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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for the last two episodes of Loki which will be premiering this afternoon on YT. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here us the full reaction to episodes 5-6. 


[YT Edit] Loki 5-6

This is "[YT Edit] Loki 5-6" by Popcorn In Bed on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Obie Brown

I understand Cassie’s frustration in the finale, and I am also not sure introducing Kang with a big exposition dump was the right idea. Still liked the show a lot and looking forward to season 2

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Love that the first thing we saw was the Lighthouse of Alexandria that right away blew my mind lol There's also so many little Easter eggs to real world events and comic's from the lighthouse of course but we also saw the USS Eldridge a reference to the Philadelphia Experiment where The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or "cloaked") to enemy devices but according to Loki it appears the ship teleported. We also saw comic related stuff such as the yellow Thanos helicopter appearing in Spidey Super Stories #39 (1979) used by Thanos. Classic Loki is amazing loved him to death played by the amazing Richard E. Grant who makes for a great older Tom Hiddleston. This Loki pretty much went through the same events as our Earth-616 Loki only change was he faked his death at the hands of Thanos. So Jonathan Majors without going into Spoilers plays a mix of two characters He Who remains and a "Nice" version of Kang the Conqueror real name Nathaniel Richards. He Who Remains was a whole different character in the comic's but for the case of the MCU they made Kang this character which I do really like myself. Kang the Conqueror is who we see at the end of Loki in the TVA wearing his classic Green robes and Purple armour underneath. It seemed Loki jumped into another universe where the TVA was under the control of Kang with no puppets "Time Keepers" acting as a mask for the real person behind the scenes. The action's of Loki in this show is the reason the Spider-Men and their villans were able to cross over into the MCU in No Way Home. Once He Who Remained was killed this opened the MCU and it's timelines to the greater Multiverse from Marc Webb's Spider-Men to Sam Rami's, Remember this series only featured different timelines of the MCU universe not alternated universes that were formed separate from the MCU.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

I personality didn't mind it too much as I adore that kind of stuff on Multiverses and timelines but Idk I think they did a good job at making it fun to watch with Jonathan Majors at the helm. I still think Loki has the best final out of all the shows felt the least rushed and was 100% the most impactful going forward within the MCU.

Stick Figure Studios

"I know it's supposed to just lead into the next thing... It just wasn't very satisfying for me." I think you're starting to understand why Marvel is so frustrating for so many people: it never ends. It just keeps going. Every Marvel product is just a set-up for a future Marvel product. Every movie/TV show is just a commercial for the next season, movie or spin-off. They're fun, yes, because they're about the journey itself being thrilling (and I enjoy them on that level... pure entertainment in the moment), but don't expect a destination. I remember that you and Carly said when you "get caught up with Marvel," you'll "move on to other things," but the fact is that you will never be completely caught up with Marvel. None of us will.

Happy Hanukkah

Richard E. Grant! That is all.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Agree and disagree mostly the "but don't expect a destination." aspect. Iron Man and the sole films all built up to the Avengers which was the first destination within the MCU. Everything after Avengers built up to Infinity War the 2nd destination within the MCU and to many a story they thought would be the send off for these character. Now with No Way Home, Loki, and Multiverse of Madness it seems we are building towards a new destination that being a Secret War film but I do understand what you mean it is pretty overwhelming when there's so many shows and movies building towards a single movie that we at the moment have zero idea how and when we'll get there.

Roberto Abitua

While I certainly agree that Marvel is constantly working to develop their stories for the future, also believe most of their films and shows tell the story they mean to. Loki for example was about Loki's journey to self-discovery and finding the head of the TVA. I'd say he completed both of those journeys, but then the consequences of doing so opened up doors to a bunch of new stories. As movie goers, we've been trained to see storytelling in a very particular way for a long time, so I definitely get that the MCU basically giving movies a TV, episodic format (or comic book) will be jarring to a lot of folks. It also doesn't always work (I love this stuff but don't love every MCU installment) but neither does every movie in any genre, subgenre or style.

Stick Figure Studios

Maybe I should say don't expect a final destination. Yes, there have been stops along the way (like the AVENGERS films which were the culmination of several standalone films), but they were ultimately just temporary rest areas before they just moved on to the next thing. This isn't all leading anywhere. It's just going..... and going and going and going and going and going (like the Energizer bunny. How's that for a dated reference?) and at a certain point the realization of the cynicism of that just gets a little fatiguing.

Roberto Abitua

Perhaps there will be a point when I run into that feeling of cynicism or fatigue but it's certainly not today. I also hope that I do not because itd mean souring on something thats brought me a lot of personal joy through the years! While the MCU as a whole will continue to develop new stories, the characters within them will most certainly change or find their logical ending points. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers certainly did and we could be seeing many of the Guardians bow out soon as well. I do think it's just a different way of telling film stories that is quite unique to this brand.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Maybe they'll do an Ultimatum event to piss everyone off and kill off half the characters and then destroy the universe lol But Serious I think the Secret War film will be a fresh start for the MCU but yeah there's far too many comic book story lines and characters to introduce such as the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Midnight Sons, Dark Avengers, Thunderbolts, X Factor, etc etc etc. Who knows when the MCU will stop I personality just want more unique films and shows that breaks away from the formula of the MCU but are set within the universe. Less connected films with more of a unique tone and feel rather than all these connected films building up to something. After Secret War when maybe the X-Men and other groups are introduced Marvel can finally just focus on more personal stories focusing on a single story which isnt connected to some far off future project.

