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Well guess what song has been stuck in my head since i watched this! This was beyond nostalgic for me and I couldn't help but think of my own childhood and now at my kids. Makes you appreciate good, loyal friends. Also made me miss the pre-digital eras!

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[Full Reaction] Now and Then (1995)



My sisters made me watch this so much I feel it's inseparable from my childhood. Nostalgic!

Knight Squirrel

I'm so gutted I can't watch this full reaction. This movie was on repeat in our house growing up, but I can't find it streaming anywhere. šŸ˜¢

Katie Jackson

I have to be up for work in 6 hours!! Seriously debating on whether or not I need sleepšŸ˜‚

Anthony Carlson

Sleep. You donā€™t want to go to work feeling like crap. Trust me on this. This will still be here when you get out of workā€¦šŸ˜‰


Highly recommend ā€œThe Joy Luck Club.ā€ Another 90s classic that has been one of my favorites from childhood.

Timothy Fisher

This is a bit off topic but I just wanna ask you Cassie, Since St. Patrick's Day is almost a week way, are you planning on watching "Michael Collins" anytime soon? I think it's a great movie to watch around the holiday.


Do you think Chistina Ricci was offended that the Director thought she would grow up to look like Rosie O'Donnel?

Clay F

+1 for "Michael Collins" (1996). Liam Neeson. Julia Roberts. Based on true story. A good fitting movie for St. Patrick's Day.

Katie Jackson

Well, I couldn't wait. I'm glad you liked this one so much. I remember hearing a saying years ago, "one day you went out to play with your friends, you came home like a normal day and never knew it was the last time" I always think of that when I watch this movie. 12, 13 this is the age when you stop being a child and start slowly turning into an adult. It's like childhood slips away without us realizing it and we don't realize how sad that is until we're adults. The movie is actually set in 1970 so the music is all 70's music. It's a great soundtrack, I grew up listening to all these songs in my house. My mom's a boomer, she was born in 1957. She would have been 13 the year this movie takes place. I was born in 1984, so I was 11 when this movie came out in 1995. It always felt like this movie kinda connected me and my mom's childhood in a weird way. It's one of the first times I remember seeing a window into what life was like when my mom was my age and realizing that things weren't that different. The other was The Wonder Years, which I'd recommend to anyone who liked this movie. Then of course there was my insanely huge crush on Devon Sawa! I started dying laughing when you said you had a crush on him as a kid. My walls were covered in pictures of Devon Sawa and JTT growing upšŸ˜‚ well since this was my popcorn pick of the month I'll have to change it up. Sleeping With The Enemy, a thriller starring a young Julia Roberts. Looking forward to Enemy Of The State and Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, when we get there. Hope you have a great trip to Mexico and get home safely.

Clay F

You alluded to this movie having a low RT score (which I rely on RT). But also has a high RT audience score 82% (I always do a double take if a high audience score). There are people who identify with this movie. There are several movies I like not having the greatest RT rating. For instance, I love "Dead Man" (1995) (one of my favorite Johnny Depp movies) that has RT 69% (but RT audience 88% and IMDb 7.5). Thora Birch (who played Teeny) stars with a 15-year old Scarlett Johansson as two teen girls in lead roles in "Ghost World" (2001) (comedy/action) [Metacritic 90%, RT 93%].

