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Josie Josie Josie!! This felt like watching a movie with my dad. Although that may have been a bit weird because of how much I was crushing on this sweet farmer disguised as an outlaw 😉 I liked the quiet storytelling and how it felt like the olden days.

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[Full Reaction] The Outlaw Josey Wales (1978)



Clint’s best western imo! Happy to rewatch this with Cassie 🙌

Bill Maurer

One of his best movies and that is saying A LOT considering all of the movies he's been in. Hope you can watch the "Dirty Harry" series. That is what made him an even bigger star than he was before. PS: "The Searchers".


Looking forward to it!

Zane From Canada

"It's sad that governments are chiefed by the double-tongues." The back-and-forth between Josey and Chief Ten Bears is fantastic.

Just Plain Bob

Cassie, Clint Eastwood DID NOT direct “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” Legendary Italian director Sergio Leone did. That’s why it’s a spaghetti western - it had an Italian director and crew. If Eastwood had directed it, it would have just been a western. Other Sergio Leone films worth watching include “A Fistful of Dollars” and “For A Few Dollars More”, the other two movies in his “Dollars Trilogy” aka “Man With No Name Trilogy”, all starring Eastwood. “Once Upon a Time in the West” and “Once Upon a Time in America” were also directed by Leone and are also superb. PS: I know you didn’t like “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” but it’s my favorite western of all time. I first saw it when I was ten years old, sitting at the kitchen table in my uncle’s house watching it on a small, rabbit eared tv sitting in the corner. I never particularly enjoyed westerns prior to this and have no idea what prompted me to watch it. But, for the next four hours (commercials), I sat, watching and utterly enthralled. It was so different than anything I’d seen before, taking its time to tell the story, capturing wonderful vistas, with rich characterizations - I loved it then, now and always.

Matt Rose

Chief Dan George is the stealth MVP of the film.

Jimmy Stewart

I consider Josey Wales an iconic Eastwood movie and one of the best Westerns made.

Stick Figure Studios

As I've said before, while I consider UNFORGIVEN to be Eastwood's masterpiece, I consider OUTLAW JOSEY WALES to be his second best western (and it was the #1 movie at the box office the week that I was born). I had a feeling you'd like it because *SPOILERS* in spite of the tragedy that befalls Josey and his attempts to remain a loner, he ultimately finds a new family (the theme of surrogate families being a recurring motif in Eastwood movies; see also GRAN TORINO and MILLION DOLLAR BABY). In that regard it's almost like a reverse JEREMIAH JOHNSON. Ultimately, Josey gets revenge on the bad guys and rides off, not into the sunset like a stereotypical Western, but into the sunrise representing the hope of a new day. I believe he's riding back to the ranch to be with his new loved ones. This is a great film. Thank you for watching it. I can't wait to see this reaction.

Keith Brown

You will see many of the same actors in this movie and other Eastwood films . He developed a stock company of actors and behind the camera crew that worked in a way that everyone got along and knew what he needed.

Matt Rose

Eastwood has cited both Sergio Leone and Don Siegel as his primary mentors for directing.

Just Plain Bob

Yep, and you can definitely see their positive influence in his own directorial work.

Just Plain Bob

“The Outlaw Josey Wales” was based on a book and is pretty faithful to that book. There was a follow up to the book also featuring Josey Wales (and also quite good) but, as near as I can tell, those were the only books the author wrote. Josey’s love interest in the film is played by Sondra Locke. She and Clint Eastwood were living together at the time and made four other films together (“The Gauntlet”, “Every Which Way But Loose”, “Any Which Way You Can” and a Dirty Harry film, “Sudden Impact”).

David Pipke

Chief Dan George who plays Lone Watie is Canadian. From North Vancouver, British Columbia

Godzilla Jones

My favorite Eastwood western. Can't wait

Michael West

Love this movie. It's adapted from a book by Forrest Carter. The Red Legs were abolitionists aligned with the union. They raided in Missouri and Kansas against Bill Anderson who was a Missouri guerrilla leader that fought for the confederacy. The entire movie is so well done. I hope you enjoyed it.

