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A big win for me starting off courtroom week! I love this genre the more i see it and this movie checked all my boxes. MM was a lawyer in another life for sure. I was so anxious this whole reaction, my mind was racing how we were possibly going to fix things and great twists and turns!! Frank 4 ever!

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[Full Reaction] The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)



Nooooo, I thought ‘JFK’ would be first


Looking forward to this reaction, this will be a first time watch for me as well!

Sean Kay

Ya i figured jfk would be this weekend watch cuz how long, but it would have been fitting cuz the jfk file dump recently


Currently only $5 on iTunes/appletv and it’s in 4k with Dolby vision and atmos.


yes the Hells Angels are very real. In fact there is a small chapter in Utah.

Dean Holt

Can’t wait to watch your reaction to this, it’s been one of my favourites CRD since I saw it. As you’ve said he must have been a Lawyer in another life. Now you’ve watched this there’s a Lincoln Lawyer TV show on NETFLIX, it’s definitely worth watching even though someone else is playing the role.


You would love MM in “Amistad.” BTW his big break was in “Texas Most Wanted” episode in “Unsolved Mysteries.” Wonder if you and Carly have seen it? He’s shirtless - and his acting has very much improved lol

Michael West

Absolutely love this movie. Great soundtrack. Mathew McConaughey nailed it. Haller walks the tightrope of right and wrong masterfully. The books are great. I'd also recommend giving the Netflix series another chance. It's very well done along with the whole Harry Bosch series. Eddie, the biker, is played by country singer Trace Adkins.


Such a great movie.

Clay F

Great reaction. "Stop being good at it, Matthew McConaughey!" The movie had its moments of dread and being tense, but a satisfying ending. I developed a crush on Marisa Tomei 30 years ago watching her in "Untamed Heart" (1993). Her beauty increases with age. I wondered if you recognized the rebuttal witness (who testified he talked to Roulet in prison) was also the tent preacher in True Detective S1.

Just Plain Bob

Really fun reaction to a good movie. The Netflix show is also really good, although I find the ex-wife character in the show far less likable. Both are based on the Mickey Haller character created by author Michael Connelly. Before Haller, he created the character Harry Bosch (his name comes from the triptych painter Heironymous Bosch - look up his work if you want nightmares). Bosch was an LAPD homicide detective and the related novels are some of the best police procedurals I’ve read. Later, Connelly created the Haller character as Bosch’s half brother. Connelly also wrote the book “Blood Work”, which was adapted for the screen by Clint Eastwood (who also stars). I suspect Cassie would really like it.

Andrew Rose

FYI Primal Fear was Edward Norton and Richard Gere, not James McAvoy 😋😁


One of my favorite courtroom movies. One I liked so much I've watched all 3 seasons of the Netflix series, which is really good. But I don't really remember much about the movie, lol. I just remember it was made with a distinctive style all it's own. Can't wait to watch later today.


How much does one tithe from a Meth and a prostitution operation? Ought to be more than 10%.


Matthew McConaughey is also great in "Tropic Thunder". He's kind of like a lawyer. There are negotiations.


I don't recall, has she seen Amistad?

Dan M

This will be a first time watch for me. But it sounds like Courtroom Week will start off with a bang. Alright, alright, alright!!

Mojo One Thousand

Shea Whigham was also "Briggs" the leader of the CIA team chasing "Ethan Hunt" in "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning", which was rematched not that long ago.


Never saw this one before. Good film. Good cast.

Mojo One Thousand

Outlaw biker gangs are very much still a thing, and there are a few that are very much active where I live. Left-handed people typically wear watches on their right wrist, which was the talk about the Mustang driver being left handed, as he could have plausibly committed the assault. I am an atypical left-hander as I wear watches on my left wrist, but I a mixed bag when it comes to my handedness. Strangely when Josh Lucas is in a movie reaction I have started counting "Sweet Home Alabamas" in my head when he comes on screen. I got to 3 before Cassie exclaimed her "Sweet Home Alabama".. Bob Gunton, the family's lawyer is the warden from "Shawshank" (among other things on the channel). "Haller" could have been disbarred if he didn't give an adequate defence to his client, so he was kind of stuck and why he had to figure out the alternative.

