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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Million Dollar Baby, which will premiere a bit later! Tonight, the full reaction to "The Outlaw Josey Wales" will be up as well!




Someday you should watch the other movie Hillary Swank won the Oscar for, as Boys Don't Cry is a phenomenal movie.


Oh I see a lot of tears in this poor woman's future with this movie.

Dan M

Oh man…as good as this movie is, I don’t think I can handle the assault on my tear ducts tonight. I may have to wait til this weekend to watch this. On the flip side, I’m totally down with a good old fashioned western tonight!


Who said this was a Christmas movie?!?!?!*&^! Someone's gaslighting you. But it's a good movie and it won all the awards and I'm glad it made it onto the channel.

Philip Herman

Watched this movie on the bus with my high school baseball team I work with on our spring break trip to Florida. The whole bus including players and coaches were all in full tears at the end😭

Alex Tan

Million Dollar Baby actually came out in 2004.


Oh no. Not this one.

Michael Enos

Anxious to see your reaction to Josey Wales.

bgb1975 (Brian)

One of his more overrated movies. Still satisfying to watch along with PiB. The Next Karate Kid had a happier ending for Hillary Swank, I'm told.


Wow, as the movie unfolded, Cassie’s emotions surged like a tide, each scene pulling her deeper into the narrative. Morgan Freeman’s voice echoed softly, narrating the struggle and heartache with a wisdom that felt both comforting and haunting. "In life, you find beauty in the struggle," he might say, but as Maggie faced one heartbreaking setback , we can see Cassie couldn’t help but feel her heart twist in frustration. "Why are we watching this?" she said, with tears, desperate for a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. I’d say the film’s rawness pierced through her, igniting a fire of empathy that made Cassie want to reach through the screen and shield Maggie from the pain. Yet, even in those moments of turmoil, I felt a profound connection to the story—one that mirrored my own fears and dreams, reminding me that every battle has its cost, but also its lessons. Client Eastwood did a great job urging us, and urging her to embrace the journey, no matter how difficult, and in that moment, maybe Cassie understood that sometimes the most heart-wrenching tales are the ones that teach us the most about resilience and love.

Matt O'Keefe

My dad, brother, and I saw this this together and the ending was rough on all three of us.

Doc Larry

What a fabulous movie very very emotional story. The script is fiction, but the movie was loosely based on a real boxer that was injured.

thomas king

Cassie check out Jersey Boys. An unlikely Clint Eastwood movie that is right up your alley.

RebeL LioN

This movie turned so dark,a lot of reactors stay away from this because of the dark ending.The acting in this is just off the charts,reminds me if the 2011 movie with Tom Harding and Nick Nolte called The Warrior,except the ending is much brighter in The Warrior,it is a must watch,Nick Nolte's performance is his best imo.I really hope you react to it in the future,I promise you will not regret it


I can never watch this movie in toto again since 2002. It’s just too much for me. An edited reaction is all I can cope with, and always close my eyes when necessary. I could have predicted Cassie’s reaction, because it’s the same as mine. Damn you, Clint Eastwood!

Dan M

100% on board with this suggestion. It was on my list of suggestions for Clint Eastwood directed movies.

Terry Yelmene

"It hurts to keep watching."

Thomas Thompson

It’s a beautiful film, but I couldn’t face the full length version again.

Mark Daniels

Yeah I think I’ve only seen this one the one time. Truly great and heartbreaking. Obviously was going to win the poll and should have. But I hope you end up watching my vote “Invictus” at some point. That’s way more “up” than this one. This one’s still a must-see tho.

Cliff Endicott

I knew this one was going to be tough for you Cassie. I went to see this in the theater when it came out, and it affected me more than any movie I've seen before or since. It took days for me to lose the gloom that had settled over me. Crushing last half hour to that movie. I love "Unforgiven", but this one is probably Eastwood's magnum opus. And we know you suffered for it, but this was a wonderful reaction to view. Your reactions actually made the movie hit even harder.

