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Here is the livestream of our "Movie Madness Selection Tuesday" where we paired some of our top requested movies from different genres with the teams of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. What are your predictions??

You can check out the bracket on your own here: https://go.popcorninbed.com/PiBMovieMadness


LIVE: March Movie Madness Selection Tuesday | Popcorn In Bed

Check out the final bracket here: https://go.popcorninbed.com/PiBMovieMadness - What are your predictions? Get ready for some March Movie Madness! We are putting our yearly spin on the NCAA March Madness tournament. We'll be turning each NCAA conference into its own film genre and randomly matching each team with a movie from that genre. As the bracket unfolds, the winning team's movie will be the one we actually watch! Join me live for the drawing and don't forget to share your predictions in the comments! //🎉 P A T R E O N For all 400+ uncut, full-length movie reactions, early access and behind-the-scenes goodies check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/popcorninbed //📮 M A I L PO BOX 547, Provo UT 84603 I open your packages LIVE every few weeks! // 🚇 S U B S C R I B E https://www.youtube.com/c/popcorninbed?sub_confirmation=1 ~3 new videos every week! //👏 F O L L O W Cassie's Instagram: https://bit.ly/3OOTSJc Twitter: https://bit.ly/3KNVxO8 Facebook: https://bit.ly/3QLvcUP Reddit: https://bit.ly/3P6H42p TikTok: https://bit.ly/3smDxnE //👕 M E R C H https://www.popcorninbed.com //📖 C H A P T E R S


Sean Kay

Let's Go!!!

William Bryan

Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. "I forgot to ask you, you like a*** s**?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bill Maurer

Blazing Saddles / Fast Times at Ridgemont High ... two hilarious classics that should be watched on their own.

Justin S.

Blazing Saddles, Gattaca, Cape Fear and Leon are all the favorites, so there is a pretty good chance one of them will take it, but perhaps not.


Pulling for Colorado St so hard


I was happy we got some sci-fi and a couple of horror films even, Lol.

Seymor Butz

Some great options at some higher ranked teams. Looking forward to this.


the War/Thriller entries are very strong.

Neil Varma

Ohhh very interesting 🧐


This is a lot of fun. Loved last year's winner Mr. Holland's Amadeus. Thanks for all you do! 🍿🛏🧝‍♀️🎥👏🫶🏆

bgb1975 (Brian)

Normally I hate rabbits, but....c'mon Creighton!

Shehab Dawoud

Is Cape Fear the 1991 version? If it is, that’s what I’m pulling for! Should be a fun reaction!


So there is still no chance for a Beverly Hills Cop reaction on the near time horizon?

Patrick Crippen

64 chances and I found 5 that interest me. LOL not good odds 😆🤣

Chris Clarke

Go 8, 9 and 11!😊

Robert N Douglass

Any chance that movie selections could be paired one month with political candidates? (🤣🤣🤣🤪🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪 Kidding, of course. But what a concept....)

Clay F

My alma mater Texas A&M (a 4th seed) got The Birdcage (1996), which is hilarious. Has Robin Williams and Gene Hackman. A fond memory I have of Texas A&M vs BYU = 1990 Holiday Bowl featuring BYU's QB Heisman Trophy winner Ty Detmer (from the state of Texas but he snubbed Texas college teams to go to BYU). Before the game, BYU players/fans complained that a team better than A&M should have been invited to the Holiday Bowl = that the A&M football team was so beneath the BYU football team. Outcome of the game = A&M won 65-14. Texas A&M (8-3-1) beat BYU (10-2) 65-14. A&M dislocated both of Detmer's shoulders (two separate hits).

Jan Sørensen

You have got Jean Reno up against Jean Reno in The Professionel vs Ronin 😁

Hollis Hamilton

Of course, the movie I want Cassie to watch is paired with the team I dislike the most. Awakenings/Kansas

Anthony Carlson

Fun fact about Army of Darkness: the director, Sam Raimi, attended Michigan State, which this movie covers. Coincidence? Go figure! 😂

Clay F

This is fun. My top preferred in the bracket: --"Lost in Translation" (2003) (big time pulling for Memphis) --"Donnie Brasco" (J Depp, Pacino) (a fav of mine but a 15th seed) --"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011) (but a 13th seed) Also like: --"12 Monkeys" (Purdue -- a 4th seed) --"American History X" (but a 13th seed) --"48 Hrs." (1982) (glad a No. 3 seed) (prefer over Beverly Hills Cop) --"Gattaca" (a No. 1 seed)


Lots of great movies. But I have to pull for my Alma Mater UCONN.

