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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "The Holdovers" which will premiere shortly.


Stefan Borglycke

Slow funny build-up and then the long, warm compassionate tears to this one :') It's got a few things in common with my favorite movie The Way Way Back (2013) too.... I know Cassie's seen it, wish there was a reaction video but maybe it was before the channel


Glad to see this is finally up. This was in the running for my favorite film last year, along with Oppenheimer, Anatomy of a Fall and Poor Things. I can't wait to watch this reaction!


Love this film, another similar Paul Giamatti film is "Win Win" 2011, highly recommend it thanks Cassie ❤😊


I loved this film and loved seeing it again through your eyes. Being an old man, it was literally nostalgic for me. I mean, I'm not THAT old - this took place in December 1970, when I was nine - but I had already lost my parents, and Angus reminded me of my angry older brother stuck dealing with me before I entered the foster care system the following year. So I can relate to this movie on a number of levels. Also my father had been a Boston prep school kid back in the 1930s, while my childhood, as a truant hippie kid in California squatting wherever I could between stints in dysfunctional foster homes, was as far from that milieu as you can get. (I did, however, decide to study Latin in high school - go figure.) The music in this film took me back. I think you would enjoy the early 70s films this is paying tribute to - like Harold and Maude, Five Easy Pieces, and the film they watched within the movie, Little Big Man. Anyway, this film is so good - and speaking of Angus, the actor playing him, Dominic Sessa, made his professional acting debut in this film - he's only 22 now. The fact that he fully holds his own with Paul Giamatti is incredible. I realize this is not the kind of movie that generates the numbers you need to sustain this channel, but just know that the losers like me who like the weird stuff really appreciate it. Thank you - I hope you soon get a break from all the viruses and that you're having a wonderful holiday season. You just helped make mine a little better.


That's the film that makes me afraid of Steve Carell no matter what role he plays.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Some of Cassie's reactions are as heart-warming as the movies themselves. Case in point....

Chris Thom

Watching the YouTube edit back I appreciated more how good all the kid actors were. Even the a-hole ones. The adults ended up with the Oscar nods, but everyone in the cast contributed perfectly. All the small parts were on point. Appreciated all the music more as well. These edited reactions are just so much easier to watch.

Thomas Thompson

I loved that it reminds me a little bit of goodbye. Mr. chips the 1939 version with Robert Donat and Greer Garson

Tim C

Good Movie makes you appreciate a good Storyline .


That's a Damien Jurado song "Silver Joy" at the start of the movie, it's such a perfect vibe


Some other good boarding school movies are Scent of a Woman, School Ties (with Brendan Frasier and Matt Damon), and probably the best of the bunch (along with The Holdovers) is Dead Poet's Society. It looks like Cassie has already seen all of these except for School Ties, and since you're such a big Brendan Frasier fan, I think you'd enjoy that one as well. Also, if you like Paul Giamatti, it doesn't look like you've seen Sideways, which was really the movie that made him a star, and was his other collaboration with the director of The Holdovers, Alexander Payne. That movie is really fantastic, and is funny and heartbreaking and heartwarming just like this was. I think you'd really enjoy Sideways, and it was a bigger hit than The Holdovers was, and was also nominated for a bunch of Oscars like this was.

Taco Overload

Makes my favorite reaction of 2024.

Du-Wayne Rood

Great movie glad you watched and enjoyed it also

Phillip Bates

I always love your PPOTM and this was no exception. I really enjoyed this film last year and rewatching it with you this was was just as enjoyable. Even if your PPOTM don't get a ton of views, just know that there are plenty of movie lovers out here who love these picks and love your reactions to them. Thank you! And Happy New Year!

Clarence Newman

Don't believe she's seen Dead Poets. If so, I had a blind spot when I was going through Letterbox.

Clarence Newman

OK, who picked that as the thumbnail? Benjamin?


Not many reactions to this film, TBR Schmitt also did it last week. Wiki said the film cost 13M and made 45M. Surprising how any recent film could be made for that low a budget.


Cassie has joked that almost all her PPOTM movies get low views, lol.

Clay F

It's not YouTube, so not sure anyone (except the software media player) pick the thumbnail?

Clarence Newman

You're right, that's not a YT edit thumbnail. I've just checked and the one on YT is. Therefore, the software media player needs a slapping.


It was on her Letterboxd when I looked, but if that's wrong then she definitely should see it as it's an amazing movie.

Clarence Newman

Next month's PPOTM (Officer and a Gent) is going to top a million - though 80% will probably be me!

Chris Thom

The comments under the vid on YouTube seemed really glad she did this one.

Carol Rocha

I wish you’d just do The Holiday on the channel, even tho you’ve seen it. How about a category of films that YOU LOVE!! ❤️ Don’t you think that would be great??!! I do! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! Feel better!

Ria Grix

I watched the full reaction last week with you and then this edit this evening, because it’s such a good movie. It is a perfectly crafted film and has become one of my Christmas mainstays.

Chris Thom

Agree. She should do at least a few of her all time favorites and just talk to us about what she loves about them. And not worry about spoilers at all.

David Nesbit

If you haven’t seen the movie “Sideways”, you should put it in a poll or use your pick of the month on it. It also stars Paul Giamatti and was Directed by this same director.

Chris Thom

Agree. I think that's one that's worth it just to do, maybe without even putting it on a poll.

Daniel Mooney

Someone gotta help me please?? I got my beloved Mother a three month gift subscription. And yeah I kinda sent her down the path of loving PIB...but if I don't cancel before renew..I would rather top myself than hear that shit storm..

Chris Thom

You mean your mom will be mad at you if you cancel her subscription?

Daniel Mooney

No she be angry if it renewed 😒 I know right?

Chris Thom

Go to 'Memberships' and click the sharp little pencil-looking icon in the top right. There's a 'cancel membership' option there.

Daniel Mooney

Thanks kindly. You a good chap.

Chris Thom

Run the cursor over 'your membership' and the little pencil icon will pop up. It's a bit sneaky the way Patreon hides the cancel button.


Why would she be angry if it renewed?

Chris Thom

I don't know but my dad goes totally ape about stuff like that. "IT RENEWS EVERY MONTH WITHOUT ASKING?!? SHUT IT DOWN, NOW!!" Lol. Some Boomers still terrified of the internet. And they're not totally wrong.

Carol Rocha

Thanks for the support. Now if we can just get her to see the comments or get word to her somehow that sone of us believe these would be worthy reactions. 😊

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

You can go to Settings on the left, click Memberships, and cancel any memberships from there. You will continue to have access up the date it was due for renewal

Stephen Dias

What I saw here was great. Now, I need to see the entire movie. This was totally new to me; I'd never even heard of this movie before.

Chris Thom

It's worth seeing for sure. Just a solid, lowkey, emotional movie. But not particularly melodramatic.

Henry Graham

I'm sure others have already mentioned it, but you really need to check out Sideways (2004). It was Giamatti's first collaboration with Alexander Payne and it's a brilliant film.

Jeff Medley

I enjoy screening a movie like The Holdovers to determine if it is worth watching. This was a four star gem!!!

Jeff Medley

This movie was a four star gem an old-fashion character driven work of art!!!

Paul Ark

I highly recommend Paul Giamatti in the HBO mini-series “John Adams”. An absolute masterpiece and in my opinion, Giamatti’s best work

Clay F

+1 for the John Adams miniseries. Also has Laura Linney who was good.