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I love gggooolllllddd! Oh boy oh boy, here we go again! First I really loved the cameos in here and although they recycled some jokes, most of them still worked for me! The more I talked about this one with Ben and my brother the funnier it got, which I feel like means it gets funnier on the rewatch. This one may have been my least fav of the three but surprisingly they all crack me up (which is not what I expected from Mr. Powers movies).

Thanks for being patient this week as we are out of town visiting family for Christmas/New Years. The schedule will return to normal shortly. I'll have an upcoming post coming tomorrow/tuesday. The Holdovers will be up on YouTube tonight. Hope you all had a great Christmas!!

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[Full Reaction] Austin Powers In Goldmember (2002)



Nice! Ready to revisit Travolta’s insane performance 😂

Bill Maurer

Enjoy. I wonder if we've ever seen the last of Austin Powers??

Zane From Canada

What a pleasent surprise! Thank you, Cassie. Have a Happy Year! 🎆

Dan M

Watching your reaction to the opening scene will worth the wait on this one! YEAH, BABY!

Dan M

“Austin Cruise”…that would be an awesome name to have.


Nice surprise upload, the child actors for Austin and Dr Evil are fantastic I always thought. Judo Chop!!


Didn't know we were getting this one, aaesome!

Robert Durant

Enjoy your family time Cassie, don’t worry about us. I will say I can’t wait to see you watch Star Trek Into Darkness.


A nice surprise. If you feel the need for more spy comedy, Rowan Atkinson is Johnny English (2003)

Kevin Townsend

I tuned in just to see your face when you saw Tom Cruise.😎


TIL there's a person on this planet that lists this as their favorite Austin Powers movie.

Wesley White

Oh boy😃🫢🤭😂 I'm so looking forward to this! I had no idea you were planning on watching this so soon lol! This one is my favorite of the franchise and the only one I ever saw in theaters! I'm watching this tonight the moment I get off work! Hope you had a good Christmas as well Cassie🎄🎁🥰🤗😇🙏🌹


Yeah baby…takes on a different connotation when spoken by Ethan Hunt 😂

John Struzziero

This is so bizarre this is like the second react video of goldmember I’ve seen today lol

Chris Thom

Holy Taylor J. Beyonce, that's a helluva wig. Groovy baby, yeah.

Pete Luhtaniemi

There were after credit bloopers.. Another miss.

Chris Retzlaff

I'm glad Cassie watched this. I knew Cassie would get a kick out of the first 15 mins.

Philip Alan

You didn’t get the SILENCE OF THE LAMBS reference!! And GOLDMEMBERS car was a GOLD.. um.. MEMBER! 🤪😀 And MOLE guy is FRED SAVAGE from WONDER YEARS! 👍🏼


OMG she did it. YES! It was her least fav of the three? Aww.. It was the best one. I loved her seeing the cameos.

Chris Thom

Omg that intro and dance number was incredible. Haven't seen that in so long. Brit looked amazing.

Chris Thom

Definitely went BIGGER. The budget was twice what the other two were.


Have you seen "Zoolander"? I think you would enjoy that one.

Shad Kanyak

This might be the best reaction yet. Better than the movie deserves. The faces Cassie was making had me dying.

Clay F

The Austin Powers movies are not my favorites but are funny and creative. I like a lot of the humor. I liked Mike Meyers on SNL. You were bothered by the reappearance of Fat Bastard in this one. That guy (Number Three) is Fred Savage who was the main kid in the "The Wonder Years" TV series. Beyoncé looked and sounded good in the Houston NFL game half-time on Christmas Day. I liked Beyoncé in Cadillac Records (2008). I saw Ozzy in concert in the early 1980s -- liked his early solo music, and Black Sabbath with him as lead singer.

Vwlss Nvwls

I love the beginning of this one. So many great cameos, and me being a huge Tom Cruise fan made it even better. Yeah, baby!!


31 minutes in she fully realizes the depth of her mistake in choosing this movie. 😂

Vwlss Nvwls

I laughed more at your reaction to some of the scenes than the scenes themselves! :D Awesome reaction as usual!! :)

Doug Fisher

Yeah, Fat Bastard is definitely "guy humor". I would highly recommend a great Mike Myers flick "So I Married an Axe Murderer".

Larry Darrell

Mike Myers said in a recent interview, in response to a question… “I would be surprised if [Austin Powers] didn’t” return.

Henry M

I LOLed at the "Diddy" tattoo.

