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FRESH START! How are we feeling? I’m not quite at the motivated, goal setting/vision board part of the process of the new year quite yet. I’m just barely starting to feel better and only took down Christmas today. Late Bloomer year already. I did make my bed today and ordered some highlighters so count it! Winning!

Who tuned in last night for our quick little first monthly PIB pick a flick? Very exciting, very clicky spinning wheel, it was great! The first winner had submitted Gone Girl, which I have actually already seen, but we’re gonna give him another pick! But I re-spun and am watching The Intouchables! I’m very happy with this pick and am actually going to watch it this week! I’m also watching Superman Returns because the trailer got me pumped, and Gladiator with Carly so we can watch the second one next week!

Speaking of Pick-A-Flick! Here is the Pick-A-Flick post. Remember you need to re-submit your pick every month and just one! The next drawing will be in the first few days of February!

I also will be posting three polls this week! I’m going to do three seperate drawings from our requests app. #1 poll will be 8 drawings from requests 1-50. #2 Poll will be 8 random drawings from requests 51-100 and #3 Poll will be 8 random drawings from requests numbers 101-200! Won’t that be fun? It’s going to be fun. GUYS WE’RE HAVING FUN OK?!

I think we will forgo this quarters trivia pop quiz because the 4th (holy crap 4th?!) ANNUAL POPPIES AWARDS SHOW will be late Feb or early March! What? That went so fast! Can’t wait!

What else? Anyone watching/reading/listening anything great lately?

Hope you all had a great week and your vision boards are visioning!




Mark McKeever

'Wild Robot' is such a joy to watch. Please consider a reaction. Happy New Year. 🖖

David Collins

Showing Carly Gladiator? This should be interesting.... 0.o


Ooh, I think you're going to like Gladiator 😉 Happy New Year!

Jonathan Bowling

I'm a new patron, I just wanted to say thank you for all the videos.

Erik Locquiao

You should do a rewatch of “Last of the Mohicans” with Carly

Neil Varma

Awesome Cassie !!! Checked out a cute little movies called Penguin lessons


I have a soft spot for Superman: Returns, loved Brandon Routh as Superman who even returned for the CW to play a Kingdom Come inspired version of the character over a decade later. As a film, it’s alright, on the same level as Man of Steel for me. Man of Steel tried to reinvent the character, but they went in directions I never really liked, inspired by the darker tone of The Dark Knight, which kicked off a trend that gave us films like The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) and Fantastic Four (2015). Superman (2025) feels like a film that will focus on highlighting why Superman is important as a traditional superhero, akin to stories like Superman vs. The Elite or Kingdom Come without having to reinvent the character. While also bringing us back to a more colourful, fantastical depiction of the DC universe, at least when it comes to Metropolis and the world of Superman. So I'm super excited for your future reaction to that film, along with Fantastic Four: First Steps (2025) which will embrace the '60s nuclear family and cosmic element of the Fantastic Four. Hopefully finally doing justice to this team after three films.


Ooohh.. How exciting heading Into the DCU? I can't help but be excited for what's coming. Synderverse bros stand ready!🤞

Shehab Dawoud

Hoping you’ll also get to the Henry Cavill Superman films, ‘Man of Steel’, ‘Batman vs Superman’, and I guess ‘The Justice League Snyder Cut’ would have to follow as well. Those movies aren’t great by any stretch but I think they get too bad of a rep. Henry Cavill is really good too. My Superman.

Jake McNulty

Looking forward to those polls, might I suggest that perhaps you could watch the No.1 requested film on the app each month? Just an idea.

Manav Goyal

Can you watch some bollywood movies?


gladiator 2 is a piece of crap dont bother

Shad Kanyak

I could certainly understand why, but did you skip Superman 3 & 4 with Christopher Reeve?

Anthony Harris

You have got me watching Mission Impossible movies. I had only seen Ghost protocol and fallout before but have been watching from the start and watched Rogue Nation tonight. Only a few more to go.

Above Average Dave

Thanks for this, Cassie. Happy New Year to you and the family! As for New Year's resolutions et al, if you want to punt this for a bit and not feel guilty, I always do these on my Birthday because, well, that's technically a new year! DaveLogic™ 😁 FWIW!

Byrd N. Hand

I'd have preferred if it had been "What's Up, Doc?" to get it onto her channel *somehow* after that unfortunate first-watch incident... 🤔

Aaron Mann

Would have much rather preferred Man of Steel over Superman Returns. MoS of course has Costner in it, plus it goes over more of Clark Kent’s childhood and upbringing, which I know you like seeing backstories of characters.

Brent Petty

I discovered audiobooks of the LOTR read by Andy Serkis. He evidently does 132 different voices. I'm just getting to Helm's Deep, and it's been great so far. He does a good Pippen.

Mike LL

Superman, and Gladiators, and Intouchables, oh my! The only thing that could be better would be to have my Pick-A-Flick Pick (1940's The Philadelphia Story) be picked for next month! Grant! Hepburn! Stewart! I changed my pick from a less popular one to P. Story, a film that won't win a poll, but would be loved if only watched!

