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Final Order in the Courtroom Poll

  • The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) 226
  • The Rainmaker (1997) 206
  • JFK (1991) 435
  • The Client (1994) 178
  • 2025-03-11
  • —2025-03-13
  • 1045 votes
{'title': 'Final Order in the Courtroom Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)', 'votes': 226}, {'text': 'The Rainmaker (1997) ', 'votes': 206}, {'text': 'JFK (1991)', 'votes': 435}, {'text': 'The Client (1994)', 'votes': 178}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 13, 22, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 11, 22, 48, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1045}


Here Here! Here is our final poll for courtroom picks, I’ll probably watch the top 2 because I have loved this genre, but maybe not right away with March Madness coming up! Here we go!

One vote only this time!


Jacob Wagner

JFK is seriously no contest

Jacob Colson

I hardly see The Lincoln Lawyer get reacted to. Shame it won't win. Damnit!

Bill Maurer

Going with "JFK". Great courtroom performance by Kevin Costner and both of the girls love Kevin Costner. As a bonus, the message boards are gonna be lit up when they review it. PS: "The Searchers"

Happy Hanukkah

Since y'all didn't give me the movies I wanted, I'm voting for Trace Adkins.

Matt Rose

Going with JFK. It's not just an amazing film, it's also a film school in and of itself, especially when it comes to editing. That said, you'd like any of the others as well. You won't go wrong with any of these.


Hope you're feeling all better and have a great weekend! 🍿🎥👏🫶💛

Michael Enos

JFK.. because Cassie loves Costner. And, well the obvious reasons that it's an interesting and controversial film.

Jackie McDonalds

Oooh, JFK, the original red pilling film which unplugged so many from the Matrix. 👀 Might I suggest that you also watch To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) for an all-time classic courtroom drama? The Caine Mutiny (1954) is a good one too.

Shad Kanyak

It’s required that the line “back and to the left” be stuck in your head for all time. Required!

Matt Rose

+1 for THE SEARCHERS. that's in the conversation for 'greatest western ever'.

Shehab Dawoud

Can already see that the winner will be the one where the actual courtroom features the least. Brilliant.


It sucks that it's losing - I really think she would love The Client

Chris Thom

Hope the beaches are pleasant! Sounds really nice right now. This is a hard decision but I think I gotta go with JFK. Such an entertaining movie.


JFK, bah! Looks like I’ll be passing up this reaction.

Blake Evans

Has to be JFK but all four of those are great ones to watch. Really hope The Rainmaker gets its due. Such a hidden gem.

Chris Retzlaff

I think Cassie would love the Client....JFK is good but that may be a Part 1 and Part 2 situation. It's long

Chris Thom

Hope she'll watch it eventually. Also think she'd enjoy it. Great popcorn flick.

Jon Johns

Cassie!!! If the nearly 4 hour runtine of JFK is too much, break it up! Watch half one night, the other half the next night, editing will make it seemless! We won't notice, and you'll have enough energy to appreciate it! The cast is... Overwhelming! It's a who's who if Hollywood 'royalty' and Oscar winners & nominees! Even Canadian John Candy has a part!!! There is controversy, it's all based on 'conspiracy theory' -- but almost everything surrounding the assassination of JFK is conspiracy theory! Take us as one man's opinion, and enjoy the movie!

Roy Speed

Did "The Verdict" completely lose out? — It's far better than any of these, and unfortunately "JFK," though it stars Costner, is a really inferior piece of work.

Chris Thom

Oh dang forgot it was that long. Now that I think of it I do remember the rental VHS coming with two boxes.


Cassie, I’m sure you’ll appreciate JFK. It was very intense when I watched it.

Bill Maurer

I also love "the Man who Shot Liberty Valance" and "Fort Apache". Both great westerns, but "the Searchers" is the best

Javier Hernandez

I like all of these movies but I don't think JFK is a courtroom drama the same way the others are. Its not one of Oliver Stone's best efforts. In fact, It reminds me of a song that was over produced and has too many elements.

Luke Godfrey

I voted for JFK. While I think Cassie would enjoy Lincoln Lawyer, I feel JFK is a movie she NEEDS to watch.

Robert Baldino

JFK is an awful movie. For some reason, though, a lot of people seem to like it. There's no accounting for taste, I guess.


Yaaaay, keep JFK at the top, it’s a must-see. Please watch the theatrical version first.

Jon Johns

3 hours, 26 mins. I mean, pick almost any 'great film' and the runtimes are long. You really get your money's worth! 🤣 (I have seen some real stinkers that dragged on too long, though...)

Jacob and Kim

Everyone needs to experience JFK. Can't wait for this reaction. Just remember, Stone was filling in a bunch of blanks himself… there's no proof that a lot of what happenes in the film is accurate. Oh, and John Candy was awesome, you dig?


You know that she would love "The Verdict". Fingers crossed to win some other time.

Jon Johns

Mockingbird is on her seen list, maybe a classroom watch in highschool? Caune Mutiny is stellar! The new remake is acceptable, but inferior, because I am an old man, and appreciate old things 🤣

Jon Johns

I feel that I would add casting to the list of accomplishments to JFK. How he got such a list of actors to even play small parts is amazing.

Jacob and Kim

I remember I would watch almost weekly in my late teens starting on Vhs 2 which was the part where Donald Sutherland makes an appearance.

Chris Thom

I vaguely remember one of the civil war movies being really long as a kid. Forget which one.

Jon Johns

+6 "The Searchers" it's not my personal favorite Wayne Western? But in the top 3 for sure. Plus, it's kind of an 'important' film for many reasons.


this is no matchup...looking forward to that JFK reaction

Tony Salinas Salinas

All these movies are great and should be watched and enjoyed.

Above Average Dave

Once the files are released, I expect this film will be moved to the "documentary" section. 😁😁😁😁 Great performances by all the actors, as usual in an Oliver Stone film. Which reminds me, Cassie — given your appreciation for Val Kilmer, Mr. Stones film THE DOORS is probably a must watch for you and Carly.

Matt Rose

Stone was coming off of PLATOON, WALL STREET, and BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, all critically acclaimed films with lots of awards love. I'm sure he got everyone he wanted for JFK without much argument. Side note: Love the small dramatic role from John Candy. Wish we'd gotten more from Candy in a similar vein.

