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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "Beneath the Planet of the Apes", which will premiere later today!



Patrick Crippen

Is this the last one finally? Lol

John Liebling

Telle-tubies and poor horses. Casie you're a silly person. I do enjoy your channel a lot. You're going to have a lot of interesting stories to tell Carly. No spoilers, the rest of the series will be weird, but your many questions will be answered, well to some degree.


The nuclear cult at the end really reminded me of the Church of the Children of Atom from Fallout 3 (2008), a religious group that worships the power of the atom in a post-apocalyptic world. The town of Megaton was built around an undetonated nuclear bomb, which the church views as a sacred object, believing that every atomic detonation creates an infinite number of worlds. It also reminded me of the Children of the Cathedral from Fallout (1997), a religious organization in California that publicly presents itself as a charity but secretly serves as a front for The Master. Aiding in his plan to forcibly mutate humanity into Super Mutants, believing it to be the next stage of human evolution. But, for a movie like Beneath the Planet of the Apes, especially as a follow-up to the first one, the introduction of this cult feels out of left field. It’s a cool idea, but definitely an odd addition to the latter half of the film. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but if the Fallout games did take inspiration from this movie for their cults, then I’m glad it exists, lol.

Happy Hanukkah

Huh? This doesn't make any sense! How can there possibly be anything *beneath* a planet? What would that even mean?! Guess I'll have to watch the movie. :-|

Clarence Newman

To make it accurate, you would have to say "There is no movie beneath Beneath the Planet of the Apes." Except maybe Howard the Duck.

Chris Thom

She did get a taste of the Morlock themes with Gary Sinise' monologue in Ransom.

Happy Hanukkah

LGB: Oh! I now feel very silly! I hadn't considered that since the apes are not as scientifically advanced as we are, they have not come up with the spherical planet theory, and their planet is therefore flat. Boy do I have omelet on my face! :-) (Can anyone point me in the direction of a sci-fi story I read way back, which has the conceit that "reality" is completely shaped by our perceptions/beliefs?)

Chris Thom

Some of these thumbnail photoshops are just incredible. Lol

Zane From Canada

Cassie, I love that you're face is being edited into the pictures, again. 😄😎

Happy Hanukkah

Yeah, you can't touch this! Look, human, you can't touch this! You better get Ape, boy, because you know you can't, you can't touch this! Stop! It's Morlock Time!


Haha, that thumbnail is WILD!

Above Average Dave

Not sure if it was mentioned in one of the reactions or the podcast, but I couldn't help nearly being blinded by the sparkle on Carly's left ring finger multiple times. If it's true, sorry single lads in your 20s & 30s. Also, if true — CONGRATULATIONS!!! (and I'm sure we'll all get invited to the ceremony). 😁😁😁😁

Clarence Newman

Great thumbnail. I love the fact that Carly is comfortable enough with us to appear on a reaction wearing a mud mask.

Chris Thom

She announced her engagement like a month ago...I think. We were joking about live streaming the wedding, but Cassie said there was most likely a one hundred percent chance that she wouldn't be into that. Also nixed the poll idea for whether or not she should get married at all. lol

Chris Thom

Might still be five to go. Because THIS for whatever reason is THE franchise to be a completionist about. lol

Above Average Dave

A month ago would be right in line with my lifetime sense of timing. It also explains why I've seen so many single men abruptly break into tears and regretful selftalk in virtually every state and country I've been in during the last 4 weeks. So wonderful for Carly (not the sobbing and regretful selftalk - the pending numptuals)!

Happy Hanukkah

Ah! I can finally see the thumbnail. I was wondering what y'all were talking about.

Timothy Fisher

This is a bit off topic but I just wanna ask you Cassie, Since St. Patrick's Day is less than a week away, are you planning on watching "Michael Collins" anytime soon? I think it's a great movie to watch around the holiday.

Happy Hanukkah

Swing batta batta swing batta batta swing batta batta swing! Apropos our exchange in the previous post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmzmHffY6l4

Happy Hanukkah

Which inexorably leads to: come baby come baby baby come come! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8CUfVtrAT8

Brad Enervold

Cassie, it only goes down from here. LOL So skip everything until the new reboot. DO NOT watch the 2001 Mark Wahlberg horrible version. Please, please, please. Don't watch it. OK, I'm better now.


