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Top of the evenin' to you lads and lassies!

Happy St. Pattys Day! Hope you didn't get pinched! In our house that little leprechaun guy escaped a very elaborate trap, turned our toilets and milk green but left lucky charms and gold coins so we forgive him ;) sneaky wee guy.

This week I am helping head up Teachers Appreciation Week at my kids school. It's been a lot- getting ready with providing breakfast or lunch for over 100 teachers every day this week. They deserve so much more, and its the least we can do because good teacher make the world go round. It's just lots of coordinating and set up and shopping and such! It is a 90's theme for the week, which means I'm old that we can now "theme" the 90's "Our teachers are the bomb-diggity" "All that and a bag of chips" etc. Pretty funny seeing the kids not recognize all the pictures and stuff we put up around the school with stuff like a discman and cd's and VHS's, saved by the bell, boomboxes etc. Ancient Relics I guess. We had a good chat at lunch about everyone's favorite 90's bands! What were yours?

This week is a big one! I was excited about the genre and decided to make a whole courtroom week here on Patreon with our top 3 poll winners! Kevin and two Matts, luck of the irish, that doesn't make sense probably, but it does feel lucky to me!

OK It's also the start of PiB Movie Madness this week! I am so so excited about this-the Selections LIVE drawing will be tomorrow in the afternoon 12:30 PM MST (has to be early while I have a babysitter) There will be 4 conferences (genres) and each real life team in the NCAA bracket will be paired with a movie and so if that team wins, that movie moves on or vice versa! Our winner last year was UConn/Mr. Hollands Opus! it made watching the games way more fun last year. I'm hoping for some big upsets this year too!

A few upcomings:

March Extra Butter Live is tentatively going to be Friday March 28th

April-YT LIVE Package Opening Party

May-Patreon Trivia Movie Night!

Ok guys im falling asleep at the keyboard so I am signing off for tonight, I will see you tomorrow at the LIVE! (will be available to watch after as well)






Robert da Spruce

I object! 😉 JK looks like a good week!


Is jfk the director's cut edition or the theoretical edition?

R F.


Anthony Carlson

Let the Dance begin! Go Green!

Mark Vaderr

I'll be at work, so that means I will miss the LIVE selection for the March Madness bracket. 😔 Cassie, are we going to have another Popcorn In Bed Bracket, again, where we all compete, and the winner chooses a movie for you to watch? Sorry, but the 90's is when music began to die.


Good timing for JFK given that the JFK files are supposedly being released (unredacted) tomorrow. But, who knows what we'll get.

Shawn Kildal

The Rainmaker!!! YES! YES! YES! Thank you Cassie!

Chris Thom

Happy Beer Day! I always weirdly liked that band Blind Melon. And Matchbox 20. And Nirvana. And NiN. And Oasis. But not gonna lie I was just as much into Mariah Carey and the rest of the pop, dance jams, and hip hop. So many one or two or three hit groups that put out radio-friendly bangers. Good times.

Wesley White

I unfortunately will be at work during that time, so sorry lol! I hope you had a wonderful St. Patty's Day, though I can't say the same for me, it was a nightmare at work, my shoulder popped like a popcorn kernel lol! However, I'm not letting it stop me from my plans when I got home! As mentioned in a comment I posted on your reacton to "Conquest for the Planet of the Apes", as tradition every year on St. Patty's Day, I watch the 1959 Disney classic "Darby O'Gill and the Little People" it's the perfect movie for such a day! I guarantee you and Carly will love that movie if you two decide to watch/react to it, I'd give anything to see you two react to it! It was also one of my late father's favorite movies that he fondly remembers seeing at Grauman's Chinese Theater back in the day! Please consider it lol! Have a good Tuesday tomorrow, love and support always, you and Carly are the best, and God bless y'all and the family🥰😇🙏😁🤗😉👍✌🌹🍀

Anthony Carlson

Too bad I was too young to experience Metallica at their peak. Wasn’t even alive when they put out the Black album. My music years were listening to the Tony Hawk soundtracks. Still do to this day. Those games developed my taste for classic rock, punk, and metal.

Clay F

That's cool that The Rainmaker made it. I should be able to watch the live March Madness assignment of movies to teams. Favorite 90s bands = Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, The Black Crowes, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Temple of the Dog, Soundgarten, Blind Melon, Alanis Morissette (Canadian), Oasis, Matchbox 20, Rage Against the Machine.

Chris Thom

I only know like four of their biggest hits to be honest. I always thought they were more 80's for some reason. But I was going ape on Beat Saber last night (so freaking addictive) and noticed they just added a Metallica compilation on there. Good times.

Clay F

97% of the information has already been released, so probably not much.

Shawn Kildal

After watching JFK, please consider visiting Dallas and touring The 6th Floor Museum at the Dealey Plaza to your bucket list. It's a must.

Chris Thom

Never heard of Darby O' Gill but that does sound super Disney. Like Walt...Disney.

Chris Thom

Yeah looking back they were really optimistic and un-jaded for the time. And that video with the bumble bee girl was so damn sweet. Makes me tear up a little every time.

Dan M

Bummer!!! I’ll be at work during the live tomorrow, but I’ll watch it tomorrow night. Can’t wait to see what the selections are! This is going to be good! I got lucky last year with U-Conn/Mr. Holland’s Opus. Let’s see if the luck of the Irish is with me again this year 🤞. Happy Belated St Patty’s Day Cassie and PiB! 🍀

cfb0453 (Chris)

My mum loves "Darby O'Gill and the Little People". It's where she first fell in love with a very young Sean Connery.

Chris Thom

Britney Spears on Beat Saber is uber fun if you ever get the chance. lol. Just have to commit to how dumb it probably looks from the outside and roll with it.

Jacob King

If you enjoy JFK (or even if you don’t) I suggest watching Dick (1999) as a follow up.

Clay F

I remember those. Backstreet Boys were a phenomenon. Britney Spears sold 150 million records. Spice Girls the best-selling all-girl group of all time. Melanie C ("Sporty Spice") is talented. This is an awesome peformance by her in 2012 as Mary Magdalene in Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Jesus Christ Superstar" play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw5HdK8_p6w

Dan M (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-18 10:45:05 Favorite 90s bands? Well, I officially became a Parrothead with the release of Jimmy Buffet’s Fruit Cakes album in 1994. And he’s always at the top of any of my lists when it comes to music. I also liked Creed a lot. TLC, Aerosmith, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, C+C Music Factory, Hootie and the Blowfish, Alan Jackson, Shaggy, No Doubt, Alanis Morrisette…and yes, I did really liked The Spice Girls as well.
2025-03-18 06:09:23 Favorite 90s bands? Well, I officially became a Parrothead with the release of Jimmy Buffet’s Fruit Cakes album in 1994. And he’s always at the top of any of my lists when it comes to music. I also liked Collective Soul a lot. TLC, Aerosmith, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, C+C Music Factory, Hootie and the Blowfish, Alan Jackson, Shaggy, No Doubt, Alanis Morrisette…and yes, I did really liked The Spice Girls as well.

Favorite 90s bands? Well, I officially became a Parrothead with the release of Jimmy Buffet’s Fruit Cakes album in 1994. And he’s always at the top of any of my lists when it comes to music. I also liked Collective Soul a lot. TLC, Aerosmith, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, C+C Music Factory, Hootie and the Blowfish, Alan Jackson, Shaggy, No Doubt, Alanis Morrisette…and yes, I did really liked The Spice Girls as well.

cfb0453 (Chris)

To be sure, to be sure Cassie! Happy St. Paddy's day (hiccup!). We had it yesterday here in Oz, and I'm still p .. p .. pickled. Looking forward to the 2 Matty's, that'll be unbridled fun. Coincidentally, my toilets green as well, but probably not for the same reason. No! (hiccup!) Excuse me. As for favourite 90's band, I was too old by then. But I always loved Nirvana. Anyhoo! HAPPY ST. PADDY'S DAY everyone! 🤢🤮

Bill W (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-18 10:45:05 10,000 Maniacs/Natalie Merchant Barenaked Ladies Black Crowes Blues Traveler Gin Blossoms Green Day Live Matchbox 20 Material Issue Oasis Offspring Pearl Jam REM RH Chili Peppers The Subdudes They Might Be Giants
2025-03-18 06:13:43 10,000 Maniacs/Natalie Merchant Barenaked Ladies Black Crowes Blues Traveler Gin Blossoms Green Day Live Matchbox 20 Material Issue Oasis Offspring Pearl Jam REM U2 RH Chili Peppers The Subdudes They Might Be Giants

10,000 Maniacs/Natalie Merchant Barenaked Ladies Black Crowes Blues Traveler Gin Blossoms Green Day Live Matchbox 20 Material Issue Oasis Offspring Pearl Jam REM U2 RH Chili Peppers The Subdudes They Might Be Giants

Clay F

Chris, me and my son have seen Smashing Pumpkins in concert 3 times (including once in Rome).


Lincoln Lawyer is a nice surprise to go with JFK. Love that movie. Please do the extended JFK, as the theatrical version is hard to come by these days.

Bill W

PIB you missed the first half of the decade (the good half 😉)

Bill W

Chris yes it's G rated and kind of silly. People that grew up with it seem to still love it, though.

Art of Free Speech

Cassie, I'm a HUGE women's college basketball fan (as a South Carolina alum, you might imagine I would be), and I'd love to see you consider doing the women's bracket this year instead, or next year or whatever. Last year the women's tournament had more viewers than the men!

Mark Vaderr

Yes, Cassie! The PIB March Madness Bracket is a ton of fun! And we all love watching you make your bracket selections!