Jayson Phillips

Awww The rainmaker was soooo good

Jon Johns

Gettysburg? 4 hours 31 mins 👀 but another film with a stacked cast. I used to dabble in civil war history, and knew the battle pretty well, the film hit 89% of the important parts, and I gave leeway for dramatic license. Bonus: president Bartlett is in it! (Also, 'dumber' aka Will McAvoy!)

Jon Johns

Yes! theatrical and directors cuts are both available, with around 28 minutes added to the directors cut!


Every light in the house is on, the backyard's bright as the crack of dawn. The front walk looks like runway lights, its kinda like noon in the dead of night:(


Ralph: Was President Kennedy Okay? Miss Hoover: He was fine. Go home Ralph.

Bert Towle

At least Cassie will "get" the Oliver Stone cameo in Dave after JFK.

Rick Williams

Welcome Home. Good poll.


Just remember to see jfk as fiction not real life too many inaccuracies here's a list https://web.archive.org/web/20070509095227/http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/jfkmovie.htm


The Rainmaker would be good for you and carly. It's courtroom/ romance.

Chris Thom

I loved that Doors movie. Apparently the band itself didn't appreciate it too much. Which I can understand why. Another very entertaining movie that may play fast and loose with the facts. Or maybe it just showed too much of the dark side of fame and they didn't like it.

Mike Lemon

@A.A. Dave- I think At First Sight (1999) would be a better Kilmer movie for Cassie and Carly since it would scratch that "chick-flick" itch, plus it is inspired by a true story. I think it wound also introduce Mira Sorvino to the channel. A better Stone movie for them would be Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995).

Brent Petty

Let's go John Grisham!


JFK is such a guilty pleasure. Total bullshit, but fascinating to watch and a cast to die for.

Jon Johns

Hot take: Mira Sorvino in The Replacement Killers is pretty great.

Happy Hanukkah

Chris: So you're saying that some of the performances disappeared without a ... Ba-dum-tss.

Chris Retzlaff

Jfk is way more exposition heavy than Schindlers list...every scene is a monolog, lol


She watched LOA in one setting, it was 3:47 run-time. Has she ever watched a film for the channel in two sessions?

Timothy Williams

In my opinion, JFK is the worst movie to ever appear on a PIB pole because, while being a good movie, it presents wild unsubstantiated Oliver Stone conspiracy theories as being reasonable and truthful and is opposite of the truth. But it is popular and well acted and will win. My opinion, no debate needed, nor I will not respond.

Jon Johns

Many times, Joe, but she doesn't say so, it's just edited all together. She usually doesn't even start a movie until 10-11 pm!

Neil Varma

JFK is interesting regardless of what u think of stone the warren commission is BS

Mike Lemon

@Jon Johns- That isn't a hot take. She IS great in The Replacement Killers, and pretty much everything else she's in. Imagine where she'd be if Weinstein didn't sabotage her career.

Cole Jennett

My mind is blown that The Rainmaker isn’t even in the top 2


Is JFK really considered a courtroom drama?

Uncle Phoenix

Wow. How do I vote for all three? (I don’t count JFK.)

John Liebling

Propaganda BS has not place in PIB...too bad for the first time from all the hundreds of films Cassie has reacted to, this one, JFK, is unacceptable, I won't be watching. I'll come back when a more palatable films arrives.


Can...can I cast a vote for "anything but JFK?" I'm not joking. Watched it once. That was too many times.

Jason Henderson

👋🍿can’t go wrong! Hope you and the fam had a great time away! The batteries need recharging sometimes! Lol


The Client is last so far. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed 😂

Katie Jackson

I was really hoping The Client would win😮‍💨 well, maybe next time. I know you've seen To Kill A Mockingbird, was it in school? Has Carly seen it? Because if not you guys could watch it together and since you probably haven't seen it since before you started the channel, it could be a really good watch with all your recent movie expertise. It is one of the best courtroom movies of all time

Dean Holt

It’s fantastic if you’ve are going to watch two of them, but if The Rainmaker finishes 3rd (like it is now) can you watch the top 3 😂. I’ve just wanted you to react to this movie for ages now & it always seem to loose in the polls 😢. But which ever of the top two wins I’m cool with it as all four are good to great films. But obviously my least favourite JFK is winning 🤦🏻‍♂️. But here’s how I’d rank them. 1/ The Rainmaker 2/ The Lincoln Lawyer (a hugely underrated movie) really glad it’s got to the final. 3/ The Client 4/ JFK


Write in vote for Sleepers


Shucks, Sleepers

Clay F

My ranking: 1. The Rainmaker 2. The Lincoln Lawyer 3. The Client 4. JFK

Clay F

Agree, anything but JFK. Please. I want to cast a vote for "anything but JFK".


In the future, let us keep John Grisham exclusive to John Grisham polls. He tends to crowd out almost everything else.


none of the above


Hoping for a JFK/rainmaker double feature

Clay F

She might react to if it finishes in 2nd place.

Larry Darrell

Me too. The Rainmaker is THE film that Cassie is looking for when she does these polls.


My heart hurts because The Rainmaker looks not to make the top two. I really don't understand the love of JFK in the courtroom category.


You won't be missed - there are many I did not think that should of been picked but I wasn't a baby about it - just waited for the ones I liked and watched


I would have to agree. The Rainmaker tops my list by a large margin. I like The Lincoln Lawyer, but always wanted The Rainmaker first. The love for JFK baffles me.

Dean Holt

Ok yes she has put the film on the polls. But it’s not really her fault people are voting for it. If this is actually the only film you don’t like in the last hundred or so movies Cassie has watched then your doing pretty well. As there’s probably on average about 25% of movies she reacts to I’m not really a fan of and I still think that’s a good return on my subscription. But I do think she does a incredible job of balancing out all the different genres and is definitely one of the best reactors as she does try and keep everyone happy. Which is extremely difficult to impossible a lot of the tIme.


Dream come true reaction = Cassie & Carly + To Kill A Mockingbird.


Cast was absolutely stacked and many great performances. Is it the true story of what really went down? Probably not. My theory is so controversial. it will get me kicked off Patreon. But look into the TFX scandal for who I think did it.

Cole Jennett

It’s going to be a few years of these polls before my top movies, The Hurricane, Sleepers and The Judge will be watched at this rate, but we are slowly but surely knocking them down.


I'm with you. I'm destroyed. And JFK #1?? Like, what???