Just Plain Bob

Not only could Haller have been disbarred, but Roulet’s appellate attorney would almost certainly have gotten any conviction overturned on the basis of ineffective assistance of counsel. The questions that Haller posed on cross examination would have been obvious ones to any half decent defense attorney. Failing to ask them would have sent up huge red flags to any appeals judge and the conviction almost certainly wouldn’t have withstood scrutiny.

Oisin Clissmann

I don't think so. She doesn't have a reaction on the channel and it's not on her list of already see movies: https://letterboxd.com/popcorn_in_bed/films/year/1997/


Hey homie… maybe don’t promote that act on a Patreon that only lives because of fair use… you never know who’s looking and the internet makes the world smaller than you realize.

Zane From Canada

Our landscaper/contractor, Randy had a run-in with the Hell's Angel's several years ago. He owned property in the countryside where he grew a few pot plants. One day, two armed men should up on his doorstep asking him questions like "Where are they?", "What the "frick' did you do with them?", "Did you take them?". Getting more agitated by the second.😬😳 Poor Randy didn't know what they were talking about. Eventually, he figured it out and was able to explain the misunderstanding. After a while, the two men left without hurting him (thank god). The following night, a house down the road was firebombed. 🔥😲 As it turns out, two boys from that house snuck onto the property next door, which was owned by the Hell's Angel's, and picked their pot field clean. Talk about stupid and dangerous.

Clay F

I liked him in The Boardwalk Empire series with Steve Buscemi.

Joe R

There is a Lincoln Lawyer series on Netflix that is pretty good. I just finished season 3. Ther Verdict with Paul Newman is another good courtroom drama. Also, And Justice for All with Al Pacino.

Shad Kanyak

This was the first movie McConaughey did that I liked after his long run of awful rom coms. All films I’m sure Cassie and Carly love.

Shad Kanyak

Lincoln is owned by Ford. They like to pretend they’re two different car companies, but they’re not. The Lincoln Aviator is basically just a more luxury Ford Explorer.

Steve Mercier

This isn't a bad one...kind of where McConaughey started to aim his projects in the right direction. This, Killer Joe, and Mud all came within a couple years of each other (I think), followed swiftly by Dallas Buyer's Club, True Detective, and Interstellar. That's a damn good run. This one's a little clunky, but mostly gets it right. Plus Marisa Tomei. And Bob Gunton gets to play...well, not a complete piece of shit. Good times.

Chris Thom

Think it was Edward Norton that was in Primal Fear.

Carol Rocha

Yes, yes yes yes!!!!! 🙌

Ricardo Alanis

Was there an issue with JFK going up as the poll winner?

Mister Lou

such a fun movie I love watching it! It's hard to find on streaming services but luckily I have a physical copy on Blu-ray. I hope you get a chance to see The Trial of the Chicago 7

Dean Holt

Absolutely love this movie and I must have now seen it at least half a dozen times and it’s still just as good as the first watch. I’d definitely recommend picking the TV show back up. But regarding bikes one of my favourite TV Shows is Son of Anarchy it is quite violent in places but I’d highly recommend watching it. I’m not suggesting you react to it, as its 7 seasons so it would time up lots of time to get through it.


Better than the 1980s. They would slap a few different trim pieces on but Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Buick and Pontiac were all the same cars.

Shad Kanyak

Ford did that too with Mercury. By the end they were so cheaply made the paint came off in huge sheets while you drove.

Mojo One Thousand

Thanks for expanding, I thought about the appellate stuff while I watching (even a change of counsel would have been a problem), but I threw the bit about being disbarred last second and my comment as it was already feeling too long to me, and I'm also not a super-duper legal expert. It was an interesting way of having "Haller" have basically no options without significant ramifications to himself or others, and so creating a bunch of tension by having him locked into the case.

