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Hey guys! Here are the final 2 episodes of Loki! My brain still hurts when thinking about the multiverse and I definitely still have a ton of questions. Hopefully, some of this makes more sense with the new Dr. Strange. I loved the show, the characters, the visuals etc.. but was a little let down with how they ended it! I need more!! I know there are going to be more seasons so we'll just have to wait and see what happens!.

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[Full Reaction] Loki EP 5-6


Luke Godfrey

That's annoying. The video doesn't exist. Please re-upload!!

Luke Godfrey

Thank you very much. In case you didn’t see my other messages, all episodes WandaVision and Falcon and the Winter soldier don’t work either. Also Star Wars The Last Jedi.

Myles Away

Ahhh the Thanos Copter. Classic, That made me lol


Good news is there will be more Loki. The season wasn't supposed to end here, but Covid and everything. For Doctor Strange. He could only ever look into alternate futures. The multiverse featured in the new movie didn't exist until this happened. Same for the multiverse in Spider-Man No Way Home.

Michael Jung

Okay, this is how I feel LOKI established the way time works in the MCU. Basically, in its natural state, time functions very much like a tree -- constantly growing new branches or timelines that divert from the way time was flowing in the limbs they grew from. This is the way time "should" be and also the reason why you don't change history when you travel to the past -- you're actually just travelling to a different timeline that can develop in any way thanks to your actions without affecting the timeline you're from. But when He Who Remains came into the picture, he essentially destroyed all the branches of the timeline except his own which he designated the "Sacred" timeline. Of course, since time is a constantly growing thing in the MCU, new branches/timelines kept growing from his "Sacred" timeline, requiring him to kidnap people from these new timelines, erase their memories, and turn them into his TVA so they could look for any new branches and "prune" them before they got a chance to really develop. He Who Remains' motives are entirely selfish -- he believes if any new variants of himself are allowed to develop, they'll eventually start fighting among themselves and cause a new multiversal war (this also explains why it's "okay" for a new timeline to grow for a short while because his variant selves won't exist until the 31st century). While a multiversal war is obviously a bad thing and will lead to the destruction of several universes, it also goes against the natural order of time and assumes He Who Remains knows best -- which is pretty arrogant if you ask me. In an infinite multiverse, even a devastating multiversal war would only affect a segment of reality - which means the TVA is denying an infinite number of universes and beings who may be completely peaceful from existing. Thanks to Sylvie though, we're starting to get a glimpse of what life would be like with multiple timelines.


Don't feel bad Cassie, you're no more in the dark than the average MCU fan. The ending felt like a gut punch, I was sad for Loki landing in a timeline where Mobius didn't know who he was. I had a few comic books growing up, but I don't know anything about the stories as a whole. Everything I know about the MCU I learned from New Rockstars on Youtube and the like lol. He Who Remains is a variant of Kang the Conqueror (he even called himself that in the episode -- "a conqueror." Fun fact: he is apparently a distant descendant of Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. We'll see Kang again in Ant Man: Quantumania next year. Where things go from here we'll see.

Mr Trick

Dr. Strange doesn’t really connect to Loki (except in a very broad sense) so unfortunately it won’t shed more light on questions you have here.

Cole Jennett

People would often criticize the MCU for being to formulaic in the past (which I think it’s BS), but after the run we’ve had starting with WandaVision, I wonder what they are saying now? I defy anyone to tell me that their has been anything formulaic in phase 4. Each project is night and day different then the next. I don’t feel they had to change anything from what they were doing, and I am a little nervous about the multiverse, but I believe that under Kevin Feige’s leadership they will find a way to make it work. Kudos, to everyone involved in the making of these projects!!


Although not my favorite mcu show, I do like the performance of the actor (the one who remains). I watch emergency awesome vids on youtube. He usually has a video after every mcu episode or movie which helps to explain a lot.


Anyone else think Cassie looked cute with her hair up wearing that blue sweatshirt? 🥰

Richard Maurer

Cassie, you said it bothers you when everyone forgets everything, but I'm pretty sure that's not what's going on here. The TVA "our" Loki came back to wasn't the same one he left - he's in another timeline. So this Mobius didn't forget Loki, he never knew him at all.


Ok, First, This version of Mobius does not know him. He is still out there somewhere. She did not betray him, she protected him. And we did not know who he was. Some had an idea, but not everyone. You are supposed to come away with more questions than answers. hehe

Colin Gutierrez

Super cute with the hair up BTW. :D