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Hey guys!

The List we have all been waiting for. YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

JK! Here is the list of all pick a flick submissions that were submitted in the month of February. If you submitted your February pick, your chances are higher than ever with only 287 submissions! I'll do a better job at reminding you guys, but the link is the same every month (you can find in the FAQ). You can find the link in this post.

We filtered out nothing this time except if a person submitted more than once, their latest submission was the one that was kept. We will verify their tier membership details after the pick instead of trying to filter out things before.

We will have a little LIVE later today with the drawing/popping ;)

If you need a reminder on the rules and how things work, you can get more info from the main post here.

PS - The members that were mistakenly left off last month, will have those previous submissions added in addition to their submission for this month.



Whoever that Dallin guy is picked a really good movie, just sayin 🤷🏻‍♂️

Mark White

Wow. Thanks Cassie, I can see mine straight away. Looking forward to the pick 🤞


Cassie picks it herself later today in a live show, this is just the list she'll draw from


I don’t know who that other 2-Can is, but I like his taste in movies!

Philip G.

Come on 'Your Name'....also Cassie it's not studio ghibli

Henry Graham

I guess it will be considerably fewer than 287 entries going into the draw given the number of duplicate entries on the list? Not bad odds!

Steve Holton

Many great choices!


Quite a few double posters in there: Tech C Steve Larry D John C John D John B Joe? Jim C/jimmyc JC/JC762 Jay Henrik Edmund D Clarence N Bill M 2-Can

Chris Clarke

Some great films in there. I seem to have missed the starting point to vote in this batch, dang it!🫤


Looks like there may be 2 different 2-Can's, and maybe there are two unique Tech C's that both like Shaolin (2011) :\

Stephen Last

Someone requested Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog! I originally found it because my celebrity crush was Felicia Day, but Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris are great too.

Above Average Dave

There are a ton of great films here. Congratulations everyone!

Alex Gorell

One the great things about having a name that starts with A, I never ever have to scroll far to find my name in a list.

Anthony Carlson

In case this wins, here’s the trailer: https://youtu.be/Euy4Yu6B3nU?si=KT5v_8c0yxXwbWy9

Dustin Taylor

Didn't realize this was a thing so I submitted for March :)


Didn’t see mine, but I requested Sleepers, so with that being on the new poll I’ll assume it’ll be watched sometime soon. Rooting for Eight Men Out with the baseball season coming up. Also, The Nice Guys, The Book of Eli, City Slickers, The Cider House Rules would all be good.

Oisin Clissmann

Yes indeed. Some of my favourites on the list apart from my choice would be In the name of the father, children of men, kingdom of heaven, collateral, sleepers, dallas buyers club. Wouldn't mind American Beauty, Innserspace, English Patient.

Oisin Clissmann

There are quite a few movies on the list that she's seen already like Sicario or Source Code so that reduces the odds again. Interestingly, there are quite a few movies that are currently on polls. Also, it's interesting, with only 200 or so entries how many times different people submit the same choice!

Larry Darrell

Thank You… Thank You… Thank You 🙏

keoma songs

Some interesting variety of picks for sure. For the record, my screen name is not a first & last name. It's a reference to the twilight spaghetti western named KEOMA (1976). Keoma is rather infamous for the musical score and songs. It's a remarkable movie, elegiac, poetic, mournful, philosophical, beautiful ... BUT the music is divisive to say the least. Most people hate the music and complaints are in the 1st paragraph of most reviews. BUT I LOVE THE MUSIC. It took a while to grow on me, and I don't deny that it is too distracting for most people. The songs are folky, semi Leonard Cohen knock offs with a shrill female vocalist and a male singer who sounds like a conical growling Schwarzenegger. The lyrics describe explicitly what is happening & what characters are thinking, like a Greek chorus. I love it, but it can be hard to take.

Cassie Tremblay

There were 11 people who were mistakenly left out of last months draw. Besides those 11, there are no duplicate submissions!