Larry Darrell

Cassie decided to do a Courtroom Poll because she was talking with her cousin about John Grisham films and got excited about watching a great courtroom film again… and now the two John Grisham films are in last place. 🤷‍♂️


Ok I hope you keep your word - we see -- JK lol To me I rather of seen The Verdict or A time to kill or my favorite "Inherit the Wind"


Maybe a sizable number of people haven't watched these movies are are voting for the name JFK. I'm stumped at the popularity with few comments to back it up.

Dean Holt

Really like all 3 as well, especially the Judge and The Hurricane.


The Searchers is a must and a classic. But JFK? I say, no way!

Clay F

JFK (1991) (utter fiction presented as truth, or at least to mislead or with no basis create doubt) -- is absolutely disgusting. Stone deceptively integrated manufactured images with real iconic footage. JFK (1991) = ridiculous wild conspiracy theories. Unsupported. Baseless. No evidence. Unfounded. Disgraceful. Unsubstantiated. Reprehensible. Groundless. Shameful.


To quote Victor Frankenstein from the movie Young Frankenstein, I will accept the loss of The Rainmaker in this poll with "quiet dignity, and grace." #%!&#!! &%$@!!! &%^%$-$#!8&!!!!!

Eric Parpart

Watch all four so you can watch The Client, which is currently in last place. Susan Sarandon is incredible in that movie. Some good Tommy Lee Jones and the young Brad Renfro steals the movie.

Roy Speed

This was my thought, too, Larry — and for me, one of the secret pleasures of The Rainmaker is the fact that Coppola lured Theresa Wright out of retirement to play Matt Damon's landlady; she was in countless great films, most notably "Best Years of Our Lives."

John Liebling

JarHead. I am not a baby. I am expressing myself, as you are free to be as rude as you like, but I will say that your commentary is very disrespectful towards the honorable fellow Marines, you purport to represent. They all expect a hell of a lot more, from you.

Jacob King

Congrats to the JFK fans I guess. This is one where a blind reaction doesn’t make sense to me.


JFK (1991) as a film is masterfully crafted, the editing, cinematography, score, and performances are all top-tier. But as a historical piece, it leans too heavily on speculation and dramatization for me, but I still enjoy it as a film, at least the movie gets you thinking about the events surrounding JFK. It’s like comparing Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) to Pearl Harbor (2001). One is meticulous and focused on accuracy, while the other is more interested in emotional spectacle. JFK falls into the latter category for me. I get why people love it though. Americans, in general, love conspiracy theories. Just look at how the History Channel went from documentaries to Ancient Aliens and sensationalized conspiracies. Americans feed off conspiracies, people love that stuff. So it's no surprise that JFK (1991) went in this direction, controversial yes, but interesting. So, I hope you, and any first-time viewers, enjoy it for what it is! :D

Stick Figure Studios

These are all good movies that are worth seeing, but I watched JFK in the theater with my dad (who is and always has been an armchair expert on the Kennedy assassination) when I was an adolescent and it was a seminal film in my development as a cinephile. I've seen it dozens of times since -- and also learned more myself about the events it depicts -- and while it may be suspect (at best) as history, as cinema it is positively electrifying with a stacked cast, enthralling Oscar-nominated music by the great John Williams and some of the best, most innovative editing I've ever seen in a film. It's still a favorite of mine. Looking forward to your reaction.

Cole Jennett

I think a movie just had to be courtroom adjacent to make the poll, at least that’s how it had been in the past


is JFK a courtroom drama? I can’t even remember a court in that movie. I havent’ watched it in like 15 years but still…

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, I really wanted THE VERDICT (It's my favorite courtroom drama), but I love JFK too, so I'm all right with it.

Stick Figure Studios

It's long, but it doesn't feel long. The film has such an energy to it that the time absolutely flies by.

Stick Figure Studios

I Will join you in celebrating when Cassie does finally react to the Western masterpiece that is THE SEARCHERS.

Stick Figure Studios

The third act focuses solely on the case that Jim Garrison put together to try Clay Shaw for his participation in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

Stick Figure Studios

I can sympathize. I feel that way about some movies as well (including MISSISSIPPI BURNING), but the actual filmmaking in JFK is so supremely excellent that I still think it's worth watching.

Stick Figure Studios

It should really have been a President's Day choice instead, but it's such an impeccably crafted piece of filmmaking (It was a seminal movie in my development as a cinephile and it's still a favorite) that I've been hoping for a reaction to a long time now, so I'm fine with it winning here.

Stick Figure Studios

It probably should have been a President's Day choice instead, but the whole third act does focus solely on the case that Jim Garrison puts together to try Clay Shaw for his participation in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

Jacob King

Trying to think of a way to explain without spoilers. I think the pleasure of this movie lies in being as obsessed as the filmmakers and the characters. Some movies, the best part is the conversation you have afterwards.

Patrick Flanagan

The constant sour grapes and complaining from everyone who hates JFK and wants the world to know how ANGRY they are, DAMN IT, makes me so happy. There are plenty of movies shown here which aren't my cup of tea. You know what I do? I don't watch them, I don't cry about it, I move on with my life. Don't like this reaction? There'll be another one coming along in a few days. Quit yer bellyaching.

Chris Thom

At the very least it's a well-made film that shows the paranoia and historical context surrounding the event. And it's an event that has been an obsession for many who lived through it. As long as she knows there is still no absolute certainty about the assassination or why it happened, it'll be a good watch. The historical/social/political context makes it interesting. Even as a twelve year old I though, yeah this movie is probably reaching, and I never took it too seriously, but I do think it was worth seeing. Especially from a filmmaking perspective.

Larry Darrell

So True! Teresa Wright is one of my favorites. Other Must Sees… The Little Foxes (1941) Mrs. Miniver (1942) The Pride of the Yankees (1942) Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

Larry Darrell

Which is why she should just watch both regardless, if she was in a John Grisham mood anyways, when she decided to make this poll. Runaway Jury was an extra bonus pick after the last courtroom polls, because she was liking these films so much. The Rainmaker and The Client fit the bill the most for what she has expressed interest in, in the past.

Art Vandalaay

A movie about the ultimate conspiracy theory is bound to be divisive but I’m looking forward to seeing JFK again.. I’m just a fan of, in my opinion, a brilliantly made film. The subject matter is endlessly fascinating. The actors and characters we meet along the way are engrossing and charismatic. We all know there are dozens of theories out there and JFK is just a really well done take on one of them.