Clay F

Ditto. She mentioned she has been considering Lost in Translation for a popcorn pick of the month. That's encouraging.

Dan M

Dang it!! I’m itching to hit that play button, but I’m still at work. I’ll definitely be watching it later tonight. Can’t wait to see the match ups!

Mike Lemon

Women's bracket!

John Liebling

McNeese and McNephew...Once again Cassie you're proving to be a silly person.

Uncle Phoenix

Sorry Bill the Goat; Let’s go Big Blue.

Richard Maurer

Last year there were only a couple of movies I cared about, and they didn’t get to the top This year - Blazing Saddles Army of Darkness Dredd Godzilla (14) King Kong (05) Pacific Rim Watchmen Joker The Maltese Falcon Fallen Kelly’s Heroes Invasion of the Body Snatchers (78) Pitch Black - there’s a good chance something I like will make to the top 4 at least ( I seem to remember Cassie watching the top 4, but I could be wrong as I wasn’t really paying close attention last year).

Richard Maurer

Some of the match-ups are a win either way. Kong 05 vs Pacific Rim is another one of those ( for me anyway ).

Katie Jackson

I don't live that far from MSU. Definitely rooting for MSU and U of M, Plus Sam Raimi is a great director and writer with a bunch of different credits.

Mike Lemon

The Goat's name was Earl, not Bill- Earl "The Goat" Manigault. (jk) Rebound (1996) is a good movie about him.

Anthony Carlson

He obviously directed the original Spider-Man trilogy, the Multiverse of Madness, Darkman, and even directed For the Love of the Game.


Let's go Duke!! My favorite team representing one of my favorite movies!!

Dean Holt

Ok who’s the crazy person in the chat that said Dredd from 2012 was a poor remake of the terrible Stallone movie from the 90s. I know we all like different movies but that option is wild lol. But regards some of the films that were picked, there’s loads I’d love to see win. Here just a few of the ones I’d be happy with. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels  US Marshals  Short Circuit, not seen in about 25 years.  Donnie Brasco Mars Attacks  Army of Darkness  Jack Recher  Kelly’s Heroes  Pacific Rim King Kong  Red Ronin  War Games But I’m so happy two of my favourite Sci-fi movies got picked in Flight of the Navigator and The Last Star Fighter.

Richard Maurer

That Dredd comment made me laugh - because the Stallone version is a joke. The 2012 version is much better and much closer to the original comic (they still didn’t get it quite right, but close enough for me).

David Collins

Seeing Beverly Hills Cop get assigned to Bryant makes me sad.

MN Bully

Go Ole Miss, St. John's or Duke!


I thought my computer was broken or something when I started this video and there was no sound


We need a man-child bracket too, so that Cassie can watch some great 90's comedy films


I can't imagine Cassie enjoying Joker. And I think Carly would dislike it even more.


Joel, I think that is the point Hollis is making. He wants the film to be paired with a good team


Its an interesting idea but not practical because politics doesn't have head to head contests except for the general election.

Anthony Carlson

Off topic: It appears that the Utah Hockey Club is all but certain that they have selected a new name…. The Utah Mammoth https://youtu.be/w0-gY8memy0?si=aKfadwDzrDLY5Rlz


She just needs to stop all this madness, see what I did there, and watch Beverly Hills Cop

Dan M

I’m not a huge fan of college basketball…I really only root for Penn State because that’s where my daughter goes, and they’re not in the tournament. So I’m voting for my favorite movies in each division. Ole Miss/Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Kansas/Awakenings (I’d actually also be very happy with Arkansas/A Bronx Tale here) BYU/King Kong UCLA/War Games Let the games begin!

Dan M

I had a feeling you’d be pretty happy with a lot of these movies, Richard. And you’re right, Cassie did watch the top 4.