Oisin Clissmann

Did you submit on time and enter the email associated with your Patreon? That last one is a common reason for not appearing on the list. Don't worry, Sleepers is on the list so even if it doesn't win the ongoing poll you still have a chance to get your pick. :)

Milton William Burray

Double entries: Bill M — The Searcher (1956), The Searchers Edmund D — That Thing You Do! (1996), That Thing You Do (1996) Henrick — The Hunt (2012), The Hunt (2012) Tech C — Shaolin (2011), Shaolin (2011) EDIT: PiB has explained some people were entered twice after last month so they may have just chosen the same movie again

Henry Graham

I have to say, I love the eclectic range of films on this list. It's such a refreshing counterpoint to the polls, which tend to default the recent and familiar. There are many films on this list that would never get near a poll victory, but which I'm very excited to see with Cassie.

Brett Richey

Mike L has a 4 in 287 chance of getting a film he's chosen because someone else picked The Russians are Coming... Nice odds.


Didn't see mine. Must've used the wrong email?

Brett Richey

It's a relief to see my choice is the best choice. No disrespect, guys and gals. It's just nice to know I know myself so well.


Good luck 2-Can, if not me, I hope it’s you!


I object only to the abbreviation of my screen name from Mike LL to Mike L, which confuses me with Mike L(emon). The extra L is important, lol. I guess whoever does this likes to do less typing. 🤣

Henry Graham

Beyond my own selection of Secrets & Lies, I adore I Know Where I'm Going, A Perfect World, The Bridges of Madison County, Show Me Love, Mulholland Drive, Safe, The Straight Story, Touching the Void, City Lights. That's just naming a few. I'm really excited for the draw!


I did notice Mike L(emon) had extra chances this month. Good for him. But I hope I win. 😂

Odd Thomas

I didn't see my name. When I open the form Google is signed in to my other account and it's a real faff to change it. Surely you can just look us up on Patreon? Much simpler.


I thought duplicate entries were removed to keep the odds the same for everyone.

Jason Henderson

Yay!! ☺️ good luck everyone!

Oisin Clissmann

Nice! The only one of those I've seen is A Perfect World but that was back when it came out, and I don't remember much. I know of Mulholland and Bridges and I've never heard of the others. These pick-a-flicks are great for broadening one's cinematic horizon!

Jason Henderson

These things help the work day go by faster lol Thank you Cassie!!🍿


"PS - The members that were mistakenly left off last month, will have those previous submissions added in addition to their submission for this month."

Milton William Burray

That shouldn't be a problem as the account you're signed in with isn't shared with the form recipient. I'm pretty sure I was signed in with a different email than I submitted

Mike Lemon

Don't worry, I could have 286 of the 287 entries and my odds would still be very low.:-(

Brett Richey

Oh wait, what? Well that's that sorted ☺️😄, but the other double choices are why then? Because missed last month? There can't be that many same namers... 🧐

Jason Henderson

Just seen the list , For the first time! That’s so cool and exciting! So many great choices! Can’t go wrong!!😊


The form requires you to enter the email associated with your Patreon. Doesn't matter what email is logged into Google. But Cassie said nobody was left off unless they had duplicates.

Clay F

JPDotCom23 submitted Spotlight (2015), which is awesome but is listed as "Seen" at popcornrequests.com.

Gábor Árki

Thx for sharing. I wasn't entirely sure my switch from GMail to Proton would go off without a hitch this month, but nice to see it did! And with someone else making the same pick, 1:143 is not too shabby. PS: also, nice to see so many underrated movies on the list I would gladly stand behind.


Not seeing my Interstellar submission, could be because I forgot last month, or maybe it's been seen outside the channel. If so that's a bummer, love that film and would to see the reaction.

Darren Harrison

Hmmmm...my entry for "Flash Gordon" (1980) isn't listed :(

Brett Richey

I hope they stay because That Thing You Do and The Hunt are top tier for me too.

Clay F

Interstellar is listed as "Unseen" at popcornrequests.com

Mike Lemon

Thank you for the list and for the generosity.