Mojo One Thousand

This movie had quite the cast, and I took a much deeper dive than I thought I would before starting this. Janeane Garofalo, Hank Azaria, Cloris Leachman, Bonnie Hunt, Lolita Davidovich, Brendan Fraser, and that isn't the main cast of the younger and older pairs of actors. Thora Birch ("Monkey Troubles", young "Teeny") us on the channel in "Patriot Games" and "Clear and Present Danger" and "Jack Ryan's" (Harrison Ford) daughter. With "American Beauty" not seen yet on the channel. Gaby Hoffman (young "Samantha") seemed familiar as she is a bunch of movies around that time and most are familiar to PIB. She was in "Sleepless in Seattle" as "Jonah's" friend "Jessica", as well as being in "Field of Dreams" as "Ray's" daughter "Karin", as well as recently seen on the channel as "Uncle Buck's" niece "Maizy". There was a fair chunk of the "Sleepless in Seattle" cast in this with Rita WIlson, Gaby Hoffman, and Rosie O'Donnell. "Samantha's" sister "Angela" is credited as "Willa Glen" in the movie, but when I was having a poke around IMDB it is Rumor WIllis, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis' daughter. Even "Crazy Pete" has appeared previously on the channel as kindly, old "Duncan" in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves". Seeing Lolita Davidovich as "Samantha's" swinging mum reminded me to throw a suggestion in again for "Mystery, Alaska" while it is still Winter-y in the northern hemisphere. And her boyfriend, Hank Azaria's "Bud" character, certainly did have a lot of "Moe Szyzlak" energy, especially his snigger. Hank was borrowing from his own work. It was sad to read the actress that played young "Chrissy", Ashleigh Aston Moore, passed away at too young of an age. She was 26 when she passed away in 2007. Enjoyed this more than i thought it would.

Milton William Burray

I was going to give this a hard-skip but Demi Moore's in it so may check it out...then realised Rosie O'Donnel's in it too...

Brett Richey

Rotten Tomatoes Critic's Score is deeply flawed. It relies a lot on researchers interpretation. 100 critics could have liked a film but not necessarily loved it, and yet a film will achieve a 100% rating. The way scores are ascertained just doesn't give a pure result. A critic's review only has to show they like a film more than they dislike it (eg. 3Ā½ stars out of 5 or 6 out of 10 or more positive comments than negative comments if there's no actual score) for it to achieve an individual 100% score. The audience however are at least giving an actual score out of 100. Audience score is really the more important score for me, and then reading individual reviews from critics I like and trust... unless it's comedy of course.

Dan M

Every time I watch this movie, itā€™s like coming across one of my momā€™s old photo albums, filled with pics of me, my family, and my friends with the white borders around them. My pre-teen years were in the late 70sā€¦so much of what you see and hear on screen is very relatable to me. The bike rides, hanging out in someoneā€™s room, the clothes, the first time crushesā€¦and the music. Almost every song from this soundtrack I have on a playlist on my phone. Canā€™t wait to revisit some old memories later tonight.

Dan M

Christina Ricci, Gabby Hoffman, and Thora Birch are in 3 other movies that I hope weā€™ll see on the channel at some point: Christina Ricci - Mermaids (1990) Gabby Hoffman - The Man Without a Face (1993) Thora Birch - Anywhere But Here (1999)

Dan M

There have been so many times when I wished I could go back and relive some of those days in my pre-teen years. Life was so much simpler, and there are times when I really feel sad for kids growing up in this era. I know itā€™s cliche, but itā€™s just not the same. Thatā€™s why I love movies like this. Itā€™s a reminder of how good life was before adulthood kicked in.

Dan M

Amazon Prime, Fandango, and Apple TV all have it available to rent for $3.99.


My pre-teen years were late 60s. Very relatable film to me also, probably a shared experience for most US kids in the 60s through the 80s. I had a wonderful childhood with my friends, it's like a dream sometimes that feels like it happened to someone else, hard to explain. The world was the same crap-fest back then, but being a kid you never thought about any of it...leave that to the grown-ups.


I just have never paid any attention to RT, IMDB, or any critics. I just watch something and decide for myself. I have liked many films that I later see were low rated...but who cares cause I liked it.


"Flower Drum Song" was the first American musical to have an all-Asian cast. It took another 30 years for an American film to have an all-Asian cast. That film "The Joy Luck Club".