Jacob Colson

Ooh, I love Killer Joe. Not a whole lot of play with reactors, but damn is it good. Plus, you see full George W. when it comes to Gina Gershon!

Just Plain Bob

It was one of things I really liked about the movie and the book it’s based on: how Haller’s legal ethics are put in direct conflict with his family’s safety and his own sense of morality. For what it’s worth, I think Scott Turow does a superb job of setting up just such scenarios in his books, as well.


Just finished watching The Lincoln Lawyer along with you, Cassie. Good movie. I heard you say you watched one episode of the TV series - you might want to go back when you have some time and give it another try, I think you would like it.

Mark Pitta

Close your eyes. Imagine if she was…Canadian.


I'll look forward to The Rainmaker now. I've seen it before but won't mind watching it again. Then I'm done with lawyers. I'm one of those from the poll comments that said there is no way, no how, that I am watching JFK. I also heard (from most talking heads in media) that there is really nothing new in the now released JFK files, really just the same stuff that was released in 2023. A few say there is some new stuff but I wonder if those just didn't look carefully at the 2023 files.


I’ve never seen this movie and I’m only 15 minutes in and I’m getting Saul Goodman “Slipping Jimmy” vibes the way McConaughey was hustling everyone.

Mojo One Thousand

I don't mean this as a compliment about the characters more the storytelling... as it also makes the vllians more interesting as they are clearly malevolent and cunning with their intentions by forcing "Haller" into his ethical conundrum.

Matt Jamison

"If you are right handed you punch with your left?" Lol, no Cassie if you are right handed you wear your watch on your left hand.

Aj R

It was Edward Norton in Primal Fear, not James McAvoy. 🙂

Luke Godfrey

First time watching this movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Though I have seen the Netflix series so much of this movie felt familiar. Was definitely fun seeing just how much the tv series used from the movie and what details they changed. I definitely prefer the tv series over the movie. I really hope Cassie revisits the tv series at some point. Given how much she enjoyed this movie I know she would absolutely love it. She'll love the cast too. Here's hoping! 🤞🏻

Keith Jacobsen

Your direct link doesn't seem to work, thought you should know.

Kevin Townsend

Great movie, glad you liked it. Another one I think you'd like is "Fracture" with Ryan Gosling and Anthony Hopkins.


Haha awesome, she's gotta watch that movie, if she hasn't already


You love courtroom dramas, you need to watch 'Inherit the Wind' with Spencer Tracy, such a fantastic performance.

Sean Kay

I hope she watched 'JFK' before 'Rainmaker' cuz I have a feeling 'JFK' will be an... interesting reaction...good news is alot of good law type movies left...

Ian Bailey

IDK if you have seen it, but you should watch Amistad.

Chris Thom

Between this and MacGruber, kind of an odd moment in Ryan Phillipe's career.

Richard Rolen

I had never seen this one before. Bought it just to watch with Cassie, and no regrets. GREAT FILM!


Enjoyed this one. Good performances

Richard Rolen

Amistad is one of those films that has "hard-to-watch" moments, but it is in all ways an excellent film!

Rick Williams

This was my first time watching this movie. I bought it just to watch it with you. It was very good. Great cast. Great reaction Cassie. This movie kept us guessing. I didn't know how he was going to get out of it either. More movies like this Cassie.


MACGYVER!!!!!!! Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitational pull.

Carol Rocha

This is one of my most favoritist movies!! 😄 He really sticks it to him! And I love Trace Adkins in his role as the big biker dude! (Trace Adkins is an award winning, top male vocalist of the year, COUNTRY MUSIC STAR! Love love loved your reaction to this movie!! 🍿 Can’t wait for the other amazing ones coming up! ❤️

Chris Thom

Had to look that one up. I think everything under the sun has been referenced on The Simpsons at this point. lol

Chris Thom

Good one. Think that was directed by the West Wing/ Social Network writer.