Clarence Newman

So Gladiator is going to be the next movie Cassie watches with Carly (after the unexpected trauma of Officer)? If your sister had pigtails, Cassie, you'd be pulling them right now. 😄

Samuel Champ

I seen a movie called "The Apartment" over the holidays from around 1960. Jack Lemmon, Shirley McClain, I hadn't seen it before, very good! I highly recommend it. Looking forward to this year's movies.


Probably being a bit dense but did Cassie watch the new upcoming superman movie trailer and think that movie and superman returns are one and the same. Or did she watch the superman returns trailer and really liked it enough for her to watch the movie. I am confusion 😂

Clarence Newman

Me too, Mike. After Officer and a Gent, I changed my pick this month from The Champ to puppies sleeping with a baby.


What a film Gladiator is, although Carly is in for a shock with how brutal it is. Great range of movies this week.

Clarence Newman

I wrote a Sword and Sandals novel back in the 90's, Brent (not a good one, never published, but it was fun to do). During Covid, I decided to rewrite it, in the hopes of maybe sending it off for publishing. Halfway through, I started listening to Lord of the Rings on audiobook. BIG mistake, because it showed me just how inadequate I was as a writer. It's hard to imagine anyone being as good with the English language as Tolkien.


I'm having fun! I'm looking forward to both of your reactions to Gladiator. You what, saw it once about 3 years ago on your laptop? I think you'll like it even more this time.

Dan M

Glad to hear you’re finally on the mend from whatever had you down and out over the holidays! Me…I’m healthy, so that’s plus. But now it’s a matter of mentally preparing myself for the slog that is January, February, and March and hoping that I just open my eyes one morning and Spring is already upon us. I’m not one to set goals and make resolutions for every new year. I just take each day as it comes to me and do my best to make every situation more positive. And as always, my mantra is a line from one of one of my favorite Jimmy Buffet songs…Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On. Very excited for this week’s line up and the upcoming polls! Will there be a live stream of you picking the movies that will be included in the polls? I’m so looking forward to The 4th Annual Poppies, and another amazing year with PiB! I know I and everyone else here has said it ad nauseum, but thank you for everything you do as a reactor, and thank you for being…just you. 🙏


Yes to Man of Steel, much better film than Superman Returns.

Darren Harrison

My issue with Superman Returns is Kevin Spacey. I usually manage to separate the actors personal life from their characters, but Spacey (and Bill Cosby) are two performers I used to really enjoy watching, but cannot get past their personal scandals. The issue with Spacey’s sexual misconduct allegations were so egregious that Ridley Scott recast his role in “All the Money in the World” after Spacey had already filmed all his scenes. All his material was reshot with Christopher Plummer in the role of J. Paul Getty.

Laura Thornley

Its a mistake to ever compare yourself to any of the great writers out there. We all have to start somewhere, and only a precious few have come close to Tolkien let alone potentially beat him (a matter of taste, of course).

Cole Jennett

She saw the trailer for the new one, and is going to watch this one to scratch the itch basically.

Neighbourhood Watch Alliance

Spacey was found not guilty in criminal court, and in a civil trial with a much lower burden of proof. Having said that, I wouldn't fall asleep around him...

Mike LL

The full reaction is on this channel as a Patreon exclusive, so there is no edit on YouTube for the movie. If you can watch the full reactions, it was posted in December, 2021.


Makes sense, recency bias and all that 👍.


I think auld lang syne means 'times gone by' or something like that.


Hope Cassie also watches "Man of Steel" soon. Very happy for the upcoming polls, please keep doing these every month.


I remember the tougher Carly who watched war films and such, lol.

Just Plain Bob

I read comics as a kid but was never a Superman fan for that very reason. When you’ve created a character that’s stronger than everyone else, invulnerable (except for kryptonite), faster than the Flash, etc … well that’s boring. To be fair, I was much more of a Marvel guy anyway. Although I did love Batman (sans Robin). But Superman? Booooooooriiiiiiiing. And, frankly, I don’t think the casting of Brandon Routh in the role helped any with this movie. He’s so vanilla and bland. Gone is the charm of the Reeves version of the character.

Brian Berg

Patreon pick is a quality lineup


This is fun right? We're having fun Right??? Right???!!! 😂 Errrm yes ma'am 👀 Only you Cassie can get away with this 😂👍

Just Plain Bob

Yeah, this reaction should be interesting. It’s kinda hard to imagine Carly liking it. In fact, I’m picturing her hiding/averting her eyes quite a bit for this one.

Clarence Newman

I think she tried but some movies have stuck with her a little too long and she doesn't like that. She's spoken about it on the podcasts, and her attitude (quite reasonably) seems to be "I hate the way it makes me feel so why would I put myself through that?" It's also not her channel, so she doesn't have the same obligation Cassie does. I always love seeing Carly on reactions, but I'm happy for her to pick and choose what she watches. It's different with Cassie.

Clarence Newman

Bob. Just once, I think, but that one is full-on "Nope, nope, nope, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!"

Aaron Mann

Because they’re not great films. Same reason why Jaws 2,3, and 4 were skipped. And also Terminator 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Just Plain Bob

I thought Henry Cavill was actually really good as Supes. But, I couldn’t stand the latter two movies. “Man of Steel” was a fun, dumb popcorn flick but had a massive mischaracterization issue in the latter half of the movie that I found difficult to reconcile to everything I know about Superman.


