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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Frequency which will premiere this evening!



Nathan Swapp

Oh dang it, I confused this with Frailty with Matthew McConaughey and Bill Paxton from 2001. That should go on the list.

Andrew Heller

Oh gonna love this one, been requesting for a long time

Happy Hanukkah

This reaction is dedicated to Dan Rather.

Happy Hanukkah

This is for Carly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw0ih4jPOBo Because it sure as heck ain't for me! :-)

Clarence Newman

Watched this for the first time last week. Good movie and I'm looking forward to seeing the YT edit. Not really a fan of Dennis Quaid or John Catweazle, but those two little round insets on the screen will make up for that.


I just watched this for the first time, interesting premise. Frank saves a guy from a burning warehouse who turns out to be a serial killer whom then murders his own wife. The moral of the story: never help anyone :P

Morgan A. Colbert

I love this movie. Saw it in the theater. It's the type of movie they don't really make anymore. Just a good way to spend a saturday afternoon.


He believed that television networks were beaming messages into his head. He killed an NBC stagehand.

Chris Thom

Just read that this had the same director as Primal Fear and Fallen with Denzel.

Clarence Newman

Moral of this story? If a nothing character you haven't seen before does a sneaky, sideways glance at your boo and the director feels the need to do a close-up on it, go full Arya Stark on his ass.


Cassie: " I can't watch, I can't watch, I can't watch!" Me, yelling at the screen: You HAVE to watch!"

Brad Enervold

Glad you guys like this movie. Also there was a TV show in 2016 that only lasted for 1 season, but it was pretty good.

Troy Silvester

One of my all time favs. KA V SEL Jim's last name!

Clay F

Jim Caviezel is great in "The Thin Red Line" (1998).

Anthony Carlson

Fun fact about this app: if you’re watching a video on this app and you have your phone’s Bluetooth connected to your car, it will automatically play the video when you start the car. Scared the crap out of me when I got out of work early. Heard commotion from my speakers and shouted “WHO IS THIS?!?!”, only to found out this video was playing….🤣🤣🤣

Padraig Glennon

Great early spot with Michael Cera!!!! This whole reaction Rocked!!

Cory H

I knew this would be a hit for Cassie and Carly. Such a fun and underrated film.

Mark White

Great reaction ladies, really enjoyed this one. Chris has already mentioned below, but I think you guys should watch “Fallen” with Denzil Washington. It’s has a similar feel to it as Frequency. Different type of story, but think you would both enjoy that one. Thank you for another great reaction. You are the best❤️

Chris Thom

Don't think I've seen that since seeing it in the theater. But I remember it being good. Supernatural thriller, a bit like What Lies Beneath and Wes Craven's Shocker in some ways.

Chris Thom

Surreal seeing him that young. Had zero memory of him being in this.

Chris Thom

I feel like I should know what this is referring to but I don't.

Chris Thom

Fun thriller. But I don't know if it was all that memorable because I couldn't recall almost anything about it except the magic radio.

Happy Hanukkah

Rather. :-) I'm more partial to the Steve Miller Band (more the classic The Joker* than the titular one), or even Jamiroquai. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3mfENm6VJc

Happy Hanukkah

Ancient history :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Rather#%22Kenneth,_what_is_the_frequency?%22

cfb0453 (Chris)

Hi Cassie and Carly, Thoroughly enjoyed your reaction to "Frequency", it's a very thought-provoking film. If you enjoyed that, then you must check out "The Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kutcher. It's very similar but much more mind bending. Cassie, you may want to watch this one before showing it to Carly, it might be a little too hot for her to handle! Loving the channel, keep up the good work!

Chris Thom

Was just chatting with a big Jamiroquai fan on here the other day.

Chris Thom

Oh I remember that REM song. Had no idea it had something to do with Dan Rather. Have talked to some crazy homeless people outside the 7/11 though and I definitely believe his account.

Ian A

This was awesome. I saw this once when it came out. I genuinely forgot how good and actually stressful this was. Thanks Cassie and Carly! And yes Carly...you still can't murder a murderer😆


I was going to suggest the show as well. It's a shame it only lasted once season - it's a good watch that's both clever and surprising at times.

Clay F

Suggested movies dealing with time paradoxes or parallel universes, or similar subject matter. 1. “12 Monkeys” (1995) [IMDb 8.0]. Bruce Willis. Brad Pitt (nominated for Oscar). Madeleine Stowe (e.g., in the “Last of the Mohicans” (1992) as the British colonel’s daughter = the crush of the Daniel Day-Lewis character; also in “We Were Soldiers” (2022) as the wife of the Mel Gibson character). No. 19 (75 requests) at popcornrequests. 2. “Coherence” (2013). Thriller/Sci-fi. 3. “Edge of Tomorrow” (2014). Emily Blunt. Tom Cruise. Bill Paxton. At popcornrequests, shown as seen but with 75 requests. I don’t think I see it as seen on Letterboxd.