNG movies and I still prefer the TOS ones. Still way better than Abrams Trek at least.

Patrick Flanagan

There was actually a STAR TREK novel about Harriman that did a good job of saving the character and making him interesting and competent even though he wasn't a Kirk-style hero.

Patrick Flanagan

He could have easily done both, though. It's just a big inconsistency required by the script to heighten the tension.

Katie Jackson

If you watch the outro before watching the reaction, spoilers are kinda a given🤣

David Freese

According to all the information on the internet it was only used on Star Trek 6 and on Generations

David Freese

You didn't really have to explain the Worf situation because that can be considered spoilers

Kevin (31Mike)

Cassie needs to watch the TOS episode "Metamorphosis" before watching "First Contact" so that she will know who Zefram Cochrane is.


I don't personally consider it a spoiler. When First Contact was released, that was common knowledge among Star Trek fans. Honestly, I doubt she is going to watch DS9 anytime soon. And she definitely should not watch it if she's going to limit herself to 4-6 episodes a season. I'm a little disappointed that she's going to miss out on the Voyager reference, but it is what it is.

Cody Nelson

I'm glad you like this one! I know there are a sizable group of Trek fans who take issue with this movie but I've always liked it. Next up though is the movie I've been waiting for ever since you started watching TNG. "First Contact" was actually the movie that got me into Star Trek and you will probably have an even better first experience with it than I did since you've watched the show first. It's easily one of the best Trek films. I can't wait!

Athan Immortal

The explosion was used in ST6 and Generations, but they used that Kilingon getting thrown after the explosion in DS9, I think it's in the big What you leave behind battle.

Laura Thornley

There is a logical reason for this. He could only exit the Nexus where the Nexus has or will be - and as far as we know this is the only time its passed through the atmosphere of a habitable planet. So Veridian III is the only place he knows he can go. The planet is uninhabited and he'd have no technology with him to leave or send a message (as you can't take things out of the Nexus that didn't also enter it, and it seems to only absorb organic beings (and their clothing) which you can see when they leave the Nexus on horseback yet there are no horses with them on the planet). If he exits the Nexus at an earlier time he'd likely run into the Klingons who presumably helped build the missile complex (he doesn't know when it was built) and also knows the missile itself is cloaked and Soren has the control pad. So best case he's there before Soren arrives but has no way of decloaking the missile. So he arrives at the point after he's broken through the force field when he knows he can ambush Soren on the bridge while he's distracted by his watch. The main plothole is that technically at that point there would be two Picards. So what happened to him the moment Nexus Picard and Kirk arrive, since they clearly arrived after the OG timeline Picard transporting down and talked to Soren? Edit: Another plothole is now they've altered history the Nexus technically never passed through the atmosphere and therefore Picard can't have been taken by it. So the only answer is that this is a fractured timeline - the planet is both destroyed and not destroyed, but the Nexus can exist in both timelines as time has no meaning there.

David Patterson

Maybe I've just seen these films so often because it seems like I see it all the time.

Seven Coughlin

Otherwise the comments will be like “ boy did Cassie smile at that part of the movie that I thought she would. What a doozy!”

David Freese

I understand that but Cassie hasn't seen DS9 or First Contact yet so it is a spoiler. I know she probably will never watch DS9 on the channel but I bet she will on her own eventually.


This plot has more holes than swiss cheese... and I don't care one bit. It's a fun movie.

David Freese

Also Cassie isn't a full fledged fan yet cause she's missed so much so won't know the reference yet.

The One True Chris

Re: the Kirk vs Picard argument -- both are incorrect; the answer is Sisko! :)

Vwlss Nvwls

I always loved the way Kirk made his horse walk sideways to get closer to Picard. Such a Kirk thing to do. :D In high school I had a cat that looked a lot like Spot, but mine was named Floyd. He was such a great. He was completely fearless, which was eventually his downfall. :(

Dean Holt

This will always be one of my favourites (probably around 4th to 6th in the ST movie raking for me) and was the 1st film I saw multiple times at the cinema also very small thing you got the year wrong as it was 1994. 94 was such an incredible year for movies also now it’s 30th anniversary which really makes me feel old lol, as I was just 17 year when this came out. But regards to the movie, the score has always given me goosebumps. I’m also with you on Date pushing Dr Crusher into the water was funny. And I really liked how they got both Captain together at the end. I personally thought they could have written it better regarding Kirk death and I remember a lot of fans hated the movie because of it. But it never spoiled the movie, I just thought it could have been done a little better. The next one is technically better overall, but I just have more love and nostalgia for this film. But the following two just feel like two part episodes they aren’t as good but I can still have fun watching them. Also SPOILERS they never get seat belts on Star Trek 😂😂.


So... Discussing the movie after she watched it is considered spoiling it? I'm sorry, but what planet are you on? Maybe stop watching the intro and outro if you don't want to get spoiled. Talk about moving the goal posts.

Dean Holt

Personally think she will be ok as it does a good job in explaining who he is in the movie.


the helmsman you recognized plays a character in the show star trek voyager as a high ranking vulkan on the crew named 'tuvok'. he is also an excellent singer.

