Updatealicious (Patreon)
Top of the evenin' to you lads and lassies!
Happy St. Pattys Day! Hope you didn't get pinched! In our house that little leprechaun guy escaped a very elaborate trap, turned our toilets and milk green but left lucky charms and gold coins so we forgive him ;) sneaky wee guy.
This week I am helping head up Teachers Appreciation Week at my kids school. It's been a lot- getting ready with providing breakfast or lunch for over 100 teachers every day this week. They deserve so much more, and its the least we can do because good teacher make the world go round. It's just lots of coordinating and set up and shopping and such! It is a 90's theme for the week, which means I'm old that we can now "theme" the 90's "Our teachers are the bomb-diggity" "All that and a bag of chips" etc. Pretty funny seeing the kids not recognize all the pictures and stuff we put up around the school with stuff like a discman and cd's and VHS's, saved by the bell, boomboxes etc. Ancient Relics I guess. We had a good chat at lunch about everyone's favorite 90's bands! What were yours?
This week is a big one! I was excited about the genre and decided to make a whole courtroom week here on Patreon with our top 3 poll winners! Kevin and two Matts, luck of the irish, that doesn't make sense probably, but it does feel lucky to me!
OK It's also the start of PiB Movie Madness this week! I am so so excited about this-the Selections LIVE drawing will be tomorrow in the afternoon 12:30 PM MST (has to be early while I have a babysitter) There will be 4 conferences (genres) and each real life team in the NCAA bracket will be paired with a movie and so if that team wins, that movie moves on or vice versa! Our winner last year was UConn/Mr. Hollands Opus! it made watching the games way more fun last year. I'm hoping for some big upsets this year too!
A few upcomings:
March Extra Butter Live is tentatively going to be Friday March 28th
April-YT LIVE Package Opening Party
May-Patreon Trivia Movie Night!
Ok guys im falling asleep at the keyboard so I am signing off for tonight, I will see you tomorrow at the LIVE! (will be available to watch after as well)