Andrew Roach

This was my favorite of the three, so much new stuff for a third movie like the father, I mean the furjur, brothers and Mini Me turning. I think that opening Cruise reveal might be the greatest comedic shock moment ever. When Devito appeared I always remember the roar from the audience. You also need someone in you inner circle to let you know when to watch into the end credits on those rare occasions when there is stuff there to react to.

Larry Darrell

Hilarious reaction! A welcome surprise before I gotta go back to work tomorrow. Thank You. ICYDK… Austin Powers’ band, Ming Tea, featured two well known musical artists. Singer, songwriter and guitarist of The Bangles… Susanna Hoffs and… Singer, songwriter and musician, Matthew Sweet. “Daddy Wasn’t There,” by Ming Tea https://youtu.be/FZ4f48VvTjg?si=5Ax2WlBuH-uwqL3B “BBC One,” by Ming Tea https://youtu.be/-HF3x67VK9o?si=du-NYleZyzaxnO9I and Susanna and Matthew went on to do multiple albums of cover songs together after Ming Tea. “Different Drum” https://youtu.be/GRO5ZZuJGYI?si=RAlGf2JcDayoEmNq “I See the Rain” https://youtu.be/a5Qv3E3E1_Q?si=6ivA28Gt0qo-GheW (also Susanna Hoffs is married to the director of all 3 of the Austin Powers films, as well as… Mystery, Alaska (1999) & Meet the Parents (2000)… Jay Roach) — Foxxy Cleopatra gets her name from two 70s blaxploitation films… Foxy Brown (1974) starring Pam Grier & Cleopatra Jones (1973) starring Tamara Dobson — Lastly… Cassie ought to see more of a younger Michael Caine sometime. I’ll recommend… The Ipcress File (1965) Alfie (1966) Gambit (1966) Play Dirty (1969) The Italian Job (1969) Battle of Britain (1969) Get Carter (1971) Sleuth (1972) The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

Stick Figure Studios

For me, the first one is still the best, but this is second. Not quite as crude/nasty as the second one and with some great cameos (the first 5 minutes alone are worth the price of admission). I also like the introduction of Michael Caine as Austin's father in an obvious nod to Sean Connery playing Indiana Jones's dad in LAST CRUSADE (they even had him being kidnapped and reduced by his son). A lot of fun this series was, but I think it's day is done. This was the last one and not only is Myers now too old to play this character anymore but Verne Troyer, the actor who played Mini-Me, had since died, so I think this all she wrote concerning Austin Powers.... although Dr. Evil, Scott, Frau and Number 2 (played by Rob Lowe) did appear in a Superbowl commercial a couple years ago. You should check it out

Stick Figure Studios

I thought the same thing. We all would have told her to stay through the end credits if we knew she was watching the film.


She would've enjoyed the movie more if she weren't sick.


Boyz N the Hood reference in the hard knock life song.

Gábor Árki

That's a nice surprise reaction! I'm still traveling, but I just had to watch Cassie's reaction to that pre-credit scene. That sequence alone made this movie worth making, even if the rest isn't so great. The Spy Who Shagged Me was a massive box office and a cultural phenomenon, so it’s no surprise so many people were eager to make cameo appearances in the sequel. This may be the most surprising cameo reveal of Tom Cruise, but he has an even crazier appearance in another movie I won’t name. Even though it’s marked as watched, but I won't risk spoiling it in case it's only marked so by mistake.

Gábor Árki

Johnny English, yes please. I think the sequel is even better and that chase scene alone is worth watching the movie. PS: Rowan Atkinson will celebrate his 70th birthday next week.

Clay F

For me personally, while 3 has some excellent moments, my ranking of best is the order of release 1, 2, 3. Yet, I have only fully watched each one time, and that was this year (2024).

Andrew Roach

And I don't mind unexpected movies, not every reaction has to be a poll winner, this was just bad timing with that rare movie with some cool end credits clips.