Dan M

Fun fact. This is the first of 6 movies that Clint Eastwood and Sondra Locke will star in together. The other 5 are The Gaunlet, Every Which Way But Loose, Any Which Way You Can, Bronco Billy, and Sudden Impact. They became a couple while filming The Outlaw Josie Wales, even though both were in committed relationships at the time.

Alex Gorell

I’ve Never seen this so I am Looking forward to watching it with you for the first time.

Dave Hill

Can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this movie to make an appearance! Never get tired of seeing this movie and SO looking forward to the watch along! My favorite Edgewood movie by far!!! 😂😉

Bubba Fett

By far my favorite western, certainly my favorite Eastwoods and probabaly a top 5 if not top favorite movies. The story us good. Action descent for the time but the dialog is spectacular, especially the lone watie's one liners.

Clay F

Agree that as the movie progressed, the movie became more about him wanting to protect people he cared about. "That's your one toxic trait, Josey." I thought you might think that. "Nasty habit, young fella. You born in a barn?" Paula Trueman who played Grandma Sarah was in Dirty Dancing (1987) as the old lady Mrs. Schumacher who along with Mr. Schumacher stole wallets of several guests at the resort. The movie can come across a little slow at times (long, paced) and older than 1976, but it is my favorite Eastwood western. I've watched the movie a zillion times over the last 40 years. The Sergio Leone spaghetti westerns starring Eastwood can get more attention, and Unforgiven (AFI Top 100) is his masterpiece, but I favor The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976). Thanks for the reaction. I do like the gray in Unforgiven. Two Eastwood westerns he directs/stars that I recommend are Pale Rider (1985) and High Plains Drifter (1973).


That is the legendary Chief Dan George of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation of North Vancouver, BC. He was nominated Best Supporting Actor for 'Little Big Man', which starred Dustin Hoffman in 1970. The actor playing Ten Bears is Will Sampson, famous for 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', opposite Jack Nicholson. You will also recall, Floyd Redcrow Westerman played Ten Bears in 'Dances With Wolves'


Sondra Locke was his lady friend in real life and was in a lot of his movies


Little Big man is another Western starring Dustin Hofman you may enjoy

Thomas Thompson

Chief Dan George, I remembered where I remembered them from little big man with Dustin Hoffman a very entertaining and strange western. You’re getting a few good ones under your belt, but you still haven’t seen Shane. Can’t say you’re a fan of classic westerns if you haven’t seen Shane or the man who shot liberty valance

Clarence Newman

She owes herself that one. In her reaction to The Holdovers recently, there's a scene where Little Big Man is playing in a cinema. Cassie tuts and says "I don't like it when I can't recognise movies in other movies." Well, this is the one, Cassie. Get it down ya.

Clarence Newman

Cassie could binge on Clint for a good month or two without getting tired of him. There are so many great films.

Clarence Newman

I was never a great fan of Sondra, but she was very good in Sudden Impact, which is probably the best Dirty Harry film outside of the first one. The Which Way movies are probably the most fun.

Chris Thom

Debating whether I should watch this or the YouTube cut before seeing the movie. Film is worth watching?


"They became a couple while filming The Outlaw Josie Wales, even though both were in committed relationships at the time." Clint Eastwood is a cheater!!!?!?

Mike Lemon

About halfway through the reaction, that isn't beef jerky Josey bought at the general store. That was probably plug tobacco.

Jason Mangen

This was one of the 1970’s western that changed the genre to a grittier more realistic western than we got in the 40’s, 50, and 60’s. The spaghetti westerns coming to America. I read the book in high school and loved it. People don’t realize that the fast draw pistol gunmen came about in Texas after the Civil War. The even mention the first fast draw Cullen Baker who was down in Texas.

Rick Williams

I always loved this movie. Great Movie. Great Reaction. Cassie, you need to watch more Clint Eastwood. He has many different types of movies. Dirty Harry, Absolute Power, Space Cowboys, Pale Rider, Pink Cadillac, Escape from Alcatraz, The Gauntlet, just to name a few.