Uncle Phoenix

I would like to see Cassie’s reaction to Godfather 3, only because I love seeing her impersonation of the Godfather Opossum from Zootopia. “Why have you come to me on my Daughter’s Wedding?”


Honestly I didn't get that far in the movie. I can't bring myself to watch the whole thing. I knew about the investigation, but not the trial part.

Kat Farlowe

I love all the John Grisham courtroom thrillers, especially The Rainmaker. Matt Damon is so young in it and it is a great story. Got a little romance too Cassie!


You should honestly forget all this and watch the Daredevil series!!! I'd pay extra extra butter for that!


JFK is truly the finest KGB disinformation ever made 👍👍

Larry Darrell

Until we know definitively who shot JFK and all the Hows, Whens, Wheres and Whos… I’m still going to enjoy watching the movie, JFK (1991), and will happily welcome a reaction to it. Regardless of any liberties taken by Stone or embellishments… this film makes you think and encourages everyone to not take for granted whatever BS the Establishment, Legacy Media or even History Books tell you. If the movie JFK got you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions about the Assassination of JFK, then it did it’s job. Now Pass it On. All that being said… I’m voting for The Rainmaker. This is the film I believe Cassie had in mind when she decided to do another courtroom poll. Both of the remaining terrific John Grisham films that Cassie has yet to see, The Rainmaker and The Client, I feel like she should just watch anyway. Make a week out of it. She won’t regret it.

Dan M

I think it’s time for a little order in the PiB courtroom. All the evidence points to The Client winning this poll. Let’s look at the facts: A gripping, fast/pace thriller based on a John Grisham bestseller, starring Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon, William H Macy, and Will Patton. Susan Sarandon was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress. Based on your comments in your post, this one is right up your alley. If this movie doesn’t win this poll, or at least come in second, it would be a travesty and a horrible injustice to our client (you, Cassie) and the PiB community. I rest my case. And cross my fingers.

Dan M

I’m all for this suggestion, because I voted for The Client as well. A brilliant movie.

Dan M

Sadly, it looks like we’re in the minority with regard to The Client. Oh well. At least we got a reaction to Now and Then.

Dan M

Same. Well…maybe I’m just a little tweaked.

Happy Hanukkah

Kevin, do you realize that Vak's comment was directed specifically at the movie, while yours was directed at him (?) personally?

Patrick Flanagan

...I mean it's FINE. Not really that memorable, like most of Schumacher's movies. For this subgenre I think PRESUMED INNOCENT is probably the best of the '90s.

Clay F

Watching JFK (1991) is like watching a movie depicting the 1969 moon landing was fake, or depicting that 9/11 was an inside job, or showing that the Sandy Hook school shooting was fake, etc. The movie effective enough to make people believe or suspect the falsehoods, or doubt the truth. Contributes to the persistence of harmful untruths. Strengthens wild conspiracy theories. Bad for society. Especially with many people wanting to believe ridiculous conspiracy theories. Many people crave to believe wild conspiracy theories. More exciting than the truth. JFK (1991) is right up their alley.

Lord Nelson

JFK is all nonsense, of course, in reality Jim Garrison was a crook, but it’s a great movie. When I was seven I watched it over and over again.

cfb0453 (Chris)

... Or watching a federal election in which Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton are an excellent choice for POTUS! 😂😆🤣😊

Clay F

Movies leading people to believe utterly ridiculous conspiracy theories are harmful. I will say I am glad that Trump is going to make Canada the 51st state. Welcome aboard Canadians.

Joel P

JFK isn't any less propagandist and fake than Hidden Figures and a number of other fake history movies people react to.

Larry Darrell

You’ve seen The Matrix. Right, Clay? I’m curious, which Pill you would have taken. :-)

Clay F

Good filmmaking or your nostalgia can't cover up how much of a sham that JFK (1991) is. I agree with you about Mississippi Burning's if you are referring to the take on the FBI, but that's nothing compared to JFK (1991).

Stick Figure Studios

Well, as I said, JFK is a movie not without its issues, so my own tastes and nostalgia aside, I certainly can't begrudge anybody else hating the film. If you do Indeed despise it then go with God. I just find there to be too much value in the work to feel the same way about it (I mean, some of Shakespeare's greatest plays are total bunk as history -- RICHARD III, HENRY V, ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA -- and yet are still considered great works of art). I think JFK Is a vastly superior film to MISSISSIPPI BURNING and I just can't quite throw the baby out with the bathwater on that one. I admit that is a wholly subjective take, but I think it's a valid one that I can at least defend reasonably.

Clay F

As Mark T commented on the initial poll, Oliver Stone's intention in JFK (1991) was not to hold government accountable and “was not to provoke people to think for themselves, to the contrary, it was politically motivated into making people think his way. He put his ideology ahead of the truth and knowingly made a movie with misleading facts and lies.”

Benjamin Gerrald

This keeps happening in various categories. War is the most messed up one where fantasy stuff gets voted in.

Brian Harris

Do you guys even know how excited I am for Cassie to watch JFK? Her head is going to pop off of her body.

Chris Thom

I wasn't obsessed with the event or anything, and I never fully bought all the conspiracies, but it did open my eyes to the political and social and historical context around it. And the mob, and the Russian empire, and political extremists and the CIA. All in all a good starting off point to studying history and understanding the different agendas various groups stood for. Well-made film.

Brian Harris

Kennedy’s assassination was a conspiracy. I don’t think Stone got it right, the movie is insane, but the official story makes zero sense.

