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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" which will premiere shortly!




Congratulations on being one of the few people who have ever seen this 😂


I bet there are many people who haven't seen it. Millennials and Gen Z largely seem to be allergic to older films.


I know I mentioned that I had seen all five of the original Apes films as a 12 or 13-year-old and had a good 12 or 13-year-old time doing so. That was not intended to be a recommendation, and I hope I played no part in your exploration of a quartet of sequels (I don't count the excellent original film) only suitable for nerdy prepubescent boys in the mid-70s. I do, however, heartily recommend the new reboot series starting with Rise of the POTA (2011.) I hope you're not too Aped out to watch those when you're done with these. And I still think that a more interesting companion piece to the original POTA is 2001: A Space Odyssey, the other 1968 time-traveling meditation on apes. I will now end this post before I do any more damage to this timeline.

Story Archer

Cassie, you are without a doubt my favorite person in the world whom I have never met. It's not even close. No one in my day-to-day life makes me smile the way that you do. So it's with love that I say this... the word is 'wary', not 'weary'. I've lost count how any videos you've swapped those two in. Just something to write down - 'wary', not 'weary'. Thanks again for everything (else) that you do, including restoring my faith in humanity on an almost daily basis. :)

Uncle Phoenix

Ok last Conspiracy Theory. The serial killer Garland Green from Con-Air is definitely Donnie in The Big Lebowski. Garland survived the plane crash; won a Ton of Money in Vegas; went to La-La-Land; and then played in a bowling league until he had a heart attack; and had his ashes thrown out of a coffee can.

Michael O'Connor

Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Monkeys wearing pants and astronaut suits. As it should be. 🤔👍👨‍🚀🚀🐒🐒🐒

John Liebling

Remember Ricardo Montalban, is Khan from the original Star Trek

Sarah Frost

I would love for you to watch the rest of the original sequels (if you have the time in the schedule) before you get to Mark Wahlberg's version and then finally move on to the current series of Ape movies.

Kareem Harper

The sisters are really doing this? Original franchise, then the Tim Burton one-off, THEN THE EPIC RECENT TRILOGY THAT RESPECTS THE ORIGNIAL FILMS AND CAN WORK IN EVEN THE BURTON TIMELINE!? Timelines; multiverse... All apes films can exist and still work together across the generations. Sorry for caps, but this is serious business. One fun fact for when you get to the Tim "Beetlejuice/Pee-Wee's Big Adventure/Edward Scissorhands" Burton Apes film before the recent films... He was the first to truly get the ape personalities right. - Gorillas are noble and gentle honorable giants; not the warmongers from original franchise - Orangutangs are perverted but brilliant; so original series kind of nails Dr. Zaius, kind of, though he looks like a chimp which is wrong - Chimps are borderline psychotic and batshit crazy by nature, but bonobos (chimp adjacent) rather make love, lots of love, but not war like crazy chimps. Ari in the Burton film kind of gets a Bonobo right in terms of disposition, but they mislabel her as a chimp. (They do somewhat look alike; though that is thoroughly apist.) APES TOGETHER STRONG! LET'S GO! These lil' sisters must be protected as they go through their geek cinephile journey at all costs.

Clarence Newman

The writers of the OG Apes series sure did have some psychological problems, didn't they? Can you imagine one of their brainstorming sessions? "Okay, the ending of the first one. I say we let them have a sweet goodbye, maybe a little peckle on the lips, and then boom! The Statue of Liberty's buried up to her neck! All hope gone, Charlie crying in the sand, end credits!" "Ooh, that's good." "And for the second one, let's throw some Teletubbies in there for comic relief and then Boom! We blow up the entire world including Charlton Heston! Nuke the whole thing, end credits!" "Ooh, that's even better." "And for the third one, let's take the sweetest characters of the series, have them be cute and funny and endearing for three-quarters of the film, give them a little chimpanzee baby to cuddle, then BOOM! Shoot the baby, shoot the couple, end credits!" "Whoa, that's trippy, man. High five!" "Hold on. What if we throw a happy ending in there somewhere?" Heads turn slowly in the direction of the voice. "Ok, you can leave."