Chris Thom

Feel good movie of the deep winter! Watching this tonight on the channel legitimately made me deeply sad and nauseous.

Mike Amandes

As soon as I saw that this won the poll, I was like "Oh, this is gonna wreck Cassie." As others have said, this is one of those movies that is so good but hard to watch a second time. Thanks, Cassie, for giving us a chance to revisit this gut-wrenching movie in a way that we didn't have to relive every heartbreaking moment.


I’d love to see someone (besides myself) do a deep dive on Nick Nolte.


The movie you're referring to is actually just called "Warrior", no "The". But I agree that it's an incredible movie and both Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte are amazing in it, especially their scenes together. I feel like that movie was really overlooked when it came out, and I'm not sure if it really ever found its audience or not, but I remember being absolutely blown away by it when I saw it. Another somewhat similar fairly emotionally heavy movie with MMA themes in it is called Redbelt from 2008, starring Chiwetel Ejiofor and Tim Allen. Feels like I never hear anyone talking about that movie though. Warrior definitely gets more attention, but both are excellent.

Mike Lemon

Great spoiler there, especially since you just said she is considering watching the show.

Clarence Newman

I considered that, Mike (as I always do), but there are a couple of reasons why I said it anyway. First of all, unless it's a film she's literally about to watch, Cassie is notorious for not remembering much of what is written in these comments. Virtually nothing. She even forgot that Hugh Jackman was in Eddie the Eagle when she initially stated (in a response to one of my posts) that she would probably watch it BECAUSE he was in it! If and when she watches Game of Thrones, I am absolutely confident she will have no recollection of what I just wrote. Second, there has already been some talk about this, and I think it's worth reiterating. Game of Thrones is not for Cassie. She is absolutely not the right reactor to watch that relentlessly debauched series because it is virtually a 7 season stream of her Nope tropes. I don't think it's a simple case of white knighting either. It's 74 episodes (a long-ass series in your words) so she'll be imbedded in it for months, and it's going to make her squirm from start to finish. Putting her through that in a 2 hour film is okay, but not a 7 season series. It's always worth reminding people not to spoil upcoming movies on here, Mike, and I assure you I don't take that lightly. Apart from the first reason I gave, I'm of the opinion that the chances of her actually watching GoT are virtually zero. She might aswell watch The Exorcist, Human Centipede, Antichrist and A Serbian Film back to back for all the daggers it will put in her soul. I could list all the specific scenes in GoT that I think would do that, but I respect your point on spoilers.

Clarence Newman

Given Cassie's distress at the end of this film, I think it's important to remind her that none of the fictional boxing movies she's seen would actually happen this way. In Rocky 1, Rocky would have won the title by 15th round TKO because Apollo was literally defenceless at the end. No referee would have allowed Apollo to take that final, hard left to the face when his arms were down and only the ropes were holding him up. In Rocky 2, Apollo would've won the title back by a stoppage in the middle rounds. It's debatable exactly when, but the part where Rocky is slumped against the ropes, with his arms hanging loosely in his lap, while Apollo relentlessly tees off on his head......referees have been banned for life for allowing much less. In Million Dollar Baby, Osterman would've been disqualified on the spot for the first sucker-punch when Maggie was lying on the canvas. You just can't do that in a boxing match and expect to get away with just a stern talking to. Assuming the referee was weak and stupid (which he clearly was, because Maggie had to start fouling Osterman to even up the fight) she would definitely have been disqualified for the final sucker punch that knocked Maggie out. The round had ended, Maggie couldn't continue, so the win - and the title - would've gone to Maggie. Given how the devastating injury occurred, Osterman would've certainly been arrested and brought up on charges for grievous bodily harm. She may have got off if Maggie refused to press charges but she'd never have been allowed to box again. And the complete joke of a referee would've been banned for life. So to sum up, Rocky would've been Champ but only for a while, but Rocky wouldn't have minded that. He still had Adrian. He would never have fought Clubber Lang so Micky's dodgy heart wouldn't have been aggravated in the pre-fight melee and maybe he'd have lived a few years more. Apollo would've redeemed himself by taking back the title and maybe wouldn't have needed to man up against Drago a few years later because he felt he had unfinished business. He would've lived to a ripe old age as one of the all-time legends of the ring and he and Rocky could've trained Adonis together. In MDB, Maggie would have won the title on the first disqualification, then knocked Osterman out in the rematch because she'd be wise to all the dirty tactics, then gets adopted by Clint, who then reconnects with his own family who also adopt Maggie because she's such a sweetheart. Morgan Freeman then meets up with Jack Nicholson and they go off to do their Bucket List. There. All better now.