Clay F

The 6th Floor Museum at the Dealey Plaza is awesome. I like that downtown area.

Joel Wayne

Sadly. I too will be at work and miss the Live tomorrow and have to catch the recorded version. I stopped buying cd's/cassettes in the 90s for the most part. I'm a much bigger fan of 50s through 80s music...80s being my high school/college age. I did like Country a bit more in the 90s with artists like Shania Twain, Faith Hill, etc. Also liked No Doubt and that style a bit.

Bill W

Chris 90s was basically the last good dance music C+C Music Factory, Snap!, Black Box, Technotronic, LaBouche, Haddaway, Jamiraquai, M People, Mary J. Blige, No Mercy, Maxi Priest, Londonbeat, Soul II Soul, Corona...

Bill W

Chris - Same. It's the version most of us know. Unfortunately streaming usually only offers the most recent version.. which is often not the theatrical one.

Neil Varma

Noooo 90’s nights.. I feel old As for 90’s bands wow so many, Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, blink 182, Live, The cranberries, 311, Buckcherry, Sublime, Garbage, Prodigy


Yesss, Cassie you are so so good to us! A whole week of courtroom shenanigans, I am so down for it. You will love every film, I guarantee it! With you as both judge and jury, I am sure there will be much order in the courtroom.

William Brownlee

I know there are many opinions on JFK. I am just not a fan of all the conspiracy theories and so many people believe what they see in a popular movie. I was almost 6 years old when Kennedy was shot and remember watching the coverage on TV and my mom crying. So it is real to me. I doubt we will ever know what really happened.


I was into country music during the early part of the 90s. Does anyone remember Garth Brooks?


I haven't started listening to the Podcast yet, since I already spend way too much time watching many Patreon videos from different people, but I've been planning to. An episode with a discussion of 90s bands though... 👀would definitely accelerate my interest and raise it on my priorities list of things to check out.

Kevin Charley

The director's cut is in 4k and looks a lot better than the theatrical. That's the main reason I would go with it


Your school district is exploting you.

Ted Whalen

Since both sides of our family originally came from Ireland my dad always proclaimed the month of March as Irish Pride month. My mom would send us of to school with a different Irish blessing. My favorite blessing was May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun always shine upon you face, the rain fall soft upon your fields, and, until we met again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand Favorite 90’s bands- U2, REM, Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Pear Jam, Foo Fighters.

nick bell

Nice timing with JFK.

Happy Hanukkah

😲 Has there been an assassination I haven't heard about? Oh. Never mind. 🍻

Happy Hanukkah

Would more people remember Garth Brooks if he (or his team) hadn't been so adamant about remaining off services such as YouTube?

Happy Hanukkah

"Happy St. Pattys Day! Hope you didn't get pinched! In our house that little leprechaun guy escaped a very elaborate trap, turned our toilets and milk green but left lucky charms and gold coins so we forgive him" 🤔🤔🤔 I obviously still haven't quite understood Christianity. :-) "providing breakfast or lunch for over 100 teachers every day this week. They deserve so much more, and its the least we can do because good teacher make the world go round." In that case, shouldn't you have provided 25 breakfasts each to the four good teachers? :-/ "favorite 90's bands! What were yours?" Limiting myself to your original neighbors: Winner - Great Big Sea Runner up - Crash Test Dummies Honourable mention - Corky and the Juice Pigs Mari-Mac's mother's makin' Mari-Mac marry me!

Happy Hanukkah

And in honor of Paddy, here's a band that started the '90s a little early: the Hothouse Flowers.


No. The JFK case files are (allegedly) about to be released tomorrow


RIP Layne Staley. One of the best voices ever. Elderly Woman live at the Rosemont Horizon was and is my favorite concert moment ever.


Why is the world in love again? Why are we marching hand in hand? Why are the ocean levels rising up? It’s a brand new record, for 1990. They Might Be Giants brand new album…FLOOD 1990. Unbelievable. There’s some bangers on that list.


Buffet was amazing. Lucky enough to see him live a couple of times. What a great experience. Still love listening to Feeding Frenzy on a beautiful spring and summer day.


I drive by it at least once a week (depending on traffic). It’s still eerie. Seeing the book depository, the grassy knoll and the triple underpass in real life is something else.


Saw them once in Chicago opening for Counting Crows. Small venue. I was about five feet from the stage.

Andrew Rose

Honestly I think Cassie and Carly would love "The Client" as well.. should keep that one in mind for the next go round.


I’ve seen Metallica I think 7 times in concert. First time was at the UIC Pavillion on the Justice tour. Queensryche was opening for them on their Operation Mindcrime tour. I was probably 16. They’re amazing live, even more so back then. Now the ticket prices are just outrageous. We paid $20 a ticket for that show.

Bill W

bknsty14 - that album covers so many genres of music: Broadway musical, modern pop, Country, Mediterranean, Reggae, Calypso, '60s pop-rock, Western, ballad.... At my first job, whenever we had to do the most menial/laborious tasks, me and my buddy would yell out MINIMUM WAAAAAAAGE!! HEEYAAAAHHH!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Milton William Burray (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-18 10:53:22 Favourite 90s Bands: REM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLxpNiF0YKs Smashing Pumpkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aeETEoNfOg Kula Shaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsdjZi0CIjU Supergrass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ8TYNpJdLg Pulp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJS3xnD7Mus
2025-03-18 10:53:22 Favourite 90s Bands: REM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLxpNiF0YKs Smashing Pumpkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aeETEoNfOg Kula Shaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsdjZi0CIjU Supergrass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ8TYNpJdLg Pulp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJS3xnD7Mus
2025-03-18 10:50:01 Favourite 90s Bands: Smashing Pumpkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aeETEoNfOg Kula Shaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsdjZi0CIjU Supergrass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ8TYNpJdLg Pulp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJS3xnD7Mus REM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWkMhCLkVOg

Favourite 90s Bands: Smashing Pumpkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aeETEoNfOg Kula Shaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsdjZi0CIjU Supergrass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ8TYNpJdLg Pulp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJS3xnD7Mus REM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWkMhCLkVOg

Bill W

"Sun Hits the Sky" is a great tune, but "Alright" from the Clueless soundtrack is always the first one that comes to mind.

Bill W

I'm half Irish. We've always celebrated St. Patrick's day. I never heard of the pinching thing until I was in my 30s, and just now hearing of those other things for the first time. When did those start? Are they regional things? (No wonder actual Irish people roll their eyes at us.)

Bill W

The other blessing: "And may those who love us, continue to do so. And those who don't, may the Lord turn their hearts. And if not their hearts, may he turn their ankles.....so we'll know them by their limping!" 😀


Favorite 90’s bands: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, The Black Crowes, The Cranberries, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Big Head Todd. Tom Petty (because of Wildflowers released in 1994), . Didn’t get into Alice In Chains until later in life, but now love them. (RIP to so many on that list) But my all time favorite band, who is from the 90’s, is Counting Crows. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen them live, but it’s probably around 15 times. And unlike many bands, they are like an album on shuffle in concert. Besides a handful of the hits, you never know what you’re going to get. I could honestly listen to them everyday and never get tired of them. And the last time I saw them was about a year and a half ago and it was one of their best shows I’ve ever seen, over 30 years after the release of their first album.


I love the Minimum Wage shout-out! That song is hysterical and that album is amazing. I saw TMBG recently (within the last two years) and they played every song from Flood. It was glorious. The song Your Racist Friend feels especially relevant these days...

Bill W

🚩 I was in an antique/resale shop a couple years ago. They were playing this contemporary rock/pop music. It sounded good but I couldn't place the voice or recognize any of the songs, so finally I shazam'd it. It was that damn Chris Gaines album! I totally dismissed it when it came out, but it was really good.


RIP Dolores O'Riordan. One of the best voices ever. I'm so glad I got to see The Cranberries a few times while she was still alive.

Dan M

Nice to see another Parrothead in this community! I saw him live about 6 times at Jones Beach. Each performance was an all day event. We’d get to the parking lot at about 6-6:30am to set up our “space”, decorated with all sorts of Buffet and tropical themed memorabilia. By 10am, all 3 parking fields were filled with Parrotheads, local bands, and vendors. Up until an hour and a half before showtime it was bbqing, drinking, playing cornhole, dancing, Parrothead watching, and talking. I miss being able to do that. RIP Jimmy.


A couple 90s bands I haven't seen mentioned here that I loved back in the day: Jamiroquai, Morphine, Primus, Helmet, Ministry, Lords of Acid, The Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy, Moby, Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, The Beastie Boys, too many to list!


Favorite 90s bands: my favorite band ever got massively popular in the 90s (Metallica) but I'd classify them as an 80s band so I don't think they'd count. So for bands that I'd definitively classify as 90s bands: Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pantera and then for 90s solo artists: 2pac, Snoop Dogg, Dr.Dre

Dan M

Tom Petty was incredible. I liked almost every song on Full Moon Fever. Another huge loss.

Dan M

I’m a huge country music fan. Alan Jackson, Kenny Chesney, George Strait, Zac Brown Band, Shania Twain, Blake Shelton, and Old Dominion are at the top of my list.

Dan M

I’m all in on the PiB March Madness bracket! I came so close to winning last year!

Ted Whalen

When we became old enough (well, close to being old enough) the favorite blessing became “When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. So, let’s all get drunk, and go to heaven.”


Looking forward to The Rainmaker. I knew it wasn't going to win the poll, so I'm glad you decided on a courtroom week.

Dean Holt

Nice taste in music, Master of Puppets got me in to listening to music and it’s still one of my favourite albums.

