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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "The Outlaw Josey Wales" which will premiere shortly on YouTube!




Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy. .. A true classic. Hope you're feeling better and thanks for all you do. 👏🏆🍿


Historically, Bloody Bill Andersen and William Quantrill were more outlaw than soldier, although they did side with the South.

Brian McGovern

The Outlaw Josie and the Pussycats Wales.

Patrick Fitzgerald

One of my all-time favorites! Been waiting for you to see this! Thank You Cassie...Great reaction...Again!

bgb1975 (Brian)

In a perfect world, Cassie would have watched A Perfect World, and this one!

Lamar Smith

I absolutely LOVE this movie…. There’s a TINY mistake in it, though. When the leader of the Comancheros pulls his men off the girl he comments that she’ll be worth 10 horses but the old lady is worth one donkey. I took a Graduate level class on the Comanches and learned that, yes, the Comanches traded horses for all sorts of things but they valued donkeys MUCH higher. Donkeys’ ability to pull heavy loads caused them to be valued to the Comanches at usually 7:1, as high, at times, as 15:1 horses to donkeys.

Happy Hanukkah

Beef jerky time! I consider the exchange at 22:33 to be archetypical Clint Eastwood.

Celeste McAllister

"They took my horse and made him surrender" :)

Robert Nelson

So many quotable quotes! One of my favorites!


In a perfect world, there would be 70,000 Cassies.

Stephen Malloy

Who picked up on Len “Uncle Leo” Lesser? He didn’t say hello or talk about cousin Jeffrey in the Parks Department.


Dassie for a young goodlooking Clint eastwood the movie Dirty Harry you learn why they call nim girty harry Clint at his best and sexy

Happy Hanukkah

And can you imagine a mule overhearing you saying it was only worth one old lady? He might get the crazy idea that you were laughing at him!

Clay F

"You know there ain't no forgettin'"


"It might be weird if I said that about him now..." OMGosh Sis...it's not necessary to quantify!😂😂😂 I'm not ashamed to own my thirsting after the ancient celluloid beauty of individuals long past. I once saw a youtube tribute to an actress named Maude Fealy and was thoroughly smitten, particularly because in my hometown theater, I found there was a photo tribute to her on the foyer wall because she had performed there live back in 1915! It was a total "Somewhere in Time" moment for me. It's OK!

Jacob King

Where’s that reaction, huh? One of my favourite movies. Edit: I ❤️ Huckabees not Josey Wales.

Chris Davis

I've never seen Cassie be so Blood-thirsty before! "Get Him! Kill that guy!" Wow!

Chris Thom

I know I really want to see that too. But nobody has seen it and it's way too hard to explain. I guess mentioning that it's from the director of Silver Linings Playbook might help.

Chris Baldwin

I think you were confused throughout the movie about what Josie was spitting. You thought it was from chewing Jerky, when in fact it was from his chewing Tobacco. Those square block's he bought in the store were block's of Tobacco. Clint always either chewed Tobacco or smoked the little Charoote (sorry for spelling) cigar's in his western film's. I thing it's wonderful that you're really taking an interest in the old classic western's from the 50's to the 70's, and even in the 80's a few. Great reaction as usual!!Fun to watch with you!!

Lamar Smith

They weren’t far removed and may, I don’t recall, have known that racist battlefield genius Nathan Bedford Forrest (founder, post Civil War) of the Ku Klux Klan who is misquoted as saying that when it came to a battlefield, he “liked to be the fustest with the mostest!” He never actually said that, but it does accurately reflect his battlefield philosophy. It was said about the Soviets in WWII and beyond that ‘quantity has a quality all its own.’ Bedford, Quantrill and other ‘bushwhackers’/raiders proved that arriving first/unexpectedly ALSO has a quality all its own….. Okay, trivia for the room: Where was the last battle of the Civil War fought? I’ll give you a hint; it wasn’t anywhere even close to Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. The farmer who owned the house in whose parlor Lee and Grant met to agree to Lee’s surrender and agreement that Lee’s forces would stack arms, rather than continue a guerrilla conflict, had loaded his family and possessions and moved to that remote location in modern West Virginia was a witness to and in terror of the first pitched battle of the Civil War. Called by the South First Mannasas and by the North as First Bull Run. The other, most famous semi-member of Bill Quantrill’s Raiders was later accused of no small number of post-war bank and stagecoach robberies was none other than a certain Jesse James.