Mark White

Hi Cassie, great reaction, then again all your reactions are superb. I haven’t been on here a lot recently as life has been abit crazy! But you and all the crazy, but lovely patrons of PiB are never far from my thoughts, especially when things are tough and I need a break. As a fan of the sequels I’m glad you are watching them, but I do feel my desire for you to watch them was driven by my nostalgia and not by any though that you may find them great to watch. Sorry! So, I’m pleased that you found this one a little better than the last. The next one is worth a watch, but NOT “Battle” the last sequel which is terrible. Take care of you. Enjoy the rest of courtroom week! You are the best ❤️

Clarence Newman

Your absence has been noticed, Mark, but you said you were stepping out for a bit due to life stresses, so I hope things are easing up now. Good to see you back.

Michael O'Connor

They consider the term Monkey offensive. So we need to call them that while we can still speak. Or history won't shake out right 🤔

Happy Hanukkah

Which is what (in the standard telling) made the original Star Wars such a breath of fresh air. Then again (SW SPOILERS): So this kid is a naive orphan living on a desert planet, and then the uncle and aunt who raised him get brutally murdered and we get to see their smoking charred remains, and he gets roped into an intergalactic civil war, and his new father figure gets killed in front of his eyes. But don't worry, he ultimately triumphs by killing over a million people! And not only that, we'll have a literal princess be his love interest. How romantic! ❤️

Michael O'Connor


Happy Hanukkah

Yes, but the m-word is just *too* offensive. As a decent primate, I make sure to refer to them solely as "damn dirty apes."

Richard Maurer

Apes (including humans) and monkeys are all part of the primate clade, along with lemurs, so they just need to get over it.

Richard Maurer

I haven’t watched this since I was a kid. Watching Cassie’s reaction - the first thing that struck me as not making any sense - they send them to the zoo because somehow no scientist noticed that they don’t have chimpanzee bodies - they walk upright, legs too long, arms, too short - even without speaking it would obvious to any competent zoologist that they are not normal apes.

Michael O'Connor

Exactly, monkey is as monkey does, or is called. What's the big deal? It's not like they are going to put on pants, 👖 pick up guns and start riding horses something....... 🐎 🔫 🦍

Jayson Phillips

I promise if you watch the Arcane series you will love it and boost your membership big time!

Richard Maurer

I generally do but with animals it’s a lot harder for me to do that. I just have too much of an education about them to ignore the blatant mistakes films make about animals.

Chris Thom (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-22 18:07:07 I haven't seen the show yet, but I've witnessed some other channels and I do think that's true (about bringing eyeballs).
2025-03-22 00:47:21 I haven't seen the show yet, but I've witnessed some other channels and I do think that's true (as far as bringing eyeballs).

I haven't seen the show yet, but I've witnessed some other channels and I do think that's true (as far as bringing eyeballs).

Chris Thom

The 70's were a helluva thing apparently. Just watching the movies from the era, you can tell some stuff was going on.

Clarence Newman

I was really young then but I remember it being a pretty bleak decade. America was weary from the volatility of the 60s and Britain was on a 3 day working week for a while. Early 70s films seemed to reflect the bleak grittiness (French Connection, The Godfather, the rise of horror films), while in the late 70s we moved to lighter fare (Smokey and the Bandit, Grease, Every Which Way But Loose.) Art reflects life and all that, but sometimes it needs to defy reality too. Smokey and the Bandit is not a 'great' film, but it's the 6th highest grossing movie of the 70s because it was exactly what people needed at the time.

Richard Maurer

I have to resist vomiting every time you suggest a movie, Clarence. 🤢🤮 See I can use the fancy emojis too, even though I dislike them.

Richard Maurer

I could promise she’d like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Naruto, and a lot of other series too - but none this will happen unless the patrons vote for it.

Chris Thom

Naruto really? She would like that? (Never seen it myself but I know the kids love it. My impression is that it's like Pokemon? Or something?)

Clarence Newman

It certainly would be. My exact words must have been "Cassie should watch Cannonball Run too."

Richard Maurer

Chris - Oh, so you’ve never watched any of Naruto, (or its continuation - Naruto Shippuden) huh? It ‘s nothing like Pokémon. It’s more Game of Thrones (without the incest) than Pokémon. A number of main characters die, and don’t come back , the morality (or lack thereof) of having child soldiers is a main theme, the horror and loss of war is another theme. And it has one of the greatest plot twists I’ve ever seen. Plus it’s set in an alternate reality where the armies consist of super-powered Ninja. It’s one of my favorite series (of any kind) ever.

Richard Maurer

You can’t fool me Clarence . I know you posted “I would love a reaction to Cannonball Run 2 too”. I’m just quoting you, personally I would have went with “and also a reaction to Cannonball Run 2”.