1. Superman Returns is one of my FAVORITE representations of that superhero. It didn’t do well at the Box Office - and it has some flaws - but I personally think Brandon Routh made an EXCELLENT Superman. 2. Bring Carly a BIG PILLOW for Gladiator. (I mean - you know - the film is called “Gladiator” and… sweet, little wholesome Carly, lol) 🙂


Hi Cassie, since it was a LIVE prom prom (haha), can you schedule "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978) soon? Really want to see your reaction.


I've got the ones by Phil Dragash. They're so immersive with the music and background sounds. It feels like you're in middle earth.

Clarence Newman

I'm an old patron. I just wanted to say thank you for all the videos except Howard the Duck.


I've always thought of superman returns as superman 2.5 so hopefully one day in the future we'll get to see superman 3&4 on the channel and it will be like a natural progression.

Shad Kanyak

I enjoy Superman 3 and EVERY Terminator film, but I can understand skipping them since the majority of the YT crowd will skip them.


I would rather see Carly squirm just a tad....than watch her and Cassie get all misty-eyed with another romcom. Buy hey, that's just the way I roll, lol.

Mark White

Cassie, don’t worry! I’ve still not got my dec’s down yet! I’m so behind with everything! CASSIE!…ok, now I have your attention😆 I’m starting to get worried about Australia Day! You have only briefly mentioned Crocodile Dundee 2, but with no guarantees! I SOOO need you to watch this. I know you and Carly will enjoy it. Its a guarantee for some movie fun and I know it will put a smile on your face. Ignore the nay sayers! You’re going to love it! 🐍🐊🐃🤠 Come on! You know you want to know what happens next for Mick and Sue?!!!

bgb1975 (Brian)

Darnit! I was hoping PiB would do the Donner Cut!

bgb1975 (Brian)

I thought that Superman III would be worth the watch. I think Cassie would like the Lana Lang angle.

Clarence Newman

Oh, I agree, Joe. Jaws and the Rockys were great reactions and she squirmed a lot in those. I just think that, for Carly, the stuff that makes her jump or squirm needs to be less 'real' these days. The crocodile surging out of the water at Sue Charlton, yes; Mayo opening the door on Sid playing naked stalactite, no.

Shad Kanyak

There’s also some charm to Richard Pryor even when the role isn’t great.

Clarence Newman

NAY, Cassie! You should NOT watch anything but Croc Dundee 2 on Australia Day! Just naysaying.

Just Plain Bob

If Cassie’s gonna do another swords and sandals movie, I’d far rather it was “Spartacus” (1960) than re-treading “Gladiator.” Spartacus is the OG gladiator movie and deserves a reaction. Although I quite like “Gladiator”, a rewatch reaction doesn’t interest me.

Brian's Dog

Brandon Routh did great as Superman, looking forward to this!


We've waited a whole year Mark surely they can't put off Croc 2 any longer considering how much they enjoyed the first one. Hopefully it dosn't end up on a poll as Mad Max will smoke it.

Bill Maurer

He did a very good job. I thought Kevin Spacey as Luthor was good as well. Not a fan of the character who played Lois Lane, though

Bill Maurer

YES on Spartacus. Also, Excalibur is must watch and Conan the Barbarian. Arnold's first real big role. It's worth watching just for the score of Basil Poledouris !!!!

Shehab Dawoud

Agree on Spartacus. I think it's better than Gladiator, and will probably one of the few Kubrick movies she'll like.

Darren Harrison

Well he’s cast as the villain, so in that respect he is well cast. My favorite Spacey movie prior to his sexual misconduct allegations is probably “21” and it was rewatching that movie when I realized I couldn’t get past his off-screen issues. I know a lot of people have issues with Mel Gibson, but since he stars in my favorite all-time movie “Braveheart” I have managed to still enjoy that movie in spite of his presence.

Robert N Douglass

Oh, man, I miss Basil's music! You damn straight, Basil Poledouris made some bangers. He would have been great to score for the Warhammer 40K Cinematic Universe.

Just Plain Bob

I love “Excalibur” and “Conan the Barbarian.” Hard to imagine the tale of King Arthur being better told. I do remember being disappointed that Conan’s hair was brown, though. As a devotee of Robert E. Howard’s stories, I fully expected his hair to be black. Howard is such a visual storyteller, with detailed descriptions of his characters, that it was hard to get past that when I first saw the movie forty-odd years ago. Also, Thulsa Doom was a King Kull character, if memory serves, not a Conan character. But, once I got past those minor quibbles, I was able to sit back and enjoy what John Milius had created - and I’ve loved it ever since.


Yeah, the Superman Returns teaser trailer was magnificent, with the John Williams "Krypton" theme, and that voiceover from Marlon Brando as Jor-El. I don't really remember the movie well, but I often revisit that teaser from time to time.

Clarence Newman

Don't worry about that one, Gray. If Mad Max wins, we'll just tell Cassie she won't be able to watch it with Carly, which will bump Croc 2 to the Australia Day watch, which they always do together.