Wesley White

OMG, I'm dying of laughter here🤣🤣🤣 I joke, but shame on you for saying this is your least favorite lol, like I said I joke! In all seriousness, I could not stop laughing at your reactions to each funny moment throughout this! Most especially at the beginning, the look on your face when you saw it was Tom Cruise, I nearly fell off my chair! This entire movie was pretty much cameos gallore! I couldn't breathe seeing your reaction during that scene when Austin and Mini-me were fighting, especially the part when he gets him in the pillow case and bashing him all around, my sides were splitting LOL! It's so funny even how this makes many referrences to other iconic movies, like the part when Austin meets with Dr. Evil in the maximum security prison and some of the lines, that's all a referrence to "The Silence of the Lambs"! And then when you see Dr. Evil and Goldmember talking through walkies and here the banjo music playing, that's "Smokey & The Bandit" lol! This 3rd installment is my favorite out of all of them, just so many quotable lines and memorable funny moments, and hey I'm not called "moviefanatic" for nothing, I have all three Austin Powers movies memorized word for word lol! Let alone this is the only one of the franchise I ever saw in the theater! In my opinion this one was way less raunchy than the second one, especially with Fat-B******, he was more tolerable than he was in the second one, sure the part when he's describing his stink is nasty, but I can't stop laughing! Heck I once re-enacted that entire monolouge in front of my father, I had it so well dialed in my father couldn't stop laughing! While this is my favorite of all three, Heather Graham (Felicity) from Spy Who Shagged Me, remains my favorite of all Austin's love interests! I'll even admit, this movie is what made me a fan of Beyonce, though more for her acting chops rather than her music and she's not that bad of an actress! Believe it or not, not that long ago at the convention I went to back in October "Son of Monsterpalooza" Ozzy Osbourne and his family were there! Ha, to think I could've met them, but they were unfortunately a bit pricey lol! Anyway, I still enjoyed this reaction Cassie, this was a very nice and unexpected surprise, this was definitely a laugh I needed, thank you so much! I'll watch this again and again if I want too lol! Hope you and the family had a wonderful and fun Christmas🎄🎁🎅⛄ Hope y'all have a wonderful and safe Happy New Year🎆🎉 Safe travels back home, love and support always, you and Carly are the best, and God bless y'all and the family🥰😇🙏🤗😁😉✌👍🌹


RIP Verne Troyer - Mini Me, thanks for bringing us so much joy.

Dan M

The look on your face when Tom Cruise was revealed was pure gooollllld! I love your reactions to the Austin Powers movies. Your imitations of Dr. Evil and Powers are spot on and hysterical. These will always be my go to reactions whenever I just need a good laugh.

Odd Thomas

Definitely the weakest entry. A good Mike Myers film is The Cat in the Hat.


The toilet humor does get a little old. Cassie's reaction to the toilet humor does not.

Luke Godfrey

Cassie's still forgetting to keep watching for any end credit scenes I see. She missed a few little ones. Was fun seeing Cassie's reaction to this one, especially with some of the jokes she was too innocent to get right away. There's a lot more cringe in this movie so I knew it wasn't going to be her favourite, but I'm glad she enjoyed it regardless.

Chris Thom

She saw the other two. She knew what she was getting. More of the same with a higher budget.

Henry M

Here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ7k1xTSPAY Austin: "You know Dr Evil, I used to think you were crazy" Dr Evil: "I know" Austin: "...but now, I can see your nuts."

Chris Thom

Oh that's cool. Never knew that. Thought they were just actors pretending to play.

Chris Thom

Oh damn. That's pretty creepy. Gotta wonder who knew what, when with jokes like that.


FYI the young Michael Caine with the car exploding is from a movie called "Hurry Sundown".

Nolan B.

They just don't make movies like this any longer. It's a shame really. Mike Meyers is a gem. Sure, some of the humor is dated but OMG it was a once in a lifetime event IMO. PS: I finally found the outro music: Alienated by ELFL. Kudos to the creator(s) of that tune. I can listen to it all night (facing the neon glow of NYC in my bedroom window of course).

Scott Macaulay

I just bought a Mini Cooper, so this is very relevant to me lol


I love watching these comedy reactions. And 20 years later this one still holds up.

Chris Thom

Still think of The Italian Job as the ultimate Mini Cooper movie. Some of the most intense produce placement I've ever seen in a film.

Scottish Joe

What a great movie....probably my 2nd favourite after the first one...... you might be ready to watch the other Mike Myers classic character.....in Wayne's World.....

Stick Figure Studios

The second one was just too gross for me. Also, I prefer Beyonce to Heather Graham, the cameos in this one are awesome and Michael Caine is perfectly cast as Austin's father.

Scott Macaulay

The Michael Caine 1969 version is the origin of my love of the scrappy little car that could weave in and out of sewers and traffic. I lived in the UK for a year and my girlfriend there drove one of the old Austin Minis and I had so much fun in that car. Also, can't forget the great Bourne Identity chase scene too! Pretty sure Tom wanted to emulate that in MI:DR with the Fiat 500 lol

Mike Lemon

She's seen Wayne's World. The "already watched" list- https://letterboxd.com/popcorn_in_bed/films/

Jason Mangen

I knew it! Britney Spears is a Fem-Bot.


I am not an Austin Powers fan. I’m of two minds - I think Austin Powers is ridiculous and offputtung, but I think Dr Evil is hilarious. So there ya go. Tom Cruise cameo was the best joke.