D. T. Nelson

not really. Even when the shows first aired everyone knew Michael Dorn was joining the DS9 cast before it happened. Also, it was something everyone was aware of before First Contact came out. It doesn't spoil anything for DS9 if she chooses to watch it, and ensures she goes into First Contact with the same knowlege everyone else had when the movie came out.

Dean Holt

Personally I’d definitely say this was loads better than The Motion Picture or The 5th film. I’d even put it on par with the Search for Spock. Regards to the TNG movies I think most people would have First Contact 1st, but I’d have this as a solid 2nd taking off my nostalgia glasses.

John Sullivan

OMG I literally just finished TNG ep 7

Just Plain Bob

Calm down. Read the early comments in the thread. My comment will make more sense once you have. Hint: There’s a reason I asked Dave if he could do something about it.


you should watch 'a clockwork orange' for scary but not too scary october. its an amazing stanley kubrick movie starring malcolm mcdowell when he was a young man. one of my favorite movies and books.

Cole Jennett

How about, If a moderator asks you nicely to do something, just do it🤷‍♂️. Dave has surely earned the respect of those that have been around for a long time. He’s giving up his own time to do the trivia thing tonight! Just choose to be kind.

Andrew Buel

Good stuff. IMO, the 2nd best TNG movie, with First Contact being the best. The other 2 have their down moments but I think there's enough there to enjoy. Engage!

Kevin (31Mike)

It's not 'critical' to the movie to have seen the episode the way The Wrath of Khan was, but I think it would give her a better grasp on the character and the way the crew talks about/to him. I also wish she'd seen some episodes with Barclay. He's relatively minor, so it's not a big deal but knowing some of the back story is always good. Of course, she won't know anything about the Defiant and why Worf is on it or who the Doctor is either, since she hasn't watched DS9 or Voyager. All minor things that don't take away from the movie but having seen them ahead of time would enhance the viewing experience


Is the argument about who the worst actor is?

Patrick Flanagan

Guinan's echo says he can go anywhere, anytime. There are no limits. Picard could have gone back far enough in time to send a subspace communication to Earth to warn his family, then taken the Enterprise to Amargosa to detain Soran. Presumably when one leaves the Nexus and goes to a point in time where they had previously already existed, the Nexus-emigrant supplants or supersedes the original person. We see Picard trapped by Soran again, free himself again, and then he seems to be the Picard from the Nexus. So either they merged, or the original Picard just winked out of existence when the Nexus Picard returned. Probably a moot distinction. Picard's not saving his family isn't a plot hole exactly - he could have just been focused on the immediate crisis and not understood or not realized he could have potentially saved them. It's a weakness in the screenplay though. If this was a conscious choice he was making, he should have struggled with it and decisively declared why he wasn't going to do that. Why set up the temptation to change history and the sacrifice he was making to do the right thing as story beats, and then never really mention it? It comes across not as a moral choice Picard has to make, but more like it just slipped his mind.

The One True Chris

Is there a snare drum under the blanket with you? :)

Mike LL

Gabor, of course you are right. We have always talked about movies/shows in detail afterword. We have all paid to come here and comment freely.


I wish they would have come up with another way to have the crews together. Not just Kirk and Picard.

Daniel Turbyfill

Do yourself a favor and watch this short video created by The Roddenberry Archive. It serves as a small epilogue to Star Trek Generations and doesn't spoil any future films or shows: https://youtu.be/_KXU2Ob8gYY?si=jGczYygbrOfoD34R

Seven Coughlin

Yea like I should be able to talk about Generations but not about how Data gets a nose piercing and goes through an emo phase in first contact! (Not a real thing Dave)


I love this movie, I remember going to the theater with my dad to see this, it was the first star trek movie I ever saw

Seven Coughlin

I think most are being kind but we disagree with that constitutes a spoiler in the comment sections of a movie we all just watched. Maybe we need a Cassie ruling on this one.

Cole Jennett

That’s fair. There are constructive ways to disagree. But some are clearly not doing that and instead choosing to be sarcastic.

Seven Coughlin

Before we all get mad at Dave who I believe is just trying to do his job perhaps we need a ruling from Cassie as to when we can talk details about movies. I personally see no harm after reactions but will respect whatever the group standards are going forward


Woohoo!! Love this one. Cassie, if you were thinking Data’s emotion chip story was a little “too much”, then I agree. Love this film, but the Data’s storyline was… hmm. Can’t wait for the next one which I think is as good as TOS’ there-be whales-here “Voyage Home” story.


Getting ready to watch your reaction to this movie Cassie.

Mike LL

Well if Dave's job is to read spoilers he doesn't want to read, he should just get on with that unpleasant duty of his, I thank him for it, but I don't appreciate new standards being imposed on the rest of us.

Seven Coughlin

I went for jokey but not mean Dave has been nothing but nice and I hope others choose to be kind as well! I also hope he enjoys the movie when he gets a chance to see it! It’s a fun one even if it is a “passing of the torch” movie I think the good outweighs the bad in this movie by far!