I also want to see Mad Max 1, 2, and 3....sooner than later. Come on, Mel Gibson, she can't resist much longer, lol.

Robert N Douglass

The 1978 version is a classic, but the one in the 1990s with Meg Tilly, R. Lee Ermey and Gabrielle Anwar was terrifying! I wonder, though, if Cassie would ever be curious about watching some cosmic horror films. Colour Out of Space and Event Horizon are great ones, and Event Horizon is a cult classic and a fan-lauded unofficial prequel to Warhammer 40K.

Robert N Douglass

'We're having fun, right? 😃 *RIGHT??!! 🤨* " "🫡 MA'AM, YES, MA'AM!! " (🤣)

Mark White

Yeah, that does worry me Gray. I mean don’t get me wrong I love the original “”Mad Max’s” and It would be great to have Cassie react to them (maybe not Carly, bless her!) but I must of watched their reaction to the Dundee 1 at least 40 times, as it’s got my head out of some difficult moments. I just know they would enjoy it! I live in eternal hope of Mick’s return 🤞🤠

Byrd N. Hand

"Terminator 3" is still way better than anything that came after it... AND those shitty "Jaws" sequels. It's comparable to "Jurassic Park III" -- the franchise's thin premise was already beginning to run its course, but still offers enough to keep you engaged.

Brian's Dog

Yeah, that teaser trailer was amazing. Must have watched that a few dozen times waiting for the movie to come out.


Robert, many here have suggested Cassie react to films with horror elements throughout the year. Doing them all in October is one gut punch after another for her.

Mark White

That score is Epic!! Conan is a must watch at some point in the future.


Excalibur is an amazing movie! I should submit it for my next Pick-A-Flick.

Bill Maurer

Now that Cassie is watching "Superman Returns" in debut of the upcoming new Superman movie. I hope she watches "Man of Steel" and the "Snyder-verse" as well. It has Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner (one of her favorites), Amy Adams and of course, as the Man of Steel himself, Henry Cavill. Henry, if you remember, played the young Albert Mondego in "The Count of Monte Cristo".

Manav Goyal

Watch Kalki 2898 AD

Mike Amandes

Omar Sy is so great in The Intouchables, and I haven't seen it since I first saw it years ago. Curious whether you're watching it dubbed or with subtitles, but I'm looking forward to the reaction either way.

Mark White

Joe I’m so on board with Cassie watching Mad Max, I love those movies. But if it goes in a poll against Croc 2, it will be a blood bath! In shape of a black Ford Falcon GT interceptor! driving right through the poster of Dundee 2! But honestly which do we think Cassie and defiantly Carly would enjoy most?! ….🤠

Clay F

Gladiator rewatch (w/Carly first watch) will be interesting. Looking forward to it. Gladiator was the eleventh movie you reacted to -- posted Patreon March 12, 2021 -- almost 4 years ago. You watched the movie on your laptop, as you did in the early weeks of the channel.

bgb1975 (Brian)

Does anyone know: How does the "requests app" that Cassie mentioned above work?


Mark, Croc 2 should just be watched by the sisters, not put on a poll. I think Cassie will enjoy the OG Mad Max movies...no reason why she wouldn't. Carly would probably not join for those.


Brandon Routh is my very distant cousin. As is Dirty Dozen director Robert Aldrich and all of John D. Rockefeller Jr's children.


Basically all patrons may go to the site and request movies for Cassie to watch. It tallies up the votes and ranks the requests from most requested to least.

Richard Maurer

Thank you for Howard the Duck. Putting yourself through such a stupid movie for us was a real sacrifice.

Jakob Rygh

I just watched Waterloo with Christopher Plummer, and that was quite the movie to watch. The movie was made with soldiers doing real Napoleonic tactics.

Steve Holton

I was sick too, so I watched a lot of shows. “Cross” on Amazon Prime was a little over the top, but a great job by lead actor Aldis Hodge. I really enjoyed the “Icons Unearthed” documentaries on Amazon Prime. It’s 6 or so episodes on a topic like “Star Wars”, “James Bond”, “Batman”, “Lord of the Rings”. The Star Wars one was really interesting, since the main interview was with Marcia Lucas. George’s former wife and the Oscar winning editor who stressed story for the first trilogy. Her insights are amazing. Looking forward to this week. We will be entertained! ⚔️

Richard Maurer

There’s a AI adaptation of The Silmarillion just starting out YT. It’s getting really good comments from Tolkien fans. I’m really enjoying it so far. The only problem is the episodes are about 10 minutes long so at this pace it should be finished in about 10 to 20 years.


Do the whole King Arthur saga. Disney's The Sword and the Stone, Camelot and finish up with Excalibur.

Steve Holton

The URL is https://www.popcornrequests.com/ It was designed by the user "Planner". One can activate an account there through the Patreon and discord login. Contact "Planner" if there is any issue doing that. Discord may be the quickest way to accomplish that.

Clay F

Click on "Popcorn Requests" (which is www.popcornrequests.com) in helpful links in PATREON FAQ's/ START HERE above. You can enter new requests or upvote existing requests. I don't remember the details, but may have link with your Patreon account.