Philip G.

Kind of a wasted pick she's already stated it's on her very short list and will be watched soon anyway

Brett Richey

There's only one Brett. But to save you looking it was Lars and the Real Girl. Right up Cassie's pyjamas that one. She'd love it.


Shout out to OldAsDirt's very excellent movie choice. I mean, I really, really like it! 😂 Especially since it was the same as mine! (The excellent The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming)

Cassie Tremblay

Yes, some of the members who pay in full for the year were mistakenly left out last month! Besides those ones, there are no duplicates!

Clay F

No big deal. Just type into the form the email you are registered with patreon. I am similar as Milton. My google email shows but no need to change that -- just ignore -- and instead just type into the form my yahoo email that I am registered with patreon.

Jon Johns

I think seen films, and other disqualifiers get removed AFTER this is published, as this is just to confirm received submissions.

Rod Reavern

Strange, I found the movie I submitted, "The Nice Guys" on this month's list but not my display name. It appears to be a duplicate name on the list. Although I'm not 100% certain I remembered to submit a pick-a-flick entry this month, so I'm not sure if I made a mistake or if the list has the wrong name. If "The Nice Guys" wins the draw, I don't really care about my name being attached; I just want to see the reaction!

Jon Johns

Hey Joe, this week s NOT the final list, it's just the list to confirm submissions. Duplicates of the same film are not removed, afaik, only duplicate entries by the same person, only the most recent is on the list. Hope I understood your concerns moment correctly, and provided more helpful info?

Brett Richey

I wish I'd been left off last month. 2 in 287 is better than 1 in 500 and whatever.


If the same film is submitted by say (4) patrons, only one entry for that film should be on the wheel for drawing. Having (4) separate entries of the same film on the wheel diminishes my odds. Am I missing something here?

Jon Johns

Clutchkman, since you have to manually enter the email address that you use for Patreon, there could have been a typo, or, maybe you did enter the email address correctly, but it was wrong?

Clay F

I see many movies I like. I see my entry. I also see Sicario (that patron needs submit a different movie). Looks like less than 290 submissions. Our odds are getting better the less that participate.


My submission is not on the list and I definitely submitted. This display name, Gone with the Wind (1939).

Cassie Tremblay

Hmm, I see your pick for January and March, but not for February. You must have missed it :/ FYI you do have to resubmit every month (even if it's the same pick). Your pick is confirmed for this month though!

Clay F

Thanks Jon. So these are submissions as received.

Jon Johns

So, some folks might not realize that this list is not the final list, it's the list used to confirm submissions for us. If there are nope movies, they will prob be removed, duplicates, etc... I don't think Cassie shares this with us so we can pick apart mistakes, dupes, typos, just so folks know they submission is accepted.

Darren Harrison

Last month, and the month before that. I am sure Cassie will (probably) not like it, but it’s my chief guilty pleasure. You have to approach it with the right mindset

Brett Richey

The no duplicates thing is clever because you could manipulate the odds if you teamed-up. Alas... no shenanigans for me... I mean you.

Rick Rodriguez

I'm excited. Even though I TOTALLY forgot what I submitted.

Odd Thomas

Ok no worries! I've just entered for March as you say, so all good.


What "no duplicates thing" are you talking about?

Jayson Phillips

The Equalizer 1, 2 and 3...Dungeons and Dragons, Conan the Barbarian, Xanadu, The Hitman's bodyguard 1 and 2, Monster Hunter, RED 1 and 2, Can't hardly wait, This is 40, This means war, Sorcerers apprentice, I am number 4, Warcraft, Now you see me 1 and 2, Dirty Grandpa, Men of Honor, The General's Daughter, Gods of Egypt, The 5th Wave, We are the millers, The last Witch Hunter, Limitless, Warm Bodies, The Mortal Insturments city of bone, Riddick movies, Barely Lethal, American Sniper, Killers, Brides maids, The Jackal, Vampire Academy, Loser, Ender's Game, Hot Tub Time Machine.

