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When is the best time to add to the list? I noticed the notification earlier today and dropped in my pick. When does the vote normally open? Is it the first of every month?

Mike Lemon

I heard it. She said we are all winners, so 287 days of Pick-A-Flicks?

Mike Lemon

Whenever. It is open all month and resets on the first. You need to fill out another pick every month.

Thomas Thompson

Take care of yourself and kids first business can wait a little while very fun drawing even without sizzle

Milton William Burray

Winner: Cold Mountain (2003) Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, and Renée Zellweger

Chris Thom

Cold Mountain won. Lots of Oscar noms.

Chris Thom

Yes a premiere every day this year I think she said. That's what I heard.


Looking forward to your Cold Mountain reaction!


Maybe you could use this in some way. Hot Butter- Popcorn Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBYjZTdrJlA


Glad she is also watching "The French Connection", voting was very close.


Enjoy Mexico with the fam! You should try a silent film Cassie. There’s music and intertitles. I love “The Artist” / “The Passion of Joan of Arc” / “City Lights” / “The Gold Rush” … just to name a few. Can’t wait for The French Connection! The movie is based on Robin Moore’s account of the actual narcotics investigation and real Popeye detective. So fitting that you’re watching it first! Hope you enjoy.


Oh crap, wasted two votes on a movie she's already seen. At least 'JFK' is still in the lead. Am interested in watching 'Cold Mountain', tried watching it with my ex, fell asleep, but that was because of work, not the movie, never got around to re-watching it.

Travis Tate

That was cool!

Larry Darrell

Three Cheers for Cold Mountain!! Hip Hip Hooray!!

Clay F

Cold Mountain was one of the 31 entries (off the list of the 287) that I "very much" would like a reaction. So the 1 in 9 chance hit.

Stephen Dias

The popping corn animation was cool. Alas, I missed the live draw. I have not seen "Cold Mountain," but it sounds like it could be up my alley. Enjoy your trip! Stay safe.

Story Archer

Is there supposed to be sound?

Milton William Burray

Phew, for a second I thought it was Brokeback Mountain, that would have been a bummer

Robert N Douglass

In the Grim Butter of the Popping Pan.....there is only POPCORN.

Shawn Kildal

I need the odds to 1 in 3 for me to have any kind of chance

Happy Hanukkah

4:52 "I don't have a mouse anymore" ... and I must stream! 9:03 Drago: "I must pop you!" Hourra pour La filiere, and disfruta tus vacaciones.

Eddie Perkins

I am always late for this. Enjoy your trip Cassie, and be safe.


Wow, CallMeWheels just diving in front of me and taking a bullet as Cold Mountain has been my pick since Pick-a-flick started. Feel like I won too now, guess I better think of a new movie to chose.

Eddie Perkins

I'm happy with Cold Mountain. It might not be my first pick, but I sure would pick it over Now and Then 🤷 just saying 😁

Chris Thom

Congrats. Looking forward to seeing that again. It's been a while. I remember it being good...and Renee really earned that Oscar.

Rick Rodriguez

That's a big coincidence. I was just talking to a friend today about Cold Mountain

Chris Thom

She did the reminder post pretty late this month and it sounds like quite a few forgot to submit but it's open all month apparently.

Chris Thom

Those first attempted vids of the drawing definitely got me thinking of silent films. lol


Cassie you seemed just a wee bit stressed (or not as relaxed as usual) during the video. Please please please enjoy your trip to Mexico. We really appreciate you and your channel and Pick a Flick!


Agreed Rodolfo - Also keep telling Cassie that it’s Viggo’s favorite film, too.

Chris Thom

She put up two vids before where the sound wasn't working so she and Ben had been running around trying to fix it for a half hour. They were a little panicked. lol


Unfortunately Cold Mountain was the epidemy of Oscar bait, just BEGGING to win awards during it's Oscar campaign and when I finally saw it as an older teenager I just found it so, SO boring. I like all the actors in it, but watching it I found none of the performances in the movie sincere, or authentic. it felt like self parody, and JUST CHEESEY, yet it was nominated for and won Oscars! I just couldn't under the praise for it at all at the time. I sincerely hope I like it more on rewatch.