Larry Darrell

Are you quoting Mark T or some article? If what you say is true… “not to provoke people to think for themselves…” Well he screwed up BIG Time then. Folks were asking all these questions years before JFK anyways. Here’s an excerpt from an article that sounds pretty good… “Regardless of his admiration for Kennedy, Stone’s primary purpose is not to elevate JFK’s reputation. Exposing the Establishment for betraying the people’s trust most drives Stone. His targets are the Warren Commission, the intelligence agencies, the military, the media, and the other hypocritical myth perpetrators of the cold war era. He responds with a countermyth so colossal and compelling that it commands our attention. But only the knowledgeable viewer can discern Stone’s qualifiers and subtleties. Stone leaves the resolution of the assassination to the “young, in whose spirit the search for truth marches on.” Of course, JFK distorts history; of course, it is potentially dangerous to an alienated and uneducated public; and, of course, Stone and Warner Brothers stand to make millions from it. This aside, Stone’s riveting drama has contributed to an unprecedented interest in the Kennedy assassination. Teachers can use the film as a teaching tool in conjunction with the innumerable scholarly works on the assassination—many of them recently heading the best-seller lists. Moreover, this frenzied publicity may also cause the government to open all of the restricted material on the assassination—the files of the CIA and the FBI, the House investigation, the Church Committee investigation on intelligence in 1975, and the Warren Commission. Senator Edward Kennedy has indicated that the Kennedy family has no objections to such a release. On ABC’s Nightline, in January, Congressman Louis Stokes, chair of the 1978 House Committee investigation, and David Belin, Warren Commission counsel, both indicated that they favored opening all of the material. Perhaps as a result of such a full disclosure, we might know much more about Kennedy’s assassination and the investigations themselves despite the deaths of witnesses and the destruction of evidence. Only then might this matter be put to rest.” — James N. Giglio, Professor of history at Southwest Missouri State University, 1992 https://www.historians.org/perspectives-article/oliver-stones-jfk-in-historical-perspective/

Tom Castro

JFK is a misleading, dishonest film. Hate it.

Clay F

Brian, you say "the official story makes zero sense." Evidence? Didn't think so. Sorry to burst your bubble -- there was no conspiracy. The official story makes complete sense. 25,000 interviews and running down tens of thousands of investigative leads = found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The Zapruder film backs that up. Further, the Warren Commission (led by Chief Justice Earl Warren) concluded that Oswald = lone gunman. Later confirmed, for example, by The Rockefeller Commission and The Church Committee. The 1979 HSCA report questioned that conclusion but the 1979 HSCA report has been discredited. Even committee members later distanced themselves from the findings. Their conclusions were based on disputed acoustic evidence that didn’t hold up. There is no evidence (wild speculation doesn’t count) that Oswald did not act alone – just like there is no evidence that the Sandy Hook school shooting was fake or that the 1969 moon landing was fake.

Larry Darrell

I don’t think Oliver Stone intended you to leave this film and believe EVERYTHING in the film. He wanted you to start asking questions… and to think for yourself.

Larry Darrell

What would a “historically accurate” depiction of the JFK Assassination be like?


No its not. Read Whitney Webb's book "One Nation Under Blackmail". She is America's best investigative journalist. The CIA and Mossad are deeply criminal organisations

David Livingston

"JFK" is really good - but, I highly recommend "The Rainmaker". It's another story from the same author as "The Firm", "The Client", and "A Time to Kill" - John Grisham. And the story is very similar to "Erin Brockovich".

Larry Darrell

Hey Clay… have you ever seen the documentary… The New Pearl Harbor? I believe it’s on YouTube. You should check it out if you haven’t already. I dare you to watch it. All 4 hrs and 53 min. ;-) But seriously, you should definitely watch it. From Beginning to End. Highly Recommended.

John Cranberry

I cast a spell on everyone to vote for The Rainmaker.


A little tooooo ironic. and yeah I really do think :P


My heart hurts for my many favorite movies Cassie will never watch

Dan M

It’s like ray-eee-ain on your wedding day. =D

Tom Castro

Yes it is, Jim Garrison and his theories were discredited decades ago but the simple minded buy all the elaborate conspiracy nonsense. Nobody, and I mean NO SERIOUS, CREDIBLE person buys his story. You should read Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy".

cfb0453 (Chris)

Well said!!!! I think Clay is referring to Mark T. replying to my comment, which was that Oliver Stones' intention was NOT to convince people that his film was the truth, but to think for themselves and hold all governments accountable, all the time!

Shawn Kildal

I'm not going to disparage any of the other movies, but it truly is disappointing THE RAINMAKER isn't going to finish in the top 2. Plus, Cassie did prom-prom KRAMER VS. KRAMER at the beginning of last year. I haven't forgotten. Maybe next time we'll have a week of THE RAINMAKER, THE VERDICT and KRAMER VS. KRAMER. That would be an amazing week imo.


It's strange how everyone is so adamant in trying to convince others to vote for what they want to win, almost like people don't like democracy, or like each movie needs it's own lawyer.

Stick Figure Studios

The way Stone characterized it was that he was providing a "counter-myth" to the Warren Commission's report which was "fictional myth."


"The Client" is an underrater thriller that nobody reacts to. Not so much courtroom drama, even when it has lawyers.


Like in real democracies, voters don't always fully realize what they even voted about, until it's too late. People are trying campaign for their lesser known candidate


Dan - Morissette Amon? Her dad was a big fan of Alanis. https://youtu.be/p2FXQgtmPDw?si=x_PMD6a3VF4fj3RJ

James UK

JFK is a brilliantly made movie. Complete nonsense of course, but brilliantly made nonsense.


You have to be beyond gullible to believe that the US government is above scrutiny. The government has admitted openly that during WW2 the US government turned to the italian mafia for help with intelligence and covert operations to help win the war. And those relationships with the criminal underworld continue to this day which is demonstrated by the controvercies around Jeffrey Epstein. The evidence of this is overwhelming.

Clarence Newman

This was inevitable. It's a polarizing film, JFK, but very enjoyable if you accept the fact that it's a masterly take on how wild conspiracy theories can get sometimes. And that one scene with Donald Sutherland may well be one of the greatest acting filibusters I've ever seen. It will absorb Cassie, that's for sure, and that makes it a good choice.

Clarence Newman

That's another example of Cassie putting us before herself, Shawn. She's "promised" to watch Kramer versus Kramer and Cocktail and Shakespeare In Love, but doesn't get around to them because she's too busy watching films she thinks we want her to watch. She needs a "Balls to it, these are films I want to watch" poll. Then we'd get all three in a month.


If all the Lincoln Lawyer and The Rainmaker voters combined forces, they could win the poll 42% to 41%. I've never seen JFK.

Clarence Newman

And if I could combine my leg with my Johnson, I'd be married to Jessica Biel. 😎

Mike Lemon

That's not good. Mr. Popcorn will have to Scotch tape it back on like she is some kind of parakeet.