Larry Darrell

The only films that I pay attention to critics or anyone elseā€™s opinions on are newer films. And those opinions I pay attention to are only from a select few critics that I respect. For older, Pre-2010s films, IF Iā€™m going to wager whether or not Iā€™m going to watch the film or not on someone elseā€™s opinionā€¦ the farthest I will go is reading the first presented User Review on the filmā€™s IMDB page. For, Now and Then, the first review on IMDB was titledā€¦ ā€œI love Stand by Me. I love this.ā€ Thatā€™s all I would have needed to read. IMDB will usually feature positive reviews for films over the negative. Films that seem to have a generally negative opinion attached to them among the public, will have a Positive review featured on itā€™s page, and that will be enough to tell me, that this is a film I should judge for myself. I give three other examples, all Kevin Costner films that have gotten negative attention from patrons on this channel. Featured First Reviews on IMDBā€¦ Fandango (1985)ā€¦ ā€œGreat guy flickā€¦ and moreā€¦ my favorite movie of all time.ā€ (One of mine too) Waterworld (1995)ā€¦ ā€œNOT the worst movie ever made.ā€ The Postman (1997)ā€¦ ā€œA much better movie than the ā€˜user ratingsā€™ would indicateā€ I believe All films should be judged by the viewerā€¦ BEFORE reading any reviews or hearing peopleā€™s opinions. Only then afterwards you should find out if your opinion matches anyone elseā€™s. I really believe that Cassieā€™s reaction to Howard the Duck would not have been as bad IF she hadnā€™t read so many comments calling it the Worst film ever made. She was looking for it to be Badā€¦ which it is. But, she was unable to see any of the good in it, because as soon as she saw a few bad things, everyoneā€™s ā€œWorst film everā€ review was solidified in her mind. Hereā€™s the Featured First Review for Howard the Duckā€¦ ā€œArenā€™t B-Movies fun?ā€ In fact this review fully prepares someone for what they are about to get intoā€¦ IF they do choose. Other excerpts from same reviewā€¦ ā€œIf you're actually looking for a good piece of cinema, stop right here. However, if the words 'talking alien duck' cause bells to ring in your mind, read on.ā€ ā€œYes, it's a B-Movie. It's a high budget, professionally made one, but it's as bad as most other B-Movies. But, it's also one of the funniest things I've seen in quite a while.ā€ ā€œSo, if you have a twisted sense of humourā€¦ then check this movie out. You'll enjoy it. But, if you're not a fan of bad eighties movies stick with Star Wars or Indiana Jones, movies that Lucas probably actually cared about.ā€ ā€” Excuse the long post, but Iā€™ve just never been a fan of Rotten Tomatoes. At best, it for a good laugh when I see a new Big Budget Blockbuster film, which I know to be bad, get very low ratings. Iā€™ve used the IMDB Featured First Review for a long while now, and Iā€™ve found it very useful. If a film is worth being given a chance, IMDB will almost always give you that impression.

Larry Darrell

All these years and I never caught Crazy Pete being Duncan in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Awesome Catch! Until I saw his face, I was remembering him being Roberts Blossom who was Old Man Marley in Home Alone, guy who sold Arnie Christine in Christine, and the guy who saw Bigfoot in Close Encounters.

Dan M

I guess at any given time and depending on where you lived, youā€™re right, there were always aspects of the world that were a crap-fest. But when you were a kid before cell phones existed, the only time you really heard about it or had to think about it was when you were in school or your parents were talking about something at the dinner table. Otherwise, your world was your family and your friends. Today, even young kids seem to be so stressed out, anxious, and concerned with everything thatā€™s happening around the world thanks to social media and the endless array of streaming platforms available. Kids today just grow up way too fast, and they donā€™t seem to appreciate the time they have to be young and carefree.