Robert Jewell

Honestly not a bog '90s bands fan, but there is one exception, The Cranberries, who knocked it out of the par k all too briefly.

Richard Maurer

Looking forward to Movie Madness - I’ll try to make the live, but I have a bad habit of getting wrapped up in other things and forgetting stuff like this is happening.

Dean Holt

For St Patrick’s day you should have watched The Leprechaun with Jennifer Aniston from 1993 😂. It’s one of my guilty pleasures as I know it’s really bad but I just have lots of fun watching it as I think Warwick Davis is awesome playing the Leprechaun. But massive thanks for watching the top 3 as I can’t wait for you to react to The Rainmaker and I really think you’ll enjoy The Lincoln Lawyer. JFK is a bit tough to get through imo, but it’s one that I think you should watch just to tick it off the list. It’s a well made film with a fantastic cast I just thought it was a bit slow and boring in places. Regards to bands I’m really into rock and metal music, my favourite bands are Metallica and Iron Maiden (but they are really 80s). One that came out in the 90s Foo Fighters, creed, Korn, Soundgarden, Limp Bizkit, & Papa Roach just to name a few. But I also got into lots of Punk Pop bands that where big in the 90s like Blink 182, Green Day, The Offspring, Sum 41 & Bowling for Soup (those guys are always fun to watch live). But one of the best thing I bought in the 90s was a Mini Dics. It’s was perfect for when I had to used the bus to get to work & even when I eventually bought a car, I got one for the car as well. As you could record live music off of a DVD or any other source. It’s just a shame they never took off as MP3 where just about the corner. But I’ve actually still got may MD Walkman and it’s still sound awesome.


Disney back in the day didn't mind traumatizing children. The Banshee from Darby O' Gill scared me half to death as a child.


OMG THE RAINMAKER! YESSSSSS! been waiting years for this great movie to be on PiB

Robert Jewell

One of these days THE VERDICT (1982) is going to win, but I am really happy you've got THE RAINMAKER watched. The novel is excellent and Godfather director Francis Coppola did it justice. 👍


Cassie, you truly are a wonder. Running your business. Watching multiple movies a week. Being a mom to three kids, volunteering at your kids' school and in the community. Doing a podcast. I don't know when you sleep. Truely amazing.

Clarence Newman

And she has time to get sick once a week and still not skip a beat. I believe she is triplets.

Clarence Newman

I am devastated to the point of water boarding myself that Cassie is watching three courtroom dramas and none of them are The Verdict. Uggggghhh. I need to remind her that the last time we persuaded her to stretch to the 4th place movie in a poll, she ended up with Eddie the Eagle. Trust us, Cassie. You will LOVE The Verdict!

Robert Jewell

True, but it's all based on patron votes so it's really they we have to convince, isn't it? Cassie is pretty much open to everything, but maybe she'll put it on her pick of the month soon.

Clarence Newman

Best bands of the 90s? Traveling Wilburys, Ringo Starr’s All Starr Band and whatever motley crew of old crumblies were backing up Paul McCartney at the time. The Beatles also had a couple of number ones in the 90s. It’s a shame they didn’t kick on, cos they could’ve been big.

Bill Maurer

Over/under 300 comments for JFK ??

Clarence Newman

At this stage, the grossly misguided patronage that did not vote for The Verdict are a happy but lost cause. As with Eddie the Eagle, we, the righteous minority, need to persuade Cassie that missing out on The Verdict is akin to giving herself a wedgie.

Clarence Newman

Corner flag! 🚩 I remember Garth, but only because I’ve got plenty of Friends in Low Places.

Clarence Newman

Country is great. This may sound like a joke, but I have a soft spot for the Dolly Parton/Sylvester Stallone duet “Be There”. Sly may be a couple of crisp notes shy of a Grammy, but Dolly sings her butt off in that song!


Even today I would call Metallica an 80s band (and my favorite as well). Do you like their newer stuff too or just the older albums?


I think their 80s work are masterpieces but I still love the 90s stuff, and parts of the later albums

Clarence Newman

Over 300 for sure. Also, I predict more than 20 knockdown, dragouts over the film’s polarizing merits.


@PIB Britney Spears had talent and she could actually sing when they let her. I wonder what her musical career would have sounded like if she had signed with a small record label.


Most of the music I listened to growing up was 80s metal and then I moved to some early 2000s bands. My favorite 90s bands would be Ace of Base, Nightwish, and easily my favorite- Blink 182.


There isn’t a better courtroom drama than The Verdict. I’ve lost faith in the Patreon-age, literally. Perhaps there should be a separate poll for us old-timers who remember movies from the early 80s, like The Verdict, or older ones like Witness for the Prosecution. Cassie would love them and they are terrific movies. Another Paul Newman gem from the ‘80s that gets no love is Absence of Malice, which is one of my favorites of all time.


Older and modern films must be on separate polls. Cassie still mixes them up, so newer films always win polls.

William Brownlee

I have a suggestion. Look into "Stranger than Fiction". From 2006. So a newer movie. I know it isn't perfect, but it is from a great book and makes me cry every time I watch it. Please.


90s and later films win polls. Even 80s (along with 70s) has to be on a separate poll. As long as Cassie has mixed polls, nothing will change.

Clarence Newman

Cassie would love The Verdict AND Absence of Malice. Very Cassie movies the both of them.


For the March Madness, what four genres will be used? These (4) are big buckets that should cover everything. Thoughts? UPDATE: Hope Cassie draws the films from at least top 250. - Action - Sci-fi/Fantasy/Horror - Comedy - Drama

Larry Darrell

Best 90s album nomination… Live’s “Throwing Copper.” Thank You so much for watching The Rainmaker (1997).

Cole Jennett

Blue Rodeo was my favourite band in the 90’s. Hugely popular in Canada, but never really made it big outside of the country. When I think of 90’s music it’s hard not to mention Roxette. So many songs on my workout playlists originate from the 80’s and 90’s.

Clarence Newman

If Oliver Stone went into the Book Depository today, he’d probably come out with a new piece of evidence. 😏

Clarence Newman

Funny how many people think that Cassie’s patronage is mostly of the older generation, yet we are still bemoaning recency bias. It don’t make no sense.


At least 50 comments from Clay. 😆


Respect to Paul and Ringo...always. But I wouldn't buy a ticket to see them now.

Shad Kanyak

My musical tastes in the 90's were mostly of the top 40 variety. The first two albums each from Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots were favorites. Along with Toad the Wet Sprocket who I see live every time they're in town. Was also a big Letters to Cleo fan. Got to see them live for the first time last summer.


Clarence, I would guess most are 30s to earlier 50s, too young to have watched many older films, even 60s and 70s films.

Jen Barnes

I remember listening to a lot of 3rd Bass and Arrested Development in the early 90s.

Richard Maurer

In the 90’s I was mostly listening to metal - Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Celtic Frost, Sepultura, Pantera, etc. I was also into grunge - Nirvana, SoundGarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, etc., and some Rap - Public Enemy, Ice T, Cypress Hill, Beastie Boys, etc.. I have much wider musical interests, but this what I was really into in the 90’s


whats the point of this was there a music question i missed Lol. Ok get it now im a musician so put me down for Nirvana Oasis Weezer Cranberries , Morrisey held over from the awesome Smiths. Forget any of that Rap shit like the especially vile eminem . Prefer actual music but that's just me


perfect time to watch this with the immanet release of the JFK files. this is one of his finer movies even though he took some major liberties . your gonna love it


Not a fan of (3) courtroom dramas in the same week. Would we ever get (3) sci-fi films in the same week, probably not, Lol.


After the 80s, music kind of fell off for me. Only 90s I hear is when driving on the classic rock station.


that about covers it except we should add... Military separately

Stick Figure Studios

I live in Dallas and work only a few blocks from Dealey plaza (which I was surprised to learn is much smaller than it looks on screen), so I've also been to the school book depository and it's great.

Stick Figure Studios

Ah, yes. DARBY O'GILL AND A LITTLE PEOPLE. A charming Disney movie featuring a young Sean Connery singing. Definitely worth seeing if for no other reason than it's the movie that actually got him the role of James Bond.

Sean Kay

I think she is gunna love watching Matthew mcConaughey and the vibe/pace of 'L.L.' JFK is gunna give her bad dreams and deep thoughts and silence, but K. Costner will save it for her- Can't wait to see "'Mr. X' BENCH' Scene' with her reaction, too. But movies made out of 'J. GRISHAM' novels like 'Rainmaker' and 'The Client' are so in her lane- she is the target audience. I would like to also like to join the "Maybe think about waiting so Carly can watch it with you" movement that is growing every time these Grisham movies are on a poll...either way so excited for this week- heck; I am excited for this whole months movies. Can't wait but I will try. P.S. - Your whole PiB team deserves love through several high-fives...and... might deserve a raise? Ok whoops, long message again. Sorry. K bye

Larry Darrell

Mr. Costner, look to the left. Mr. McConaughey, look to the right. Mr. Damon… try to look directly behind yourself, without turning your head. Got it. Thanks. You were all terrific. ;-)

Uncle Phoenix

Tom Cochrane was a popular Canadian musician. He is most famous for “Life is a Highway” (1991); but I will always love “Lunatic Fringe” (1985) from the movie “Vision Quest” (1985).


There have been a bunch of theme weeks around here. A sci-fi week could definitely happen. Plus at times it felt like most of 2024 was star trek themed.


I'm Mandela Effected over here , I have this vivid memory that she watched JFK a while back... but nope, sure enough...

Sean Kay

"Look right here. Now back, and to the left" jfk quote does cover all 3 movies. Well said sir. captured. Hat tip.