Clay F

Chris, I would watch this (not the YT cut) but I do have nostalgia for the movie. The film is worth watching [RT=91%] [nominated for Oscar for Best Music, Original Score]. While the movie is paced, I still think a YT edit is too much of a butchering for a first watch.

Scott Macaulay

Probably my favorite Western and my favorite dad movie. 'Dyin' ain't much of a living, boy.'

Stick Figure Studios

Notoriously so. He's got like eight children from like five different women (some of whom he didn't acknowledge throughout much of their lives). They all seem okay now, He's even worked with some of them in his movies, but there is a lot of baggage there.

Richard Rolen

The Gauntlet is underrated too. Also... Space Cowboys with Tommy Lee Jones and the rest!

John Liebling

Hey Patreon folks there's nothing wrong with selecting movies for Cassie, which will lighten up her heart, and react with smiles and laughter. And there are plenty of old school romantic comedies she's never seen, and even more Fred Astaire or Rogers and Hammerstein musicals. We gone dark for a while, how about going the other way, that's fun too.


While I agree more classics and light-hearted fare is always welcome, we've hardly been dark for a while, maybe the last two (I'd say Josey Wales isn't dark) have been dark. Of the 23 reactions since October, we've had Coming To America, Some Like It Hot, Austin Powers 2, Grumpier Old Men, Superman 2, Son In Law, Four Weddings And A Funeral, Uncle Buck, Christmas Vacation, Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, The Shop Around The Corner, A Christmas Carol, 3 Star Trek Films, Mission impossible, and Austin Powers 3. That's 17 of the 23 since October.


Play Misty For Me - the original Fatal Attraction


If you have a taste for these older westerns, this is one of the greats.


Kelly's Heroes

Stick Figure Studios

i would love for Cassie to watch more old classics like Fred and Ginger movies. How do I go about making that happen?


"The Outlaw Josey Wales" (1976). Another Clint Eastwood film. The best western/civil war era film ever made. I have requested your reaction to this film for a few years and glad to see it finally made the grade. I always felt "Unforgiven" (1992) was a rehash of this film.

Larry Darrell

+1 for Little Big Man (1970) Cassie has seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)… or has she?


Was he influenced by John Ford at all? A lot of directors were.

Just Plain Bob

I’ve seen interviews in which he expressed appreciation for his work but I’ve never heard him say that Ford was a direct influence.

Larry Darrell

Starting the year off on the good foot I see. ;-) Terrific film. The Outlaw Josey Wales is one of the Best films from the 1970s, which also gave birth to The Godfather (1972), Jaws (1975), Rocky (1976), Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Star Wars (1977), Superman (1978), The Deer Hunter (1978), Alien (1979), and Apocalypse Now (1979). Hadn’t seen this in a while. Thank You. One thing though… You thought this film was made in the 1950s????🤨🤦‍♂️ You really need to see some more Classic films… via a Classics Poll, possibly at least once a month. For Westerns recommendations, of past decades… The Big Trail (1930) The Plainsman (1936) Three Godfathers (1936) Destry Rides Again (1939) Dodge City (1939) Stagecoach (1939) The Ox-Bow Incident (1942) Duel in the Sun (1946) My Darling Clementine (1946) Angel and the Badman (1947) Fort Apache (1948) Red River (1948) High Noon (1952) Shane (1953) The Searchers (1956) 3:10 to Yuma (1957) The Big Country (1958) Rio Bravo (1959) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) McLintock! (1963) Hang ‘Em High (1968) Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969) The Wild Bunch (1969) Little Big Man (1970) Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970 Big Jake (1971) High Plains Drifter (1973) Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973) The Shootist (1976) and you’ve seen Clint Eastwood in a certain way mostly. Hows about Clint Eastwood in another way sometime, in… Where Eagles Dare (1968) Kelly’s Heroes (1970) Play Misty for Me (1971) Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974) Every Which Way But Loose (1978) Escape From Alcatraz (1979) Bronco Billy (1980) A Perfect World (1993) The Bridges of Madison County (1995) Space Cowboys (2000)

John Liebling

Maybe a lot of members can request a special Fred and Ginger poll and a special Rogers and Hammerstein poll.