Cereal And Grape Juice

I've never seen this one. Watching it now for the first time with PiB.

Seven Coughlin

I agree with what ur saying but being a moderator I think he’s just is interpreting the rules as they are laid out which is why I think we need a ruling on high but I def share ur opinion that after the reaction it should be ok

Dustin Denner

BOP external shot of it blowing up was reused from ST6 once. The internal explosions were used in the final episode of Deep Space Nine.

Uncle Phoenix

LoL, I didn’t even notice anything, because it was my first time watching. It’s weird, the first time I watch a reaction video it’s like I’m watching it with the reactor. Then later, on subsequent watchings I can focus on the reactor’s reactions to the movie.

Uncle Phoenix

LOL, that’s a trap comment. You almost made me respond with a comment that would get me into trouble.

Athan Immortal

Spoils Picard Season 3 a bit, but I think it's fine, emotionally the person who is in it is significant to the end of the movie :)

Athan Immortal

Tim Russ, he was also in The Undiscovered Country as part of Sulu's crew on the Excelsior, I'm thinking that might be where she twigged him from. That moment is also referenced in Voyager, loved that episode :D

Athan Immortal

I'm pleased the movies actually converted some people into fans. I watched TNG as it aired, and always felt like I really loved the movies, but felt they were so inaccessible for non-fans

Uncle Phoenix

Disagree on all points; however I don’t want to say more lest incurring the wrath of Cassie, who I’m sure wants us all to be nice, have fun, and argue on someone else’s forum.

Andrew Buel

That's how I rank the movies, and there's things I like about Insurrection and Nemesis. Where's the trap?

RJ MacReady

Looking forward to this one! Saw it in the theater back in 94 (don't mean to nitpick on the release hahaha) I overall liked it but it definitely had its plot flaws and lesser writing than we come to expect but I still enjoyed it for what it was!

Kelly Oehlschlager

Also, Cassie asked us a lot of questions in this reaction video. If we do not comment here, to answer her questions, where should we?? I agree with others, she’s already watched this movie, these are not spoilers. People should not be reading the comments until they have watched the movie either. To me, spoilers would be if we talked about what happens in the next movie…not the one the reaction is about. That’s just silly to me.

Uncle Phoenix

I totally understand that comment. I had no emotional connection with this movie until I saw Popcorn react to it. Now, it’s full of emotion for me.

Uncle Phoenix

NOW, I want a Hoodie that says, “Always Classy, Sometimes Sassy” with a popcorn emoji beneath it.

Uncle Phoenix

Well first of all,…wait,... that’s a trap too. (I see what you tried to do there.) JK

Seven Coughlin

Likewise! Looking forward to First Contact! Hopefully all this is resolved by then. I’m cool with whatever the standard is but I do love talking to everyone after and during the YouTube premieres. I know there a disagreement here but it’s among good kind ppl for the most part! LLAP!🖖🏻

Kelly Oehlschlager

Cassie you asked if you knew the female Klingons. Yes, you do. They were on the episodes where that Klingon family, house of Duras, was framing Worf's father and trying to take over the empire. They are the Duras sisters.

Seven Coughlin

Remember seeing this in 94 on a Thursday early screening which was rare back then. I was so hyped and it’s the first Trek movie I saw in theaters! Was me my mom and my brother Joe and to this day we all still watch Trek faithfully!

Kevin (31Mike)

I'm sure she won't, but I wish she'd watch DS9 and maybe even Voyager and Enterprise. Doing them as "Patreon Exclusives" would likely swell the membership rolls here nicely, too.

John Drake

"Throw a rock at his head" ... Cassie never disappoints !

Just Plain Bob

I’m VERY much opposed to spoilers. But IT’S NOT A SPOILER if we’re talking about the movie that was just reacted to. How is there going to be any discussion of a movie if it’s considered “spoiler”y to discuss what happens? Cassie, herself, has not only liked NUMEROUS “spoilers” to movies that were just reacted to, she has also made remarks in these forums that would be considered spoilers, using that definition. It’s absurd. I suspect Dave realizes this but, like a cop that’s overreached his authority, is damned if he’ll admit it for fear of embarrassment and losing all standing.

Seven Coughlin

I’m hanging back on this one till Cassie says something. It’s her house after all but I totally agree with you on what constitutes a spoiler at this point. Dave is very active in the community and while I believe he absolutely means well I think we just have to see what the boss says and be kind in the mean time.


In a previous reply I've already stated that I'm done discussing spoilers here, not wanting to fill up the space here and ruining the vibe of the reaction, which has unfortunately happened with all the disagreement with what I simply asked for. So - you want to talk to me about this, you can DM me in Discord, I'll be happy to chat with you. Back to the show...

Patrick Flanagan

I think Nimoy just didn't want to do it, and rather than having everybody but Spock they decided to pare it back to make it mostly about Kirk


It been a while but I thought it was at the empire. Still it was a long time ago!