Dan M

Love Awakenings. And I wish it was paired with a better seed. You never know though. Anything can happen. Maybe like the movie suggests, Kansas will have an “awakening” and take everyone by surprise.

Byrd N. Hand

1) What's with pro sports teams giving themselves terrible, minor league-sounding names these days, and 2) again, why isn't 'Mammoth' plural? 😒


There are different degrees of not liking a film. I've seen reactions where its only at the end that Cassie or another reactor will admit they didn't enjoy the film. And it was fine, because I didn't realise it during the film. But in other cases, the reactor is so put off by the film that their displeasure resonates throughout much of the film

Chris Thom

Fun idea. I thought the whole thing was Comedy and Action at first, and didn't see the bottom brackets. Good mix now that I saw all the entries. Not sure what my personal Final Four would be. Kind of glad to just let the tournament do its thing.

Anthony Carlson

It’s not 100% certain it will be Mammoth, but signs are pointing towards that name. Beats me why it isn’t plural. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm pretty sure. I really wanna say yes. I think it's great to include some of the 'almost wons' because there are just sooo many great movies out there.

Richard Maurer

I’m interested to see what her reaction will be, and try my best not to make assumptions since she does surprise us with what she likes (and doesn’t like) If she enjoyed every film she watched I would just assume she was being fake as no one likes every film they watch. If she doesn’t like Joker - so be it.

Richard Maurer

I only care about the teams that are attached to the movies I like. The rest of the teams I hope all lose in the first round.

Byrd N. Hand

Yeah, a reactor not liking a movie is only a problem when it clearly shows during their reaction... and even then it's usually just a case of said movie just not being the reactor's 'cup of tea.' As for this tournament, I can get behind just over half of the comedy picks, just under half of both the drama/romance and action/adventure picks, but only a few in the war/thriller picks.


Go Auburn, Go Yale, Go Ole Miss, Go New Mexico, Go Bryant, Go Saint Mary's, Go Wisconsin, Go BYU, Go Arizona, Go Miss St., Go Ammerican/Mt. St. Mary's

Clay F

Yes, she reacted to the Final 4 (top 4) last year.


Same thing. Midterms have a primary which is not a head to head, its multiple people in one race. Then a head to head between Democrat and Republican candidate. My point is that elections don't have a bracket where people advance to semi finals etc


I gotta say, Cassie has been very creative on her patreon lately. I don't remember Cassie being so innovative with this sort of thing in previous years

Clarence Newman

Real interesting selections. There are 18 on my list and another 18 I'd be intrigued to watch. Thanks Cassie!


Yeah I temporarily stopped subscribing last year, but I've been a subscriber here for several years so it is new for me

Clarence Newman

Also....I've just had a quick check, and since I became a member on Patreon, Cassie has watched one of the movies on my list in every 4 reactions she's done. And that number goes to 1 in 3 if you add Star Trek, which wasn't on my list but I'm a huge fan of. I'm never complaining again (although I hope everyone will have the grace to never quote me on that.) I sympathise with her fear that once she's watched our favourite films we might leave her. At the rate she's going through my list (208 films left), I'll be out of here by June 2026.

Clarence Newman

Lost In Translation has definitely crossed into the realms of "JUST WATCH IIIIIIIIIIIT!"

Clarence Newman

Not sure about that one, Shehab. Cassie has said a couple of times that she doesn't find face-licking sexy. What on earth is she going to make of DeNiro's version of it??

Chris Thom

I appreciate the day and a half this humbled contentment will last. And I patiently await the next poll idea with already determined entries.

Byrd N. Hand

I was hoping for a more winter-themed name, such as 'Blizzard,' 'Freeze,' or 'Ice.' Hell, I'd have even taken the specifically hockey-themed name 'Blades' over 'Mammoth/Mammoths' (Denver's pro outdoor lacrosse team already has this name in the first place) or 'Yeti/Yetis.' Teams named after extinct animals or mythical creatures will always sound minor league to my ears... which is why I also can't stand the Seattle Kraken or Toronto Raptors. They're just a very slight step above, say, 'Mud Hens' or 'River Dogs.' 🤔

Dan M

I just hope Cassie doesn’t get tired of her channel before I’m ready to move on. As long as I can hear, see, and use my fingers, I’ll be here. As many of my favorites that haven’t been seen yet, I gotta believe there will be future favorites that she will react to. Although with the state of Hollywood’s creativity at the moment, there may not be too many future favorites.