Clarence Newman

Cassie. Please read this post carefully just before you go to bed.... The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict I must Popcorn Pick The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict The Verdict. (You know what I've just realised? That's one of those words that, if you say it enough times, it ceases to sound (or read) like a real word. Same applies to the word 'Purple'. 😵)

Mike Lemon

"...The Rainmaker. This is the film I believe Cassie had in mind ..." That right there is a huge problem with the pole trap. There are a few movies that Cassie keeps asking for permission to watch with a poll, and them losing, instead of just watching them. Shakespeare in Love is another example, she has put that on two or three polls, has said multiple times that she really wants to watch it, was a possible pick of the month, and here we are, unwatched.


Like "Beautiful Ride" from "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story". A joke that goes right over most people's heads."

Gary Granata

Original JFK conspiracy movie Executive Action from 1973 starring Burt Lancaster is worth a watch for anyone interested in this subject.


Another great book is "Supermob" about Sydney Korshak and how the American Mafia infiltrated every aspect of American life. If you wonder why this country is so f'ed up in the 21st Century this is part of the answer.

Milton William Burray

John Lennon was a communist spy who killed JFK to soften up America for the emergence of Beatlemania and destabilize the US— The endgame was to replace the constitution with the lyrics of Imagine. Paul McCartney found out about it, was killed but replaced with imposter MI6 agent William Campbell aka Billy Shears. The battle for control of the Beatles was all part of the cold war


The "Supermob" book sounds very interesting but I can only find it for AUS$400 on hardcover or AUS$200 for paperbook on Amazon. And I am legally blind, so I tend to read books on Kindle which allows me to increase the font size (or listening on Audible)

Clarence Newman

Not to mention what poor Ringo had to go through. "Aye, it may be a joke to you, but it's his nose. He can't help having a hideous great hooter. And his poor little head, trembling under the weight of it." Cassie really needs to see A Hard Day's Night (1964).


It always bums me out in these theme polls that inevitably the movie which least fits the theme of the poll is always the runaway winner. Hopefully Cassie will do another courtroom drama poll someday and will omit movies that aren't actually courtroom dramas. It's tough cause she hasn't seen any of these movies which end up on her polls, but whomever is choosing which movies go in them has a bad habit of sticking a popular ringer in there that doesn't really have much to do with the poll. This happens over and over. C'est la vie I guess.

Dan M

Rose - first time hearing her sing. What a beautiful voice! I also listened to Secret Love Song.


Not in the spirit of the poll! You have to file suit and sue everyone, I tell you!


Yeah, but if she agreed to watch it, she'd be nagged on watching the seasons of Daredevil she hasn't watched (I think she only watched the first season, I could be wrong) PLUS The Defenders, PLUS some would say The Punisher. There would be no end to it (the discussion and pleading, I mean).


Anything to get The Rainmaker watched. I have to agree. All four!!!!

Carol Rocha



Who believes the Magic Bullet theory? That theory exists outside the movie JFK.


Cassie also saw Teresa Wright in Somewhere In Time as well as Best Years.

Alan Jones

Nothing for me to see here. If I could unvote, I would, but I had to vote to see what was leading. Yuck! Of all the courtroom dramas in all the studios in all the world, she had to walk into these! Forget courtrooms, the old "modern Western" film called The Rainmaker (1956) with Katharine Hepburn and Burt Lancaster is twice the movie of all four of these put together. (Not lengthwise, of coure, but quality wise.) IMHO, of course. So in sympathy with that, I left my vote on its newer namesake, though I'm not really interested in the McConaughey vehicle. EDIT: Turns out I could unvote, so I did. Outa here. See ya next time.


JarHead0351, you do realize that A Time To Kill was reacted to by Cassie years ago and all you have to do is search for it and watch it today?


Gah, you guys made me Google. I'd never heard of Trace Adkins. But I was never into country music.

Richard Maurer

Not that I care that much but it looks like JFK is going to win this. This will be one of those polls that people are going to be bitter about for a while..

Richard Maurer

@Above Average Dave - when the files get released? Like the Epstein files got “released”? Lol


I know and I mean ALL Daredevil so it wouldn't be simply enough with just the new season. Lol

Richard Maurer

Mick Jagger is an alien from Mars! Seriously, not joking at all, it’s TRUE!!!!!!!! David Bowie, who “knew” Mick, made the film The Man Who Fell To Earth, which was based on Mick’s life story.


Cassie - JFK will be a fun watch for you, just don’t take it seriously. Oliver Stone’s claims are about as credible as me claiming I shot JFK from my mother’s womb.


There isn't a bad movie on this list. It's a tie for me between JFK and The Rainmaker, I can watch either movie over and over again.

Clarence Newman

She would love me long time. Our first date would be curled up on a sofa watching Cannonball Run.

Above Average Dave

Burt Lancaster was the guy I wanted narrating my life until I heard James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman. Of course, the way things have gone, Barney Rubble ("What an actor!") seems more appropriate. 🤣

Alan Jones

Not to mention a couple of fav's of my own: Witness for the Prosecution (1957) Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Haven't checked to see if she's done these already. If not, they'd be my choice.

Gary Granata

Cassie hasn't seen any Burt Lancaster movies. From Here to Eternity, Run Silent Run Deep, and the Rainmaker really good. Barney did alright he got Betty to marry him!


Polls are always good for a laugh. Less than 50% of her paying patrons are likely to even vote at all. Any movie other than a rom-com is a big win for me, LOL.

Matthew Periolat

Regarding JFK, two things - it’s my favorite movie that I hate to watch, what would be akin to Schindler’s List to some, Saving Private Ryan to some, Sophie’s Choice to some. You enjoy it for being great, but it’s painful. Also, I choose to take the director at his word - this is not The Truth. The Answer. It’s an appeal to think, to consider a story from all sides. Just remember two rules: 1. Even if we had The Answer with incontrovertible proof it was The Answer, 60% of the population wouldn’t believe it due to all the conspiracy theory talk for years and 2. Even if we knew for sure what happened, there is one paramount truth - none of it makes John F. Kennedy any less dead. It doesn’t give Caroline or John Jr. their father back, it doesn’t give Jackie her husband back, it doesn’t gift us, the people back a second of lost time or a single tear shed. Like I said, it’s a favorite, but it hurts. Deeply.


Look on the bright side, whatever wins ain't another rom-com, LOL.