Oisin Clissmann

Have you been filling in your email linked to patreon on the form? It has to be that one.


Didn't see mine on there. A lot of great films though. I did see "I am Sam" on the list. Sgt. Lincoln Osiris will be none too pleased with that one.

Milton William Burray

🤞 RED ROCK WEST (1993), Nic Cage, Dennis Hopper, Lara Flynn Boyle

Brett Richey

If you pick the same film as someone else only theirs or yours gets entered. Only one film per draw. So you might not see your name but you'd still see your film. However, this month there IS a few duplicated entries because people were left off accidentally last month. After this month it will be just one again. I hope I've made sense... if not can someone else explain 🤷 ☺️

Chris Retzlaff

Clearly I'm not doing this right, since my pick isnt on the list.... I may need some assistance

Dan M

This is quite the list of movies! I just skimmed through it quickly, but it’s a very diverse list, many of which I’ve never heard of…at least I don’t think I have. The PiB community is a very diverse and eclectic group. Very interesting. Thanks to you and your team for putting this together.


Brett, where are you getting that rule from? Is it written anywhere? I hear what you're saying, but I can find no reference to any such rule anywhere.

Brett Richey

Gone with the Wind is there. So you picked the same as that person. Your entry was therefore chosen from the two to be removed. It may have been more than two. 10 people could say GWTW but only 1 person will be chosen.


Come on... Octopussy.

Anthony Carlson

It is when I found out she wanted to watch it, but nevertheless we might see it soon….

Brett Richey

I'm confused now because I thought duplicates meant ANYONE not just the same person voting twice. I didn't think you could vote twice. I'm lost now tbh. 😕

Anthony Carlson

She and Carly already saw it…so it’s a wasted pick (like mine when I found out Cassie wanted to see Air)

Brett Richey

This may be wrong. Maybe someone can confirm with absolute assurity the rules of duplicates.


Brett Richey, I don't think there is an issue choosing the same movie as someone else, a position I am currently in. However, there can only be one entry from Brett Richey, because you could submit every day, but they will only take the most recently submitted entry.


They didn't watch octopussy, they watched live and let die and the spy who loved me

Cassie Tremblay

When I say duplicates, I mean people who submitted multiple picks during the month. We had a few people submit different titles (there's no limit, cause what if you want to change your pick sometime throughout the month?). We just took their latest pick and removed the pick so they didn't have duplicate submissions! There definitely can be duplicate movies!

Cassie Tremblay

You are on there! You're listed as "The S". In the future when you submit your pick, you can change your display name to whatever you want to be seen as!


@Joe - Duplicate *movies* have always been fine, especially since until this was shared, Patreon members don't know what movies other people are submitting unless they willingly shared it in the comments. Pick-a-Flick isn't just about the winning movie, but also the person that submitted it getting to enjoy that THEY were picked in the draw.

Brett Richey

Thank you for the clarification, Cassie ☺️ I feel a bit dumb now. OK... so if I can get 100 people to pick the same film as me then my odds are gonna go through the roof. I just need lots of bribe money... or some dirt on each one. I jest of course.... I'd make a lousy politician.

Cassie Tremblay

Chris it looks like you last submitted in Dec and Jan, but not Feb! If you make your pick for this month, I can make sure it's there for the next draw!

Henry Graham

Terrific movie, and very underrated. Your post made me wonder whatever happened to John Dahl, and it seems he has spent the past two decades working almost entirely in TV. It's a shame, as his film work is solid-to-great.


Very good chance I didn’t enter my email. I’m not very bright.

Richard Maurer

Hmm , the list says Horror of Dracula, yet I entered (and was confirmed) The Final Programme. I guess I’ll just have to enter it again for next 2 months and see what happens.

Brett Richey

We only got the guvnor to confirm. She spoke to us... she spoke to us. *swoons* Haha 😄 *Edit* It's probably Ben tbh.