Billy Higgins

Now, Cassie, watch this: https://youtu.be/iC0ZHukgfl4?si=j4F6wOGprtwuVbfY

Kelly Oehlschlager

I watched that as a kid, probably too young. But it disturbed me so much that I never wanted to see it again.


exactly! disturbing...but not too disturbing! stellar performance from malcolm mcdowell, great music and of course nadsat. its like, real horrorshow!


The audio is mono in the reaction video? Also killing off Robert and Rene is so unnecessarily cruel. I can never understand why the writers did that.


Looking forward to the next one :)


"Why didn't they bring a phaser from the Nexus?" LOL. I love Cassie's critical thinking. "First Contact" would be great for scary, but not too scary October viewing.

Kelly Oehlschlager

I would agree with you if we were watching this live, along with her. But, when she posted this, it was a recorded days earlier. Everyone posting and reading the comments has watched the recording of Cassie's reaction. Now, if it was me, If I was the moderator, and I knew what she was going to post in the next week or so (which she tells us all), I would watch it ahead of time so that I can effectively moderate the channel and not have anything spoiled for myself. Please talk to Cassie about this, because I truly think that her spoilers rules are not what you think they are.

Ian Tonge

So it's OK for everyone to laugh when Worf gets dunked into the ocean, but not Beverly Crusher? Blatant discrimination against Klingons. If I was Worf, I'd be having a word with HR!

Kelly Oehlschlager

That's his point! We are getting in trouble in the comments because we are discussing the movie we just watched Cassie react to. He was pointing out the silliness of it.

RJ MacReady

There was a big drama during the writing of this movie. Originally they wanted Leonard Nimoy to direct it. He didn't like the script and wanted to rewrite a lot of it but also keep Kirk and the orignal crew in it. The studio refused to let him rewrite anything so he refused to direct it or even make an appearance. Same with DeForest Kelly he felt McCoy was just a cameo and decided Star Trek VI was a good sendoff for his character. What it could have been had they let him rewrite parts of it..... Still I enjoyed it for what it was and was happy we got a crossover movie like this.


Or like why didn't he go back and save his nephew from "burning to death in a fire" 💀


The uniform situation is a complete mess in the movie. It's quite funny seeing Picard, Riker, Data, Geordi etc. switching from TNG uniforms into DS9 uniforms and sometimes BACK into TNG uniforms seemingly at random from scene to scene.

Kelly Oehlschlager

Are you talking about the pop sounds? I thought she was popping her knuckles when she got stressed.


Scotty and Chekov in the beginning were originally written as Spock and McCoy. Nimoy didn't want to do it because it was essentially just a short cameo, and he wasn't too hot on the story overall. Don't think there was ever a plan for the whole crew, just 2 + Kirk. So you'll notice Chekov does doctor stuff because it was originally Bones, and Scotty does science stuff cos it was originally Spock.

Cole Jennett

He gave you the chance to dm him. Is that not enough for you Bob, or do you need an audience to feel cool?


The script is by far my biggest complaint for Generations, not the music. I loved the vibe they were going for with the music. I remember seeing it in the cinema and I was humming the music for days, there was just something magical about it. It's probably the thing I like most about the film.


Good times. Been waiting for this one. A fun watch.


deleted kirk skydiving scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThC1i7dzYaw


I always thought that Captain Cameron was way too green to be the captain of the Enterprise B. He definitely had to be an admiral's son to get that posting lol


The two female Klingons were Barbara Marsh and Gwynyth Walsh, who played Lursa and B'Etor, both of them appeared in previous episodes of TNG and Voyager, and they are both Canadians.


Glenn Moreshower was in 24 a lot. he also was in a tng ep Peak Performance.


i would say with billlions of lives at stake he didnt want to introduce any potential mishap. butterfly effect changing things. hence the reason why he didnt go back to save his bro.

scott osborne

that reaction is what i expected kirk did not die on the enterprise B everyone thought he had died and wrote him up as died bones could not have been in this he had died by the time of this happening the character i mean


you also missed Jenette Goldstein, she was one of the enterprise b crew, but also played the adoptive mom of john conner in terminator 2 and also played tough as nails marine private vasquez in Aliens

Mojo One Thousand

She's also in "Lethal Weapon 2". I didn't miss her, I just didn't mention her as I think she was mentioned in an earlier comment so wasn't going to double-up.

Michael Enos

Also check out Malcom McDowell(Soran) in Time After Time. Nicholas Meyer(Star Trek 2 director) directed this one.

Rich H

Either that, or they think that females are too fragile! So, maybe Beverly has a case? :-)

David Crabtree

Perfect timing for her to watch First Contact during Halloween month!

Neill Shaughness

Cass, now that we are getting closer to the Chris Pine movies, I want to reiterate my suggestion to watch "The Menagerie" from TOS. It's a two parter that includes an important character you have not met yet


Your excitement in the intro was great. These movies get better. Well, some of them.