Mark White

Aaron, I would imagine “Man of Steel” will be Cassie’s next port of call for superman movies. I’m guessing she hasn’t seen MOS yet?!

Richard Maurer

This is why I stay away from celebrity stuff as much as possible. I don’t want their real lives to affect my movie experiences.


I think Terminator 3 is judged too harshly. It has several great moments. Even Salvation is better than its reputation. Superman 3 is a mediocre film. I wouldn't say never watch is but there are a million other films that are better films.

Richard Maurer

This is the problem I have with the Chris Reeve movies - not the portrayal, it’s the writing. They’d create problems then just give him new, ridiculous powers to over come those problems. I remember saying “oh come on!” When he flew around the earth to turn back time, like how does that make any sense?

Clay F

Put Croc 2 in a poll. *Crocodile Dundee. IMDb 6.6, Metacritic 62%, RT 89% (audience 59%) --a financial success *Croc 2. IMDb 5.7, Metacritic 41%, RT single digit 9% (audience 38%) --"Retelling its predecessor's same joke with diminishing returns, Crocodile Dundee II sees the franchise's enjoyability go down under." --"Too slow to constitute an adventure and too few laughs to be a comedy."

Aaron Mann

Yes, I certainly hope it's on her short list of watches. She has not seen it yet according to her watch list.

Odd Thomas

Yay, Superman, although I'm sure even in 2006 the trailers showed EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, which is a shame

Richard Maurer

Go to the f.a.q post pinned to the top of the posts section. Scroll down and you’ll see Popcorn Requests highlighted in blue. Just know if you add anything that is not already on the sight it will be buried somewhere in 6000+ requests.


Sorry Clay maybe it's one you'll just have to skip

Mark White

Byrd, now I’m NOT a fan of the Jurassic park sequels, Jurassic 3 was very weak, but in my humble opinion Jurassic 3 is a master piece when compared to Jaws 3 and the joke that is Jaws the Revenge!!! I do think Jaws 2 isn’t as bad as we all remember it. I rewatched it recently and yeah it’s not a patch on the first but it’s a good try at a sequel and is far, far better than 3 and 4! The problem with Jaws 2 is the final act, which is poor and that’s frustrating as the first half of the movie is good. I also hope Cassie watch’s T3 at some point.

Shad Kanyak

I also agree T3 is one of the better sequels. I also liked the Terminator TV series, The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Don't know Cassie would be into that, but it did have Summer Glau from Firefly/Serenity as a Terminator.

Richard Maurer

Hoping Horror of Dracula gets on a classic horror poll sometime soon as I switched my pick-a-flick choice to The Final Programme. Because TFP has much less of a chance of ever being reacted to. It is streaming on Amazon, however.

Jackie McDonalds

Superman Returns doesn’t get enough love. It’s not a great movie but it nails the spirit of Christopher Reeve so faithfully

Dave Wheeler

SuperMan Returns is a great movie and a worthy sequel to Superman II. Thank you so much Cassie. Wishing you a very happy ‘25. ❤️🍿


I anticipate a lot of covering of eyes with exclamations of “OH FETCH!”

Mark White

Clarence don’t give up just because you compared yourself to Tolkien!! That’s like wanting to be a boxer and giving up because you felt inadequate when you compared yourself Muhammad Ali! You probably got yourself a cracking book there! Don’t give up!


Currently watching STAR WARS: Skeleton Crew, 2 episodes left, and it's got a few younger characters you'd absolutely love.


I really liked the cast. I loved the look and the special effects. I always described Superman Returns as a really great version of the wrong story - I don’t think this is the story they should have told with that new Superman film. But, that’s just my opinion.

Byrd N. Hand

I could accept the context in which he turned back time in the first movie, i.e. a one-off move made out of impulsiveness and experiencing susceptibility to human emotions, but *not* within the context as presented in the Donner Cut of "Superman II," which not only basically negates all the events of that movie, but also implies he can do this any time things don't go the way he planned, thus significantly lowering the stakes for future installments.

Mark White

Sorry Clay, this is where I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with the numbers! And the critics. It’s a good sequel. I mean they didn’t just repeat the first. They DID put a different spin on it. More action, the gags are just as good and the script and story are solid. It’s only problem is it’s not the first one! I also feel Ive watched enough of Cassie and Carly now to say with confidence they would really enjoy it. In my humble opinion! 😆

Byrd N. Hand

Bottom line is, Cassie has no excuse for not watching T3 (or "Godfather III"... or "Matrix Revolutions") after watching genuine shit for the channel like "Howard the Duck," "Son-in-Law," some of the more recent MCU items, and the Di$ney Star Wars sequel trilogy. I will say, though, that "Superman III" director (who was also given the reins on "Superman II" once Richard Donner was dismissed) Richard Lester is a highly underrated filmmaker. While mostly just known for his involvement with the original "Superman" movies and for directing The Beatles' first 2 movies, there was much more to him than that. I'd also highly recommend "The Mouse on the Moon" (sequel to "The Mouse That Roared"), "The Knack... and How to Get It," "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," "How I Won the War," "Petulia," "The Bed-Sitting Room," the "Musketeers" trilogy, "Cuba," and "Finders Keepers."