Larry Darrell

Iā€™m curious what song from this soundtrack popped up on your Spotify that made you think this was a 90s film? The only 90s songs in the film were Sophie B. Hawkinsā€™ ā€œAs I Lay Me Downā€ (not on soundtrack) and Susanna Hoffsā€™ title track, ā€œNow and Thenā€ (which you were singing to at the end of the film. Was it this one? ;-) This film did really well with featuring mostly only songs from the 60s and songs from 1970, which this film took place in the summer of. Only twice using songs from 1971, which were The Staple Singersā€™ ā€œRespect Yourself,ā€ and Tony Orlando & Dawnā€™s ā€œKnock Three Times.ā€ Jackson 5ā€™s ā€œIā€™ll Be There,ā€ wasnā€™t released until the Fall of 1970 but, whoā€™s being picky, right? ;-) Growing up in the 90s and falling in love with moviesā€¦ soundtracks to films, like this one, wound up being the soundtrack to my childhood. Other kids were listening to Green Day, Snoop Dog and Spice Girls. (Which I did moderately listen toā€¦ Now more than Then, since Iā€™ve become more nostalgic for the 90s in my older age) But my favorites were the soundtracks to Forrest Gump, Dazed and Confused, Great Balls of Fire, American Graffiti, The Big Chillā€¦ My Girl. I remember going to an Old Navy store when I was real young and they were selling a compilation CD, ā€œRock Nā€™ Roll with Old Navy.ā€ It featured artists like Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bo Diddley, Carl Perkins and other greats from the 50s and 60s. I listened to it over and over. My taste in music has always led me to believe that I was born in the wrong time period. Cassieā€¦ I have a documentary recommendation for you. Standing in the Shadows of Motown (2002) Itā€™s time you were properly introduced to Motown Music, and this would be the best way. And to prepare yourself, before watching the True Storyā€¦ which was unknown to most before this documentaryā€¦ listen to theā€¦ Hitsville USA - The Motown Singles Collection 1959 - 1971 Boxset, which is on Spotify. 104 songsā€¦ and Iā€™m sure you already know and love most. ā€œSwinginā€™ 80sā€???? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m sorry to say Cassā€¦ but you need a little help from your friends. ;-) https://youtu.be/PPelLzokgMg?si=_EWGNYT-wpP5Ugj2

Clay F

RT has been invaluable for me. I tend to agree with the RT critics score. For me personally, the proof is in the pudding. When selecting among thousands of movies to spend my limited time watching, I consider these data: 1. IMDb rating (which is a user rating) 2. Metacritic score 3. Metacritic user score (if a minimum number of users) 4. RT critics rating 5. RT audience score I typically agree more with RT critics rating than IMDb rating, but not always. Sometimes when a movie has a high RT critics rating but low IMDb rating (or low RT audience score), the movie can be too esoteric for me. Yet, again, the RT rating (critics) has done me right -- very useful for me. I also look at individual critics who I tend to agree with. Plus, I ask family/friends.

Chris Thom

Woah never realized that Devon kid from this and Casper was the same star from Final Destination, Idle Hands, and that Eminem music video. Apparently he didn't want to be the Casper kid for the rest of his life so he tried to not be recognizable.

Chris Thom

I could pull that off way better until about 36. Then it started to change. Now I can barely function without seven hours.

Chris Thom

I remember that soundtrack being a pretty big deal. I think it sold really well. Might've done better than the actual movie.

Chris Thom

Anywhere but Here is a good one. But I always think of her from American Beauty. And maybe Hocus Pocus. Oh also Ghost World. Some major cult classics there.

Chris Thom

It portrayed the 70's for the most part, but the movie was very 90's. Forrest Gump soundtrack was one of the first CD's I ever bought, and still one of the most expensive. I think the Wedding Singer soundtrack was also successful.

Chris Thom

Bet she would like Mermaids too if she hasn't seen it yet. Very young Cristina Ricci and Cher.

Chris Thom

Ghost World is really interesting. One of my all time favorites. Definitely a downbeat film, and not sure if I would suggest it to Cassie or not...? But kind of a 'must see'. Critics reviews are a good starting off point for me. I don't always agree, but I do find them helpful. It's the troll farms, and political and religious extremists that I don't particularly trust.


I love this movie, it really is very nostalgic. To me, this movie reminds me quite a bit of Stand By Me but a girl version. It's a coming of age story, 4 friends, a dead person is a big focus, they go on a little adventure and there are some troubles at home, but it's not a rip off at all, still stands on it's own. I honestly enjoy the girl's friendships a lot more in this. Don't get me wrong the friendship with Gordy and Chris is top tier but not so much with the other two boys. The girls tease each other of course but it's never really malicious to me. And I think all the girls had moments to really shine, whereas characters like Verne doesn't get that much focus. And also like Stand By Me all the performances from the kids are all great, Christina Ricci is always a stand out. And I liked in this one that they were all still friends, they just went off and lived their own lives, but it's so sweet how they all came together to be there for Chrissy. I think they casted the adult versions of them pretty well too. A fun fact, Sam's little sister was played by Rumor Wilson, Demi Moore & Bruce Willis' daughter.