Dan M

It sucks that many of the ones that I’ve been eagerly awaiting Cassie to watch will inevitably lose in the tournament.

Dan M

If the Final Four are on my list of favorites, I’d be ecstatic! At this point, it’s totally possible.

Anthony Carlson

They did try to get the Yeti (or Yetis) trademark, but the Yeti company (the one who makes bottles for drinks) blocks them from getting it. If I have to pick a winter themed name, Blizzard would be my choice.

Dean Holt

Read a few Dredd comics when I was in my teens in the 90s. And as you said the 2012 isn’t spot on, but it’s pretty close to catching the dark grittiness of that universe. Karl Urban was so good as well, Just really need that sequel. But the 90s movie was just too stupid as they tried to make it into a family movie, which was just a dumb idea.


I hear that when Cassie did this last year, she ended up reacting to the top 4

Chris Thom

She seems to really enjoy it. I think? Don't want to be naive, but I do think it's kind of a dream job. Very literally the job I wanted when I was nine years old and saw The Abyss for the first time. Even questioned how it might work. Figured it would involve working for a newspaper. But watching these channels develop has been a trip.

Chris Thom

The slow-mo thing in Dredd is cool looking. The Stallone version VHS I was super hyped about renting when I was nine...but ended up falling asleep two thirds of the way through and never seeing it again. Still don't know how it ends.

Chris Thom

She needs to do Lost in Translation...just because. No poll, no reason, no debate. Just do it. Nike Style.

Dean Holt

I actually saw it at the cinema, I was about 18 and just loved leave your brain at the door Acton films at the time so I remember really liking it. But over the years I could see it for the terrible movie it is. It’s been that long now since I’ve seen it I’m also struggling to remember the end and quite I few other bit (could be for the best tbh 😂).

Ted Whalen

Nothing can be worse than Washington deciding on Commanders as the nickname. Thank god Daniel Snyder is no longer the owner.

Richard Maurer

The thing that irritated me right away is Stallone took off his helmet and barely wore it during the movie. In the comics Dredd never shows his face and is pretty much always depicted wearing his helmet (there might have been some back of the head panels, I can’t remember for sure). They also made Dredd a typical action hero in the Stallone version - Dredd is no hero.


I counted (19) films I have interest in. War/Thriller category had the most good ones for me. A few are attached to top teams so at least the odds are good for making final 4.

Uncle Phoenix

I was talking about “Bill the Goat” from the Naval Academy. I “Normally” just cheer for The Patriots, for football season, and USNA and UNM for Basketball; and for baseball the Red Sox and the Dodgers.

Richard Maurer

There were more films that I liked enough to hope they win their first round at least, just not enough to list them above. And only a couple of films I disliked enough to really hope they lose the first round - Willow and Short Circuit. But looking at the teams they’re attached to I probably won’t have to worry about them winning for long.

Byrd N. Hand

To be fair, 'Redskins' is a highly outdated term that needed to go. If they'd kept the logo and just changed it to something else Native American-themed (something more along the lines of Chiefs, Braves, or Blackhawks), I'd have been fine with that.

Byrd N. Hand

It still baffles me that no major channel (that I'm aware of) has done "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels." 🤷‍♂️ Hell, only a few have even done "The Jerk." And Cassie is still one of the only ones who's done "Parenthood," "Roxanne," or "All of Me" (though the latter remains a Patreon exclusive). 🤔

Clay F

While she has reacted to my top 30 movies or so, there are many more movies I want to see her react to. Plus, I have enjoyed reactions to many movies I've never seen (or don't remember). I will be here for years.