Clarence Newman

I'm not arguing. My dream would be to have Cassie watch Cannonball Run as a Popcorn Pick and then for number 2 to beat Horror of Dracula in a poll. It would be my sympathy posts afterwards that would kill you.


After Cassie does "The Last of Us S2", I want "Midnight Mass". I'm not into animated shows myself. Is Cassie?

Mike Lemon

Yes! Watch Naruto (she can skip the filler) and Shippuden plus the movies. And I don't want to hear a word from the Trek people. I'll admit though, I didn't finish Shippuden. I only got about 170 episodes in.

Richard Maurer

About the filler episodes - easily skipped with a simple google search. And Trek people wouldn’t be able to complain, Naruto is better than Star Trek.

Happy Hanukkah

Come now, you two; there's no need to argue. I, the Voice of Reason and Comity, am here with a Solomonic compromise: we shall race right past Cannonball Run 2 and head straight for Speed Zone (aka CR3)! You're welcome.

Chris Thom

Oh so it's more of a serious thing. Didn't know that. Just got the impression it was maybe from the same Japanese studio that did Pokemon. Do know that every other young-ish person seems to have it as their avatar online.

Richard Maurer

Naruto is older than you would think. The English dub premiered in the US in 2005, so 20 years ago, which is when I first watched it.

Mark White

You guys crack me up😂 I love Cannonball run 1 and 2, but If I had never seen them when I was a kid and watched them for the first time now, they wouldn’t do anything for me. Funny how Nostalgia works. “Clash of the titans” 1981 is one of my favourite memories of watching movies as a little kid. I watched that so many times! But if I watched it now for the first time would I enjoy it? I don’t know. Nostalgia, must be the only reason why I enjoy these Apes sequels. Oh, I had to just Google “Rhinestone” as you guys keep mentioning it. On what planet does Stallone and Dolly Parton star in a movie together?!! Is it any good? It got terrible reviews.

Clarence Newman

"You guys keep mentioning (Rhinestone)." We appreciate that, Mark. Richard will be happy to hear that he's equally to blame. 👍 My honest review of the film is that it's pretty crap, and I would never seriously recommend it for Cassie. It's just a guilty pleasure for me, because I love Stallone, I love Dolly, and it's a fun, silly way to spend 90 minutes. I do not expect ANYONE else to agree! As for Clash of the Titans...spookily enough, I have just finished a little binge of Harryhausen movies. I started with Jason and the Argonauts (1963), then The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973, featuring the lovely Caroline Munro, my first ever celebrity crush), then Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977, not so good), and finally Clash of the Titans (1981). I was still entertained, but the special effects are pretty poor. It gave us a good laugh at times, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Great cast, though. Edit: Forgot to mention. Titans has Judi Bowker in it - surely one of the most beautiful women who ever lived.

Richard Maurer (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-23 15:14:55 Clarence, Mark - first I want to say I have no fear that my mentioning of Rhinestone will somehow cause people to watch it. If anyone wants to step on that land mine good luck to them. Now on to Harryhausen movies. It funny that mention Clash of the Titans and nostalgia Mark, as every time I see someone push for that movie to be reacted to as a example of Harryhausen’s work I assume they’re somewhat younger than me and that grew up with that movie instead the older, better ones like Jason and the Argonauts or The 7th Voyage of Sinbad. As for the so-called “bad” special effects - they were not bad, at all. You have to judge them by the time period they exist in. The choice back then if you wanted any kind of creature in your movie were basically stop-motion animation or a person in a suit. And unless the creature you had in the film was humanoid, stop-motion was easily the better option. Even the Japanese Kaiju movies, skilled as they were at making men in monster suits look decent, couldn’t even come close to stop-motion. Sure, now we have cgi that, done right, can’t be matched. But cgi wasn’t available back then of course. I do remember watching Jurassic Park in the theater and thinking “this the end for Harryhausen and stop-motion.”.
2025-03-23 13:49:56 Clarence, Mark - first I want to say I have no fear that my mentioning of Rhinestone will somehow cause people to watch it. If anyone wants to step on that land mine good luck to them. Now on to Harryhausen movies. It funny that you mention Clash of the Titans and nostalgia Mark, as every time I see someone push for that movie to be reacted to as a example of Harryhausen’s work I assume they’re somewhat younger than me and that grew up with that movie instead the older, better ones like Jason and the Argonauts or The 7th Voyage of Sinbad. As for the so-called “bad” special effects - they were not bad, at all. You have to judge them by the time period they exist in. The choice back then if you wanted any kind of creature in your movie were basically stop-motion animation or a person in a suit. And unless the creature you had in the film was humanoid, stop-motion was easily the better option. Even the Japanese Kaiju movies, skilled as they were at making men in monster suits look decent, couldn’t even come close to stop-motion. Sure, now we have cgi that, done right, can’t be matched. But cgi wasn’t available back then of course. I do remember watching Jurassic Park in the theater and thinking “this the end for Harryhausen and stop-motion.”.