Clarence Newman

I would prefer (4), so we can squeeze in The Verdict. I am nothing if not nauseatingly persistent.

Chris Retzlaff

This is a great list....glad Cranberries got included in the comments too.....Numetal was pretty big along with grundge and the Heavy Metal coming out of the 80s.. But Leave No Doubt about it....Fiona Apple, Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morissette, TLC, Salt n Peppa were included in alot of my 90s listening......and I'll fully admit to Spice Girls....I wanna..I wanna....I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah

Shad Kanyak

I saw Seven Mary Three open up for the Gin Blossoms in the early 2000’s. They were really good live.

Chris Retzlaff

Heck yes....Sometimes feel like I ALONE loved this album. I people say I can be over the TOP. But that's just SELLING THE DRAMA. But when LIGHTNING CRASHES over DAM AT OTTER CREEK...it effects everyone, Like your in SHITE TOWN and it's ALL OVER YOU.


She watched the 13 days one. Which has Costner and is about JFK. So you're half right

Clay F

The JFK movie depicts that New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison, portrayed by actor Kevin Costner, shows the film to a jury as definitive proof of a second gunman. He describes the motion of Kennedy's head ..."back, and to the left" ... as evidence that shots had been fired by someone other than Oswald. But that was a fabrication. Stone deceptively mixed historical footage with new footage he shot himself (creating confusion about what the Zapruder film actually showed) to support his embellished courtroom scenes.

Chris Retzlaff

UiC Pavillion!!!! Lots of good times there......Great living in the. Chicagoland area for Music...and Milwaukee is just a Stones throw away too. At UIC Pavillion I saw...Pantera, Godsmack, Static X......Rammstein I think( that was United and Rosemont)....lots of good shows

Sven S

We lived on different planets in the 90s 🤣 https://youtu.be/7u7qr9oC2c0?si=5dsPSd64cI1e4sHr

Michael G

I love how we are getting the March Madness bracket in 2024. Cassie has harnessed time travel!!!!!!!! Would I be able to give you a list of things to tell my past self and or warn people about?


Back in the 90s, I was all about pop and country. Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Garth Brooks, George Strait, Brooks & Dunn, Alan Jackson, Shania Twain, Jo Dee Messina, etc. etc. They are all still on repeat every so often! These days though, when I'm in the mood for 90s music, I often go for The Smashing Pumpkins, Alice in Chains, The Cranberries, The Fugees, The Notorious B.I.G. Good week ahead - we love a theme week!

Richard Maurer

Clarence - some might say you could leave the “ly persistent “ off that last sentence…….not me, of course. I would defend you by saying you’re only occasionally nauseating. :-)

Clay F

Sci-Fi has been a dominant genre on the channel since the latter part of 2023. ST, X-Men, etc. Below is sci-fi content since Dec 2023, having a whopping average of 1.25 per week. SCI-FI CONTENT SINCE DEC 2023 (avg 1.25 per week) 1 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 1972 2 Escape from the Planet of the Apes 1971 3 Frequency 2000 4 Beneath the Planet of the Apes 1970 5 Planet of the Apes 1968 6 Face/Off 1997 7 Star Trek Beyond 2016 8 Superman Returns 2006 9 Star Trek Into Darkness 2013 10 Star Trek 2009 11 Star Trek: Nemesis 2002 12 Howard the Duck 1986 13 Star Trek: Insurrection 1998 14 Superman II 1980 15 Star Trek: First Contact 1996 16 Blade 1998 17 Cloverfield 2008 18 Deadpool & Wolverine 2024 19 Star Trek: Generations 1994 20 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7 E25 & E26 21 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7 E11, E12, E15 22 Deadpool 2 2018 23 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7E07 24 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7 E04 & E05 25 Logan 2017 26 King Kong 1933 27 X-Men: Apocalypse 2016 28 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977 29 Star Trek: The Next Generation S6 E26 & S7 E01 30 Ready Player One 2018 31 Starship Troopers 1997 32 Star Trek: The Next Generation S6 E15 & E 19 33 Godzilla Minus One 2023 34 Godzilla 1954 35 Star Trek: The Next Generation S6 E04, E10, & E11 36 X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014 37 The Prestige 2006 38 Star Trek: The Next Generation S5 E26 & S6 E01 39 Star Trek: The Next Generation S5 E18, E23, & E25 40 The Wolverine 2013 41 Star Trek: The Next Generation S5 E02, E07, & E08 42 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 1989 43 X-Men: First Class 2011 44 The Iron Giant 1999 45 Batman: Mask of the Phantasm 1993 (not sci-fi imo) 46 Star Trek: The Next Generation S5 E01 47 Star Trek: The Next Generation S4 E26 48 The Secret of NIMH 1982 49 Star Trek: The Next Generation S4 E11 & E21 50 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2009 51 Star Trek: The Next Generation S4 E02 & E07 52 Total Recall 1990 53 X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 54 War of the Worlds 2005 55 Star Trek: The Next Generation S3 E26 & S4 E01 56 Star Trek: The Next Generation S3 E17 & E23 57 Star Trek: The Next Generation S3 E13 & E15 58 X2 2003 59 Stargate 1994 60 X-Men 2000 61 Star Trek: The Next Generation S2 E16 & E20 62 Star Trek: The Next Generation S2 E03 & E09 63 Star Trek: The Next Generation S1 E13, E23, & E26 64 Forever Young 1992 65 Star Trek: The Next Generation S1 E01 & E02 66 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991 67 TRON: Legacy 2010 68 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 69 I, Robot 2004 70 Tron 1982 71 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986 72 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 2023 73 Contact 1997 74 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984 75 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982 76 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979 77 Star Trek S1E22 & S2E15 78 Star Trek S1E28 & S2E01

Richard Maurer

Benny - that’s back when you were in another reality. What did you do wrong to get stuck in this one?

Doug Adair

I just watched your reaction to Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. When said that he never forget a face and called Chekhov’s name. There is a problem with that. Space Seed the episode that introduced Khan was in the first season but the character Chekhov was introduced in the second season.

Richard Maurer

The Beatles were okay, I guess………….were you triggered, Clarence? I know how much you love the Fab Four.

Richard Maurer

Clarence would have 300 posts no matter what the movie was. But at least he keeps me from feeling like I post too much.


Well it is just generally understood that Chekhov was just down in the lower decks at the time Khan was aboard. He hadn't gotten promoted yet.


I do want Cassie to watch more of what I call the Golden Age of the Courtroom movies from the late 50's to the early 60's. She has seen two of the best of these and there are reactions on the channel to 12 ANGRY MEN (1957) and ANATOMY OF A MURDER (1959). But she still needs to see WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION (1957), INHERIT THE WIND (1960), JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG (1961),and TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD (1962). I know Cassie has seen Mockingbird, but she needs to see it again with Carly, and I want to see that reaction!


Metallica used to be my favorite band in Jr High and HS, but when the Black Album came out I began to lose interest and never even bothered to buy or listen to anything else they released after that. Still love everything they did up through Justice though.


I absolutely love The Cranberries. Seeing them live was pretty emotional, I loved Dolores O'Riordan's voice so much. I'm so sad she's gone, but she left us with a lot of amazing music.


I'm gonna be skipping that comment section. JFK is one of those movies the worst kind of people elevate as like their Rosetta Stone to figuring out how the world really works or whatever. It was a decent movie when it was released, but for me it's been permanently corrupted by the moron brigade, so I'll leave them to it.

Happy Hanukkah

"We, the righteous minority" Switching from Patrick to Crispin: "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers."


I've lost faith in the voters too. I feel like the only fix is for better vetting from whomever is picking the movies that go in the polls. Inevitably some mid movie which doesn't really fit the poll gets in there and dominates, and this happens over and over.


I saw STP when they toured in support of their second album and it was a great show. RIP Scott Weiland.

Shad Kanyak

I saw Scott once a year before he died with his band The Wildabouts. They were also touring for the anniversary of STP’s Purple album.

Happy Hanukkah

"Okay?" I never quite pictured Clarence in a dress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcbjLvHtN1g [RHPS]


The first show I ever went to was Anthrax opening for Iron Maiden. The second show I ever saw was Alice in Chains opening for Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer. The third show I ever saw was Napalm Death opening for Sepultura on the Arise tour. I got Andreas Kisser's guitar pick at that show and ended up meeting Sepultura a couple times very briefly. I was a hard core metalhead back when I was an angsty teen, but as I got older I broadened my musical horizons as well. I entered the 90s going to metal shows and exited the 90s going to see Spiceworld in theaters 😂

Stephen Dias

Alright, alright, alright.

Happy Hanukkah

After genuflecting to Lightning Crashes, I'll complain that Live is one of those too clever by half band names. Right up there with The The.

Happy Hanukkah

I'm reminded of the fake director for Gold Digger desperately trying to get Kanye West to look into the camera.

Happy Hanukkah

JFK? Favorite '90s bands? Surely The Presidents of the United States of America! Peaches, Lump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCrzjVdmSg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjwkXYB4nHs By the way, no love for C+C Music Factory?


The rainmaker is such a good movie

Larry Darrell

@ Sean Kay - If I quoted JFK, it wasn’t intentional. It’s been a good minute since I’ve seen it. I was just joking about how the three actors were posed in the posters. Now I’m curious how better I could have done it if it WAS intentional. Am looking forward to JFK. Not as much as Clay is. I’ve never seen someone so invested in a movie before. I wonder how many times he’s seen it.

Larry Darrell

@ Clay… are you a Professional Debunker? As much effort you put into kicking this film, you should be getting paid for it.

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - and I expect you to have a list of EVERY claim from the film JFK, all 300 plus of them, debunked with proof, including source links… in the comment section for the reaction. I’m counting on you.