All of these Eastwood picks are great but I am still holding out for that Kelly's Heroes pick. I think it'll make for a great time this Summer as a War movie. Even if it's not really a war movie. I think Cassie is going to like it as a comedy and a war movie.

Larry Darrell

Nice avatar. ;-) Just keep the faith, baby. All we gotta do is keep with the Positive Waves. :-)

Keith Jacobsen

"You gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?!" 😂

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

Please put DAYS OF HEAVEN (1978) on your radar. It's a rural period piece starring Richard Gere I think you will enjoy 👍

John A

Love The Outlaw Josey Wales. never tired of watching Clint. and also Sondra Locke who Clint was with in real life from (1975–1989)

Clay F

I am holding out for Escape From Alcatraz (1979). +1 for High Plains Drifter (1973), and even Hang ‘Em High (1968).

Clay F

In April 2024 podcast, Cassie said: “Some of my favorite reactions of myself are actually the ones where I am like crying my face off. Because it just like feels like vulnerable but real. Do you know what I mean? Like things like The Patriot, or The Cinderella [Man].” She wept big time in both The Patriot and The Cinderella Man. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) deprived her of that.

Clarence Newman

I think it depends why she's crying, Clay. She cried her face off in Million Dollar Baby, but she certainly didn't enjoy it. I can see why she likes movies like The Patriot and Cinderella Man though. They are uplifting tales of family and triumph against adversity, and I think she sees those as good tears. She certainly loves to have her emotions stretched, whether its to laughter and a sense of uplift (Eddie the Eagle, Overboard) or by a deep connection with characters who are going through Hell (many examples from war movies to the Rockys to The Last of Us and beyond), and I think she also knows they make for good reactions. We all love seeing her run the gamut too, because, let's face it, what good is a reactor if they just sit there not reacting?

Clarence Newman

I vote for a Fred Astaire double bill - Top Hat (1935) followed by The Towering Inferno (1974)

Clay F

She was incredibly sad in both The Patriot and The Cinderella Man. In The Patriot, the young teen was killed. You know how she is about that. I wouldn’t call them all good tears. Her crying of sadness was massive in The Cinderella Man. She even had a special outro to continue her crying in retelling a sad/scary part of her past. Her sadness extended beyond the movie in contemplating similar predicaments of families today — not a triumph. Yet, I think she felt the importance and realism of acknowledging such, and maybe that effort made her feel constructive. The problem with MDB is the last portion is just so hard to watch. Agree, no enjoyment. I think unlikely that MDB would be one of her favorite reactions of herself. With that said, patrons (not you) may be misplaced in attempting to “protect” her from movies that lead to her profuse crying of sadness — as those are some of her favorite reactions of herself.

Clarence Newman

Clint is the king of the one-liners, especially when it comes to his adversaries. Some of the greats: "Why don't you just sit there and bleed awhile, before you taste some real pain." "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig." "Orville, that's no way to thank two guys who just bought us a beer. Why don't you get the check and I'll go outside and thank them properly." "On a scale of one to ten, I'd have to give her a two, and that's only because I haven't seen a one before." (In response to Burt Reynolds' "Ok, I'll come over and buff your body and put a nice glow to your cheeks.")...... "And I'll bring a nice foot to your ass."

Clarence Newman

Yes, I need to reshape my thought a little. She doesn't mind a mixture of good and bad tears, AS LONG as the ending is at least a modicum of happy or, at the very least, hopeful. The Patriot and Cinderella Man gave her that, Million Dollar Baby did not. The overall feeling as she walks away from the movie overrides the different pockets of emotion throughout.

Clay F

Good point. I agree with what you are saying. If there are positives mixed in, she can better handle the sadness, especially if she likes the ending. The Patriot did violate the cardinal rule of not killing a kid, which the kid was very openly killed and that affected her the entire movie. Might have helped that the kid was a teen (15?). Didn't help that Heath Ledger's character was killed -- she took that hard. Along with his new wife and several other key side characters being killed. Not the typical happy ending. Yet, was one of her favorite reactions of herself. The young daughter coming around helped. Also, the apparent or implied marriage of Mel Gibson's character to his sister-in-law.