Andrew Roach

I really despise this movie more and more over time. The idea that Kirk never goes on the Enterprise D or interacts with anyone other than Picard, ugh. And instead of his love being Edith Keeler or even Miramanee from TOS as a nod to the fans we just make up a name with no meaning. And while these are small points it's the accumulation of them that burns me like: Starship ports or windows are not glass and would not shatter, but it looks cool so lets go with that. Riker is the best pilot but in an emergency let the Counselor steer the ship. Gee, the Klingons know our shield frequency and can fire through them, what ever can we do? I realize they are trying to appeal to a broader audience who may not have seen the show but insulting fans is not the way to go.

Mike LL

I do apologize Dave if I was a little too snarky in what I said. I do believe in what I said, but I could have been more diplomatic about it. I wanted to make this apology public, also.


They also appear on an episode of Deep Space Nine which predates this movie obviously. Effective villains.

Brian Wood

The first movie I ever saw in a theater. My brother was a huge Tng fan and had my father took us all to see it during the Christmas season, if I remember correctly. Ah the memories. Thank you as always Cassie.


Tim Russ is a HUGE Trek fan and has appeared in several series as different characters....human, Klingon, Vulcan (Tuvok being his most famous). He's also directed two unofficial fan films readily available online.


"Metamorphosis" would be nice but it's kinda cosmetic in its info. I have to agree with Dean. FC explains the Cochrane character quite efficiently.

Rob Lee

I actually recommended this film to over a dozen ppl. EVERY one of them loved it.


When Harriman was in Egypt's laaaaaand.....Let my Harriman goooooooooooo.........

Thin White Duke

The writing here is so bad. In reality they never would have put Data's emotion chip in place and let him go straight to work; they would have installed it, perhaps run some programs on the Holodeck to have some experiences, Troy would have counseled him to discuss feelings and so on - it could have been a whole arc on the show

Jon Hoover

He's not in Undiscovered Country. He's only on Sulu's crew in Voyager.

Rob Lee

Perhaps so, but I think it took a great deal of courage to ask for the help of Kirk in front of his crew. Shows he would risk his own reputation for the lives of others. Lets also not ignore that he was the first to jump on the opportunity to go to Deck 15 and activate the deflector and would've sacrificed his life had it not been Kirk to step in. No, he didn't problem solve his way to save the ship, but his decisions led to Kirk/others save everyone aboard. Embodied a lot of great traits of a true leader IMO.


As I get older the themes of mortality, legacy, and what we leave behind have impacted on me a lot more than when I was younger. I think this movie hits harder for people as they grow up and began to recognize all of that.

Ciarra Jade

This is only the 2nd time I watched Generations , the 1st time I watched it I was like 11 years old and I never watched it again — 17 years later, I started sobbing hard right before Captain Picard got the news of René and his brother , because it’s so sad and all I can do is picture René in my brain in that one TNG episode where he’s outside looking at the stars.. But I’m super excited to see you react to First Contact 🥳🥳🙌

Jared Wiltshire

I like all of the TNG movies. They’re fun. I remember this movie very well, but I didn’t expect to get a bit emotional at the end. It’s one of my favorites.

Rod Reavern

ST Generations has grown on me over time. I understand why it wasn’t a mainstream success at the box office and some Trekkies believed it demonstrated the Star Trek movie even-number=good, odd-number=bad convention, but it’s definitely better than I remember — probably because of Cassie’s reaction! 😇 I was impressed how Cassie thought of a way for Picard to save his family from the fire — I honestly didn’t consider and I don’t know if any other Trek fan has questioned that aspect. Cassie’s compassionate heart never ceases to amaze me! However, it was my understanding that you can only enter or exit from the Nexus at a place and time where and when the Nexus has been, and usually it’s travelling through space. Picard couldn't have exited the Nexus at his brother's vineyard in France shortly before the fire and saved them. If Picard had tried to exit the Nexus a few days earlier, before his brother’s family had died in the fire, he would’ve been adrift in space wherever the Nexus had been at that time — and he didn’t have a spacesuit when he went in, so presumably he would’ve died in space. That’s why it took Soren 70 years to figure out how to re-enter the Nexus. Also, Picard had just lectured Kirk on the urgent need to stop Soren and save those 120 million innocent people, so if Picard had taken a detour to try to save his 3 family members, it would’ve been kinda selfish and hypocritical — “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.” 🖖

Michael Tuffin

As you haven’t watched any Deep Space 9, the beginning of the next TNG film, First Contact, may seem a smidge confusing.

