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Hi guys! Hope you're having a great week so far, its been pretty crazy busy over here but in the best way! I'm excited/v nervous for the Live on Sunday! 

Ok so I took the top 4 winners from the two Memorial Day polls and this is the final one. It will run for 72 hours and only ONE vote on this one. 

I wonder if it will be between the two #1's in the previous poll? 

I know last year I got some wonderful ideas about how to pay tribute on Memorial Day, if you would like put ideas in the comments so we can all see them :)


Rich Campbell

The Great Escape is closing the gap... c'mon TGE!


Man! This is a nail biter!!! Great Escape is coming from behind, FMJ just needs to hold on for two more hours 🤞🤞🤞

Darren Hill

Looks like FMJ is gonna win. Despite one contributors best efforts to get people to change their vote to The Great Escape........so selfish !

Stick Figure Studios

Because early on in the poll I was trying to persuade people to vote for my pick THE GREAT ESCAPE (even though some had already voted for something else) until I saw how much it upset you so I stopped, but I don't know. Maybe someone else was still doing it and I thought there might be a chance you were referring to them. If it is me, it's not the first time you called me "selfish."

Darren Hill

Friend, referring to someone as selfish isn't 'name calling'. It's a reference to their attitude. I don't actively lobby here for people to change their vote. Nor do I go out of my way to openly criticise a movie until it's reacted to.....that's my attitude.

Rich Campbell

I think he's referring to me. He claimed I had never read a book on WW2 or Vietnam. He advocates for his movie, when someone else does likewise they're branded "selfish", then insults anyone who disagrees with him.

Darren Hill

@Rich....I am a war historian. With all due respect, anyone who thinks The Great Escape accurately depicts captured servicemen in a Luftwaffe Stalag clearly hasn't done much research on the subject. If I offended you with my previous comment I sincerely apologise.

Rich Campbell

I never said The Great Escape "accurately" depicts Stalag Luft III. I acknowledged its inaccuracies and Hollywood-ization. I pointed out FMJ and Apocalypse Now are fictional and TGE is based on a real event. Countering your assertion that FMJ & AN are more realistic than TGE. Being a war historian doesn't give you a right to be rude or to judge others intelligence or knowledge. You don't know the contents of my bookshelf, or the knowledge I may or may not have.

Shehab Dawoud


Darren Hill

@Rich....The Great Escape while entertaining viewing is a sanitised film. It does not depict reality even closely. Where as FMJ accurately depicts what soldiers endured in the battle of Hue City. And the first half of the film is as authentic as you can get......I'll leave it at that.


Best Years of Our Lives deserved to be on here…

Mike Lemon

"Hold the L"... what are you, 6? It is a worthless internet poll, we weren't driving Indy.

Joe M

On pins and needles waiting for the Full Metal Jacket reaction.


Woke up this morning happy FMJ won. For those wanting "Great Escape", I'm glad it came in second as Cassie almost always watches the runner up. On a side note, if you want Cassie to watch "Great Escape", shouldn't we have her watch "Hogan's Heroes" too?! I just started re-watching that show and it's hilarious. However we know it could never be made today 😞

Shehab Dawoud

It's a "worthless poll" yet you feel the need to get personal with me over it? That makes sense. Take the L and stay humble, lad.

Lamar Smith

Oh boy, dearest Cassie, this one is going to be SO tough for you. You’ve gotten so much tougher since you began this journey and exposed yourself to some really gritty films but ‘FMJ’ is a big step up. Bring lots of Kleenex. This will be ‘BoB,’ ‘Chernobyl’ and ‘Pacific’ levels of emotion.


September we honor POW, MIA. Maybe a good time for The Great Escape. Looking forward to honoring our fallen with our Popcorn family. May we never squander their sacrifice, love each other and never leave anyone behind.

Mike Lemon

Yes, it is a worthless poll. I took the tack I did because of the attitude shown (poor "sportsmanship") in the original comment, as indicated in the text I quoted. edit-typo

Shehab Dawoud

Bruh it's not that deep, it's banter. I'm from the Futbol culture where we go hard in on each other, so that was nothing. It takes more than that to get us vexed. But yeah I was also annoyed with the usual white knights and some of the people giving life to change the votes.

Darren Hill

Stay away from the 'Jelly Doughnuts' folks.

nick bell

Considering how many views 'war movies' get on YT I think Cassie should seriously consider watching most of these. If views are what she's looking for.

Michael Threapleton

Don't be too quick to dismiss the accuracy of the Great Escape. Yes changes were made, some characters are composites. But consider this: In 2009, seven POWs returned to Stalag Luft III for the 65th anniversary of the escape and watched the film. According to the veterans, many details of the first half depicting life in the camp were authentic, e.g. the death of Ives, who tries to scale the fence, and the actual digging of the tunnels.

Mike Lemon

I love how in today's world manners and not acting like an asshat is derisively referred to as "very sensitive". But, whatever, if an internet movie poll gives your life the illusion of meaning, you do you, I guess.

Darren Hill

@Mike Lemon, thanks for proving my point. You refer to another contributor as a 5 year old and me an asshat.....lol. keep setting the example on good manners big fella.