Clarence Newman

Maybe we need a "bunny boiler" poll, Walter: Play Misty For Me (1971) Fatal Attraction (1987) The Cincinnati Kid (1965) - I wouldn't trust Melba not to boil my bunny Carrie (1976) The Color Purple (1986) - Danny is lucky he didn't own a bunny Who Boiled Roger Rabbit? (1988) War of the Roses (1989) Basic Instinct (1992)

Clarence Newman

Yes, him being a teen probably helped. If she ever saw a baby killed on screen, I'm not sure she wouldn't turn the film off.

Clarence Newman

In the interests of diversity on the channel (great films that might not be on anyone's list - it wasn't on mine), I'm gonna suggest "The Station Agent" (2003) with Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones. Wonderful iittle movie.

John Liebling

Although she did endure Schindler's List. Massively heartbreaking, ending was uplifting. I wonder if she could endure another true story about the holocaust. Movie Escape from Sobibor, not too many know about that one. Alan Arkin, far afield from what he's played before.

Scott Macaulay

A lot of people overlook Kelly’s Heroes which was my dad’s favorite movie and a great ensemble cast of classic actors along with Eastwood. Also a rare WW2 comedy heist movie.

Mike LL

"Who Boiled Roger Rabbit"? Is that wishful thinking? 😂

Clarence Newman

That one's getting a bit of traction on here lately, Scott, and that's no bad thing. Clint is great in it, Don Rickles and Carroll O'Connor are very good, but the heart and soul of the film is Telly Savalas and Donald Sutherland. I doubt either one of them ever enjoyed another role as much as they did here.

Mike LL

John L: Here is a big vote for a Fred and Ginger film, and for more musicals in general, Rogers and Hammerstein or no. Also, Clay F, I believe she was tearing up at the beginning of the film at what happened to Josey's family, so I don't think this film deprived her of anything. I know that is not quite what you meant, you made good points. I'm not arguing, honest! And Clarence N., I would love that double bill of Top Hat and Inferno! I always thought Inferno would be her first Fred Astaire movie, until she sneaked a back door intro to Fred with the recent Santa Claus TV special.

Gábor Árki

It's near the top of my reaction wish-list for several years now and keep suggesting it. I even selected it to my trivia 5. But sadly, it doesn't seem to be getting much traction beside a few comment recommendations here and there. I think it made it to a few polls but didn't do well, as most movies this age don't tend to do good in the polls. We would really need some more fine tailored polls, for example featuring movies of a specific decade, to give films like these a proper chance.

Above Average Dave

Tremendous list! Thank you! FORT APACHE was years ahead of its time and in part owes its perspectives to John Ford's experiences during the war, as well as his personal friendship with several Native Americans. One of teh first movies to portray the Cheyene et al as much more than 1-dimensional cartoon savages.

Mark White

I’m big fan of “Kelly’s hero’s” Cassie will get to it at some point I’m sure. I think it’s a popular choice.

Mark White

Never heard of that one Clarence, I might have to check it out.

Mark White

I like all three of those Clay, but if I could only have one, it’s “escape from Alcatraz”

Mark White

Cassie did really like “Gran Torino” as well. Despite it being quite sad and upsetting at times. She sings it’s praises in her outro.

Clifton Owens

Bright Angel Miss Cassie, I watched you from the beginning, and your growth in films and diversity of genres has touched you deeply. From heartbreak 'Million Dollar Baby to Romantic/Action and Tom Cruise. You are magic, and we love you so much. Thank you for all the hard work and joy you bring into our lives.


Agreed John - She can handle another true story about the holocaust. I would love for her to see Adrien Brody in “The Pianist.” Cassie has said before that she would have loved to learn the piano and thinks playing piano is really cool. Also another vote for a Fred & Ginger musical. They are magnetic together and have timeless appeal. She and Carly would definitely enjoy them.