Ria Grix

Yup. I understand the frustration of not knowing what’s going on because you have to know things from another place. Bit like the comics really. The whole multiverse thing is simply a ‘what if’ …like, what if I hadn’t gone into that coffee shop and met my future husband? Well in another universe there is a version that doesn’t even like coffee, and never went into that coffee shop, and ended up living with 7 cats in Albany instead.

Stick Figure Studios

@Robert: It is a unique way of storytelling and I'm not sure it's a better one. Anyway, we'll see. I suspect that the longer it goes, the more people are going to grow fatigued and sour on it (as has happened to a large degree already with Star Wars).

Stick Figure Studios

@Dylan: I don't see how the Marvel formula can allow for standalone stories that aren't interconnected in some form or another. Every single entity, movie or TV show, has to in some way entice people back to the next one. It's just their brand at this point. To their credit, DC has actually started to embrace the standalone, unconnected products that are works of vision on the part of their filmmakers (like JOKER). I never see Marvel following suit, but as I said above we'll see. I'm not hopeful though.

Happy Hanukkah

"He just conjured a whole city?" Not just any city. A detailed reproduction of Asgard... "[O.G. Loki] who sacrificed himself. He finally... I mean, that was a move that went against Loki's mischief and always looking out for himself..." Would you say he finally found his ... Glorious Purpose? :-) "I'm loving the sweetness betwen Sylvia and Loki" Cue several dozen people reminding you that Loki is actually a Frost Giant (as is Sylvie?) and presumably wouldn't actually be cold...

Obie Brown

I think both Loki’s are pretending to be cold so they could have an intimate moment together, such a Loki move!

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

X-Men for example they could just create a TV show focused around this team in the vein of 1990s cartoon focusing only on X-Men stories and characters with maybe a few little cameos of hero's from the creator universe like an episode with Spider-Man. This was something the 1990s shows did really well they all took place within the same universe but they always focused on their own characters and villains with the Secret War episode being the only part where they all came together. This is pretty much what I hope for in the future of the MCU more focus on these solo teams instead of these massive big team up events where the X-Men go against the Avengers or something. They'll still have some interconnected stories hinting at a possible big event but I hope that's toned down a little for more focus on these standalone stories surround groups of characters. I do like the stand alone DC stuff but yeah the DCEU was a mess wasn't like the amazing animated DCAU starting with Batman Animated Series. Pretty much TV shows are the way to go for most Superhero stuff but of course live action costs far more than animation so I doubt we'll ever see an X-Men show with least 22 episodes in a Season. But I much prefer DC's stand alone stuff. Hopefully like you said Marvel slows down a little lol

Bryan Fritchie

First, a 2 1/2 minute video you need to watch (and react to?). https://youtu.be/ADacNDSFRio He Who Remains was pruning the timeline, not creating it. So when a branch happened, by choosing which one remained, he essentially was guiding the timeline down a direction that he wanted. Now that Sylvie killed him, it opened up the ability for his other variants that are more evil to take control. And now one of them rules the TVA. Also, most people believe that the events in Doctor Strange would not have been possible if Sylvie had not killed He Who Remains.

'Pappy' Johnston

Looking forward to Cassie watching The Mandalorian. 🙂👍🏻 (....oh... and Open Range.)


Great homework and explainer is Ryan Arey at Screenscrush. Here is his playlist for the Loki series. I think you will enjoy it. Ryan is by far the best out there for helping you understand things. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDVUo0d8uHhesC37MvZY-W7EEsjOu5Wgu

Michael Jung

Hey, Cassie - I know you watched the movie "The Time Traveler's Wife" -- so do you have any plans to watch the new "Time Traveler's Wife" TV series on HBO Max? It gets to go into a lot more of the book's story.

Lets Chill Page

Hello Cassie, new subscriber from south France here, I propose you the movie "Intouchables" with *Omar Sy* and *François Cluset* and which gave rise to an American remake; *"The Upside"* with *Kevin Hart* and *Bryan Cranston* reprising the roles of the previous two - nice, but not commensurate with the quality of the original. Besides, most Americans who have seen the French original dislike the American remake. - It's a hilarious film (based on a true story) on a very sensitive subject; Disability and the clash of two cultures: a young man from an underprivileged neighborhood and a very wealthy businessman who is 90% disabled. This film was a huge success worldwide, with 19.3 million admissions recorded in France and more than 20 million abroad (2014 figures today, the film has many more views). This film is an absolute masterpiece. The second film I propose is called *"Leon"* with *Jean Reno, Gary Oldman* (as a crazy psychopath - certainly one of the most inhabited roles of his entire career) and the incredible *Nathalie Portman* in his first role (an apprentice contract killer) and then aged 12, I believe, at the time of filming. Two cinema must-haves that every good film buff should have on the shelf of their video library. Well, when you'll have time, of course. Thank you very muchfor your always charming reactions.


I became a Jean Reno fan after watching The Big Blue. A must see if you like the sea (see what I did there)... :)


In the list of movies that Cassie has seen (that's located in her FAQ pinned post), it shows that she has already seen The Upside. Great movie. I wholeheartedly agree with your other suggestions.

Colin Gutierrez

*waits for end credits scene* "R E M E M B E R T O D R I N K Y O U R O V A L T I N E" "That's it? A stupid commercial?"