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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Jurassic World, which will be premiering a bit later on YT. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to Jurassic World. 


[YT Edit] Jurassic World

This is "[YT Edit] Jurassic World" by Popcorn In Bed on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Tried watching this on YouTube and it doesn't work, so I subscribed on here to watch and it still doesn't work

Uncle Phoenix

“I Joined the NAVY, not the NAVAJO.” (LOL)

John Cohen

The guy who you recognized but couldn’t place where from is Vincent D'Onofrio. If Full Metal Jacket wins the Memorial Day Video vote he is also in that as Pvt Pyle.

Rick Sullins

Cassie...love your reactions....

Andrew Ramos

Give up with the "...'s" tell us what you wanted to say. Spill the beans, get the monkey off your chest, get the gorilla off your back, slay the elephant in the room...


Awesome reaction, Cassie. Thoroughly enjoyed it! The raptors are not easy to distinguish with the exception of Blue. She has what seems to be a blue-ish stripe down her head and body.

Thomas Monti

Great reaction! It was fun watching this for the first time with you. This movie has problems. Please watch “Philadelphia”. I don’t see problems in it ; )

Jason Chirevas

“It’s supposed to always stay upright, JIMMY FALLON!”

Happy Hanukkah

"What. Would Jeff Goldblum have to say about *that*?" :-) One of my favourite movie reactions yet. "Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate!" I sure did. :-| Regarding the fate of Zara (Claire's Assistant): https://youtu.be/k1XFupQUNJ8?t=274 (From the Pitch Meeting channel , in which one of your fellow Canucks plays a screenwriter trying to sell his script.)

Mark Harrell

Cassidy, you were trying to remember where you saw the character Hoskins. That is Vincent D'Onofrio. You will see him in one of his first movies as Private "Pyle" in Full Metal Jacket


Absolutely loved this Reaction. Cassie is a Legend. Just awesome

Jerry Baird

It is so much fun watching Cassie's reactions. I loved the movie too.

Michael J

Man Ive been sick. Not Anxiety, just sick bad swear,,,,, will try tonight. Have not touched a cracker even since Thur. Feel a tad better thus will try food. And swear, yea not the greatest movie. And swear again,,, you mention the kid. Guy that was at my Brother in Laws funeral . Cause of course he did stuff (Brother in Law) and knew people in that business. He did or wrote, or screen-played "The Space Between Us." Forget what he did, pretty major, want to say wrote? But we talked more about Dave then that so... (EDIT) not the same kid.... But still, lol. Thought it was But yea this, I forget,,,,,,. I think they mention a connection to the firsts somewhere. Haven't seen full reaction yet so. I saw it, kind of forget. I know I though it was pretty good. Not better then the first, but the best since the original


Great review! Yeah, there was a lot of violence in this one. A lot of jump scares. I'm worried about your review for the next one. My heart broke at one particular scene. I think Cassie will be hurt by it, too.