Mike Lemon

"Cassie has watched one of the movies on my list in every 4 ... goes to 1 in 3" I hate you. (jk) My "list" is still at the big ol' goose egg, and the last one that was really close was... (doing math)... 466-ish YouTube spots ago

Keith Jones

Probably best this was the men's tourney vs the women's, otherwise whatever movie got South Carolina would be a lock ;)

Richard Maurer

To be fair Mike, you hardly like anything. Clarence, on the other hand, seems to like nearly everything. So Cassie just had to watch movies to hit something on his list.

Mike Lemon

@Richard- I like a lot, but am much pickier as to what I want a reaction to, let alone what makes it to my "list". Just picking a random spot on my hard drive- I like Rush Hour (1998), but I don't want to see a reaction to it. I would much rather see Rurouni Kenshin (2012) or Run, Hide, Fight (2021). Those last two are never going to get a reaction. The closest "list"-worthy movie from there (going down) is probably Short Time (1990).

Rene G.

Wow, who the hell PUT ARMY OF DARKNESS AKA EVIL DEAD 3 on the list first?? She might get lost watching it unless she needs to start with the 1st Evil Dead of the 80s plus Evil Dead 2.

Rene G.

I'm sorry but she needs to see Evil Dead 1-2 from the 80s to understand the Army of darkness plotline

Rene G.

And Pitch black on the list is gonna be a fun watch.

Richard Maurer

Films are on the list by number of votes and unfortunately more people voted for Army of Darkness than either Evil Dead movie.

Rene G.

In the words of Ash Williams, "Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things, right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town." Yes, that's my reply to the voters. :p

Rene G.

Also, kudos to the ones who Put Pacific Rim, Taxi Driver, Mars Attacks, Pitch Black and Dredd on the list... Gonna be fun watch.

Jimmy Reyes

I'm a Duke fan, but if they IF they lose, I hope Auburn wins because Cassie you are not ready for Blazing Saddles! The comedy is too much for you. I will leave it at that.

Clarence Newman

Richard's right, Mike. You posted your list a while ago and it's well exclusive. It's basically a bow and arrow with two more in the quiver. Mine's a sawed off shotgun that'll put some buckshot in every ass for miles around. Rest assured, though, just because Cassie's ticking stuff off of my long list, doesn't mean she's watching my absolute favourites. They always seem to get bypassed.

Clarence Newman

You are going to get one of your wishes, though, and that's to NOT get a reaction to Rush Hour. She's already seen it.


Mars attacks and who framed Roger rabbit are the absolute best and need to win somehow ❤️

Richard Maurer

So far, of the movies I care about the most, Blazing Saddles, Kong (05), Maltese Falcon, and Pitch Black have moved on to the next round. This is going to be a fun Movie Madness this year.

Byrd N. Hand (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-22 18:07:07 Except it's now "Blazing Saddles" vs. Who Framed Roger Rabbit" in the next round. Ouch. That hurts. 😕
2025-03-21 14:27:27 Except it's now "Blazing Saddles" vs. "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" in the next round. Ouch. That hurts. 😕

Except it's now "Blazing Saddles" vs. "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" in the next round. Ouch. That hurts. 😕


If two (even one) of the movies I want makes it to the final 4, I'll take that as a win. Last year, "War of the Worlds" (2005) made it to final 4, and that was a good reaction from the sisters.

Richard Maurer

I have so many “likes” (some I like a lot more than others) this year it would take really bad luck for none of them to make the final four. I hoping my luck isn’t THAT bad.

Just Plain Bob

One of the weird by-products of using the tournament to pick movie reactions is that I find myself cheering for teams I’d otherwise never root for - in this case, Kentucky (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) and Michigan St. (Army of Darkness).

Uncle Phoenix

UNM’s movie is “Tootsie”….Oh how the fates mock us!

Uncle Phoenix

LOL; Thanks for making March Madness Fun.

Mark Vaderr

War of the Worlds is a great reaction. I did not expect Cassie to be so terrified of that movie. It was up there with her reaction to The Shining.