Rod Reavern

Yes, the storyline of Data installing the emotion chip would’ve been better as a TV episode rather than this movie, but Rick Berman wrote the episode “Brothers” that introduced the emotion chip in Season 4 and he was an Executive Producer and showrunner. After Data recovered the emotion chip from Lore in the premiere of Season 6, Berman had 2 seasons to write an episode involving Data installing the emotion chip but didn’t. I suspect Berman was saving it for a movie. Berman co-wrote “Generations” with Brandon Braga, which is probably why the first movie addressed the emotion chip. I believe Brent Spiner and Berman/Braga wanted Data to get more character development, and be more relatable for mainstream audiences, which is why Data received the emotion chip in the movie. And it served as a convenient plot device to have Data struggling with his emotions and failing to stop Soren and save Geordi because he was afraid. The writing has lacklustre and Brent Spiner went way over-the-top at portraying Data’s emotions, which was kinda cringey. But I’d criticize Enterprise’s security, medical, and engineering safety procedures, because they all failed to detect Soren’s tampering with Geordi’s visor or it was transmitting what Geordi saw to Lursa and B’etor’s ship. It was established in Season 7’s “Gambit” two-parter that the Enterprise crew were prepared for the ship transponder trick (from “Wrath of Khan”), AND Geordi’s visor was used against the Enterprise in the past, so it strains plausibility that the Enterprise fell victim to the visor trick. Also, the Enterprise crew began modulating shield frequencies since dealing with the Borg, so it doesn’t make sense why the Bird of Prey’s torpedoes continued to pass through the shields. One or two shots, that's plausible, but Worf no being able to stop all of them, that's unbelievable. Also, the Ent-D could fire 10 torpedoes at a time, so it should’ve been easy to destroy the BoP even with its shields up. There were many plot holes, contrivances, and other problems with the movie, but the official reason was that they needed to destroy the Enterprise-D because the scale model wasn’t detailed enough for film. They planned to replace the Ent-D with a higher-res CG model in the next movie, that's why the writers contrived a way to destroy the ship.

Kevin (31Mike)

Generations was ok, First Contact is the best of the bunch, Insurrection was ok and I really didn't care for Nemesis. The reboot movies, I pretty much hated.

Kevin (31Mike)

In the theater, when Picard got the news and I saw his reaction, I said "I bet his brother and Rene were killed in a fire!" Why I had that thought, I don't know but his reaction just made me believe that it was that bad.

Donald Fleming

Cassie, what was going on with the ceremony involving Worf on the deck of the sailing ship Enterprise (actually the ship Lady Washington, a full-scale replica of America's first sailing ship to visit Japan) was a celebration of his promotion to Lt. Commander. Given Riker's comment about the 'badge of office', it's likely other crewmembers have gone through this same ceremony, including Deanna when she became a Lt. Commander & possibly when she became a full Commander during Season 7.

Shawn Kildal

This movie was better than I remembered it being. Still, it had the potential to be really good but fell a little short to me. The Data and the emotions chip part I could have done without.

Shawn Kildal

Shatner said on Kimmel just recently that he would love a do over on the Kirk's death scene.


I'm glad you liked this cuz as they say "Time is the fire in which we burn"

Galaeanyss Freyja

I can choose a favorite Captain without an issue. It is The Sisko of Deep Space Nine.

Donald Fleming

The 2 Klingon 'chicks' are Lursa & B'Etor, better known as the Duras Sisters (yeah, the sisters of that guy), last seen in the Season 4/Season 5 two-parter 'Redemption'.

Donald Fleming

A lot of fans jokingly blamed Deanna Troi for 'crashing' the saucer section of the Enterprise-D because she was manning the helm during its crash landing on Veridian-III.


I took up this issue with the other moderators, and our discussion convinced me that I was applying the no spoilers policy a bit too forcefully in this instance. So I will carry that forward the hopes that our monitoring of the channel is done in a more consistent manner.

Donald Fleming

Now that she's started the Next Generation movies, I can't wait for Cassie to get to Star Trek: First Contact', which is the next movie in the lineup, the best of the Next Generation movies, and my second favorite Star Trek movie after Wrath of Khan.

Seven Coughlin

I want to apologize to you too Dave I meant to make light of the situation and I am sorry if any of it seemed disrespectful I appreciate all that you do! And I am sincere in wanting to know what u thought of the movie when you get to watch it! Hope to talk soon!🖖🏻


Star Trek TNG creators, actors trying to make movies, more explosions and death so uplifting ☠️. Who knew that Ronald Moore was better at the reverse 🤷

Dan M

“I’m going to pretend that the yellow tears are not freaking me out, because this is tender” and “drug ribbon fantasy”. Cassie, you had me in tears…you are truly one of a kind. I love how when you watch a movie now, certain scenes will remind you of scenes from other movies you’ve recently watched. Like when Kirk was trying to get to deck 15 in the beginning to try and break the ship free from the ribbon, you said it reminded you of scenes from The Poseidon Adventure. And when Picard and Data were trying to figure out what Sorrin was up to, you said the room they were in reminded you of Cerebro. Your status as a cinephile has taken leaps and bounds. I’m so proud of you. Loved your reaction. This was fun. Can’t wait for First Contact. Dan M out.


That is a lot of good information to help explain some of the issues with the film. Thanks for the deets. My overall feeling is that all the movies missed the mark on what makes TNG different from TOS and how to translate that to film.


Nah, just a bit specific to what the TNG/TOS fans of the show would be knowledgeable and looking at. You don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Instead you honor your fans and try to bring in new if possible without compromising what makes your thing unique. This film isn’t the worst film ever made, just a let down for me from All Good Things.