Lamar Smith

Okay, I’ll say, much like The Battle of New Orleans fought between a motley assortment of troops under future President Andrew Jackson, including a contingent of honest to goodness pirates supplied by Jean LaFitte and forces under (I couldn’t make this up) British Admiral Peter Parker in the War of 1812, the last battle of the Civil War, which, oddly enough, was won by the Confederacy, was actually fought in Texas after Lee had already signed the surrender. Communication sucked back then.

Lamar Smith

I might have to point out that in her ‘Million Dollar Baby’ reaction, words came out of Cassie’s mouth that I’d’ve VERY comfortably bet would have NEVER issued from there: “Kick her in the balls!” spring to mind.

Lamar Smith

The whole basis of ‘Indian’/Native American casinos in Canada and the US came as a result of various Native tribes suing the Government to allow for gambling and, thus, casinos on the basis that gambling was an essential part of Native culture. In my Comanche class I took, I learned that at EVERY peaceful meeting between, for instance, US Cavalry units and Comanche parties on the Great Plains where anyone wrote anything down about the encounter, the Comanches ALWAYS….. 1) Offered to have their most ungainly rider atop the most broken down appearing horse race the best/fastest of the US horse and rider….. 2) ALWAYS was accompanied by heavy betting…. 3) and was ALWAYS, without exception, won by the Comanches. The US Cavalry troopers MIGHT have won the odd one here or there (I kind of doubt it) but in 100% of the written accounts, the Comanches ALWAYS won! Post War, President Grant’s Secretary of War, one Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, wrote that the Comanches were “the finest light cavalry he’d ever seen or heard about. Their most famous ‘move’ in battle was that, at FULL gallop, they could shift their position AND recover it, from astride their horse’s back to holding on to their mounts by their legs and shift alongside the horse’s body, loosing accurate arrow or gun fire from under their horse’s neck while they were protected by the horse’s body. Comanche children were taught, essentially, to ride and walk simultaneously. Sherman and others noted that they were so in tune with their horses, that mounted they appeared to be a single creature, yet, afoot, Comanches appeared almost ungainly.

Clarence Newman

Oh my God, Maude Fealy - the first true beauty of the silver screen. Stunning face, very photogenic. Cassie has actually seen Maude in a movie, though she won't know it. She was a slave woman in The Ten Commandments (1956).

Mark White

Stick, I’ve seen The Comancheros. It’s quite good, not my Favioute Wayne movie. Maybe just inside Top 10. Maybe 10 or 11th. But it’s never worth a 100% RT rating! But we’ll worth a watch.

Mark White

“Bill bloody and Mr Trellis”! 😂Cassie I absolutely love your name brain scrambles! 😂 Great reaction as always. I’m glad you got to see this classic western, considered one of Clint’s best. It’s often mentioned in the same breath as “PaleRider” I think both are great westerns. Quite similar in some ways. I would be very interested to see you react to Palerider and compare with Josey Wales. I wonder which you would prefer? I will stick my neck out and say Palerider might just edge it. Now I’m going to tell you something here Cassie, which hopefully no one else on here will notice!!! Because I will get crucified for it! You watched and really enjoyed tombstone. Did you know Kevin Costner also did a Wyatt Earp story?! It’s got a great cast, it has much more of a Epic feel to it and despite what the critics and movies buffs say is a very good western and (here we go!) slightly better than tombstone!! I think you should give it a try with Carly so you can compare the two.


Cassie: There is a documentary regarding the making of "The Outlaw Josey Wales" that I believe you would find interesting. I am sorry I don't have the link to the documentary.

Clarence Newman

Oh no you DITN'T, Mark! Wyatt Earp is better than Tombstone?? Guards! A mouth needs to be washed out over here! I have not watched Wyatt Earp for 20 years, can't remember anything about it, and therefore don't have a leg to stand on, but I still feel like I have the moral high ground here. Wyatt Earp doesn't have Val Kilmer in it and therefore sucks. I won't stand to be disparaged.

Mark White

I was wondering when I might be picked up on this! 😂😂 I thought I got away with it, what with the whole AP debate raging on! 😂

Clarence Newman

Got all nostalgic when Will Sampson turned up - he was the comanche in the Mystique makeup. He was great in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, which I still don't believe Cassie has seen. Letterbox be danged. I also have to say that I was enjoying this reaction until Clint spat on the dog's head. I believe this sends the wrong message to our children and Clint should be made to apologise.