Cassie Tremblay

It shows you submitted in Dec and Jan, but not Feb! We have everyone resubmit every month (for various reasons), so I'm not sure if you thought it just carried over or maybe forgot but if you submit for this month I can verify that you're in the draw for next month!

Cassie Tremblay

It shows that "The Final Programme" was your pick for January, you submitted "Horror of Dracula" on Feb 10th! Hope that clears it up!


HI !!! Wow, you're beautiful.


Thank you for checking. I'm not sure what happened. I guess I should just submit multiple times each month, to make sure it gets through.

Chris Retzlaff

Ok, I can wait a month I put the same two movies in. Whatever gets pick will be a delight to watch anyways


@Kaiielle, If the winning film picked is one submitted by say (4) different patrons, wouldn't Cassie just acknowledge all (4) patrons by name? This doesn't require including four separate entries of that film on the wheel.

Clay F

Yes, Octopussy is shown as "Unseen" at popcornrequests.com

Richard Maurer

The order got switched then. I’ve definitely only made two submissions the first was HoD and the second (in February) was TFP. Not that big of a deal, I’ll just submit TFP for the next two months.


Whatever happened, I know it wasn't your fault. Thank you for doing this drawing, which I know takes time and effort. It's just super frustrating on my end to think I'm in the drawing when I'm not. Can I suggest, releasing a list like this before the deadline, so hiccups can be solved? As is, we have no way to verify that we are on the list, no way to prove that we submitted (like an email), and no way to fix it after the fact.

Chris Thom

I finally made the list! Yay! Was feeling like I was standing out in the cold at Studio 54.

Catherine LW

Dang. I thought I submitted a pick but it’s not on the list.

Cassie Tremblay

Hey Catherine! You submitted in Dec and January (on the 31st) but there was no submission for February. If you make your submission now, I can confirm that it's on the list for March!

Chris Thom

I saw a vid of a toucan rocking out to music the other day and it blew my mind. Lol. I knew there must be an animal somewhere that does that.

Chris Thom

Ones that got left off last time by accident got a second pick. Or three if they were left off twice.

Chris Thom

Apparently we're supposed to go back to the post to submit any time in the month. And then on the last day she posts a reminder.

Rees Cleaveland

Raising Arizona is a great one. I could suggest that, and its made by the Cohen brothers.

Anjolie Lanel

I see my movie but someone else had submitted it. Oh well. Are we suppose to pick just one or a few?

Milton William Burray

One pick per month, the deadline is the 31st, make sure you use the same email associated with your patreon account

Art of Free Speech

Wow!!! 3 of us picked Cider House Rules!!! Honestly, I don't know if Cassie will like it, but it's one of my favorites and is just so well done. I think as long as she understands what kind of movie it is before going in (IOW, doesn't think it's a RomCom like Officer and a Gentleman), she might like it.

Art of Free Speech

Just curious, Chris, since we seem to frequently have similar taste, what did you pick? I don't see Chris Thom on the list. Are you the "Chris" with nothing after it?

Cassie Tremblay

Sorry for the confusion, but I meant that I'd confirm your pick for next months draw, unfortunately you didn't submit for February. With that said, I do see your submission from 20 minutes ago!

Cassie Tremblay

Hey Alexis, it looks like you never submitted a movie. Please make sure you're submitting with your correct patreon email. You can see that in your patreon settings. Either way, this list filtered out 0 people (only duplicate submissions if someone added more than 1 movie), so just make sure to submit using the links above and I can confirm you're in for next month!

Clarence Newman

Can't be talking about Cassie. Buck teeth, mousey hair, nose like a fist. I love her in spite of all these things.

Christopher Smith

I absolutely posted a Feb pick for "Kinky Boots" and did it after each reminder post, but name or movie pick not in the list.

Clarence Newman

Yeeha. There's two of mine on there. Then again, I got tailpiped last month so it's a fair shake. I can feel a win coming on! Speaking of being tailpiped, there are 3 Joe's on there but no FULL MONTY. I can only assume that Joe Cross topped himself.