Classic Clint Western and plenty more great Clint films to watch yet, probably could do a 5+ min cut of just him spitting lol. Wish he wouldn't do it to the dog though that was rather mean.


I didn't know anything about his personal life. Maybe I didn't want to know.


Try - "Open Range" is a good western

Mike Lemon

Full reaction- https://www.patreon.com/posts/open-range-2003-81863024 Youtube- https://www.patreon.com/posts/yt-edit-open-82050615

Clay F

Cassie: "That's your one toxic trait, Josey." Grandma: "Nasty habit, young fella. You born in a barn?"

John Liebling

Thank you Rose. Let's hope more members agree and we can develop a ground swell of support to make this a reality. We know Cassie would be big smiles watching Fred and Ginger work their magic. And listening to the gorgeous music from Rogers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma.


But then you have Cassie saying "Spit on him" in the final showdown lmao


I love “Oklahoma” and also “The King and I.” PiB can’t go much longer - plus Ginger Rogers’ gowns and costumes are just as legendary as those Fred&Ginger performances - and a feast for the eyes. Clothing was very important to her and she has numerous iconic fashion moments and stories behind her most famous dresses.

Javier Hernandez

I would love for you to also take a look at the Dustin Hoffman western Little Big Man (1970) which is a kind of Drama/Comedy.

Joe Mallard

El Dorado is one of my favorite John Wayne films, seeing a young James Caan is pretty cool.

Above Average Dave

Every time I see HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER I see it as part 1 of UNFORGIVEN. When you summon the devil, understand who you called. I think also of a book I read years ago by Victor Davis Hanson about "The men we occasionally need to save Westerdn Society and take care of a dirty job, and then, after they do the dirty work, we dispose of them and erase the fact that we pleaded for these exact leaders to arise and save us," (my paraphrasing). If memory serves, his examples included Belisarius (Roman Empire under Justinian), Sherman (US Civil War), Patton (WWII) and Ridgeway (Korean War), among others. I am sure we can think of other examples.

Chris Thom

That sounds really familiar. Was there a clip in a movie she watched recently?

Clay F

Pale Rider (1985) next western. Eastwood stars/directs. The highest-grossing western of the 1980s.


El Dorado is my favorite John Wayne movie. I've never seen The Searchers though. Will check it out when Cassie watches it.


A lot of people ask to see reactions that are already on the channel.

Jason Mangen

Director Sam Peckinpah was a director in a league of his own. A master of slow motion action and death.

Clarence Newman

No dice, Chicago! Pale Rider is classic Clint and definitely deserves a watch, but after nearly 4 years, the next western has GOT to be a Johnny D Wayne!

Clay F

I think only a vocal minority on the channel who want John Wayne. Let’s do a western poll. I would vote Pale Rider but would be up for a reaction to The Searchers (which I have not seen). I liked The Cowboys (1972) when I was a kid. I would rather her react to the True Grit (2010) remake than the original True Grit (1969) with JW.

Clay F

We watched The Cowboys several times when I was about 10 years old in 1973-1974. I definitely remember Bruce Dern. My dad liked John Wayne.

Richard Higgs

I think the character Clint plays in Pale Rider is basically Josey Wales about 10 years later, watch it and see.

Clarence Newman

I cannot argue against Pale Rider, but The Sons of Katie Elder is my argument against Pale Rider.

Eddie Perkins

Clint Eastwood and actress Sondra Locke, who played Laura Lee, dated from 1975 to 1989. Clint Eastwood's most recent acting role was in the 2021 film Cry Macho when he was 91. It's gonna suck when he's gone. I have been watching him in movies my whole life. I think Cassie would like A Perfect World (1993) with Clint and Kevin Costner.

Doug Arnold

Why are the commercials showing up on the YouTube full screen? 6 or 7;in the first 38 minutes of the movie.

Keith Jones

This one brings such memories of watching with my Dad, conversations about the Western campaigns of the Civil War and how they differed from the Eastern. He wasn't a big movie watcher, but he liked this one