Uncle Phoenix

Does anyone know the full "Joe Rogan Flu Protocol”. (I remember that it included, HCQ and Ivermectin.)


Superman Returns 😮 Oh, does that mean you're jumping past the rest of the original films now then, so no Superman III 😭


Clarence, I agree with Mark - that is no reason to give up writing. But Mark - that seems like a perfectly good reason to give up boxing . . .

Richard Maurer

I can’t accept it at all unless they explain that Superman has magical powers- makes zero sense otherwise.

Bryan Fritchie

First, she might enjoy what you call a bad movie. Second, the channel is about watching what we watched. Sometimes that is good, sometimes bad. Third, it can also help to understand the context of where things have been to fully understand where and why they are going where they are going.

Luke Godfrey

Can’t wait to see what Cassie makes of Superman Returns. I think she’s going to really enjoy it. The graphics are a big step up from Superman 1 & 2. I really hope this means Cassie is going to watch the Henry Cavill Superman movies too at some point (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Zack Snyder’s Justice League). The Snyder Cut may be 4 hours long and have a 4:3 aspect ratio but let’s face it, the 2017 Justice League is unwatchable. Joss Whedon really screwed the pooch on that one!

Luke Godfrey

It’s going to be interesting to see how much of Gladiator Cassie remembers. It’s nearly 4 years ago she reacted to it. I’m expecting a lot of looking away from Carly. 🍿

Richard Maurer

She can only watch so many movies. Superman 3 is generally considered bad, sorry you like it, but not worth wasting time on.


I'm curious as to what Cassie's reactions would be to Christopher Reeve's remaining Superman films, Superman III and IV. I wonder if she will ever watch those? I'm also curious as to whether she will watch the Richard Donner cut of Superman 2?

Bill Maurer

Another vote for the Snyder-Verse !!! Can't believe Whedon screwed up the Justice League THAT bad

Bill Maurer

Best thing about Superman 3 is Richard Pryor. That says a lot about a Superman movie

Just Plain Bob

The stuff with telekinesis, magic sticky giant S’s, magic amnesia kisses, etc, was all bullshit. But the time travel thing was the worst. Once you do that, everything loses dramatic tension. As long as Superman himself doesn’t die, he can always just fly super fast, reverse time, and fix things to his liking. So why the hell did we just waste the preceding two hours watching this f***ing movie?

Clarence Newman

I did like Richard Pryor (Stir Crazy, Brewster's Millions), and he was at the top of his game when Superman 3 came out. But it pretty much became a Richard Pryor movie after that. Christopher Reeve himself said, "As soon as I heard Richard was going to be in it, I knew they'd be going for the pratfalls and sight gags." That wasn't what the Superman franchise had been about up till then.

Mike Lemon

Cassie isn't "special", why would you even think that? She watched Superman 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are terrible, and Returns is a sequel to 2, and since she has a problem not watching series she is watching Returns.

Happy Hanukkah

I wouldn't thank her for the movie itself, but for the reaction. I fast-forwarded without audio through the reaction and got a lot of laughs from simply watching Cassie's face. :-) Welcome, Jonathan!

Clarence Newman

Richard only likes Howard because it's next to Horror of Dracula in his movie book.

Mike Lemon

I've been listening to Shogun again. I've probably listened to it a dozen times now. I listen to about 10 hours of podcasts a day and around the holidays was pretty dead for new podcast episodes, so a 50 hour audiobook it is.


No kidding Richard. There needs to be some quality control. She could be watching questionable movies from now til doomsday.

Happy Hanukkah

1. Sorry, I forgot this post. 2. I strongly approve of the Requests polls. Thanks. 3. "Won’t that be fun? It’s going to be fun. GUYS WE’RE HAVING FUN OK?!" [In my most blasé voice:] Yes, Mom. 4. Carly... do you like movies about gladiators? :-P :-)

Dan M

I’m thinking her reaction to those two movies would be pretty much similar to her reaction to Batman Returns (1992). Not a very enthusiastic response to say the least. Then again, she does have a soft spot for Christopher Reeve.


I'd like to see Fright Night - 1985 as well

Dan M

There are definitely scenes in which Carly will be ducking under the blanket and letting out an emphatic “Oh Fetch!!”. But when the movie is over, I think her overall reaction will be positive, much like it was for Braveheart.

Chris Clarke


Dan M

I can do without a reaction to Superman III & IV. They were awful.

Dan M

Sorry you weren’t feeling no well, Steve. Hope you’re on the mend.


I'm fairly sure she hasn't seen Batman Returns (1992), I know she didn't enjoy Batman (1989). Actually, I don't really mind if she never watches Superman III of IV, but I'd still be interested to see her react to Richard Donner's cut of Superman II.


I think Cassie would like 1961's The Hustler

Steve Holton

Thanks Dan, yeah sickest I've been in a long time. The hospitals in California are crowded with patients, but fortunately I avoided that. But feeling much better now thanks. Hope you had a great holiday! 😊


I remember on the original Gladiator (2000) DVD extras, they included a full day-to-day production diary written by actor Spencer Treat Clark who played Lucius. I don't know of any other DVD/Blu-Ray of any other movie that included an actor's production diary. Are there any that I don't know of?