Chris Thom

It's under CT. American Beauty this month, and Spielberg/Kubrick's AI: Artificial Intelligence because I got left off last month on accident.

Clarence Newman

"Clarence, since we seem to frequently have similar taste...." .....said nobody on here ever. 🤧

Chris Thom

Can't Hardly Wait would be a fun one for Cassie and Carly if they haven't seen it yet. I think the first Equalizer is on the channel already. Warm Bodies they've seen already. Bridesmaids I'm thinking they've probably seen but that would be hilarious.

Chris Thom

She's seen it but doesn't remember it. She was considering doing it anyways because it gets requested so much and might bring in viewers. Don't think Carly has.

Clarence Newman

Cassie. Because of Chris's long-standing troubles, may I suggest you watch A PERFECT WORLD anyway. Costner and Clint, you will LOVE IT!

Art of Free Speech

Wow!! American Beauty was literally my 2nd choice. I'm not even making it up. If you could scroll far enough back in the Discord server (a few years at this point), you'd see I recommended both, back to back.

Clarence Newman

Don't agree, Joe. If multiple people submit the same movie, that just means it's popular and more people think it's great and it would therefore be a brilliant film for the channel. Such a film should have all its multiple chances to win.


DWG15, I'm rooting for you and Brian W It's my March pick.

Luke Godfrey

Fingers crossed for my pick, Temple Grandin.

Mike Lemon

From a reply below- "some of the members who pay in full for the year were mistakenly left out last month!" - PIB Good to know the problem was found.

Luke Godfrey

Yeah mine too. Only just discovered a few months ago after I saw a clip on Facebook.


I don't understand why I'm not on here

Clay F

Below are 31 entries off the list that I would very much like to see a reaction. Thus, the odds of a movie being selected that I would very much like to see a reaction = 1 in 9. (Of course, there are additional entries that I would be fine with.) Actaylor84 – Children of Men (2006) Antonio G – Kingdom of Heaven 2005 ArsTropica – The Illusionist (2006) bgb1975 ( – A Perfect World (1993) Brian H – The Big Chill, 1983 CallMeWheels – Cold Mountain 2003 Chase – 25th Hour (2002) Clay F – Thelma & Louise (1991) Cole – People Like Us (2013) CT – American Beauty (1999) Daniel D – The English Patient (1996) Demuscat – Collateral 2004 Edmund D – That Thing You Do! (1996) Edmund D – That Thing You Do! (1996)) Francisc0 – The 13th Warrior 1999 Gabor A – Invictus (2009) Graeme – Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) Gray – Cold Mountain (2003) Jacob K – Sleepers (1996) Jan B – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2009 Jay – Road to Perdition (2002) Julia – Sleepers 1996 Rick – Rob Roy, 1995 Salim – Invictus, 2009 SeanATX – In the Name of the Father - 1993 Shreddy – Source Code (2011) Story A – August Rush (2007) Terry Y – The Whale (2022) Uncle P – The 13th Warrior (1999) Wolfie – Thunderheart 1992

Beau Jackson

City slickers and Thelma and Louise good picks 👍


Clay and I have very different tastes :P

Cassie Tremblay

David! You submitted one for January, on the 31st, but you didn't resubmit in February. Everyone has to resubmit each month (using the same link)! Sorry about that!

Clarence Newman

I love Pick-a-flick. Of all the entries on there, I have 50 chances of one of the films on my main list being picked. Some of those are duplicates, but so what? 50 out of 286 is great odds.

Terdell Ferguson

Bummer, mine's not on there. 😕 At least someone chose the same film I did, so fingers crossed for that one! 🤞

Clarence Newman

There's 9 of those on my list, Clay, though I see quite a few good ones that just didn't make my list. Lots of good stuff being thrown in the kitty.


Sorry but how exactly do I vote? I’m struggling with the excel sheet bc on my phone

Chris Thom

Search 'pick a flick' here for the link and submit there. It may be too late for this one, but not sure. People send in suggestions all month and she picks one randomly near the beginning of the month. So people submitted all February and the drawing is either tonight or tomorrow.