Chris Thom

There's some fun behind the scenes footage on YouTube. Was just watching it last night. I think it was from Entertainment Tonight or one of those. Mostly Demi Moore and the young girls. Really took me back to 94/95. Feel like I had classes with each of them, just listening to them talk. So familiar.

Katie Jackson

I'm older than 36, but I'm also a night owl who has to be at work at 4:30am most days and 3am on one day. It's very rare I get more than 6 hours of sleep before I go to work.

Beth Brown

I really enjoyed watching this with u so much. The majority of the actresses i've watched in stuff all my life. I didn't know u were a 90s girl. i grew up in the 80s and i love the 70s and the music, and i actually ordered the movie and its soundtrack today. i think that u should watch My Girl 1 and 2. I ordered those and the soundtrack to that one too. I'd love it if u would do a video about ur childhood memories and growing up in canada. I also think that Canada's so beautiful and follow it on my social media Wat song was stuck in ur head? There's so many good songs in here.Cassie, i love u and Carly so much. i think that My Girl 1 and 2 would be a great reaction for the both of u.


Not sure if it was just me or in my head it seemed like young Christina Ricci could have grown into Demi Moore instead of Rosie? This was a fun light watch along although I thought Cassie was going to have a PTSD panic attack when there was the sewer scene! šŸŽˆ

Terry Yelmene

This is... These are the reactions... The 'Cassie's heart-warming' reactions that... well, this was one of those nearly perfect reacts for me. One glaring moment that was wrong - Cassie had absolutely no reaction to / appreciation for - "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Oh well, perhaps one day she'll see the truly great romance movie.

Chris Thom

Love Story got fifth or sixth on the last poll it was on I think.

Clay F

A long list of movies with teen girls as the lead characters. ā€œThe Edge of Seventeenā€ (2016) (comedy/romance) (rated R) [RT=94%]. Hailee Steinfeld [nom Oscar in True Grit (2010)] is lead girl. Woody Harrelson = teacher. **ā€œWhip Itā€ (2009) [sport/comedy]. Rated PG-13. Elliot Page (e.g., pregnant teen in Juno) is lead teen girl. Drew Barrymore (also directs). Takes place in Austin. ā€œAre You There God? It's Me, Margaret.ā€ (2023) [RT=99%, RT Audience 94%] (you may know of the book). Rachel McAdams as mother, Kathy Bates as grandmother. ā€œThe Diary of a Teenage Girlā€ (2015) [romance/comedy]. Rated R. Bel Powley is the girl. She also the British agent (Sandra) = affair w/Crosby in ā€œMasters of the Airā€. **ā€œThe Runawaysā€ (2010) [drama] (based on true story ā€“ biographical coming-of-age film about the 1970s all-girl rock band). Kristin Stewart. Dakota Fanning. ā€œThirteenā€ (2003) (drama). Rated R. Two lead teen girls = Evan Rachel Wood and Nikki Reed (also in Twilight movies). ā€œBooksmartā€ (2019) [comedy/drama]. Rated R. RT 96%. ā€œEight Gradeā€ (2018) [comedy/drama]. Rated R. RT 99% ā€œThe Virgin Suicidesā€ (1999). Kirstin Dunst.

Chris Thom

Virtual hugs to Cassie.

Terry Yelmene

I know! You're right. And I think it would be a-shame if the community misses Cassie meeting Ollie and Jenny and their 'Love Story'... (especially how it ends). But given that poll result, I guess that reaction will just remain a missed opportunity.

Chris Thom

Thirteen had some fantastic young performances. Kind of a hard watch though.

Bert Towle

Never would have watched this if it weren't for the Popstress. It was entertaining, even for an old man.


The world in the 90s welcomed everyone, "Heal the World, make it a better place". People turned upside down afterwards and started going backwards again into prejudice against those different.