Congratulations to Carly. But, for the next Poppies I want full production of "Just Two Little Girls from Little Rock" from "Gentlemen Prefer Blonds" with Carly and Cassie. Maybe "Just Two Little Girls from Canada".


The real secret of this movie is that Humans are just another species of Great Ape. It has always been a planet of the Apes.

Shad Kanyak

I remember liking this movie as a kid. Wow, I was a dumb kid.

Nathan Swapp

A+ for that thumbnail

Rick Williams

Great thumbnail. Cassie is the best part of the movie.


Im not sure about the movie, but based on the thumbnail, we get Cassie in her dominatrix gear? Makes it a cant miss reaction.

Clay F

Yeah, humans (Homo sapiens -- the last surviving species of the genus Homo) are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence.

Philip Alan

Don't forget to watch the Tim Burton Planet Of The Apes. You really should watch it. It's very important to watch, so you'll understand the new movies. (hides)

Bill W

Beneath the surface, not beneath the entire sphere.

Bill W

Happy: K7!! Now I want to watch Stick It (2006)

Bill W

The head gorilla, Captain Ursus, is James Gregory.... aka Inspector Luger from Barney Miller. Odd to have a gorilla named "bear".

Phillip D Piris

I was on the "go ahead and skip" side of history. Haha

Chris Thom

Some older patrons are probably throwing s-- in your direction right now...but they can't find you. lol

Clarence Newman

I didn't mind the Tim Burton one. I'm real glad Cassie isn't continuing the OGs after Escape (my bad - after Conquest), but I don't feel the same way about Marky Mark's Monkey Mob.

Clarence Newman

I'm afraid so. My wife uses different colours, so at bath time, she tends to look like various characters from A Bug's Life.


Who convinced Cassie to watch these OG sequels? Even many hard core sci fi film nerds haven't seen these. These are super, super niche films nowadays. The original is really well known, and the reboot movies are good and widely seen. But someone really led her astray by having her watch these. The YT views seem to reflect the disinterest.


That movie is really bad but has an amazing score from Danny Elfman. I dunno if it's worth watching just for that though. It's not boring, so it's not a slog to get through, but it's just not very well written or executed. That was from that brief period where they were trying to make Estella Warren a thing 😂

Philip Alan

She’s gonna be completely lost when she watches the new ones if she skips this one! (hides again)

Clarence Newman

Agreed. This was a series that needed careful cherry-picking, as opposed to "Watch them all because there's a line in some of the OGs that explains something in the reboots that doesn't need explaining." Hopefully, Cassie will be more wary in future.


I love the thumbnail. I don't remember Cassie ever doing such an artistic thumbnail before.

Happy Hanukkah

Estella Warren? Who's that? I thought the actress in this movie was Amanda Seyfried! :-P

Bill W

Four years, Cassie has only done 1 St. Patrick's day movie- The Quiet Man. We can dream, but if she ever does another one it will most likely end up being Darby O'Gill, or something American like The Devil's Own.

Richard Maurer

Cassie - “How did the apes evolve from humans?” - I answered this in the comments twice already. They didn’t, the apes only think they evolved from humans. They don’t realize they were the primitive species when humans were dominant.

Chris Thom

Um...you are aware that Estella Warren starred beautifully in the seminal classics that are Kangaroo Jack and Pucked. I don't know if you thought this through.

Happy Hanukkah

25:36 You maniac! You blew it up! Ah, damn you, Taylor! God damn you to hell!

Allen W. McDonnell

Cassie, POTA was simply HUGE in the early 1970's! There is even a TV series that lasted one or two seasons. As a child I have the POTA play set, it was a cardboard model of Ape City on top and the subway from the second movie as a second level below. There were cardboard figures of Nova, Brent, Vera, Cornelius and other major characters. I spent a couple years playing with it until it was completely worn out. https://reflectionsonfilmandtelevision.blogspot.com/2014/07/go-ape-week-planet-of-apes-amsco.html


Modern man is the missing link between apes and human beings.


You cut up his brain, you bloody baboon!

Stephen Dias

It's been a while since I'd seen this one. I remembered thinking it was my least favorite of these movies, but could only remember the cult of the atomic bomb (which was spoofed in an episode of Futurama). Charlton Heston only appeared near the end and dies; I'd totally forgotten about that.