Clarence, Mark - first I want to say I have no fear that my mentioning of Rhinestone will somehow cause people to watch it. If anyone wants to step on that land mine good luck to them. Now on to Harryhausen movies. It funny that you mention Clash of the Titans and nostalgia Mark, as every time I see someone push for that movie to be reacted to as a example of Harryhausen’s work I assume they’re somewhat younger than me and that grew up with that movie instead the older, better ones like Jason and the Argonauts or The 7th Voyage of Sinbad. As for the so-called “bad” special effects - they were not bad, at all. You have to judge them by the time period they exist in. The choice back then if you wanted any kind of creature in your movie were basically stop-motion animation or a person in a suit. And unless the creature you had in the film was humanoid, stop-motion was easily the better option. Even the Japanese Kaiju movies, skilled as they were at making men in monster suits look decent, couldn’t even come close to stop-motion. Sure, now we have cgi that, done right, can’t be matched. But cgi wasn’t available back then of course. I do remember watching Jurassic Park in the theater and thinking “this the end for Harryhausen and stop-motion.”.

Clarence Newman

Yes, I need to clarify what I mean by "bad special effects". First of all, I'm not talking about the stop-motion. I always loved the stop-motion - particularly the giant bronze statue in Jason and the Argonauts, which was scary as frick when I was a kid - and it was every bit as good in Titans. My problem is mainly with the green-screen superimposing, which at times seemed very noticeable and, it seemed, a step back from the Sinbads that came out a few years earlier. I also question why the character of Calibos needed to be stop-motion at all. It must be the tail, because the make-up on the actor who plays Calibos in close-up is plenty good enough. But for the tail (which, I imagine, was too much work to animate in 1981), they just needed to get a huge guy like Lou Ferrigno and the make-up would've done the rest. Still an enjoyable film. I just thought it was a step back in special effects quality from the Sinbads. All that being said (Caroline Munro aside), Jason and the Argonauts is still my favourite.

Richard Maurer

Glad you’re not one of those people who doesn’t understand that stop-motion was state of the art back then. I’ve read too many comments from no-nothings calling Harryhausen’s effects “cheesy “ or “laughable”. I’ve had to remind a few people there were monster movies before Jurassic Park.


Oh No, Cassie has disappeared. Was there a 2nd reactor on the grassy knoll? I smell a conspiracy.

Kareem Harper

Noooo! She has to do the Marky Mark one! OMFG! Don't listen to the mob! WATCH THE MARKY MARK ONE! Again, it isn't great or as good as the new series of films, but by the gods (and science)c did Burton's film NAIL ape personalities and B-Boy Marky Mark being exasperated by apes the entire film is hilarious.

Mark White

Richard, I can absolutely see with my none nostalgia goggles on, Jason is top billing in the stop animation world. I also really enjoyed the sinbad movies as a kid. But, I just love Clash. Watching it for me, is like wrapping yourself up in a cozy blanket, sitting on my rocking chair, in front of the fire place on a cold winters night with a cuppa and favourite chocolate bar. I can hear the score right now in my head! It just makes me happy. I never knew they are referred to as the Harryhausen movies. Learn something knew every time I’m on here.

Happy Hanukkah

Don't be so hard on Richard, Kareem. He's just aping other people's behavior. .... ... ... OMG! 😲 Did I just say "aping"?! 😱 I'm so sorry!!!! 🙊🙊🙊

Richard Maurer

In general I think most fans of these movies are there for Ray Harryhausen’s effects more than anything else, although the beautiful girls were likely a very close second. I was already a major fan of his when Clash came out. I saw it in the theater and was overall disappointed with pretty much everything except the main monsters.

Bill W

For example... Carly seems less than receptive to most films pre-1995.

Richard Maurer

Little bit of trivia. Bernard Herrmann, who did the score for Jason and the Argonauts and The 7th Voyage of Sinbad also did the scores for some other little Hollywood movies - Citizen Kane, Psycho, Vertigo, North by Northwest, The Birds, and Taxi Driver, among many others.