Clarence Newman

See, this is why I love Pick-a-flick. In terms of films that are on my want list, I had 50 chances to get a win this time round and Cold Mountain was one of them. Not exactly a cuddly film, but strikes me as the kind of movie Cassie will love. Great pick! In general, thank you for doing all of this, Cassie. I hope it's still worth it for you, even though it can clearly stress you out sometimes. I hate to see you stressed, but one thing that should never cause you stress is glitches and faux pas and things not quite going to plan on live videos. It's all part of the entertainment, and as long as it doesn't upset you, we get to enjoy the madness aswell. To be honest, I think I'd be disappointed if your presentation became too slick and professional. You and Carly are what matter and we'll take you both however you come. Please enjoy Mexico, and never forget....if an upload of a video is late because of technical issues or life just getting the better of you, WE'LL UNDERSTAND. Just give us a heads up so we're not wondering and we'll be perfectly happy to wait. It's only when we're expecting something and nothing happens that we start to get antsy, but that's a nod to how great your channel is and how much it's become a part of many of our lives. It's a side-effect of you and Ben's general efficiency anyway, so just put it down to mostly getting things right. Please go relax now. You earn your downtime every day of the year and we thank you for everything you do.

Stephen Wadsworth

Yes. Don't think I'd go quite as far as you, there, but it was and is the kind of movie bound to score at the Oscars. (Kind of like the movie that Christopher Guest et al were parodying in For Your Consideration.)

Ian Tonge

This was a lot of fun. I love the new popcorn themed presentation, big thank you to whoever built that, and it was also really nice to see everyone else's picks. I think nearly all of the candidates would have been great choices, obviously we're a sophisticated and discerning bunch :-) I've never actually seen Cold Mountain so I'm looking forward to that, and congrats to the winner.

Carol Rocha

Cold Mountain is great. A hard watch IMO. A wonderful film, tho. Haven’t seen in years! Will be great to see your reaction, Cassie!


She's going to Mexico? I just heard a horrific story about tourists in Mexico but I won't repeat the details. Please be safe Cassie

Jacob King

With Anora winning this year (it’s so good but probably on Cassie’s nope list) hopefully it’s a sign that things are shifting.

Jacob King

As a Trekkie you should definitely give William Shatner’s 2004 album Has Been a listen. He mentions the novel Cold Mountain in the song “That’s Me Trying.”

Richard Maurer

Thoko - The story about tourists getting trapped on a Mayan temple by killer vines? Love that one! (The Ruins ‘08)

Richard Maurer

The streak of mainstream movies continues. And gets even more mainstream *yawn*.

Richard Maurer

And since we’re all winners after we finish the 287 films we can start pick a flick all over again with new films!

Chris Thom

Pick a Flick has been a little bumpy but it's still a great idea. Lots of good possibilities. I don't know if it's like an invasion of privacy or something to get so see all the submitted picks but it's nice to see what people are thinking. Watching Cold Mountain now. Found it for 'free' on On Demand. There are some THICK accents happening. Way more violent than I remembered too.

Chris Thom

Oh that was a great one. Really effective. Probably some of the best acting I've seen in a movie like that. They really sold it. Didn't think I would be so genuinely creeped out by that kind of horror, but it's a pretty nasty one.

Clarence Newman

I don't see it as an invasion of privacy. Chris. If it was a list of our police records, then maybe (I'm not proud of what I did to that sheep). We're just talking movies here.

Clarence Newman

As for the thick accents, Cassie needs the practice for when she watches The Commitments.


The cartel scouts are everywhere and women are most vulnerable. Stay vigilant and stay safe.

Chris Thom

I do question the timing a bit. With the tariffs going into effect and political situation I wonder if it's the best time for a Mexico trip.

