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Hey guys! Here's the YT edit for Goodfellas, which will premiere this afternoon on YT. Also, Rush will be coming later tonight! Hope you're having a great week!!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to Goodfellas. 


[YT Edit] Goodfellas

This is "[YT Edit] Goodfellas" by Popcorn In Bed on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Celeste McAllister

You're gonna love The Godfather Cassie!!! :)

Ria Grix

It’s good, but it’s not nice.

Jeremy T Edwards

You’re Untouchable now. You’re guilty by association, and subject to RICO Laws. You look as dangerous as Tommy. I wouldn’t tell you to go home and get your shinebox! Thanks for this reaction! This movie has been with me for a long time. One movie I’d like to recommend is, My Blue Heaven with Steve Martin. He plays a gangster turned government witness that can’t stay out of trouble. His FBI Agent, assigned to protect him until he testifies, has to continuously get him out of jail or trouble, while a DA prosecutor is trying to lock him up. It’s hilarious! Check it out sometime, please! You’re doing great!

Nathan Bishop

Haha, you had the editor working overtime to bleep out all of the f bombs.

Isaiah Harrison

I watch this movie every movie on thanksgiving along with planes ,trains and automobiles. Where can I go to suggest a movie…my suggestion again is purple rain with prince.


Several different places, I think as you did in the comments here works as well. https://popcornrequests.com/title/tt0087957 is the link to it on the web app.

Darren Hill

Loved the full reaction. For your next mob movie you must react to the Godfather. We lost screen legend James Caan recently, see the role that made him famous


Casino is the companion movie to Goodfellas. DeNiro and Pesci play very similar roles and it's almost equally as good as this movie.


Tough choice. This is a movie about a pack of horrible characters. Nothing good comes out of the violence & nobody learns to turn their life around to make up for all the ish they have done. I don't think this one was your cup of tea. You should be be able to watch five romcoms to scrub Goodfellas off your brain & soul.

Tim Raths

She had a rough time with just the language alone in Goodfellas. It's a lot worse in Casino. I highly doubt she will watch it, or at least not anytime soon.


The biggest problem imo is that the characters are all scumbags behaving atrociously .... and that's the entire film. The character trajectory goes in only one direction -- downwards. She has seen war movies with lots of extremely graphic violence (Saving Private Ryan), but the characters were good men on a humane mission to save another soldier's life. And there has been lots of foul language in many of the movies she has reacted to. I think the bottom line is that Cassie is such a decent person with an agreeable disposition that movies about violent psychopaths where there is no character representing better morals pulling the events towards a positive outcome (no cop catching the killer, setting things right, for instance), are just too disturbing for her. We should actually be glad that people like Cassie still exist & not be trying to push more foul content through their minds. There are loads and loads of movies out there that she would enjoy way better than the psychological wrecking balls of Scorsese gang films and similar movies.

Super Powered Design (Jim)

One, it's not "Crack Cocaine", it's just "cocaine." Lol. 2, YOU WILL LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LADYHAWKE! Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Broderick. A fantasy like LOTR, the comedy of a Marvel Movie and a HUGE ROMANCE!

Jim Williams

Like I said in Instagram you are not a ganger. You are a caper girl.