Larry Darrell

@ Chris Retzlaff - Hell Yeah!! And the Balls to include a country song as a hidden track too. “Horse” is one of my favorites.

Larry Darrell

I saw Seven Mary Three open up for Three Doors Down in the early 2000s. They WERE really good.

Larry Darrell

@ MikeLL - I would add The Caine Mutiny (1954) to that list. The courtroom part isn’t the main part, but it’s an important and awesome part. There was even a play adapted from just the courtroom part of the novel, which has twice been made into a film… The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial (1988) by Robert Altman The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial (2023) by William Friedkin.

Clarence Newman

I can fix that, Richard. You definitely post too much. And I wouldn't post half as much if I didn't have to argue with folks who disagree with me when I'm right!

Clarence Newman

I Feel Fine, Richard. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, "Watch A Hard Day's Night with me."

Mark Pitta

Community: Should we really subject Cassie and Carly to the Zaputer (JFK) film? I feel like giving her the time code when she should look away. No one should have to see that if they don’t have to.

Mark Pitta

AND nephew to Eddie Cochran (Summertime Blues, Come On Everybody, Twenty Flight Rock…).

Happy Hanukkah

This band started (and peaked) in the '90s. Although this song came out in the next decade, it is set smack dab in the middle of the '90s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqKlu7xnSqo (Fine, in accordance with my St Patrick's Day resolution of being less obnoxious, this is Bump by the Fun Lovin' Criminals.)

Katie Sivak

Fav 90 band Nirvana, TLC,Nysnc, Backstreet Boys Please watch Wind River The Rainmaker is so good

Chris Retzlaff

Chemical Brothers....been a bit since I thought about them...they did the music for a game called NO2 I think, but Trip like me on the Spawn Soundtrack is one of my favorites off any soundtrack

Bill Maurer

The files are released !!!!!!! Come on Cassie ..... what perfect timing to release your JFK reaction ! https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release-2025


I think Cassie should make her Patreon free to watch all ocntent but she could charge $1 to post a single comment. She would make so much money from just Clarence, Clay and Richard alone that she could move to Beverly Hills


I've never listened to much of Korn aside from seeing a few music videos from time to time, but nonetheless I didn't realise they were considered grunge. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought they were a metal band or something like that.


Chris do you have a rule that you only listen to female artists? Nothing wrong with that, but it just seems to be a pattern. Having said that, Sheryl Crow is way better than any of the other artists you mentioned. She is one of the greats, but the others you mentioned are just OK in my opinion.

Richard Maurer

Thoko - Korn is not really metal, not really grunge either. I just threw them in with grunge because I thought of them while I was listing grunge bands.

Chris Thom

Oh yeah the Fugees. So so so many things come to mind with the 90's. Total kaleidoscope of music and pop culture.

Vincent Vega

So does anyone know what the usual timescale is between viewing on Patreon and viewing on YT, please?


Love your 90s country list. I too listen to them every so often. I spend most every night beneath the light of a neon moon

Clay F

I don't know. I never really paid attention, as I typically don't watch her reactions on YT. The French Connection (1971) premiered 6 hours ago on YT. The full reaction was posted to Patreon on March 10. So that's about an 8-day difference for that example.

Clay F

This release was a dud. Nothing to contradict that Oswald = lone gunman who killed Kennedy.

Clay F

I have a personal interest and contribute as a good citizen. The wild unfounded JFK assassination conspiracy theories are harmful to society. I was 3 months old when JFK was assassinated. Starting as a young kid (in elementary school) up to being a young adult, I read and watched much about the JFK assassination and the investigation thereafter. I remember being enraged by the wild conspiracy theories (no evidence). Fast forward a few years later to the release of JFK (1991) (utter fiction presented as truth, or at least to mislead or without basis create doubt) -- is absolutely disgusting. Today, people seem to forget or not know how controversial it was that Stone integrated actual real iconic footage (that everyone recognized) deceptively with manufactured images. Shamefully contributing to the ridiculous unfounded conspiracy theories that persist without hard evidence but only wild speculation. JFK (1991) is not an appeal to think or to consider a story from all sides. Oliver Stone with JFK (1991) did not want to provoke people to think for themselves, but instead was politically motivated into making people think his way. He put his ideology ahead of the truth and knowingly made a movie with misleading facts and lies. There is absolutely no evidence that Oswald was not the lone gunman. 25,000 interviews and running down tens of thousands of investigative leads = Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. The Zapruder film backs that up. Further, the Warren Commission (led by Chief Justice Earl Warren) concluded that Oswald = lone gunman. Later confirmed, for example, by The Rockefeller Commission and The Church Committee. The 1979 HSCA report (House committee) questioned that conclusion but the 1979 HSCA report has been discredited. Even committee members later distanced themselves from the findings. Their conclusions were based on disputed acoustic evidence that didn’t hold up. Again, there is no evidence (wild speculation doesn’t count) that Oswald did not act alone – just like there is no evidence that the Sandy Hook school shooting was fake or that the 1969 moon landing was fake.

Clay F

Nothing in the release that support the ridiculous wild conspiracy theories in JFK (1991).

Clarence Newman

That’s a great idea, Thoko. “Hey Cassie! I paid you 4000 bucks this month. I believe you owe me a reaction to The Champ.”

Clay F

The Alanis Morissette album "Jagged Little Pill" is awesome. The biggest-selling album by a female artist in history.

Clarence Newman

She should never watch Get Back. Even for a rabid Beatles fan, it’s mind-numbing.

Wesley White

I don't blame you! The Banshee also scared the heck out of me as a kid too! I can handle it better now as an adult, but I still get the willies when I see the Banshee

Clay F

97+% of the files had already been released previously. For this release, the experts over several hours found no new revelations and are not expected to. They are still sifting, but conspiracy theorists are going to be disappointed. So far, nothing in the documents has changed the long-held findings that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy. Historians/scholars knew this release was not going to be big deal. Trump weirdly made a big deal out of it -- like he said this week on Fox that Canada is meant to be the 51st state.


yeah, the single bullet theory . so logical. how could you refute that . Arlen Spector my Senator from Philly . what an embarassment ...............Jerry Fletcher was right

Milton William Burray

Being very nearly assassinated himself has probably changed the way Trump feels about Kennedy's assassination


I think it varies. Sometimes its a couple of days. Other times it can be a week or two


I know this is an uncomfortable topic, but the real story around the JFK is that there is a connection to the Israeli government. I won't go into all the details, but the files that were already released actually showed hints that seemed to confirm that the Israeli intelligence and CIA were involved. So, saying that the new documents show nothing new sounds like a misleading assessment. People were not generally expecting the documents to show something new. They were expecting the previously redacted parts to talk about the Israeli government's involvement in the shooting and the coverup.

Chris Thom

Worked out the full reaction on Patreon to YouTube premiere being about eight or nine days on average.

Chris Thom

Oh no way they did Lump too. I didn't know that. Should've connected those super obvious dots but I didn't. lol

Chris Thom

The Cardigans were pretty good too. Have listened to Erase and Rewind waaaaay too many times. But I love it.

Chris Thom

Not that into it either. But I do appreciate that they're all very different kinds of courtroom dramas.

Chris Thom

I thought Cypress Hill and House of Pain were the same group for way too long.

Chris Thom

Freak on a Leash may've been one of MTV's most played videos ever. TRL was a trip that year.

Chris Thom

Don't remember a ton about that one. But I think it's the movie with Will Ferrell's life being narrated by a disembodied voice?

Chris Thom

Fact is people want Cassie to react to movies they had some kind of personal experience with. No real way around it. It's just baked into the whole premise of reaction videos.

Chris Thom

Feel like the debate already happened for the most part. Maybe 170?

Chris Thom

To be honest I wonder which responsibility is most draining to her. But she does handle them like a champ. Just having the energy to be charming at all times is super impressive. Kind of inspirational.

Chris Thom

Lol the whole collection of Leprechaun movies are on ON DEMAND right now. I'd never seen them all in one place before. The titles are pretty hilarious. Was definitely trying to formulate one of them in a sarcastic joke of some kind.

Chris Thom

Love Cassie but drawings in general are pretty mind numbing. Nobody's fault. They just are.

Chris Thom

That's cool. Sounds like a lot of stuff that's kind of hard to classify. But like a Tomorrowland of the 90's.

Chris Thom

Is St. Patrick's Day a big thing inside Ireland? Feel like I should know the answer to that, but I honestly have no clue.

Chris Thom

Your comment immediately took me to the Napster days. Can't remember if that started in the 90's or not though. Definitely stopped buying CD's for a year...then started buying a lot more when I discovered new music through said Napster. Maybe Lars U was wrong.

Chris Thom

REM In Time is one of the greatest compilation albums of all time imo. Oasis might be timeless. Barenaked Ladies was such a specific time and place.

Chris Thom

Your list might be the most 90's list out of all of these. Don't totally know what that means but it feels true. Alanis Morrisette was super talented. Her Howard Stern performance cements that imo.

Chris Thom

I really want Nixon (Stone) on the channel. Awesome Hopkins performance.

Dean Holt

They are bad, but they know what they are. The first one is probably the best, but I just really enjoy watching them as I find them really fun. Might have to rewatch Lep in Space as I don’t really remember that one. But yes the titles are funny especially Leprechaun in the Hood 😂😂.

Chris Thom

Interesting that the 4k would only be for a Director's Cut. Seems counter intuitive.

Chris Thom

True Bill. A lot of good stuff. A lot of my early memories involve those dance hits at the skating rink.