Byrd N. Hand

Yep, "Cold Mountain" was one of the most blatant Oscar bait movies of the 21st century so far (alongside "The King's Speech," among a few others). Kudos to the Academy for snubbing it for Best Picture, but then also shame on them for falling for Harvey Weinstein's over-the-top campaign for Renée Zellweger's hambone performance for Best Supporting Actress over Shoreh Agdashloo's more nuanced work in "House of Sand and Fog." 🤮

Byrd N. Hand

*Epitome. But, yes, along with "Cinderella Man," "The King's Speech," "The Artist," and a handful of other titles, it was one of the most blatant Oscar bait movies of the 21st century so far...

Byrd N. Hand

Are you kidding? Zellweger's performance as hambone AF. Shoreh Agdashloo deserved it way more for "House of Sand and Fog."

Chris Thom

It was an over the top performance for sure, but I do think she deserved to win. The way she came in and stole the movie was pretty remarkable. I don't think any of her noms were an accident.

Chris Thom

Have a good trip Cassie! Hope you got some sleep. That story you told on the Blast From the Past vid was pretty heartwarming, not gonna lie. Time for a repeat.

Chris Thom

She was really good in HOSaF, agree. But I think either could've won and it would be appropriate.


Of the 30 or so films submitted that I would enjoy a reaction to, "Cold Mountain" isn't one of them, Lol. I always envisioned PAF would be populated with mostly lesser known and niche films, but so far it's mainstream for the most part.

Richard Maurer

Yes, the published list was a real eye-opener for me. Overwhelmingly mainstream. I can’t say I’m too surprised though, look what wins the polls all the time.

Chris Thom

Part of that is people wanting to pick something she might like, I would think. Which as of right now probably means quirkier mainstream American movies with some heart.


@Richard, I submitted "The Fog" (1980), certainly a well known film, but no chance to win or get 2nd on any polls. Like you, I hope for more horror-themed films on the channel. "The Fog" is of course very mild stuff...but quite entertaining, I think Cassie would enjoy it.

Clarence Newman

Maybe she can do 2 Pick-a-flicks a month - one for mainstream movies (which people are mostly going to pick given the chance), and one where she specifically asks us to go a little off-Broadway. I've got plenty of both kinds on my list.


Yes I agree that most of the list were mainstream, but oh what could have been. Cold Mountain is not a bad pick in any way, a fine movie, but MY movie would have been much beter, lol. But oh, it could have been Gone With The Wind or The Treasure of the Sierra Madre! Oh well, there is always next month, and the next and the next.


@Clarence, as I recommended in an older post, I favor a 2nd pick be made every other month, just as a way to get more variety on the channel. I don't see Cassie ever offering a separate wheel for just niche/obscure films, she's more than happy when mainstream films win.


Well to be fair Cold Mountain is pretty much forgotten about there isn't even any reactions on YouTube to it. Now that my pick has gone perhaps I'll choose Crash (2004) the ultimate Oscar bait that would rusty some jimmies lol. I'm joking ofcourse


Cold Mountain has always been a favorite for me just because the soundtrack is so good, and the performances are great. Totally agree it was Oscar bait, but I still really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to revisit it with Cassie!


Why would anyone want to take a trip to Mexico? Never understood that. The chance of being abducted by a drug cartel is thrilling? It's also hot there. If you must leave the country, why not go to England, or France, or Italy? Also, why did Gene Hackman live in New Mexico? There are nicer places to reside. I believe New Mexico and Arizona should be uninhabited.

Milton William Burray

Even the most dangerous countries have relatively safe tourist areas. As long as you don't go off the beaten track and follow travel advice you're in no more danger than back home

Joel P

I haven't seen Cold Mountain in probably a couple of decades. This will be a good excuse to give it a re-watch.

Joel P

My pick this month was The Elephant Man. I don't know how "mainstream" you consider that. I tried to strike a balance between "Stuff I think Cassie will like" with "Films that don't get a whole lot of attention from reaction channels." The Lives of Others (2006) is another film that I like which I think would fit this criteria.

Chris Thom

There's some really cool spots with tourists from all over the world. The people (and locals) are super friendly and it's a big party...in selected places. Anywhere the cartels are in charge it's a dangerous shitshow, but more so for people involved in the drug game, politicians that try to fight them, and journalists that report on their activities. With the tariffs today and whatnot with them closing the border, I really don't know. But all in all the Mexican people don't want to mess with that money flow from the tourists. It's too important. As of now I personally would've chosen the Caribbean or Key West or Hawaii.