I think he would have helped the story out having the experience of writing films and directing at the very least, and the Star Trek pedigree can’t hurt. The director they got was mostly a TV director- not bad job, probably got “influenced” a lot by Berman and Crew.


Great philosophy in your approach. Plus you can eat it when your done, perhaps on a sandwich!


I think my order of what I enjoyed in the movie the Klingon Sisters (RIP ☠️), Ferris Bueller’s Cameron and seeing the TOS crew, Captain Picards futuristic edging on the photos- very 90s, tossing aside the 12 thousand year old Kurlan relic he gushed over on the show. And action Picard, punching his way to victory very much like the show!


I feel like the reason Kirk never realized he was in the Nexus was because he didn't have someone to make him question his surroundings, he probably relived dozens of times from his life without knowing it until Picard came and forced him to come to terms with where he was.


I enjoy aspects of this movie.... not really the entire movie though. This movie is the worst example of trek lazy writing. Having Guinan "explain" everything in the nexus.... And she isn't even there.... just think of her as an echo. wtf.


Yeah that was definitely weird having them switch back and forth. Didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.


Regarding seatbelts.... Well there is that deleted Nemesis scene...

Doug Fisher

@Dean Holt That is the great thing about personal opinions... everyone has them and are entitled to them. Personally, "Generations isn't in the same ballpark as "The Motion Picture", especially the "Director's Edition". There could be arguments made both ways vs "The Final Frontier" as there was some killer dialog and scenes in that movie. All the rest of the TOS movies I would take over the TNG movies. "Generations" and "Insurrection" are about on par with each other and Nemesis is just bad... so like I said, "one of the mid ones."

Doug Fisher

I assume you are talking to me. If so, say what ever you want, it won't bother me, just back it up. Disagreeing does not equate not being "nice", nor not having fun. Fans of Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who have always had disagreements over the IPs... that is have the fun. I never take challenges to my positions personally since I do not base my ego in them. So have at it.

RJ MacReady

Kirk tells Picard the last thing he remembers he being on the Enterprise B before the bulkhead disappears then he finds himself chopping wood just before Picard arrived. From Kirks perspective it was probably only a few hours.

RJ MacReady

She really should watch Seasons 1 and 2 or she would be lost. I realize they aren't the best but they aren't unwatchable.

RJ MacReady

Yeah I wish Kirk had more interaction with TNG crew, they really should have let Leonard Nimoy rewrite parts of the script like he wanted. Berman and Braga now admit and agree they should have let him have a crack at it. As Riker said to Worf, "we only get one shot at this" and they didn't quite deliver. I liked the movie overall but it could have and should have so much more!

Brian McGovern

Wow. I missed the posting of this. Something to watch tonight with other "Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?"


Did Cassie ever receive a satisfactory answer as to the relationship between Vulcans and Romulans?

scott osborne

i just had a look and its got bones down of 149 years old when he died so yeah he died after the tng films

Ricardo Rodriguez

Holy Crap! Was that Cassie's knuckles cracking at 53:30? Sounded like necks breaking.

David Kent

I really enjoyed Cassies techno-babble.

Johnny Bullis

Hey Cassie.. Thank you for watching this.. its one of my favorite Star Trek films.. I love how its a passing of the torch movie for Kirk to Picard.. nicely done. And to answer your question as to if Kirk was in the nexus for 80 years why did he think he just got there.. as Guinan said.. time has no meaning in the Nexus so from Picard's perspective he just arrived at the same time as Kirk. I look forward to you watching more of the TNG movies.. First Contact is pretty awesome as well. Again, thanks for watching this.. I got to relive it thru your eyes. oh and you hit the nail on the head with your comment about the Nexus being like the holodeck on steroids.

Ricardo Rodriguez

Cassie, you ain't the only one who wanted WWWAAAYYYYYY more between Picard and Kirk. So much oppurtunity squandered.

Donald Fleming

I keep hoping she'll eventually get around to it, and if she does, I hope that 'Q-less' makes it onto her watch list, because, given her feelings about Q, I would love to see her reaction to what happens when Q meets 'The Sisko' for the first time.😁

Jason Chirevas

I’m one of the legions who was let down by the Kirk and Picard team-up. But. I will always be grateful to STAR TREK GENERATIONS for its first 17 minutes, which is some of my favorite Trek of all time.


I have a feeling she will eventually. It's kind of necessary.

Clay F

First Contact is the only excellent TNG movie. TNG is more about the TNG episodes than the TNG movies. Saying that you watched TNG episodes to prepare for watching TNG movies is like saying you ate steak to prepare for eating hamburger.


Still can’t get over the lighting of this movie. Weird yellow light pouring in from the windows.


Rewatching it, it’s worse than I remember. I had forgotten the dumb visor hack thing.


We watched that! I was so disappointed; Wells had no agency / does nothing clever to “winl. I thought it was going to be a battle of wits…

Michael Enos

Maybe Wells just realized he was out of hs depth with someone as psychopathic as Jack The Ripper.. I will say no more because I know Cassie will still love it.