Richard Maurer

When did you mention The Verdict? (Like Cassie, I don’t pay attention to what you write)

Clay F

You make some good comments but while there are no absolutes, The Answer of no conspiracy is incontrovertible, and Oliver Stone with JFK (1991) harmfully contributed to 60% of the population not believing it due to all the conspiracy theory talk for years. JFK (1991) shamefully promotes that conspiracy talk --- unjustly shaking trust in our institutions. Harmful to society. It's more than about the JFK family getting JFK back. JFK (1991) is not "an appeal to think, to consider a story from all sides." Instead, as Mark T commented on the initial poll, Oliver Stone with JFK (1991) “was not to provoke people to think for themselves, to the contrary, it was politically motivated into making people think his way. He put his ideology ahead of the truth and knowingly made a movie with misleading facts and lies.”

Clarence Newman

I know it's a technicality, Gary (he's not the star), but she's reacted to Burt in Field of Dreams.

Above Average Dave

What is amazing to me, Stick, is how fast he made that film, too. The actual making of a movie is really more about logistics and timing. Stone is a hands-on director with that, although he works with a few tremendous producers who handle a lot of it, too. But between them and line producers, it really is all about making the critical path layout of the shooting schedule (with all the sets/costumes/lighting/sound/make-up/continuity, etc., mesh. And that doesn't even account for post-production and editing. Just an amazing filmmaker

Clay F

Like in real democracies, people try to convince others to vote for who or what they want to win.

Richard Maurer

I recorded myself while sleeping a few night’s back. The only thing I muttered was Clarence Newman has terrible taste in movies.

Clarence Newman

Don't be lying to us now. We all know you sleep during the day. In a dark basement. In a coffin. 🧛‍♂️

Richard Maurer

Are you spying on me? One of my clan in England will be paying you a visit some night…….soon.

Clay F

Stick -- JFK (1991) is good filmmaking with good performance by Costner, but is a shameful movie effective in promoting wild conspiracy theories that harm society in unjustly shaking trust in our institutions. If you are referring to the take on the FBI in Mississippi Burning, I agree with you but that is nothing compared to JFK (1991).

Happy Hanukkah

Clarence, here is Cassie's reply (mumbled in her sleep): "Shut up! You Teutonic tw@t!" :-)

Clay F

JFK (1991) is good filmmaking with a good performance by Costner, but is a shameful movie effective in promoting wild conspiracy theories that harm society in unjustly shaking trust in our institutions.


The Rainmaker is a much better watch. JFK is like a documentary where we all know the ending. Not good. The Rainmaker is a great lawyer film.


That is a good film. Very very good. Court room drama at its best.

Happy Hanukkah

Sorry. :-) For a less typical song by Trace Adkins, here's a live performance of 'Til the Last Shot's Fired with the West Point Glee Club: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSEauSGFK74 Not knowing your tastes, I most definitely lay no claim as to whether you'll like it.

Clarence Newman

You may jest, Hap! But she just came on, dropped consecutive likes on every post from the top all the way down.....and stopped just short of mine! She is literally never gonna forgive me for Sid Worley hanging himself.

Nicholas Coy

I say this as someone who likes Oliver Stone. JFK is for entertainment purposes only. The magic bullet has been debunked by every scientific organization on earth. That shot has been recreated dozens of times by military marksmen.

Clay F

Facts or evidence don't mean anything to the wild conspiracy theorists. That's the beauty of a wild conspiracy theory is you don't need evidence.


Lots of passion around JFK...but should make for an interesting reaction. A real core dump of information coming at you in this one, hope Cassie can stay engaged, LOL.

cfb0453 (Chris)

You don't know that Clay, unless you can read minds! When JFK first came out, Oliver Stone was on every major news network defending himself and his movie. He stated on several occasions, it was not his intention to present this film as the definitive truth, rather it was designed as a rebuttal to the official Warren Commission Report, which everyone knows is BS. He wanted people to think for themselves and do their own homework. Not to blindly trust what the government tells them like sheep, but to exercise their god given rights. Figuring things out for ourselves is the only freedom anyone really has Clay. If you don't believe a word of JFK, then you of all people should be encouraging people to watch it so that they can see for themselves and debunk it. Whether you agree with the film or not, it's still an important movie to watch. Like "Triumph of the Will", let JFK be a warning to everyone!

Dean Holt

Instead of watching 3hrs of JFK, I suggest watching the tv show Red Dwarf S7, Ep1 Tikka To Ride. As it as a silly theory of who shot JFK it’s only 25 mins and is a lot more entertaining to watch. Also with the remaining 2hrs 30mins Cassie can then watch the Rainmaker and still be finished 15 minutes quicker than watching the other film.

Cole Jennett

Have to agree. Though at least their griping is because they want something else in the poll to win. What grinds my gears is when people seek out a movie to complain in the comments for that movie after it’s been reacted to. Like just ignore it!

Brian's Dog

The theme 'kids in harms way' usually seems to get quite the animated reaction, so I voted with that in mind.

Ryan Towell

For courtroom films it's hard to beat any films based off of Grisham novels. So for me Rainmaker or The Client are my picks. JFK is long, kinda boring, has been told many times and really pushes conspiracy theories. I wouldn't call this a courtroom film..

Bill Maurer

This company in Arizona disproves the single bullet theory by computer simulation of a digital scan of Dealey Plaza. Have not seen if this was ever challenged. If you find something, let me know https://youtu.be/Ss8XOQD1hEE?si=lW3v8Y7b_qR84edi

Chris Thom

JFK, RFK, MLK...all assassinated. Do think it's healthy to consider why that might be, from all angles.

Chris Thom

It all makes PERFECT SENSE. Can't believe I never saw it before. The hippies were always about wonton violence to achieve their aims.

Matthew Periolat

My mom was a California precinct captain for Bobby in 1968. My grandma kept a picture of Jack on her nightstand for years before passing it on to me, I’m looking at it as we speak. So suffice to say, it’s close to the bone for me.

Dean Holt

Red Dwarf is a Sci-Fi comedy that started in the 80s. It’s one of those shows that you’ll love it or you just wouldn’t get the humour. If you do check it out I’d be interested to what you thought of it.

Michael Lewis

Too bad JFK seems to be winning the poll so far. A well-made film by a talented director with a good cast posing as history. Just remember when watching it that none of the conspiracy assertions are true, like the ones which claim the moon landings were fake or that Obama was actually born in Kenya.