Michael Threapleton

Well I continue to bat 1.000 in my failed poll selections. My write-in candidate of The Thin Red Line (1998) garnered one vote, my own. Disappointing to see the balkanization of the comments along FMJ and TGE lines. And there was a false dichotomy of quasi cinéma vérité versus Hogan's Heroes-esque sanitization. To dismiss Great Escape off handedly flies in the face of this: In 2009, seven POWs returned to Stalag Luft III for the 65th anniversary of the escape[55] and watched the film. According to the veterans, many details of the first half depicting life in the camp were authentic. Obviously the film is of a different time and style compared to FMJ or Apocalypse Now but it does tell a true a story of heroism and bravery. These events happened. They did that digging. The number who actually escaped to freedom is accurate, but the nationalities have been changes. The number that were "dealt with" after recapture is accurately portrayed. However, there were no US servicemen in the camp at the time of the escape. Will the film hold up for modern audiences used to a grittier style? Probably. I temper this because I rewatched the Battle of Britain for the first time in 25 years recently. I found myself disappointed it's lack of depth and reduction to a series of barely connected vignettes. Still an important story and worth watching but not the "masterpiece" I thought it was. As a Kubrick aficionado I'd advocate for a whole week of his films, even Eyes Wide Shut---there I said it. The only problem I have with FMJ is that once I learned where it was filmed, I can no longer un-see things which take me out of the moment. This especially true of the second half. Hue indeed. We are just talking about films here; ones we like or don't like. I have started an unofficial Contrarian Club with various tiers of membership. Membership is acquired by having a negative view of a film that is widely praised. Two new recent members achieved Platinum membership level by hating on No Country for Old Men. As the founder and creative director of the Contrarian Club, I have lifetime Diamond status (the highest possible) because I admitted to liking Iron Fist. I was also scathing towards Heat but this doesn't come close to diamond level. I may have to keep names in a spreadsheet as we go forward.

Mike Lemon

Can people who think, "good movie but I don't think it is as great as you think it is," be in the club. Or can the, "based on the 100 other reactions of hers, I don't think Cassie would like this one," be in? I also like Iron First.

Michael Threapleton

Mike Lemon, in your first example it would have to be very widely regarded as a great film that you held to be just good, i.e. overrated in your opinion. I'd ask for a brief explanation of your rationale. In the second example, opinions about Cassie's liking a film are outside the scope of the Contrarian Club. What were some of the things you liked about Iron Fist?

Mike Lemon

Iron Fist- Great supporting cast and a fairly decent story line. I thought the lead held his own as well. First example- Does Full Metal Jacket count. Great first half, less than mediocre second, for an average of meh. I also don't like Unforgiven (good acting but boring).

Happy Hanukkah

Dittos to the false dichotomy, TGE, and Kubrick. I "enjoyed" Eyes Wide Shut. My only problem was that I had trouble giving myself over to the movie, as opposed to constantly analyzing the film-making. Shall we lobby for Cassie to watch A Clockwork Orange? :-)

Michael Threapleton

Mike, I am awarding you diamond membership in the Contrarian Club. Your take on Iron Fist completely meshes with mine; the supporting characters were wonderful, especially Ward and Joy Meachum. I also loved the crossovers from the other Netflix marvel shows Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones etc. Rosario Dawson seemed to be in all of them.

Michael Threapleton

If we go for Clockwork Orange then why not continue with Malcolm McDowell in the Lindsay Anderson directed Mick Travis trilogy If....(1968), O Lucky Man (1973), and Britannia Hospital (1982). Great trilogy but perhaps not appropriate for this channel! Clockwork Orange though is a "maybe" for the future, if Marvel dries up.

Happy Hanukkah

I've seen almost none of these. One of the very few scenes I've seen is the hallway fight scene from The Defenders. I've got to say, Star-Lord looks much the worse for wear. :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlElrITDRdY

Doug Fisher

I don't think she cares so much about that Nick, at least it hasn't appeared that way so far. One of the things I love about Cass is she reacts to many movies that others don't. It makes her unique and the only reactor I watch. Though I agree with you that most of these "war movies" would bump her viewership, even though I think she is doing quite well so far. Perhaps a good mix... high traffic films (like war) with ones she she wants to watch?

Mike LL

I feel like I missed an opportunity for membership in your Contrarian Club in my comments to the Heat reaction. I called out the film for being a non-heist film that had to be watched because it was the "ultimate heist film." But my comment was designed to be non-disparaging of the film itself, I even gave the film false praise that I don't think it ever earned, because I didn't want my comment to be attacked as criticism, I wanted my "this is not a heist movie" argument to stand on its own merits. If I had expressed what I REALLY feel about Heat, I might have got in the Club!

Michael Threapleton

Mike LL, criticizing Heat on this forum definitely qualifies you for Contrarian Club membership, at the platinum level. Welcome to The CC. I still cannot fathom how people on this site---whose opinions I respect on most other films---can call Heat a masterpiece. I fell asleep during the movie and again watching the YT edit reaction! A big budget TV movie with Pacino and De Niro showing up for a paycheck.

Edward Sokoloff

Cassie did you know that Patton won Academy award for best actor. It won for best movie and a few more awards