Tech Citizen

lol Cassie either was too focused on the story or unable to process the emotions that Data was showing, including singing the Loving Little Life Form song! Actually her seriousness reacting to the story unfolding, including being serious about Kirk honor his duty instead of enjoying the small humorous moments, is so cute!


We all thought pushing Beverly into the water was funny. I never really cared for their reaction to that.

Stephen Dias

It's wibbly wobbly, timey wimey. Yeah, I always wished that Picard had mentioned to Kirk that he met Spock.

Sara Elizabeth Joyce

Cassie, don't skip on episodes of Deep Space Nine before the next film.


It's almost as though they were afraid of Kirk stealing Picard's thunder 😅


This movie played some random weekend rainy night in the summer of '97 and I was hooked.


Thats a lot of episodes to watch. DS9 isn't a show you can really skip episodes of past season 3....


It was too rushed. They were filming this movie concurrent with the series Finale "All Good Things". They were saving money using the existing sets and crew. The lighting in the movie was more dynamic than the show even tho they used the existing sets.


Insurrection is a good one IMO because it is basically a two-parter in movie form. Patrick Stewart had a bad influence in his character direction starting in First Contact. Starting changing the Shakespeare reading diplomat into a firefight having action star. A real shame he never understood the character. "Picard" really showcases his vanity.


Me too! "Can't you reroute the photon torpedoes through the nacelle or something"? Lol I was like "No, Both are in the destroyed stardrive section" but love that she gets it


Jonathan you and I both know that after S3 of DS9 you really have to commit and watch a good majority of the episodes. DS9 is hands down MY favorite and I just can't see Cassie being able to watch it for this channel the way she currently does it. She should watch that on her own. She should do Voyager tho. Thats has PLENTY of skippable episodes. She could also go back and watch episodes she skipped originally.


Most people miss that the Communications officer on the Enterprise-B in the beginning was Vasquez from Aliens


I feel once she gets through the movies she will either go back and watch more episodes (I hope now that shes really learning the universe) she can watch PLENTY more TOS and TNG that she originally skipped. Voyager and Enterprise as well. The only one I think that wouldn't work is DS9 post s3. You can't skip many of those episodes. My favorite as well but I know the non trekkies here would leave in droves if she watched them all


Just that one little scene. I hope she watches DS9 tho. She can't skip many episodes past S3 tho


That ship was also featured in Pirates of the Caribbean. When Worf is trying to catch Crusher you see his knee is red. I always thought Dorn hurt his knee or something but its actually the paint from the trim of the boat


They should have fleshed out the story a little bit more. They were rushing tho. Filmed this concurrent with "All Good Things"


Which would be more impactful if they explained earlier his sorrow


Agreed. He is "out there" tho. In a good way. HOLY SHIT! Cassie needs to watch "The Captains" with Shatner interviewing all the captains after she sees all the series!


Fun little factoid but Malcom McDowell is Alexander Siddigs (Dr. Bashir- DS9) uncle


She should watch "the Cage" AND "menagerie"


I was rather shocked that they knew the Klingons could bypass the shields. Why didn't they remodulate the shield frequency like they would with the Borg....


It's ironic that Riker and Picard beam to the "Farragut". That was the namesake of Kirks first assignment as a lieutenant.


Thought of this immediately lol.


It was the near the beginning (S7 TNG Masks was really Ground Zero) of the Spiner over-acting extravaganza that he does basically every time he appears in trek no matter the character from this movie onward


She should watch that one on her own. Enjoy it without the pressure of pleasing everyone. She has said some people are starting to complain about all the Star Trek shes been watching. I love it fyi.

Dan M

And I would be one of those people. I didn’t know that. I’m gonna have to watch it again…oh darn


I used to run a Trek tabletop role-playing game back in the day and I could never do technobabble as Cassie did during the Enterprise crash.


It really shouldn't be that yellow unless it's a much cooler star... for example, our sun is white, the hotter the bluer, the colder the redder. So, the star must be very cold compared to ours to produce deep yellow light like that.


Even Guinan mentioned that, "From his perspective, he just got here too."


And the foster mom from Terminator 2 😁 And then there's Tim Russ who would go on to play Tuvok in Voyager.


@Jonathan - Not really. First Contact can be watched without seeing DS9 first.

Clay F

Good point. She could have decided to skip Nemesis and Insurrection, and instead add 5 more episodes (same run time).

Donald Fleming

Perhaps, although doing so would leave you wondering where the Defiant came from & why Worf would be commanding her.


I just watched your Generation's video on YouTube. You said that you didn't recognize the 2 female Klingons. Do you remember watching the Next Generation episodes, "Redemption Parts 1 & 2." They were the season 5 Finale and the season 6 opener. The Durass sister's in those 2 episodes were the Klingon women you saw in Generation's aboard the Klingon vessel that the Enterprise - D destroyed before crash landing on Veridian 3. Something else that you might not have recognized. When you see the Klingon vessel blow up in Generation's. Go back to Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and watch when General Chang's vessel explodes. You'll see that it's the exact same footage that they reused in Star Trek: Generation's.