Clarence Newman

That's not what I mean, Mike, and I think I just explained why. Tell you what. If others think the same way, I'll take the post down. I think there are going to be fierce debates on here about whether or not Cassie should watch GoT and this post is not one of the important ones.

Clarence Newman

Mike, I've been considering your point and it occurs to me that I wrote this spoiler (cos it is one) for two reasons. 1) I don't think she'll end up watching GoT, or, if she does, it won't be for a long time). And 2) Because I personally don't want her to watch GoT. That's why I considered it ok to drop a spoiler, but, of course, it doesn't take into account the many who will probably want her to watch it. Therefore, it's a spoiler like any other. I'll take the post down now because, like I said, it's not important to the GoT debate that's coming. Do me a favour and take your responses down too? I hate seeing half threads that show responses but no context to them.

Mike Lemon

@Clarence- I don't delete anything. I don't think any comment on any board should be deleted. The most I do is put in an edit tag (always, excepting a very minor spelling correction or missing punctuation), edit, then explain the edit, but there wasn't anything to edit.

Clay F

I would love for her to react to Game of Thrones. I think she would get into it. Currently has 39 requests at popcornrequests.com


Aww Cassie.. your outro made me think of Ray Chen for some reason. I just watched a couple of his recent vids on his YT channel - where he serenades ppl out of a bad mood. Love his energy and his collabs with Emilio Piano are always fire. Even Andy Morris’ cover of the Wuthering Waves The Shorekeeper - where he plays “the most epic game music” is so good - the college student reactions are always a mood. BTW - The Wuthering Waves Resonator Showcase | The Shorekeeper: Behind the Scenes video is amazing. The music is a work of art. I wish I had the discipline to practice and achieve the skill of that pianist. Hope you’re feeling better and get well soon!

Above Average Dave

Just as an aside, remember in the early days of the channel when we were all suggesting movies Cassie would like?...


Regarding GoT, one of my favorite quotes I saw once from a reactor was, "These people are f**ked up". Kind of sums up the show nicely I think, lol.

Cole Jennett

Coming into this late, but from what I read, Clarence spoiled Game of Thrones, and as it seems, for totally selfish reasons. The series is absolutely on her radar, though it’s not a lock to be watched, but just because you “don’t” want her to watch it you don’t have the right to spoil it. How self important are you? I get that you’ve since deleted it, but that was one of the most selfish posts I have read. Perhaps with her about to watch An Officer and a Gentlemen, it’s gone to your head a bit.

Clarence Newman

I mentioned one small part of GoT that mirrors the arc of Million Dollar Baby, Cole, not the entire show. As you can see, I then discussed it with Mike and decided to delete it. Your response strongly suggests I deliberately spoiled the whole series so there would be no point in her watching it. Given that you have NO IDEA what the content of my original post was, that is a pretty damn presumptuous thing to do - to judge me like that when you don't even know what you're judging. I try to be pleasant and fair and friendly to everybody on here - including you - but you just made it clear you're not prepared to extend the same courtesy. Mike and I resolved this minor issue with a respectful conversation before you even woke up. You just took an opportunity to have a very insulting dig at me, based on what you THINK I might have said. And you dare to accuse me of self-importance.