Clarence Newman

And. of course, it would lead to the sequel, Color of Money, starring a young Tom Cruise.

Dan M

Yikes! So sorry. But glad to hear you’re feeling better. My holidays were great, thanks! Same to you! Looking forward to a great year with Cassie, Carly, you, and the rest of the PiB community 😁

bgb1975 (Brian)

Sounds like something Clark W. Griswold would say. "WE'RE HAVING [bleeping] FUN, OK?"

bgb1975 (Brian)

My bet is that Cassie would enjoy Superman III, particularly the Lana Lang character.

Clay F

My guess is Superman Returns will be her final Superman movie. No Superman III or IV.

Cole Jennett

It will actually be closer to 4 years I think for Cassie. I’m sure it was one of the first 10 or so reactions she did.

Cole Jennett

I didn’t find the Snyder cut to be an improvement, it was just more.🤷‍♂️

Uncle Phoenix

I hope Cassie makes Carly watch Band of Brothers this year. I hope Carly likes it as much as I think she will. I hope.

Chris Thom

Looks like Shogun won some awards at The Golden Globes the other night. Has anyone seen it?

Chris Thom

That was one of the first DVD's I ever rented with the special features and it was amazing. Set the standard pretty high.

Chris Thom

She'll enjoy the slow walk through the wheat. And...that might be it.

Chris Thom

Hopefully she'll just watch the Snyder Cut. But then again it is a four hour commitment.

Mike Lemon

Yes. It sucks. 2/10 as an adaptation, maybe 5/10 if it was named anything else.

Chris Thom

Snyder Cut didn't add THAT much more. But it really is a better film with a better flow and look. I think it's important to keep one director for the duration, or at least one singular vision. Too many cooks in the kitchen waters everything down.

Chris Thom

I would bet she doesn't remember that much. It's a lot to take in.

Mike Lemon

A book- Shogun by James Clavell (1975). There was a miniseries in 1980 starring Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifume, and Yoko Shimada that was much closer to the book (because Clavell was part of it). It's on the Internet Archive.

Philip Alan

She had a poll during a live once not too long ago asking if she should watch it and most people voted YES. So I hope she does!

David Collins

Once you're finished with LotR, you can listen to Wheel of Time read by Kate Reading and Michael Kramer. Excellent series and fantastic readers.


I think Cassie would enjoy Superman III and it shows more of his childhood history on earth. Plus as others have mentioned Richard Pryor is outstanding in this film and Robert Vaughan does a pretty good job too. This was one of my fav films as a kid.


Everybody else seemed to love it. I quite liked it, but I haven't read the book so have no reason to get in a twist over how closely it followed the original script.

Chris Clarke

If Carly can manage Gladiator, I think she'd enjoy Hot Fuzz: the splatter-count is similar!

Mike Lemon

That's why I split up the score. The adaptation is awful, everything is wrong- the story, the characters' personalities, even some of the names are changed because reasons. They even took out the major plot point of the book. Taking that out, the story they gave is muddled and full of holes, the characters are boring and stupid until they are required to not be for the story then then flip back. About the only thing it has going for it is it looks good (if you like the dim, washed out color look).

Doc Larry

I’m waiting to see if Cassie watches wicked on the channel. It’s been an exciting year and wonderful movies on PIB.

Richard Maurer

Warner Bros desperately tinkering trying to be the next MCU is where they went wrong.

Richard Maurer

How dare you say I like Howard the Duck. I like Cassie’s reaction to Howard the Duck.

Chris Thom

Could've sworn she was there for that one. Or maybe that was Shawn of the Dead.

Chris Thom

Hope you're better now. Lots of people have been sick this year. Me too, but early in November. Heard on the news there was an infected dairy farm not too long ago. Wonder if that had anything to do with it. Anyways Prime has a great collection of the most random documentaries. So much stuff on there I never knew existed.

Chris Thom

I did think they would go for something a bit more epic. But all the elements were there for a really great movie.

Chris Thom

I do wonder if she has something against Kubrick. I know he's not for everybody.

Chris Thom

Someone posted the lyrics and I still couldn't tell what it was getting at.

Steve Holton

Thanks Chris! Yeah, maybe that dairy had something to do with it. Glad you are better too! Sadly, right now I'm seeing my hometown threatened by a wildfire! So far, everyone I know there has gotten out safe, but my high school baseball field is burning right now! Santa Ana winds + no rain always means trouble in Southern California. It's a windy fire when beach lifeguard towers burn down.

Chris Thom

I think the new trailer reminded people more of Returns than the Snyderverse.

Chris Thom

Fun Fact: Cassie totally knew what she was getting Carly into with What Lies Beneath.

Chris Thom

There's a lot of great vids on the channel. But honestly the YouTube edits are a much easier watch. No syncing required.

Steve Holton

Update: My elementary school just burned down. Part of my High School burned down too. For a film context it was the high school where exteriors for the film "Carrie" and for the Freaky Friday remake. It also hosted auditions for Star Wars as George Lucas tested many young actors there while they were filming "Carrie"

Clay F

Gladiator (2000). Joaquin Phoenix's performance is stunning. The Intouchables (2012). Never seen but wanted to. Superman Returns (2006). Never seen but curious.