Byrd N. Hand

And just like that, half the titles are gone. The ones I'm most disappointed to see not really even get out of the gate: "Dr. Strangelove," "Lost in Translation," "American History X," "Miller's Crossing," "Batman Returns" (would they have also finally released the infamous "Batman" reaction to YT if it had been a winner?), and childhood favorites "Willow" and "Flight of the Navigator." 😕


A Classic full length Laurel and Hardy film, the Bohemian Girl is based on the opera by Michael W. Balfe. Stan and Ollie play gypsies in Europe as it was centuries ago, earning their living by an ingenious means of picking pockets. When Mrs Hardy disappears with her lover , they become guardians to a small girl who is really the daughter of an aristocrat. The Bohemian girl was the last L&H film to feature Thelma Todd, who had worked with the team since their first talkie in 1929. This compilation includes one of her starring short comedies of ZaSu Pitts , on the loose to which Laurel and Hardy made a guest appearance. Also included is Thats my Wife , a classic silent L & H film, that at one stage was going to be reworked as part of The Bohemian Girl , plus the earlier Hardy solo film that inspired its plot, Along Came Auntie.


"Dr. Strangelove," "Lost in Translation," "American History X," and "Miller's Crossing" are all excellent films. I'd love for Cassie to eventually watch those.


I disagree. I saw Army of Darkness first and absolutely loved it. It gives a brief recap as to what is happening at the beginning of the movie. I've since seen the other ones, and they're definitely worth watching, of course, but you don't need to see the first two to get the third one.


Cassie shouldn't be worried about people leaving. If viewership is down lately it's just because she's been picking some real stinkers to watch in the last couple months. Once she picks some better movies the views will go back up.

Richard Maurer

From the movies left now my ideal final 4 would be Blazing Saddles vs The Maltese Falcon and Invasion of the Body Snatchers vs Godzilla or Kong.

Dean Holt

So down to the last 16, really disappointed The Last Starfighter & Flight of the Navigator have both dropped out. I think I need to start a campaign for Cassie to have a 80s Sci-Fi weekend 😂. So she can watch both these films and maybe Innerspace, Enemy Mine, Escape from NY, Time Bandits or Batteries not included. But regards to the movie’s that are left these are the ones I’d like to see win. 1/ Army of Darkness 2/ King Kong 3/ Cape Fear (as long as it’s the remake with De Niro) 4/ A Bronx Tale 5/ Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 6/ Pitch Black 7/ Godzilla Yes I know Army of Darkness is the 3rd movie in the series, but I actually saw this one first and was fine. Because I don’t think you really need to watch the 1st two to know what’s going on in this film. I’m not sure if Cassie will like it or not but I personally think she should watch it at some point.


I want Invasion 78 and Pitch Black....but one must now fall. 😰

Byrd N. Hand

It's the remake of "Cape Fear," as far as I know, which I honestly think is one of Scorsese's weakest films, and mostly just an updated-for-the-'90s rehash of the original. And De Niro's scenery-chewing has nothing on Mitchum's subtler creepiness for me. 🤷‍♂️ Of the remaining titles still standing, the ones I'll definitely watch Cassie's reaction to are: "Blazing Saddles," "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," "Gattaca," "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," "12 Monkeys," and "King Kong."


I will be happy with either. I selfishly want Invasion, mainly because Cassie had promised to watch it in a LIVE and never did (surprise, right?). But Pitch Black is a favorite of mine also and not much chance it would get watched otherwise.

Richard Maurer

This is dependent on Cassie watching all of the Final 4 like last year. She could just decide to do the final 2, depending on the movies in the final 4. That being said out of my ideal ff Blazing Saddles, Kong or Godzilla should do decently well for her on YT.


If she doesn't watch all Final 4...she will get roasted in the comments. Can she take the heat, Lol?

Dean Holt

Yeah that’s fine buddy, regarding Cape Fear I actually watch the remake before the original. So that might be one of the reasons why liked the remake more. But it could also be because it was done in the 60s as I thought it was quite tame compared to the one in the 90s. Also think Scorsese is Sutter Island I really just couldn’t get on with it. I’ve also tried a few times to watch Blazing Saddles and I just don’t find it funny, but the only Mel Brooks film I really like is SpaceBalls. So it’s probably because I’m not a fan of this humour. But I’d definitely be happy to watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, as it has got to be well over 25 years since I’ve seen it and I’d definitely love to give it a rewatch after such a long time.