Cole Jennett

My issues were more with why you justified the spoiler. You’re right, I did jump to a bigger conclusion of a spoiler, but your reasoning was extremely selfish in my opinion. I actually agree that she might not remember it when it comes time, but she’s mentioned it as potentially coming soon in a recent live. It’s just not for you to decide. You not wanting her to watch a series does not give you justification to spoil anything.

Mark White

Amazing movie. Incredible acting. That was emotionally brutal!! It’s hard enough, but watching Cassie get that upset, hurts!

Clarence Newman

That's actually a fair response, Cole. I was trying to make a comparison with the arc of Million Dollar Baby because I'd just watched the GoT episode where Ramsay Bolton first appeared (you know the progression of that). I thought I was safe referencing it this far out from Cassie ever watching GoT (if she ever does). Mike convinced me otherwise, which is why I deleted the initial post. All the points in your second message are well taken, and I'll guard against that in future. Apologies to all the GoT fans. You are wrong about one thing, though. You suggested that Cassie watching An Officer and a Gentleman has gone to my head. That's not true, but it probably will go to my head if she ever watches The Champ. If she watches The Champ, The Cannonball Run and The Sons of Katie Elder in the same month, I’ll be downright insufferable. Beyond that, we all have a lot of great movie reactions to look forward to in 2025, and that’s all I’ve got to say about that. Have a good day, Cole.

Cole Jennett

I don’t disagree that GOT may not go over well. It’s been my opinion for some time that she should record her reaction to the first episode in secret, and then if she wants to continue, she could announce that she’s doing it. No one would ever know if she didn’t want to go through with it that way. That first episode has pretty much some aspect of everything she will be in for with that series. I’m not one for putting her through something hard for my own enjoyment. I believe it’s partly a “FOMO” thing for her, as she’s unable to watch any of the shows in that universe currently, and they are very popular. Win/Win in my eyes.

Clarence Newman

That's good idea. I'm not sure it would take more than the first episode or two to give her a heads up on what she's getting into.

Cole Jennett

Aside from what you had been alluding to, it pretty much gives her a bit of everything of what she will be in store for. Taking Mike’s lead, I edited the above because I think I misread your previous message as doubting the first two would be enough, but on reread I think you were agreeing.

Clarence Newman

Agreed. I was agreeing. I actually think it's a bloody good idea, because you know what Cassie's like. If she watches the first couple of episodes on channel first and people start posting about how much they love it, she'll have to commit to all 7 seasons. A private sampler or two first would give her an option.


Just an incredible movie. The acting from all was superb. You can’t get through it without tears. Clint Eastwood is simply one of the greatest directors ever

Joshua Coe

One of the best movies I've seen.

Clay F

In April 2024 podcast, Cassie said: “Some of my favorite reactions of myself are actually the ones where I am like crying my face off. Because it just like feels like vulnerable but real. Do you know what I mean? Like things like The Patriot, or The Cinderella [Man].” She wept big time in both The Patriot and The Cinderella Man (two of her favorite reactions of herself). But with this movie, like many of us experienced, the last portion was hard for her to watch. Won 4 Oscars: --Best Picture --Best Director (Eastwood) --Best Actress (Hillary Swank) --Best Supporting Actor (Morgan Freeman)

Mark White

Good point Clay. Well there is a few more Eastwood movies like this for Cassie! Cassie really likes Gran Torino as well.

Marcus Vanderzonbrouwer

Hi Cassie, I'm unsure if anyone has placed this info in the comments, but the Admiral looks familiar to you because he is Peter Weller. The actor who played RoboCop (Dead or Alive, you're coming with me!) :) LOL. I love tagging along with you through your Star Trek journey. Please keep them coming! :)


If you want a heartbreaking Clint Eastwood movie Cassie, try, "The Bridges of Madison County" 1995—one of his very best. You'll cry for days.

James Melton

The story comes from "Rope Burns" a collection of boxing short stories by F. X. Toole. It's a great story collection and the others are not so tragic as this. If you find some reading time between movies it's an easy read.