Chris Thom

One thing I really respect about Kurt Cobain was that he was a big proponent of keeping ticket prices low.

Richard Maurer

I did watch it later though. I ‘m like Cassie as far as drawings are concerned - I enjoy seeing what gets picked. I draw the line at her ‘ just to see what could have been’ picks though. At best they’re meaningless, and at worst they’re little daggers to the heart, like when she pulled Sin City (a personal favorite). Still, I hope does it again for girls basketball, more random movies being watched is a good thing.


Clay, being best selling is obviously a big achievement. But it doesn't really mean that the artist or album is better. For example Michael Jackson's thriller has way more sales than Beach Boy's Pet Sounds. But Pet Sounds is the better album.


Withholding 2,400 FBI documents is worse than a redaction

Richard Maurer

I don’t have kids, but I’m going to say kids are more of drain. Seeing what my siblings, and now my niece and nephews, have to go through make me grateful I never had kids. My cat, and my other animals are enough stress for me


I was never really into boy bands, but "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" was a banger. Its sad that those bands (and even TLC) were taken advantage of by their managers. The bands sold millions of records but were basically paid pennies.


Cassie and Carly are adults. They'll be fine

Chris Thom

Cassie has historically been dismissive of N'Sync in order to bolster BSB. Though she does acknowledge that JC Chasez was, and continues to be, underrated. lol

Chris Thom

Kinda random: but is it possible to make the links in comments be clickable?

Bill W

Chris, for some reason they're clickable on my phone app, but not on my computer.

Bill W

The edited versions go up within an hour of each other between Patreon and Youtube. I never watch the full reactions.

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - No offense, but based on your comments, over the all of PiB, you’ve never struck me as a critical thinker. You’ve always seemed too trusting in the information given by the “highest authority,” whether it be Rotten Tomatoes or the Government. Have you ever entertained the thought, that they may be lying to you. I recommend you listen to The MLK Tapes Podcast… and watch The New Pearl Harbor documentary on YouTube. https://youtu.be/iuyemPUXSz0?si=5l3h8ntDMQo8y4cF If you listen to and watch these, and still come away thinking the JFK assassination happened exactly the way The Warren Commission said it did… then you have a stronger Will and Belief in The Establishment than I and many others have.

Happy Hanukkah

Clay is most definitely not entering. Clay is exiting the country in great haste since his name was not redacted, and it turns out he was the 34th shooter. [Clay: this was just a good-natured joke.]

Happy Hanukkah

As far as I know, it is not possible for the commenter to do so. We seem to be limited to pure text. (Well, unicode.) For viewers, ... it depends too much on your setup for me to give an answer. There are no Patreon settings, but (assuming you're using a browser) you could install a "linkifying" extension. Caveat emptor.

Bill W

Why do they spell their names differently? I don't find any family relation between any of the Cochrans (Eddie, Hank or Wayne), or Tom Cochrane.

Happy Hanukkah

I know, right? All along, I thought it was a Weird Al song! :-P :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQwWaWFjd0Y

Bill W

90s is "Classic Rock"? I cut classic rock off at like '85/'86.

Happy Hanukkah

Double ditto. :-) And bringing it back to movies, let's not forget Lovefool, which was part of the Romeo + Juliet (1996) soundtrack.

Happy Hanukkah

Bill, I was amazed when I found out the jazz great John Coltrane played Hagrid. He was unrecognizable! :-P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Cochran#The_Cochran_Brothers_(1955%E2%80%931956)

Richard Maurer

The Classic rock station in Cleveland is playing music from the 60’s up to 00’s now. Aging demographics, you know.

Clay F

NY Times (2 minutes ago): "It takes time to analyze 64,000 pages. But so far, nothing in the new document releases challenges the theory that a lone gunman killed the president. Newly unredacted files mostly focus on intelligence gathering." Darren -- what other wild conspiracy theories do you believe -- the Sandy Hook school shooting was not real, the 1969 moon landing was fake, or that 9/11 was an inside job, etc?

Clay F

NY Times (2 minutes ago): "It takes time to analyze 64,000 pages. But so far, nothing in the new document releases challenges the theory that a lone gunman killed the president. Newly unredacted files mostly focus on intelligence gathering."

Clay F

Thoko -- what other wild conspiracy theories do you believe -- the Sandy Hook school shooting was not real, the 1969 moon landing was fake, or that 9/11 was an inside job, etc?

Ricardo Alanis

I wonder if JFK will be theatrical or Director’s cut.

Clay F

@ Larry -- No offense taken. I don't worship or always agree with RT -- but it's useful information. For me personally with RT, the proof is in the pudding. My top 100 movies essentially all have high RT scores. I rarely (almost never) like movies with low RT scores. Again, the proof is in the pudding for my personal tastes. Sometimes, movies with high RT scores (but low IMDb or RT Audience scores) can be too esoteric for me. Why do you believe the government that the Sandy Hook school shooting was not staged? Why do you believe the government that the 1969 moon landing actually occurred -- that it was not fake? Why do you believe the government that 9/11 was not an inside job -- that the US government did not coordinate and lead implementation of the 9/11 attacks? Maybe because of the evidence? The Wild Conspiracy Theory of a Second Guman There is absolutely no evidence that there was a second gunman. That's a convenient aspect about a wild conspiracy theory is no evidence is needed. If this latest release of info confirms for the millionth time that Oswald acted alone, will you continue to believe the wild conspiracy theory of a second gunman as a real possibility? What will it take for you to agree that the evidence shows that Oswald acted alone? Most conspiracy theorists never change their mind, no matter the evidence. Their brains don't work that way -- they always have some irrational response. They think they are smarter. Compounded by how they crave the sexy or exciting conspiracy theory over the truth.

Clay F

As for the edited version, I have noticed that the YT premier has been quickly following the Patreon post of the edited version. I only watch the full reaction and never the edited version. Sometimes, I will open the YT edited version to like the video.

Richard Maurer

Did anyone really believe anything amazing would be in there, like the report would have ‘oh by the way, the CIA actually did it’ or something written in it? IF there was a conspiracy they wouldn’t just spell it out in an official report like some bad spy thriller.

Clay F

The historians/experts/scholars have been tempered in their comments but they don't expect anything of significance to be revealed. For sure, nothing to challenge that Oswald acted alone. Trump weirdly made a big deal of the release, and he emphasized on Fox this week that Canada is meant to be the 51st state. Richard, the following remarks are not directed to you but instead to all those who believe the wild conspiracy theory of a second gunman: Why do you believe the government that the Sandy Hook school shooting was not staged? Why do you believe the government that the 1969 moon landing actually occurred -- that it was not fake? Why do you believe the government that 9/11 was not an inside job -- that the US government did not coordinate and lead implementation of the 9/11 attacks? Maybe because of the evidence? There is absolutely no evidence that there was a second gunman. That's a convenient aspect of a wild conspiracy theory is no evidence is needed. If this latest release of info confirms for the millionth time (or at least does not contradict) that Oswald acted alone, will you continue to believe the wild conspiracy theory of a second gunman as a likely possibility? What will it take for you to agree that the evidence shows that Oswald acted alone? Most conspiracy theorists never change their mind, no matter the evidence. Their brains don't work that way -- they always have some irrational response. They think they are smarter. Compounded by how they crave the sexy or exciting conspiracy theory over the truth.

Just Plain Bob

Clay, years ago I read a book about the “Monster of Venice” (a serial killer) that I believe sheds some light on this phenomenon. A number of conspiracy theories grew up around the murders, most involving authorities of one stripe or another. The author attributed this to a desire to be a member of the “cognoscenti.” The term usually refers to someone with a deep knowledge of the arts - literature, fashion, etc. But it also applies to those that are, for lack of a better way of putting it, “in the know.” That is, they are special because they see deeper meanings where others take matters at face value. It can also make things they don’t understand (like how a lone nutjob can pull off the murder of the most important/powerful man alive) more palatable and less frightening. Mind you, I don’t think these are conscious impulses but, rather, work on a subconscious level to make some people more susceptible to such beliefs. PS: I also think that those who believe in a conspiracy surrounding JFK’s murder are more likely to believe in other conspiracies. Someone that believes the moon landing was a hoax is almost certainly a JFK murder conspiracy buff, for instance. Finally, I don’t think you or I will ever disabuse them of those notions - for many, these beliefs have seemingly crystallized into a kind of near-religion. They have too much of themselves wrapped up in these beliefs to ever let them go.

Clay F

Good point about those believing the JFK assassination conspiracy are more likely to believe other conspiracy theories (e.g., moon landing is hoax). Thus, my questions above about other conspiracy theories will not be effective with some. Yet, I am more trying to reach those who really don't believe the typical wild conspiracy theory but have bought into the second gunman as possibility, which polling shows is believed my many. The hardcore conspiracy theorists are a lost cause.


Clay, the people who believe those conspiracies are morons, they're gonna keep being morons who believe that stuff no matter what evidence is presented to them. I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince them of cold hard facts because they're not interested in such things. They want to believe the earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese. Probably best to just leave them mumbling in a corner.

Mark Pitta

Where did you go to school?! “‘ok class how did you feel when you saw the President’s head being blown away and his brains splattered all over Jackie. Bill W you have a question?”

Chris Thom

Yeah true. I never heard of a teacher showing it. And news stations only showed the right before and bit of after.

Mark Pitta

Yes. Geraldo Rivera was the first to show it on a nighttime talk show and the only other time I believe was in JFK.

Chris Thom

Learned that entire song just from listening to my older sister and her friends singing it. And every other older kid I knew. That was a big one for middle schoolers for some reason.