Christopher Smith

is cool, I see the error in my ways. Your Jan 31 post was about jan submits for Feb, and I needed a Feb submit after Feb 5th post to get in draw for March movie draw. Got it. Me was confused. will ride on for march then.

Mike Lemon

No voting, it's just a wish submission. If you are on the higher tiers, $10 and up(???), just go to this post and follow the link to the form- https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcing-pib-117384189


@Clarence, your more generous than I am. Odds to win must be the same for everyone.

Mike Lemon

heh.... Surely you left a true courtroom drama about the longest trial in U.S. history off that list by mistake...

Clay F

Mike — I almost included it as a “very much.” Definitely one I would be fine with.

Cassie Tremblay

Hey Terdell! I see you submitted one for December and January, but it looks like you missed submitting for February. Make sure you submit one now for next month!

Terdell Ferguson

Dang it! I could have sworn I did. Oh, well I'll be sure to get one in there today. Thank you! Update: in seeing the submission form, I noticed I had an incorrect email address. Must be why I thought I did and missed.


I can't believe how forgotten of a movie Raising Arizona is. It's probably the funniest Nicolas Cage, John Goodman, and Holly Hunter movie ever. It's a Coen brothers movie too!

Cassie Tremblay

Yes, we are working on a way to verify your pick any time you want. We don't have email receipts setup on the form because that requires people to login with an email, and that will cause even more confusion. But the goal is to make it easy for you to verify that you're on the list moving forward!


Stanley Kubrick's 4th favorite movie of all time is also absent :P Director Stanley Kubrick listed The Treasure of the Sierra Madre as his fourth favorite film of all time in a 1963 edition of Cinema magazine. Director Sam Raimi ranked it as his favorite film of all time in an interview with Rotten Tomatoes, and director Paul Thomas Anderson watched it at night before bed while writing There Will Be Blood. Director Spike Lee listed it as one of the "87 Films Every Aspiring Director Should See". On Rotten Tomatoes, the film is one of the few that have an approval rating of 100%, based on 55 reviews, and an average rating of 9.3/10. AFI's 38th greatest movie of all time :p


Ha! Someone picked a movie that I'm in (I didn't pick it). I'm surprised, it's a decent movie in my opinion but I don't think it's all that well known.

Milton William Burray

It was featured on Siskel & Ebert along with Clifford, Threesome, Silent Tongue, and The Blue Kite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocWiqXjB4ww

Carol Rocha

Be still MY heart!! Been wanting to see THUNDERHEART on a list so bad!! Such a great movie! 🍿

Mark White

Kaiielle, did I spot you in there with “Sunshine”? That is for me just about the best sci-fi in the last 20 years. It’s has a great cast, good story and a wonderful emotional score. It’s also (I think) Danny Boyles only excursion into this genre and what a job he did! If I don’t win, I will be hoping for Sunshine 🤞


LOL, I was 6 then. Probably would not be appropriate for a 6 year old to be in that movie. I was in Real Steel, just background but at least I can say I was in a scene with Hugh Jackman.

Mike Lemon

"Odds to win must be the same for everyone. " They are. Everybody has one pick and only one pick (plus one if you were left off the spin last month).


Well I need to have it on the upcoming then! Lol. I'll just do something else for now.

Clay F

+1 for THUNDERHEART One of my favorite Val Kilmer movies

Clay F

VM that movie is not in top "very much" category because I have not seen that movie but would welcome a reaction. Grad -- the spreadheet shows "Gray" for Cold Mountain.


@Mark, Yep! It's my #2 sci-fi movie, so I'll be requesting it every month until Cassie watches it. Then I'll have to move to something else.

Bert Towle

You and my nom de plume will be very happy if it wins - along with the other 5 who requested it on popcornrequests.com.