Clay F

What Golden Globes did it win? Watched the first 3 episodes and liked it. On my watchlist to complete. Has Hiroyuki Sanada who was Ujio in The Last Samurai (2003).

Chris Thom

It won best Actor Tv Series, Best Drama, Best Actress Drama Series, and Supporting Actor TV. Also The Brutalist won some, Emilia Perez, The Substance, A Real Pain, Conclave, Challengers, True Detective, and Hacks won.

Chris Thom

Oh and Wicked won for 'Best Box Office Achievement'. Lol. New award. Barbie won last year.


award-winning movies are emilia perez the house the Imitarion game the girl with the magen tattoo beasts of no nation tragic jungle all qulet on the western front winner film is rhe sound and the whole What is Cassie said Amazing and fantastic movies Cassie's sister Carly SAID my Best friend David stapley he's is best winner from popcorn in bed channel and upgrade to paid list try to say Big thank you for Cassie and CARLY HELP me happyness and sadness we talk about Cassie and Carly you Like you very match thank you Big Hand Cassie and Carly thank you for Bring movie we watched Amazing film's

Byrd N. Hand

I wouldn't mind if she brought a few more of those Patreon exclusives to YT -- particularly "The Apartment," "Starman," and "Phantom Thread."

Byrd N. Hand

More Paul Newman on the channel in general would be nice. "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," "The Long Hot Summer," "Sweet Bird of Youth," "Hud," "Harper" (and its sequel, "The Drowning Pool"), "Hombre," "Cool Hand Luke," "The Verdict," etc.


I appreciate you giving the original winner a second chance! It's supposed to be fun and I know if that happened to me and I lost my pick I'd be sad about it. Mistakes happen and it's easy to miss something on Letterboxd. Some people might not realize it ignores "The" and "A" in titles and puts the movie in the first letter of the second word (For example, The Family Man is under F and A Star is Born is under S). Other movies might be missing (such as Twisters). If it happens again maybe adding a "backup movie" field to the form would be helpful. I hope Pick-A-Flick remains a constant monthly event!

Clarence Newman

Indeed, Richard. I have wronged you as badly as the YouTube voters wronged Cassie. I will not duck the need to apologise.

Clarence Newman

Yep, and that might be the one that broke Carly, Chris. She'd never spent the last 10 minutes of a film with a blanket over her head before.

Byrd N. Hand

From what I've gathered, titles on people's Letterboxd lists are presented by release date, from most recent to furthest away.

Chris Thom

Cassie, don't forget to pick your top ten favorite movies from the channel for The Poppies! The best part.

Luke Godfrey

Cole, right you are. Keep forgetting it’s 2025 already! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Got to say it again. Triston and Isolde, and Rob Roy are 2 of the most under-rated movies all time! Along the lines of Gladiator and Legend of the Fall!

Chris Clarke

There's some great trivia attached to Gladiator: the man in jeans, the gas cylinder and the names of the horses on Maximus' armour to name just three!


Carly watching Gladiator is like the emotional equivalent of cordon bleu.


Praying for our SoCal communities that have been scorched and destroyed from these historic wildfires that exploded yesterday with a new fire just starting in Hollywood Hills. L.A. county has been changed forever. Our brave LEOs and Fire crews - heroic and courageous work trying to save as many lives and property as humanly possible considering the massive budget cuts to their funding. 755+ firefighters on scene and 0% containment with dry hydrants and grounded aircraft. High wind warning tonight.

Jimmy Reyes

I know you won't read this Cassie I hope someone does just know Superman returns is the third movie behind Superman and Superman 2 with Christopher Reeve. The director made this after Superman 2. Superman leaves Earth to go see if more persons from Krypton lived. Since zod showed up he had to make sure nobody else survived. So Superman returns is about him coming back to Earth not finding anybody. So you know there is a Superman 3 and 4 those are not a part of this movie. I hope you read on it or somebody tells you or you can somehow read what I just mentioned. Awesome thanks You're doing a great job. PiB4Life.

Clay F

IMDb 7.4, Metacritic 82%, RT 93% (audience 86%) - Superman (1978) IMDb 6.8, Metacritic 83%, RT 83% (audience 76%) - Superman 2 (1980) IMDb 5.0, Metacritic 44%, RT 29% (audience 23%) - Superman 3 (1983) IMDb 3.7, Metacritic 24%, RT 10% (audience 16%) -- Superman 4 (1987)

Mike Lemon

Clay has a thing for critics, it's just one of the quirks of this Patreon group. But to the topic- She's roughly aware of Returns being a sequel. On the Superman 2 reaction (and 1?), many people mentioned to not bother with 3 and 4 because they were pretty bad, and to skip right to Returns.

Jimmy Reyes

Awesome. All that's needed then. Just don't want Cassie being confused.


Best Comedy movie are naked gun 331/3 the final Inuits Ace venture when nature calls Jumanji 1995 top secret 1984 three amigos hot shots part Deux Cassie seen it before this funniest movie's make Cassie's tears of Laughter