Chris Thom

I think Cassie should make a rewatch exception for that one and review it with Carly. That would be fun and nostalgic for a lot of people I think.

Brian Lowery

Thanks for showing teachers some love. We always appreciate it. In that vein, would you please show the film Finding Forrester with Sean Connery and Rob Brown? Great film with examples of the good mentors can do, as well as the bad.

Larry Darrell

The lack of evidence and odd behavior of everyone involved with Sandy Hook only creates more questions than answers. (There might actually be more evidence that it didn’t happen, than evidence it did.) I have searched for irrefutable evidence it did happen, and I have not found it. If you know where there is irrefutable evidence, please post a link. I think everyone, no matter which side you fall on, can agree that this event was ridiculous and horrifying. “We Landed on the Moon!!” - Lloyd Christmas Yes, we landed on the moon. No argument there. The 4 hours and 53 minutes of evidence that is talked about in that documentary I posted a link to would be sufficient enough to warrant an internal investigation into any event, let alone 9/11. The Parkland Doctors who first saw and examined Kennedy believe the wound in his neck was an entrance wound, meaning Kennedy was shot from the front right. Oswald was behind Kennedy. That’s One. You claim there is no evidence of a second shooter. But, Yes there is. By now the only hard evidence that could be of use is Eyewitness Testimony, and there is still plenty of that. Any other hard evidence, such as what would be in any government files to be released, is already shredded… if there was ever anything on paper to begin with. The Zapruder Film is still the best evidence ever of a second shooter. You can go frame by frame, and use all the words imaginable to explain why Kennedy’s head went “back and to the left,” even though he was allegedly shot from behind, on his right. But, the film just don’t lie. I will always believe, like everyone else that saw that film, even before JFK the movie, that Kennedy was shot from his front, where Oswald wasn’t. Your last paragraph could just as easily be turned back on you. Will any evidence of a possible second shooter, besides a smiling photo of a person with a gun on the grassy knoll, ever get you to start doubting the established narrative and start asking questions? Most True Believers never change their mind, no matter the evidence. Their brains don’t work that way — they always have some irrational response. They think they are smarter. Compounded by how they crave the safe, easy and comfortable answer that the Powers That Be concoct… over the Hard Truth that is staring them in the face. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck… then it just might be a duck. But, even I wouldn’t call it a duck after only 3 questions. I say keep going. Ask all the questions you can think of… and then ask some more. And the most important question that you should always come back to is… Why? If there was a Cover-Up, then why? What was the motive? What was gained from it? You can’t ask this question enough. It should be the first and last question… if you can find make it to the “last question.” Never stop asking questions.

Clay F

The 1979 HSCA report has been discredited. Even committee members later distanced themselves from the findings. Their conclusions were based on disputed acoustic evidence that didn’t hold up. The Warren Commission later confirmed, for example, by The Rockefeller Commission and The Church Committee. The Zapruder film supports that was lone gunman. There is no evidence of a second gunman. Glad to hear that that the JFK assassination is the only conspiracy you think has some valid questions. I think there are many people in your category. There really is no evidence of a second gunman.

Clay F

That Newsweek headline seems to mischaracterize what that Agent said. In any case, that Agent pointed to no clear information that the CIA killed Kennedy. The assertions by Underhill have not been proven and even if the Underhill assertions were true for sake of argument, no indication of CIA killing Kennedy was implemented. To be sure, that Agent pointed to no information that Oswald was not a lone gunman.


Clay, 911 was not a "wild" conspiracy theory. One building collapsed without being hit by a plane and two buildings collapsed in a way that is essentially unprecedented in a way that resembles a planned demolition. Also, it is unbelievably difficult for a plane to be that accurate at hitting such a narrow target, especially when the terrorist pilot has essentially zero experience and is allegedly not using the auto-pilot feature. If you ask any experienced pilot they will confirm that they could not accomplish this in a single attempt. This suggests that auto-pilot was on and somebody directed the planes remotely into the towers.


Trusting the New York times is like trusting Fox News at this point. There is essentially no difference except in agenda

Darren Harrison

Nope - just the JFK one. I’m not even sure I believe that one 100% but I think valid questions have been raised

Mike Lemon

I would rather have Stand and Deliver (1988) but I wouldn't turn down to Finding Forrester.

Vincent Vega

Thank you both, that's really helpful. I only watch the YT versions as I only have one screen so it's either that or I'd just be watching Cassie react without any context 😂


Clay, you are literally using a manipulative tactic that was created by the intelligence agencies as a form of propaganda. What other propaganda policies and advocates are you a fan of? Joseph Goebbels?

Chris Thom

When I watch with laptop I have to shrink both down quite a bit. I also mostly watch the YT edits. And the full on a movie I particularly like or have experience with.

Chris Thom

Oh shit C and C Music Factory. Had to look that up but I definitely remember that. If I had to pick 30 pop culture things to represent the whole decade that would be one. Our whole school was forced to go outside and do a group line dance to that. Zero clue why to this day.


The Smashing Pumpkins and The Cranberries and Stone Temple Pilots - aww I miss their MVs. I was also into Bush and No Doubt. But the two songs I actually played the most are “Runaway Train” by Soul Asylum and “Losing my Religion” by R.E.M.


“Stand and Deliver” - I watched it in my 8th grade class and loved it! Definitely a must for PiB.


Chris - I’m a huge BTS fan! You got to checkout “American Hustle Life” (2014) reality show with the popular South Korean group that featured Coolio and Warren G. BTS music is my jam. In 2014 they were gaining fame internationally but still relatively unknown in the U.S. I can’t find the entire series and the full episodes but this is the first episode from their 2014 reality show. It’s so much fun and entertaining! BTS are such humble and genuine guys but their concerts are insane! https://youtu.be/bck4PVIShxM?si=Xa5fI-STFl5GUnlQ

Clay F

Thoko -- so you do believe that 9/11 was orchestrated by the U.S. You are one of those weird conspiracy theorists. Your comments generally on multiple subjects have been the most idiotic that I've seen on the channel in a while.

Happy Hanukkah

"Zero clue why to this day. " Just one of those Things That Make You Go Hmmm... :-)


Clay you're a coward. You deliberately reply to a different comment just so that I don't get a notification. And then you use name calling instead of presenting facts. Anybody who is afraid to defeat the arguments of an idiot is the actual idiot. A smart person either avoids the idiot or presents facts. No smart person pretends to win a debate against an "idiot".

Larry Darrell

Why do ridiculous arguments, like “fake” moon landing and “flat” earthers, always get brought up when talking about JFK? What does one have to do with the other? Besides being an issue that people want to put a “conspiracy” label on. People like to call things that appear too complicated to understand a “conspiracy,” because it makes them easier to understand and dismiss. “Conspiracy Theorists” are crazy because the name makes them sound crazy, purposely so. Why is it so hard to imagine, that the people investigating these incidents, didn’t do a thorough job? And why did they not do a thorough job? Would you call the case of The West Memphis Three a “Conspiracy?” Would you call everyone that got those kids out of jail after 18 years… “Conspiracy Theorists?” Why does no one ever talk about Martin Luther King and James Earl Ray? In 1993, a 10 day mock trial took place to determine the innocence of James Earl Ray. The jury voted to acquit. Again, why does no one ever talk about MLK? If Oswald had been allowed to stand trial, what might have been the result? Everyone points to a particular spot that all the “conspiracy” theories started, but I have yet to see someone in all these comments, point to the assassination of Oswald, 2 DAYS, after JFK’s assassination. That’s when this all began. Calling people “Conspiracy Theorists” may be easier than admitting, there might be more Truth out there, but I’m just not going to look, because it’s too much work. Is it so hard to believe that there are people out there that operate with the expectation, that people think that way? Makes for a good safety net.

Larry Darrell

@ Thoko - I’ve given Clay the link to The New Pearl Harbor documentary on YouTube twice now, and dared him to watch it, but I’m sure he never will. I’m unsure if he has ever looked at any reporting outside of what the Establishment has deemed the “Truth.”

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - and I’m still counting on those individual 300+ claims from the film JFK… debunked with source links. We like to check our work around here.

Bill W

Chris, no Cassie hasn't seen 'Dangerous Minds' or 'Stand and Deliver'. I'll add 'Lean On Me' (1989; Morgan Freeman)

Bill W

What, no love for Color Me Badd, Boys II Men, 98 Degrees and O-Town? 🤣🤣🤣 How many dang girl groups were there?? Aside from the successful ones (TLC, En Vogue, Destiny's Child, Spice Girls) I think there were a lot more in the UK than the US. UK and Ireland had more boy bands too... Boyzone, Westlife, Take That..

Clay F

Thoko Dumbass, impossible to reply in that thread because the original comment is deleted. But you come up with some conspiracy about me. You are truly a lost cause. You have no substantive reply about 9/11 but instead now you have a conspiracy about me. You have absolutely no credibility based on what you said about 9/11. Thoko = dumb.

Clay F

Thoko, your reply in the other thread: "Clay, 911 was not a "wild" conspiracy theory. One building collapsed without being hit by a plane and two buildings collapsed in a way that is essentially unprecedented in a way that resembles a planned demolition. Also, it is unbelievably difficult for a plane to be that accurate at hitting such a narrow target, especially when the terrorist pilot has essentially zero experience and is allegedly not using the auto-pilot feature. If you ask any experienced pilot they will confirm that they could not accomplish this in a single attempt. This suggests that auto-pilot was on and somebody directed the planes remotely into the towers." Absolutely ludicrous. Thoko = dumb. Thoko = one of those weird conspiracy theory types. You think you're smarter and you know, but instead you are a stupid paranoid freak who craves wild conspiracy theories over the truth.