Anthony Lopez

I'm not sure I see my submission here, unless I messed up the form somehow

Jon Johns

Struzzy, the spreadsheet was posted to confirm the folks who voted LAST MONTH that are high tier Patreon members. Voting is open the first day of the month to the last. There is a Patreon post with the link to the voting form. Hope that helps!


Not sure how I got missed. I entered the January poll and thought I had entered again right after the draw. At least someone else is going for the Blues Brothers. There are some great picks on here though .

Jon Johns

Remember! The email address that is auto filled is the one you're using to log into Google forms, there is a blank to fill in with the email address you use for Patreon. Just for anyone who doesn't realize that...

Team Velocity

That’s me! I see another person also submitted The Blues Brothers so there are 2 of us at least.

Nathan Swapp

I don't see my name either and I only have one email with Patreon and submitted Excalibur (1981) (I think) But I definitely submitted for February and January. Edit: just to be clear I'm not mad or upset or anything ridiculous as that. Just clarifying that there seems to be a problem. I appreciate that there's a ton of BTS work that Cassie and her team does.

Patrick Crippen

I just want to tell the moderators I appreciate what amazing and PATIENT people they are. It has to be an exhausting job...🤣lol.

Anthony Lopez

I'm sure but I was slightly confused by the patreon email address question and just put my Google email which should be the same

Sean Kay

I feel stupid asking this, but I have been getting conflicting info...is it correct for me to say that if my movie were ever to get picked, then I cannot everr be picked again in a later month??

Chris Thom

Is the drawing happening soon?

Sean Kay

And yes I read the rules link and have read it b4, just wanna clarify cuz someone else has now confused me on it...


Once you win, you are not eligible for future drawings. Of course Cassie can change that if she wants, but she has put that rule in place to give as many people a chance as possible.

Drew (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-18 10:45:05 Love The Iron Claw choice
2025-03-06 02:19:00 Love The Iron Claw choice

Love The Iron Claw choice


That may be my next pick once Sunshine is watched. 🥳

Chris Thom

Was just thinking this channel needs another Danny Boyle movie.


when is the list updated?

Rene G.

Someone please upvote 2001 space odyssey and godzilla vs mothra.. I wanna see her recations to Mothra!!!

Anthony Lopez

never mind I figured it out I forgot I put a different name in the submission


I'm one who was not able to submit an entry and I'm okay with that 🙂 Much luck to those most tenacious of friends, who continue the sweet struggle ever diligently. Of all the souls we've encountered here... Theirs is the most... human! (Name the quote on that one 😊 too easy?)

Chris Thom

A lot of good ones. Rob Roy is the only one I've never heard of.



Chris Thom

Sounds really familiar but I can't place it. Is it K Pax? Or something like that?

Chris Thom

That's awesome. You made the final cut? Were you in focus enough to be recognizable?


Captain Kirk memorializing Spock, of course from the end of Wrath of Khan.


haha lol... I'm forgetting details of the scene but those words... my friend used to quote them for fun yet with sincerity and he would always blurt out "human" in that particular way 😆 I think Cassie would remember it I would think.


Oh I was definitely in focus. it's just Hugh and I in the scene. But unfortunately I was walking past him so my back is to the camera the whole time. Still pretty cool experience. Got to chat with him quite a bit while we were between takes. It was probably close to 20 times we shot the scene.

Byrd N. Hand

It is indeed my favorite Coen Brothers film... though I'd consider it one of their 5 most reacted-to films alongside "Fargo," "The Big Lebowski," "O Brother Where Art Thou?," and "No Country for Old Men."


"Grad -- the spreadheet shows "Gray" for Cold Mountain." It was a joke ._.


Grad, that is a stupendously brilliant idea. Or just kinda smart. Thank you. MikeLL it is!

Chris Thom

The drawing is one post above if you didn't see it. Next one will be after April first.


Daniel Radcliffe Emma Watson Rupert Grant Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Check Out this Movie about School of Magic Three task's From Hogwarts Be Saved


I'm pretty sure her and Carly have both already seen all the Harry Potters before the channel existed.