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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "No Way Out" which will premiere shortly!



Chris Thom

Honestly don't know if this is a dumb question...but is it possible to attend a premiere chat from a flight over the gulf and Mexico?

Christopher Coake

This was a fun one. Also, I've vacationed at Holden Beach a few times!

Chris Thom

Oh I thought the premiere was about to happen. Was wondering why so early today.


As Wild Twist Endings (tm) go, I chuckled a bit when this one popped up on the list so soon after "Planet of the Apes." I'm half-expecting the sisters to cringe at the end of every single movie for the next month or so at this point, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. But this one is a solid suspense thriller that seems to be overlooked a lot, so I'm glad it got its moment in the spotlight here. I saw it in the theater back when it was released, and there was an audible gasp when Kevin...suddenly, um, talked a bit differently at the end. (Leaving it vague for those who watch some of these for the first time with the gals.)

Ignis Rændl

a russian asset in the u.s government... how ridiculous🤑

Carol Rocha

Have you done The Bodyguard? I’ll have to check. But it’s great!

Carol Rocha

Great movie!! Hadn’t seen it in years!!!

Kevin Albertina

It's funny because it's been a long time since I've seen this. I can remember all of the last half of the movie, but only bits and pieces of the first half...maybe that's normal I don't know. Yeah, there really are no good guys here, just levels of bad guys for different reasons. I have to admit I do like twist endings, but when I first watched this, I hated it.

Milton William Burray

No Way Out, 35mm film trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4pxmkbz_3o


It’s been a couple of years since I saw The Big Clock (1948), which is based on the same book as No Way Out. But it was a remarkable film and I highly recommend it if you can find it on TCM or wherever. The story is a lot more straightforward but just as suspenseful. No Way Out kind of took the murder/framing premise and convoluted it with the whole Russian spy thing.

Chris Thom

Think he was sweating so much because he didn't like being called 'average'.

Stephen Dias

Huh. Well, I definitely want to see the entire movie now. When this movie came out, it just didn't seem like something I'd be interested in. Maybe I'll check out "The Big Clock" first, since I saw Guy's post.


I'm definitely interested. At the moment, though, it looks like the only ways to get it streaming are from one's choice of Amazon Prime Video or YouTube Movies, both at $3.99 for a rental.


When I was a kid, I fell off my skateboard and broke one of my front teeth, so I know how your little one feels. Not fun!

Above Average Dave

BREACH is about exactly that — the Robert Hansen case, thinly disguised. Excellent film with Chris Cooper playing the Hansen character and Ryan Phillippe with a surprisingly good turn as his neophyte foil. Hansen was decorated FBI agent and ran FBI's US counter-intelligence against the USSR. His treason resulted in the torture and deaths of dozens of U.S. agents in the Soviet bloc. There was another mole at CIA in the 1970s who caused the torture and deaths of several dozen more agents and double-agents behind the Iron Curtain. The Brits had even bigger known problems with Russian spying (I say known, because I've been told by people I know in some of the three-letter agencies that a lot of these cases never see the light of day and are handled "inside"). The Brits had a cadre of Oxford and Cambridge-educated communists/Stalinists who became deeply embedded in their intelligence services and as agents abroad. Their most famous was Kim Philby who was chief British liaison with American intelligence agencies with a portfolio of the Soviet Union. He was another one who got dozens of Brits and Americans (and their human intelligence on the ground spies behind the Iron Curtain) tortured and killed. And I say "tortured and killed" because the KGB had "special treatment" tortures for anyone suspected as a spy. I won't post here but it's all high octane nightmare fuel. So, yes, this has not only happened, history shows it is probably happening today in the US and Europe with people spying for China being as much (or more) likely than Russian spies. In fact, three U.S. Army soldiers were arrested just yesterday (3-6) for passing secrets to China. Also, can you tell I've spent a bit of time in this rabbit hole? I've read far too many books on the Cold War and early post-Cold War espionage and tradecraft 🤣


This is a movie you can watch a second time and, knowing what you do now, see a very different story. One thing to pick up is that point midway in the investigation where Farrell asks to speak to the CIA rep about counter-espionage, he may have been thinking about turning himself in (defecting) to run a counter play against the Soviets, but his friend (and all of us) thought he was thinking about exposing Hackman. The Russians wanted Farrell to become her lover to see if they could use that to compromise the Secretary of Defense - which is what Hackman was panicking about when she wouldn’t tell him how she spent the weekend, he was worried about exactly what was happening.


Perhaps the woman And the helpful CIA guy were both Soviet spies.


There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be LOL


This movie was tough to watch because I had no respect for the main characters for willingly being in a situation like that. (the love triangle)

Happy Hanukkah

Yes! I *love* Vincent Price!

Chris Thom

Think the idea was that every character involved in the story was shady in some way.


Yeah I get that but other shows/films do a better job of getting the audience to enjoy watching repulsive main characters. Like The Sopranos tv series or Breaking Bad. The main characters of these shows are appalling, but right from the start there something about the characters that makes you interested in their story. I didn't find that with this film.

Bill W

Thoko I have that same issue. I dropped out of American Psycho after like 20-30 minutes hoping somehow they all died. 😀 Most times I need 1 person I can at least empathize with, if not root for.