Dr. Zaius, would an ape make a human doll...THAT TALKS? AHA!!! TAKE THAT DR ZAIUS!!!!!!!!

Richard Maurer

Okay, I’ll explain this again. Humans, along with the other species of great ape (chimps, gorillas, orangutans) are all concurrent species. Humans didn’t evolve from chimps but instead share a common (extinct) ancestor. In these PotA movies the apes, with their limited understanding of science, believe that all three currently dominate ape species evolved from humans but we know this isn’t true because (among other science reasons) of the remains of human civilization show that this our Earth, where humans once dominated the other ape species due to their evolved higher intelligence. In the PotA world the three non-human great ape species have evolved from their more primitive ancestors not from humans, who in that world have “de-evolved”.

Clay F

As an aside, humans (Homo sapiens) are the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence.

Richard Maurer

For anyone interested in this subject here are some videos from a college biology professor who can explain human and other primate evolution better than I can. Gorillas Are Monkeys, and So Are You! You Can't Evolve Out of a Clade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkO8k12QCP0&t=13s Evolution Made Simple (With Snakes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcs8HgWzKYU

Ian A

I thought Cassie just had really frilly shoulder pads in the thumbnail.

Happy Hanukkah

Eh. I felt insulted that Cassie didn't even bother to clean up between going to the Kiss concert and taking this picture.

Happy Hanukkah

"humans (Homo sapiens) are the last surviving species of the genus Homo." I was *greatly* offended by the gorilla's war cry in their war of extinction against man.

Richard Maurer

Actually she was at a Gathering of the juggalos, not a KISS concert. Common misconception.

Richard Maurer

“ The only good Human Is a un-alived human” (in the modern vernacular). Is that the one you’re referring to?

Richard Maurer

Clarence’s comment is funnier if you just read it as he’s married to one of the characters from A Bug’s Life.

Richard Maurer

You know what they found beneath the flat earth? Huge wads of chewed bubble gum. Turns out we live on the surface of a School Desk of the Gods!!!!

Happy Hanukkah

Actually... /reluctant face Since you asked... /looks left /looks right /whispers: "No Homo!"

Happy Hanukkah

My mistake. Then again, maybe she was pursuing some no-good out-of-towners with a baseball bat. Should we request Cassie watch The Warriors (1979)?

Rod Reavern

I agree that "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" was disappointing. 2/3rds of it was just a retread of the original movie with an inferior lead actor. It was probably done to save money (replacing Charlton Heston as the lead, and reusing the same sets and costumes) and eat up screen time, until finally getting Brent and Nova to the same place Taylor was. Aside from budget constraints and wanting to reuse as much as possible from the original "Planet of the Apes" film, I believe the 3rd act, which revealed the surviving "humans" was a commentary on the worst aspects of human nature and the insane belief that M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) is a viable doctrine for maintaining peace. It's not peace; it's a fragile stalemate that can cause the end of the world at the slightest provocation. I imagine that in 1970, it was a powerful statement against the Cold War's nuclear standoff. Still, it wasn't as compelling or timeless as the original "Planet of the Apes" insights and commentary about civilization's dogmatic beliefs being used to suppress scientific truth, religious zealots marginalizing scientists and free-thinkers, and corrupt leaders imposing an oppressive hierarchical social order, including the "justification" of slavery because the enslaved people are deemed "inferior" to their slavers. I would've preferred if the sequel had continued to explore those themes rather than introduce mask-wearing psychic mutant-humans who worshipped a nuclear missile. I don't mean to be nitpicky, but it was absolutely absurd that the bomb still worked after 2000 years. "BtPotA" is the second worst "Planet of the Apes" movie after Tim Burton's. TBH I wouldn't mind if Cassie watches the next few sequels because they are better and return to interesting social commentary. Regardless, I'm most looking forward to the four most recent "Planet of the Apes" movies. They're amazing and vastly superior at exploring the CHARACTERS rather than dwelling primarily on philosophical elements.


When I'm wearing a new bonnet, all the figures I ever knew go right slap out of my head.

Happy Hanukkah

Holiness, the whole point of a Doomsday Bomb is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the apes, EH?!