Chris Thom

Think he went a bit over the top in Sahara and the press tour for it, and he knew he had to dial it back and take his work a bit more seriously. That's the impression that I got at least.

Chris Thom

Hunter S. Thompson had an interesting book about them, and did some good interviews where they were also present. I always think of Altamont.

Chris Thom

Pretty sure dad watched that whole series and enjoyed it. Curious if you ever saw The Knick, Clay?

Richard Rolen

Watching movies with Cassie is like watching a movie with a friend, plus that's a pretty highly recommended film anyway. I don't buy every movie she watches that I don't have already, but I've bought quite a few. I only patron 3 reactors and I have done that for each of them a few times.

Johnny Bullis

I do like this movie and Im glad you watched .. but the TV show on Netflix is better.. but it was nice to watch this again after seeing the show. If you liked this Cassie.. check out more of the Netflix show.. it gets better and better. And Edward Norton was in Primal Fear.. not James McAvoy.


Patty & Selma, 2 Simpsons characters, were huge MacGyver fans. They even went as far as to kidnap Richard Dean Anderson in one episode. MacGruber was a parody of MacGyver, but you probably knew that.


Cassie most likely does not know who that is.

Thomas Thompson

I’ve been meaning to watch this for a long time. It was even better than I thought it would be boy that is one screwed up family for half the film. I was wondering if the son actually attacked his own mother that’s how screwed upthey are.

Thomas Thompson

I just wanna say one more thing and that is I think you are now ready for the unparalleled greatness that is…Chinatown

Carol Rocha

That’s the reason for the top male vocalist of the year, country music star. 🌟 right? Yeah.. she’ll look it up if it happens peaks her interest. But thanks

Carol Rocha

I doubt it, that’s why I said something about him. It might interest her enough to look him up. She made a reference to the Hell’s Angels guys, (and we know this wasn’t actually them), but she liked the vibe the biker guys brought, so I thought it might interest her. She’s all about “the more you know, the more you know”. 😊❤️

Chris Thom (edited)

Comment edits

2025-03-23 15:14:55 Fun Fact: He got into a fist fight with his impersonator once. Lol. I don't know why that always cracked me up but it did.
2025-03-23 00:40:34 Fun Fact: He got into a fist fight with his impersonator once. Lol. I don't know why that always cracked me up but it did. But it was also kind of serious because he had to go to rehab after that.

Fun Fact: He got into a fist fight with his impersonator once. Lol. I don't know why that always cracked me up but it did. But it was also kind of serious because he had to go to rehab after that.

James Melton

Right. It's a bit of a convoluted idea. But basically if a man is wearing a watch on his right hand you can be pretty sure he's left handed, and it looks like she was hit by someone left handed. So this video makes the Mustang dude a better candidate for the guy who hit her.

Jacob King

If you’ve never seen Gosford Park that’d be a good chance for some Ryan Phillipe redemption. Mickey Haller is un update of the classic American hero lawyer Perry Mason. I don’t know how realistic it is to actual court but the formula has been around for a while. In a Perry Mason story the cops and the prosecutors are always incompetent or corrupt and the wealthy are always guilty. Perry Mason was so popular in books and radio and tv that the LAPD and the FBI had to subsidise tv shows and movies that made them look like heroes. There’s a 2020 Perry Mason tv series that’s definitely worth watching especially if you enjoyed this movie.

Chris Thom

I don't remember Gosford Park that well, but I know it's beloved by critics and got a lot of Oscar noms that year. Might be fun to revisit. Stellar cast.

Chris Thom

Think it came in fifth on the last poll it was on. But I agree, it's a classic.


If you like courtroom movies - here is one From The Hip is a 1987 American courtroom comedy-drama - great fun with a great twist

Eddie Perkins

That was good. And you did say, "Why do I kind of believe him?" Because you are always looking for the good in people. This also reminded me of Primal Fear with Edward Norton, not James McCaffrey. And yes the Hells Angels are real.