There’s a great 2019 film called “The Gasoline Thieves.” I saw it a few years ago and this thread just reminded me of it.

Richard Maurer

I really don’t expect people to alter their choices. By the same token I don’t have to pretend that I find their choices all that interesting. I’m just making an observation about the films themselves. A lot of them are typical Hollywood movies of recent origin. I’m not even saying they’re bad movies, for the most part they are not. Just that they’re not really the types of films that would make me think “now that’s an interesting choice” To anyone reading this, were you surprised very often by what you saw on the list?

Stephen Dias

Huh. I guess I'd never heard the original version before. This is what I was expecting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skB5BYj21QQ


It’s a coming-of-age story and crime thriller set in rural Mexico. Real tearjerker!

Catherine LW

Santa Fe is quite lovely and its altitude makes it more temperate than most southwest cities. It’s also the home to many artists and I understand that Mr. Hackman pursued artistic hobbies after he retired. It has an old world, slower lifestyle, making it pleasant to stroll around Old Town. It is sunny all year round. I would not want to go to Western Europe at this time, with its surge of terrorists attacks. Stabbings, rapes, cars driven into crowds make it more dangerous than the past.

Catherine LW

I went to Mexico in 2018 as a trip paid for by the firm I worked for. South of Cancun at an all expense resort. It was beautiful but I did notice many of the workers there were sullen and unfriendly. Don’t drink anything that’s not bottled. A day trip to Mayan ruins was the highlight. To be honest, I would not return.


No time is a good time for a Mexico trip :/

Catherine LW

Wow, saw a news report that Gene Hackman’s wife died from the Hantavirus. He was in late stages of Alzheimer’s. It appears that she died before he did but he may have been too far gone with Alzheimer’s to seek help. The dog was in a kennel and probably died of dehydration. Sad story.

Chris Thom

The trailer looked really interesting. From what I gathered those kids go to work for a cartel and something goes wrong.

Chris Thom

Very true about the water. Nothing can ruin a trip faster than a stomach bug.

Chris Thom

Yeah there was footage of him from a few months ago and it looked like he could barely walk on his own. Really sad. But also seems like he had a very full life. So that's good.

Catherine LW

I just watched the press conference by the Santa Fe Sheriff and Medical Examiner. She died from Hantavirus- pulmonary disease that can kill within 24-48 hours without medical attention. The last signs of her being alive were witnesses who saw her running errands and picking up their dog from the vet on the 9th of February. The dog had a medical procedure which is probably why it was in a crate. They found Emails on her phone she had opened from that same date. They found numerous, unopened emails on the 11th and no communications from her. He died from advanced cardiovascular disease, and was in advanced stages of Alzheimer’s. The Examiner said it was very possible that he was unaware that she was dead, as he died about a week later. They are still waiting on the dog necropsy. Dogs do not contract Hantavirus nor do they pass it on. Poor dog probably died from dehydration, trapped in a crate.

C Fitch

1st time here over on Patreon. I 2nd Carly’s recent recommendation “Secondhand Lions”. You’ll love it!


Yes - my dad was watching it and I got curious about it and the movie just sucked me in with Lalo’s story. Hawaii is beautiful - but Palawan is my slice of paradise.



Clarence Newman

+1 for The Time Machine, Dave (1960). I imagine Cassie's seen most of the old Disneys.

Chris Thom

I know I was thinking that but I didn't want to jinx it. Lol. It's terrible getting sick on vacation.


I had a co-worker who was detailed in Nepal. He wasn’t able to drink bottled water - he was working in a remote area and got super sick. He was out of the office for about 3 months.


That poor pup. The suffering it endured. Their neighbors indicated that they loved their dogs very much. Taking care of a loved one who has advanced stage of Alzheimer’s is one of the most saddest things to witness and experience. My dad’s father had Alzheimer’s and it was an overwhelming task to take care of him. Gene Hackman’s wife wasn’t in good health either and the toll must have been too much for her.