Clay F

Thoko, you said: "If you ask any experienced pilot they will confirm that they could not accomplish this in a single attempt." Not so, the vast majority of experienced pilots believed it. You said: "This suggests that auto-pilot was on and somebody directed the planes remotely into the towers." That is ridiculous. Do you realize how dumb you sound saying that?

Clay F

Larry, the second gunman conspiracy theory has been discredited over and over and over. The second gunman conspiracy theory is a ridiculous argument and is akin to other wild conspiracy theories such as fake moon landing, flat Earth, Sandy Hook shooting staged, 9/11 inside job, Obama born in Kenya, etc. Thoko replied that 9/11 was an inside job. Thoko on 9/11: "Also, it is unbelievably difficult for a plane to be that accurate at hitting such a narrow target, especially when the terrorist pilot has essentially zero experience and is allegedly not using the auto-pilot feature. If you ask any experienced pilot they will confirm that they could not accomplish this in a single attempt. This suggests that auto-pilot was on and somebody directed the planes REMOTELY into the towers." (emphasis added). The hijacked planes were on auto-pilot and somebody directed the planes remotely into the towers? That's in the ballpark of the second gunman conspiracy theory. "What Physics Reveals About the JFK Assassination" A more recent study (of many studies) that support "the 'grassy knoll' JFK assassination theory is bogus." https://www.history.com/news/jfk-assassination-grassy-knoll-theory-debunked Some people relish a wild conspiracy theory. More exciting than the truth.

Clay F

Larry, why do you believe the government that the Sandy Hook school shooting was not staged? Why do you believe the government that the 1969 moon landing actually occurred -- that it was not fake? Why do you believe the government that 9/11 was not an inside job -- that the US government did not coordinate and lead implementation of the 9/11 attacks? Maybe because of the evidence? There is absolutely no evidence that there was a second gunman. That's a convenient aspect of a wild conspiracy theory is no evidence is needed. What will it take for you to agree that the evidence shows that Oswald was the lone gunman? I don't view you as the typical conspiracy theorist who never change their mind, no matter the evidence.

Mike Lemon

@Clay - I think you protest too much. You wouldn't happen to be good friends with Rafael Cruz would you? Don't bother denying it, the answer is clear.

Clay F

He's my US Senator but not a friend of mine. I call him Sleaze Cruz or Cancun Cruz.

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - First off, Thoko is not in this comment thread. He is in the other one where you call him a Dumbass. There was no need to reply to any of his replies here. He can’t respond if you don’t respond directly to him. 👇 (Edit: your double reply above was confusing, I realize you were just quoting Thoko, now. Again, any thing you have to talk to I or Thoko about 9/11, then you have to at least have seen the whole New Pearl Harbor documentary. Also, no need to talk to me about Moon Landings, Flat Earth or… Obama and Kenya?? That’s a new one. I agree those are ridiculous too. ) Why are you still asking me questions about Sandy Hook, the moon landing and 9/11 when I already responded to you with my thoughts in another thread? I was ready to say that I think you might be some form of Spam Bot because you keep posting the same thing over and over… until I scrolled down and saw how you did go off on Thoko. This is the first time I think I’ve seen you not respond like a robot. I am now going to move down the page and continue with a response in the other location, where Thoko is. But before I leave this reply… My plea to you now is 2 fold. Please click the reply button that is under the post that you are relying to. Otherwise we don’t know if you have responded or not. (This isn’t your intention, is it?) And, Please from now on can you start adding links to articles or videos that support your claims. (I see you did this above. Thank You. Keep doing this and also please try and mix it up. There’s plenty of sources out there… besides History channel.)

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - Have you watched ANY of the documentary The New Pearl Harbor that I have twice sent a link to you. Any of the 4 hours and 53 minutes. I or Thoko cannot have any intelligent discussion about 9/11 with you until you have. If you are not going to respond to any of the talking points about 9/11 with any knowledge of what he or I are talking about, then there is no point. If you say that him or I… think we’re smarter… I can’t speak for Thoko, but I never claim to be smart. I know NOTHING for sure. But I know what Thoko is talking about, and just calling his comments “ludicrous, ridiculous and dumb” and not giving any proof of why you say that… well, it looks like your words bounced back on you. Edit: My feelings on Clay’s comments have recently changed, and am no longer engaging.

Larry Darrell

@ Thoko - In case you didn’t know, Clay responded to you. If your going to respond back, my ringside opinion would be to try and keep it mostly civil. I think his words might be a bit rubbery anyways ;-) Edit: On second thought, you might want to let this one go. It ain’t gonna do nooooo good for anyone.

Mike Lemon

@Clay - Not Ted. His dad, you know, one of the ones that killed Kennedy... but you knew that didn't you. You trying to cover up the connection between you too is so obvious.

Clay F

Mike, the Senator's name is Rafael Cruz. His full name is Rafael Edward Cruz. We call the Senator "Rafael" all the time.

Mike Lemon

I like how you are trying to shift suspicion from your connection to a known Kennedy assassin (Rafael Cruz) by pretending that you think I don't know who Ted Cruz is, just like how the CIA shifted blame to an obviously innocent fall guy (Oswald). Just admit it already, you are the arm on the right side of that famous Rafael Cruz and Oswald photo from August 1963, aren't you? I think Kash Patel would be very interested in this thread, if my FBI agent is reading this, please forward it to your boss.

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - Read the History Channel article, if that’s what it was. I’m no expert, but the scientist Nicholas Nalli and his model seemed to be a bit biased in his testing, for me. Excerpts… When Nalli studied the Zapruder film, he noticed that the president’s head snapped forward at the moment the bullet hit his skull. This, “he hypothesized”, meant the president had been shot from behind. The model then calculated how the bullet would have acted when it entered President Kennedy’s skull “if it came from behind.” - I don’t know if there’s a word for it, but it’s when you have the end result in mind, and then try and find a way for that to happen. You keep experimenting until you find a process that gives you the result you want. Then say “see, this is how it must have happened.” This is bad science, from what I’ve heard. I’m no scientist myself though, so I don’t know. - So I found a Rebuttal, by Paul Chambers https://jfkfacts.org/the-trouble-with-nicholas-nallis-paper-on-gunshot-wound-dynamics-model-for-jfk-assassination/ and here is an Amazon link to his book… https://www.amazon.com/Head-Shot-Science-Behind-Assassination/dp/1616145617 and here is a list of qualifications… https://speakerpedia.com/speakers/paul-chambers

Clay F

Larry, not sure why hard for you to understand that the second gunman, fake moon landing, 9/11 inside job, Sandy Hook shooting staged, and Obama born in Kenya are all conspiracy theories. All 5 are ridiculous. --I only mentioned Thoko because he does not think that the 9/11 inside job conspiracy theory is ridiculous. --You apparently do not think that the second gunman conspiracy theory is ridiculous. --I worked with a smart guy (a friend who is a chemist) who was convinced that the 1969 moon landing was fake. --I had a friend online who was convinced that the Sandy Hook school shooting was staged. He played video of the scene -- pointing out behavior of people as indicating the shooting was staged. --Till this day, I have multiple friends who believe Obama was born in Kenya. The Wikipedia "List of conspiracy theories" includes "John F. Kennedy assassination" ("multiple conspiracy theories"). The Wikipedia "John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories" page gives "multiple gunmen" in particular as a conspiracy theory. People may find it egregious to compare the conspiracy theory they believe to other conspiracy theories.

Brian Lowery

I’ll give you Stand and Deliver, since it was based in some type of reality and depicted the lengths teachers will go for their students. Lean on Me and Dangerous Minds are trash, and I say that as a teacher of 21 years. Dangerous Minds is pablum and Lean on Me glorified a borderline criminal and terrible teacher/principal. Best fictional teaching films are Chalk, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Akeelah and the Bee, and Dead Poets Society.

Larry Darrell

@ Clay - Umm… I think I’m going to have to respectfully remove myself from anymore debate with you. You can call this a “win” if you want. But, I’m afraid if I keep debating you, someone might call it a Hate Crime. So… keep doing what you’re doing. Because you’re doing Great. 👍👏

Clay F

Paul Chambers is in the definite minority among credentialed scientists who believe the second gunman conspiracy theory. He receives criticism for starting with the end in mind. Paul Chambers "studied each point in isolation and then cherry-picked the details that fit his own thesis."

Bill W

Chris, I didn't buy the compilation because I already had Document, Green, Out of Time and Automatic For The People...and just downloaded the rest of the songs I wanted. I never got too deep into Oasis..just their first 3 albums. I was not a BNL fan early on because the only song I knew by them was One Week and I thought it was stupid. My GF at the time liked them so I bought her tickets for her birthday (really, I just wanted to see The Proclaimers, who were the opening act). But BNL won me over. I learned they had some good songs and they put on a fun show.

Bill W

Singulatarian - Doing a podcast and watching movies are part of running the business. They are not 3 separate things. If I'm not mistaken Ben runs the business as well. And doing it all from home makes it much easier to handle the kids and their activities, as opposed to those who have to commute to and from work and still do all those things.

Byrd N. Hand

Even though they're from the '60s, and, thus, might be a *little* dated now, I'll also throw in "To Sir, with Love" and "Up the Down Staircase."


wonderful people like Cassie and Carly winner movie are Goldilocks and the three bears black action death of a unicorn A Mincemeat movie the watches Grus Du Without A net harry potter and the goblet of fire chitty chitty bang bang fly away home west side story send to my special friends are Cassie and Carly both are little sweethearts good luck for Popcorn in Bed channel and YouTube greater's for David stapley and people from world