Katie Jackson

Ok, I laughed way to hard at these comments. "It's the freeee addvicceee, that you just didn't takeee" 😂

Jon Johns

So, Clay, this film is obviously a dramatic retelling of a historical event. Not the assignation, but the trial headed by Jim Garrison. Of course its all speculation with little proof and much theory, but to say the film is promoting this? Its more promoting the event, the trial, and the investigation, however flawed it was. Yes, Garrison was wrong, but at the time, there were many conspiracy theorists, as there still are today. The investigation, and trial are both compelling storytelling, and a glimpse through a window of time, when doubts ran rampant, and passionate people felt compelled to seek the 'truth'. I agree that the theories proposed in the film are flawed, wrong, even, but I disagree that Stone made the film to promote these theories. He was just telling a story, based on a lot of fact. The trial and investigation are well documented, again, FLAWED, and more theory than fact gathered. But the story of Garrison is real, and true, and I believe was retold in the film faithfully. Just my 2 cents...


JFK has won the poll, it was over a few hours after starting.

Mike Lemon

I've heard JFK isn't historically accurate. Did anyone else figure that out in the last 30-ish years? Has anybody made Cassie aware of it? /s


There should be a runoff of the top 3, followed by a runoff of the Top 2.

Mario C

Rainmaker is soo good. Right up Cassie’s alley

Stick Figure Studios

Definitely watch DAREDEVIL (both the original three Netflix seasons and the new BORN AGAIN one on Disney+). It is the best thing that Marvel has done.


Agreed, I think s2 of the original might be the best second season of a show I've ever seen.

Clay F

Yeah, it's like watching a movie depicting Obama being born in Kenya.

Chris Retzlaff

Head will pop off during the 25th monolog and she tries desperately to keep from falling asleep

Clay F

Jon -- why did Stone deceptively integrate fabricated images with real iconic footage if he was just merely telling the story of the investigation and the trial?

Philip Alan

No. Not one person made her aware of that. Wait.. maybe one person.


Ideally, a more historically accurate version would present hard truths, be less dramatized, and essentially resemble a documentary. However, I don’t think the mainstream audience would care. JFK (1991) became so big because it was controversial, reigniting public interest in the assassination. I don’t think a simple documentary could have achieved this, and the lack of conspiracy theories wouldn’t interest the public, since mainstream America loves that kind of stuff. So, you could argue that the way the film embraces conspiracy theories is accurate to the information available and reflects how people perceive the JFK assassination, making it a unique viewpoint into the assassination, regardless if we agree or disagree with the viewpoint provided. A movie that fully embraces conspiracy theories, which naturally invites challenge. Simply reading the comments under the poll, we can see people still debating the film and events decades later. It's an astonishing film on its own, and I do think it encourages people to think critically about the JFK assassination and engage in discussions. I'm pretty sure people are smart enough to view this film as its own interpretation of the event rather than a definitive account, it presents one perspective among many. Edit: Btw loved your thoughts on the film.

Larry Darrell

Thanks. Same to you. Yeah, there have been countless documentaries on the assassination. All known angles have been covered. Any feature film would have to be a dramatization and without delving into conspiracies, it probably wouldn’t be as interesting as something like JFK. Folks probably wouldn’t enjoy a dramatized film about Oswald being the lone Gunman. There’s still so many people that don’t believe it at all Now, if they made a film about the MLK Assassination… that could be something. If you’ve never listened to the MLK Tapes podcast, you should. Everyone for years has been focused on JFK, but there is So Much more evidence surrounding the MLK Assassination that makes a conspiracy much more possible. Martin Luther King’s family doesn’t even believe James Earl Ray did it.


Little Mix’s “Secret Love Song” ^.^. Love Jade’s latest single “Angel of My Dreams (S.A.D - Slow. Angelic. Dramatic - Live Version). I hope you enjoy more of Morissette’s beautiful voice, Dan!


I am not rude -- lol I call it as I see it - you cried like a baby by your public comment about not getting your way, which allows me to respond in kind to it. You have that right to whine and cry as I have the right to express my feelings about it – there is no safe place in a comments – Me as a Marine has nothing to do with my reply comment about you. Can’t help that, I talk the talk and walk the walk, you should try it


Yes - been a while since I watched it with her - thanks for the reminder - still a great court movie

John Liebling

Clearly, you've forgotten who I am. Sorry your symptoms are growing worse. JFK is a propagandistic piece of trash, and as a former Marine, you should know better than to perpetuate treasonous ideals. You've changed dude, and I feel a lot of shame for you, and what you're putting your family through. They deserve a lot better. I understand now, why your former friends, someone of them Marines, are no longer communicating with you. Talk about crybabies... of all your friends and family; based on firsthand accounts you are the biggest town crier. And I do feel sorry for you, but mostly for those, closest to you, who you feel the greatest need to hurt, because as you put it. you call them as you see them. Dude please stop, better yet please, for their sake, get the help you so desperately need. It is the honorable thing to do. Be a man, and stop being a discredit to the uniform. You certainly talk the talk, and that's fine, but you never at any point in the past or present, walk the walk.

Chris Thom

Some of Bobby's speeches are my all time favorite political speeches. He was pretty special. Strange conundrum that some times tragedy and misfortune lead to a really standout kind of personality.

Dean Holt

Ok so we have JFK & The Lincoln Lawyer, which I’m perfectly fine with as even though it wasn’t my favourite out of these movies I do think Cassie should watch JFK. I I’m however really looking forward to her reaction from the Lincoln Lawyer because I’ve seen it around five time now and really enjoy watching it every time and I’m sure Cassie going to love it and If Carly’s available I’d recommend she watches it too. But the sad part is The Rainmaker has lost in a poll yet again. I really hope Cassie just decides in a few weeks just to watch this one or just make it a Courtroom drama triple. As it always for some reason seems to lose even though lots of people seem to like it in the comments.

Richard Rolen

The House Select Committee that studied the evidence concluded that there was probably a conspiracy. Your adamance that there's no reason to question the evidence is just as bad as the wild conspiracy theorists who question everything. Also, although I also question many of the conclusions this film draws, most of the references they make to evidence and testimony is accurate... and much of it still draws suspicion today, for good reason.

Bill Maurer

Good timing on the watch of JFK ...... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jfk-assassination-files-release-trump/

Clay F

As the article noted, 97% of the records are already publicly available.